God is always listening he knows what what on our heart God knows all about us and I am very thankful to have God in my heart as my savior amen thank you God for always being in my heart without you God I am nothing you are a blessing God you are always with me and I am so thankful to always have my almighty God in my heart amen
Do you have the song, "Between Here And Sunset" by The Inspirations ( the album has the same name)? If so, would you please upload it. I've been looking for it for years, and haven't had any luck. Thank you.
God is always listening he knows what what on our heart God knows all about us and I am very thankful to have God in my heart as my savior amen thank you God for always being in my heart without you God I am nothing you are a blessing God you are always with me and I am so thankful to always have my almighty God in my heart amen
Hi. I was wondering how I might be able to get in contact to thank you more personally. Please reach out
Hey, Rick, are you ok??? You’ve been silent for an unusually long time.
Do you have the song, "Between Here And Sunset" by The Inspirations ( the album has the same name)? If so, would you please upload it. I've been looking for it for years, and haven't had any luck. Thank you.