Thank you Craig, Good man👍 I cannot vote for them. Not anymore. Like many, last time, it was through gritted teeth, This time, a hell of a lot more water and scum has run under the bridge. 'Above our heads and hearts lies 'Conscience', something rarely spoke of... We could not and would not vote for this if we listened to our Conscience.
Do men have that same freedom in Scotland? A woman can get the Police to act on sexual allegations which are proven in court to be false to the point the Woman wasn't even there, with no repucussions to the woman complainant. It could be open season! The Scottish govrnment has to many Murrell's and not enough morals.
Thanks for this. In fact, I quite like your long podcasts. It's probably easier to get out than long articles, and your exposure of the Scottish corruption is absolutely captivating.
Thank you. We need Alex back. There’s no impetus, no drive and no inspiration since Alex politicised our nation and gave us hope. I’m disgusted with the SNP as it currently stands.
This was my fear with the snp. They are getting comfortable with their safe seats in Scotland just like labour did before. Tell the Scottish public what they want to hear but never deliver and keep riding the gravy train
They’ve undoubtedly turned into a New Labour version of their previous incarnation. And they’ve undoubtedly got numerous careerists onboard who would’ve undoubtedly have gone to Labour if they had remained in power. They undoubtedly also have a core group who care little for independence over personal gain.
Betrayal is a most difficult thing to deal with. I was also a LibDem for 30+ years and the actions of the leadership in supporting the dangerous idea of Austerity while the rich were bailed out, ended it all for me. I don't necessarilly agree with your position regarding Independence but I am a democrat first and foremost and any democratic decision must be upheld. Thank you for maintaining your integrity in what is clearly a very difficult time for you.
A tale for modern times and a great expose on how social media and peoples fears can be abused and used to destroy someone. Worth staying with it until the end.
Craig, thank you for this and for everything you do. Please don't let them get you down there are still more decent people out there who demand truth and support your efforts to secure that truth. Stay strong.
I don't completely object to the idea of an independent Scotland but NOT by following the current agenda and absolutely corrupt conduct of the senior management of our current SNP regime. Nichola Sturgeon is a serious threat to our futures. Craig Murray is correct to be concerned and even depressed. People MUST wake up to the serious risks of a truly dark future when a new nation is started in this way. I do not want to break up the UK however I do understand genuine desire to see Scotland completely governed from within, making its way into the future as a 'full nation' in the word-it's an attractive idea but the route to that dream is unhealthy, especially at the current time. The SNP have singularly failed to demonstrate any ability to run those areas of responsibility to any acceptable standard, have failed in their promises (education for example) and are disrespectful of democracy and law. How on earth could we possibly manage under their leadership once the added problems of standing alone in the world came to pass? INDEPENDEDNCE-NOT UNDER THIS REGIME AND NOT NOW PLEASE.
Excellent video Craig, thank you. I'm sorry that your blogging income has fallen so much. I myself withdrew my small contribution a few months ago, not because of anything you wrote, but simply because my own income has been substantially affected by Covid and I needed to cut my cloth accordingly. This may be the case for many of your supporters. I hope later this year to resume my support - your voice is important. Stay strong and keep telling the truth.
It's all very depressing. I take the wider point that our once proud institutions are increasingly being corrupted as we face the post truth age. Frustratingly the public has very little appetite for such stories and subsequently we live without consequence (Iraq perhaps the most notable example). The 2018 Douma chemical attack being another truly shocking recent example. At least the Scottish cover up didn't kill anyone, although innocent people could have been jailed as a result.... I can almost envisage Sturgen still getting away with it
Agree with almost everything in your comment, but who suffered any consequences for the lies leading to the Iraq war? George W Bush? Tony Blair? The rehabilitation in the mainstream media "propaganda channels" of war criminals continues... No one in the west was ever prosecuted.
