How to Make Money Online With a Review Website - Step-By-Step Tutorial (WordPress)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @IvanMana
    @IvanMana  3 года назад +4

    Definitely also better for the long term with a full out website

  • @skjelstad777
    @skjelstad777 3 года назад +4

    Definitely do a tutorial on the Keyword planner! I love your content 👍🏽❤️

  • @nitzanlevi2595
    @nitzanlevi2595 3 года назад +4

    Starting now! Love your follow along videos SO MUCH!! hope the wordpress review website will become a series (like how to promote it, how to insert ads and analytics , how to do bing ads to it , set up tracker , etc) =D

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      Happy to help! Hm yes, will look into it

    • @mahsanbhai
      @mahsanbhai 2 года назад


  • @afribiztv9552
    @afribiztv9552 2 года назад +1

    Thank you, please how can I build a review website where people can write their review on a any particular product or service?

  • @MoneyOnlineSimple
    @MoneyOnlineSimple 3 года назад +3

    Great video as always Ivan. Always enjoy them and learn something. Keep up the awesome work. :)

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      Hehe thank you Aaron, glad you found value! :)

    • @MoneyOnlineSimple
      @MoneyOnlineSimple 3 года назад +1

      @@IvanMana You're welcome!

  • @flyheli
    @flyheli 3 года назад +2

    Great tutorial Ivan 💥 Need to look for a video for driving traffic to your review site now 🤑

  • @bibbuilder1463
    @bibbuilder1463 3 года назад +2

    Hey Ivan,
    I'm super curious, should I make the review page separate from the blog page? Or could I include the review in one of the posts on the blog page?

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      can include review as one of the posts!

  • @porithebluequaker
    @porithebluequaker 3 года назад +1

    Interesting..I found your video and I watched till the end. Anyway, does the clickbank really pay the affiliates?

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад

      Thank you, yes they do

  • @zookeeny
    @zookeeny 3 года назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @solomonmuchori
    @solomonmuchori 3 года назад +1

    Big love from kenya

  • @yamamamama6219
    @yamamamama6219 3 года назад

    How much is after the first month of hosting?? Is there a recurring fee of 10$ a month etc?

  • @davidfortson
    @davidfortson 3 года назад +1

    🔥Wonderful content value as usual. Yes, please do a video on Neil Patel's planner. I need an alternative.

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +2

      Thanks David, will do!

  • @ochadaemmanuel262
    @ochadaemmanuel262 3 года назад +1

    Helo Ivan, please assist me.............I am getting errors creating my linkedin business page

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      Hey Ochada, what errors are you getting? Have you contacted their support? They will have more access to your account to provide details

  • @usmanaslam7110
    @usmanaslam7110 3 года назад +1


  • @activeias5593
    @activeias5593 3 года назад +1


  • @aligoreine6707
    @aligoreine6707 3 года назад

    thank you bro! , i have a question please
    i start promoting product , i buy a gosting and domain name from namecheap and start creating LP with elementor
    if i use easy wp its better or keep just by the way u do ( buying hosting and domain )
    and if i use the easy wp methode , can i edit my w3bsite always with elementor ?

  • @Mehboobeducate
    @Mehboobeducate 3 года назад +1

    Thnx brother ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Myprogrammingschool
    @Myprogrammingschool 2 года назад

    Your sound is not coming

  • @BerichPro
    @BerichPro 3 года назад +1

    Привет мой русский брат) спасибо, ты же знаешь что я тебя люблю)

    • @BerichPro
      @BerichPro 3 года назад +1

      Кстати, я именно через блог обзоры и рекламирую всё, это самый лучший вид прогрева людей

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      hahaha spasibo! da eto odin iz bolee nadejnix metodov

    • @BerichPro
      @BerichPro 3 года назад

      @@IvanMana а когда ты уехал из России?)) почему?

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      @@BerichPro ya ne rodilsya tam

  • @ReasonedRhetoric
    @ReasonedRhetoric 3 года назад

    Namecheap will give you free SSL the first year for each domain hosted with them whether you register the domain with Namecheap or somewhere else.
    edit: and their renewal cost is pretty competitive too.

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      if you buy shared hosting yes. In this video I make it super easy and use easywp, which is not shared hosting so for this plan you do pay

  • @tj_bowman
    @tj_bowman 3 года назад +1

    I know you often create content with beginners in mind, but sometimes you make it seem blasphemous to spend some cash to get things done! Your videos teach IM techniques and methods that, if properly studied and implemented well, can generate LIFE CHANGING, passive income streams. Being budget conscious is always good (especially for complete beginners), but we're not terrified to spend some money brotha!
    Thanks again for another insightful video!
    Your Intermediate to Advanced Level Fans

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      Hm not sure what you mean, I have videos where I explicitly tell you to spend money to earn money. In fact, most of my videos are like that. But a LOT of people prefer the free approach. I don't see what's wrong with giving people both options. If you find that you do want to spend some money, then watch only my videos where I teach you to run ads!

    • @tj_bowman
      @tj_bowman 3 года назад +1

      @@IvanMana Fair point!

  • @aqibjaved6560
    @aqibjaved6560 3 года назад +1

    Ivan I had doubt, when will Clickbank pay us, being skeptical about that they really pay us in India 😂

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      Hey Aqib, hmm, I have seen some Indian RUclipsrs make ClickBank videos, so I think they do actually pay

  • @debrawardlaw4558
    @debrawardlaw4558 2 года назад

    Toy Caldwell interview

  • @Mr3andrew3
    @Mr3andrew3 3 года назад +1

    I'd be very careful using the word 'cure' on your site, even if it's in the sales copy. Danger Zone! Very careful with that one... Best, *A.

  • @inspctorkid1036
    @inspctorkid1036 3 года назад

    Hello! Check the email (and spam) with a letter of cooperation (Gglot)

  • @echo5394
    @echo5394 3 года назад +1

    Just use Cloudflare for free SSL and CDN

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      Thats an option but the point here is to make it super simple and pointing nameservers and signing up for a cloudflare account takes extra few steps. if you know how to do it and are willing to, its an option!

  • @keaganzachary8406
    @keaganzachary8406 3 года назад

    Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

  • @jaydinjaydin2959
    @jaydinjaydin2959 3 года назад

    Oh yeah. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  • @thankyou3984
    @thankyou3984 3 года назад

    Are people actually falling for these types of websites? They look spammy and garbage?

    • @IvanMana
      @IvanMana  3 года назад +1

      theres nothing to "fall" for? You are literally answering the peoples questions by summarizing their topic of interest it provides immense value and no one forces them to click the affiliate links. By the way, I spent what, 10 minutes building this? If you take your time your site will look amazing