What can I say. This is dynamite. On the other hand, it is very humdrum and uncomplicated affair that you have exposed. The only thing requiring dynamite was something to clear the fug that they have created. The weaving of the web was mindblowingly audacious, since it relies blindly and totally on folk not seeing through its bald simplicity. One can't help thinking of the Emperor's New Claes. I commend your commitment and courage. I know how it feels to be disheartened and despondent, mental faculty can slip and lose focus along with failing conviction; it makes the task even harder, yet even more com,pelling. Schemers and manipulators weave webs and rely on other people having insufficient commitment and ability to be bothered disentangling the wretched fankle
Thank you. I support you and Alex. Well done on your hard work in summarising this. Please continue we need good decent people like you to expose the corrupt SNP government. I have donated today to show my solidarity. Take care.
I agree that Sturgeon seems happy running her woke feifdom in Scotland; that the idea of Salmond coming back and pushing for independence must have sent panic through her SNP cult. Well done Craig, hope this goes some way towards lifting that writers block
Well done on this thoroughly damning and irrefutable jeremiad Craig. I saw the recent Panorama documentary and although it wasn’t as bad as the ‘Is Labour Antisemitic?’ shitfest it was disgraceful how they claimed that the worst thing Sturgeon conceivably could be accused of was ‘failing’ the ‘victims’, as if she hasn’t been enough of a vindictive cow already! I found it borderline libellous.
Bravo! It takes courage to fight for truth and take a stand against the widely-perceived and oft-repeated mainstream media take on events. You have put your reputation and freedom on the line to challenge Nicola Sturgeon’s version of events and expose her conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Scotland and the rest of the world needs more highly-principled persons like yourself. Again, Bravo!
Well done Murray, well said & a great service you've done the Scots, yet again 👍 & a great service to AS, hopefully this video will do the rounds of social media you mentioned, amongst SNP young voters whose perceptions are being preyed upon with lies sbout AS, spread by the Sturgeon gang.
Nothing on the Scotland act 1998 section 40 to 42. as torie mp david davis pointed out in his speech the other day, Westminster did not properly devolve parliamentary privilege. Unlike Westminster mp's. Scottish msp's do not have parliamentary privilege like at Westminster where they can say what they want/provide all information without contempt of court/being prosecuted. Therefore not able to freely answer the already prejudiced bias committee questions.
Your a brave man Craig, I hope you stay out of Scottish prison. A monster has been created in Scotland over the past 14 years and one that was never there. Its not Nessi. I can see you are under pressure health wise. Take care, keep good health. Thanks for telling the truth to what happened and for standing up to them and for democracy.
Craig, I also cancelled my SNP membership because of this corruption. I think an independent Scotland has to be built on a solid foundation. I have also had people rant at me that I am the one preventing independence and all this can all be sorted out after independence, a bit like building a house on mud and trying to shove the foundation under later. No I want a better Scotland, not one that will be no better than this Sturgeon mess.
@@MarygjenkinsMary. I think if Alex Salmond made a mistake it was handing power over to this lunatic and her pals. With better leadership we would be nearer 70% yes by now. Instead of arguing for independence she tried to overturn Brexit, that mission was a failure from the start. The sooner she goes the better for our hopes and dreams. I know there are people within the SNP membership and at both Holyrood and Westminster that share this view.
@@robspence6725 With regard to building 'on a solid foundation' I have to say that initially I agreed with that. My fear now is that time may not be on our side. The present 'in fighting' within the SNP is taking its toll in the polls and to continue the current split is, to me at least, a risk to our gaining Independence. I, therefore, feel that we have but little choice to now move on as one in order to achieve our goal of Independence and to then demolish the 'house built on sand'. With Independence, amongst many other changes, I would hope to see Ministers and others in public office, held more closely to account in the future with a real possibility of gaol sentences for the more serious wrongdoings. e.g. Iceland with the bankers. Finally, my thanks to you Craig for your work thus far. Don't let 'them' get you down. You have many followers. 'Nil desperandum carborundom' etc.
@@robspence6725 Good comments, Rob, excellent. Must express my dismay over your statement; 'there are people within the SNP membership and at both Holyrood and Westminster that share this (sooner she goes the better) view'. All of the SNP representatives in Paisley - Gavin Newlands, George Adam and Mhairi Black - have publicly and arrogantly fobbed-off and, frankly, insulted their concerned constituents by 'taking sides' with Sturgeon. I know my single vote won't mean much in the bigger picture but I'll be satisfied, and justified, never to cast a vote in any of their favour again - never. All they had to do was shut their mouths, whatever opinion they had, and just wait till things were dealt with; many did, and have, shut their mouths - no damage to their reputation. As for Newlands, Adam and Black - talk about backing the wrong horse? Which brings me to the point; this whole shambles should never have been about 'taking sides' as there were no 2 x parties involved, instead, this was about an investigation into why some-or-other guy was dragged through a Court of Law to face the most serious of charges and was acquitted on every one - costing all of us an absolute fortune. The catastrophic aftermath of the frame-up is what cost Sturgeon her credibility and damaged, profoundly, the movement. Sturgeon brought this upon herself, Sturgeon brought it upon us and NO ONE else was involved in that aftermath, and pro-indy folk should just stop turning this into 'taking sides'.
@@rogermartin5218 I've said this elsewhere, but I must point it out again: do you honestly believe that any leadership which presided over a successful transition to Scottish independence would be "cleared out" by SNP members after the fact? They'd be riding a wave of unprecedented popularity instead. - Of course the idea that the Murrell clique would permit concrete moves towards independence in the first place is dubious.
Thank you Craig for this informed tour de force of enlightening truth and the facts highlighting the corruption in the SG, the Crown Office and the Scottish Civil Service. It is truly horrific and appalling. I have shared your video with everyone in my family, all of whom wish for Scottish Independence. I believe Sturgeon to be nothing more than a vindictive sociopath and exactly the kind of individual who should be nowhere near any job of any import whatsoever. Good luck with your efforts Craig and I hope as many Scottish citizens view this video with an open mind prior to May 6th.
Thanks Craig .... I’ve never believed a single word of the allegations made against AS, after listening to you, I am even more both disgusted and horrified at the extent to which his political ‘enemies’ went to ‘shut him up’ .... I can only hope that the truth comes out.
You've opened my eyes to the whole NSvsAS debate. I'm a 64yo who moved to Scotland when I was 12 and have always voted tatically for the SNP and even independence. I was once briefly keen enough to be a green party activist then I got dissolutioned and apathetic until Trump scared me and Q anon took an old friends brain. A recent SNP friend sent me this link as I'd explained that my (previous) opinion of the two politicians was based purely on my gut instincts. The chances of me watching this were low but from the start you reminded me of my late Dad , (Assistant Director of the defunct Countryside Commission for Scotland whose Dept. was responsible for Conservation, Education and Interpretation). He used to get back from work and moan about corruption, civil servants, landowners, politicians and vested interests. He tried to fight from within, lost some battles, won some (like the Discovery in Dundee) and at least delayed National Parks here until he retired (preventing honeypot problems and holding back developers even outside the NPs). Anyway, having grown up with this kitchen talk I was convinced by your tone, not to mention the evidence. You have convinced me of the NS conspiracy sufficiently to copy it to a few others. Hope it goes viral and brings down NS and her clique. Also hope that your comments about SNP becoming a cult are addressed.... It was something I've always feared regarding some elements of nationalist parties. I've also never been sure that indyref would be good for Scotland or that the SNP had a good grasp of and ability to communicate the importance of any other policies and issues. Maybe I was wrong through ignorance again, and the movement to the right south of the border made it moot in any case. But I definitely don't believe that ends justifies the means.
@@vandiesel300 Sure. The honeypot effect is caused by labelling things, officially or unofficially. Before we moved to Scotland my Dad was information officer for the Peak District National Park which attracts visitors to its view its outstanding landscapes forged by natural process acting on limestone and millstone grit geology. So there are climbers, cavers, anglers, walkers and ramblers, pedal and motor bikers and canoeists not to mention my Dads favourite, "Uncle Joe and Aunty Flo" who generally prefered to caravan or SUV then park in a layby pull out the awning, set up a wee table and chairs set start a fire and read the Daily Express all day. These people like to escape from the surrounding urban areas like Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster, Derby, Manchester, Leeds, Stoke on Trent, Birmingham, Nottingham, Hull - all less than about 2 hours drive from say Edale. Although Edale is not near the geometric centre of the peak District if you look up top 20 UK walking challenges you will eventually discover that it marks the start of the Pennine Way, something very few probably attempt but a lot more might spend a few hours indulging their curiosity about. Apart from the tourists the PD is home to a gazillion sheep and the farmers also have to use the extremely narrow picaresque dry stone walled roads. Now add to his mix a quaint pagan, but now religious and dating back to 1349 , custom of well-dressing , which involves creating large pictures made of petals stuck in mud, surrounding village wells. The experience of seeing some of these by parking the car on he outskirts of the village, and walking half a mile down the narrow lanes as a young say 10 year old boy in 1967 was indeed memorable. I remember every layby was chock full of parked tourists even then....I can't imagine how degraded the experience is by now. The honeypot effect is simply the tendency of a label to attract a horde of people , sadly quite often many of them appear to be idiots, and they end up destroying the place through many different means. The obvious ones are littering, and "collecting" (I saw an ariel pic of petrified forest in the US showing different texture near roads caused by everyone collecting a wee rocks), perhaps less obvious are longer term things like erosion. Carrbridge Landmark visitor centre off A9 had a raised platform walk to prevent this, it was one of the first in the UK I think and it was beautiful to walk among the ancient Scots pine with the natural heather growing 3 foot tall below and then rise up into the canopy. Don't think I ever want to go back though, the low impact sensitive design of the visitor centre containing its single obligatory cafe, has now expanded into the usual bunch of shops probably selling the same tartan garbage you can get in London, with a t.rex and a big roller coaster marketed as an adventure park. It's not that there isn't a place for such things, just that it should not be located in an ancient woodland where I saw all sort of rare birds and a snake on that quiet walk long ago. Why not put it in an old landfill site, or at least somewhere in the forestry commissions desserts of Sitka spruce. The kids are certainly not going to notice any wildlife which has hopefully fled although there's not much ancient woodland left to flee to. Sorry for the depressing story, you can watch it happen to loch Lomond and the Cairngorms next.
@@chrisaldridge545 Thanks Chris for the very deep insight, the honeypot effect is well and truly underway at Loch Lomond, but more importantly in the surrounding areas of community woodlands and land not governed by the national parks bye laws where they come in their thousands and destroy not only the natural habitat, but the lives of the people unfortunate enough to live in these areas, land and residents that have no protection from the LRA 2003 or the local authorities and the free for all destruction that is currently and historically since 2003 taking place daily
Sorry to hear you are losing subscriptions just at the time you most need support. I hope that trend is reversed very quickly. Thanks for this treasure trove of information.
You are not the only one who had this idea. This video feels very effective, and I also had a feeling it might well be targeted specifically in the attacks against Craig.
Oops sent that accidentally... You also said that the BBC and Guardian have gone blind ... I'm not totally shocked by the former, but I thought the Guardian at least had some independent thought left. Thanks again for all the info, maybe it's too late for you to rejoin the SNP and reform it from within, if so I think that's a crying shame as the world needs more people like you to tell the truth. All the best..C
Watched it all and agreed with all of it. Especially about the way the media refers to the accusers as victims. They are not victims there has been a court case that has shown they are not victims. This has long troubled me as we see time and time again the well worn trope of "well something must have happened" when a not guilty verdict is handed down. This is in part because of the nature of reporting in this country where the prosecution is covered in great depth but the defence is barely covered. I know there are reasons for this but I would say that this needs looking at as it is bringing Justice into disrepute. Perhaps it is time to have a review looking at opening up the courts?
"My dear Kepler, I wish that we might laugh at the remarkable stupidity of the common herd. What do you have to say about the principal philosophers of this academy who are filled with the stubbornness of an asp and do not want to look at either the planets, the moon or the telescope, even though I have freely and deliberately offered them the opportunity a thousand times? Truly, just as the asp stops its ears, so do these philosophers shut their eyes to the light of truth." Galileo
Dear Craig, Following a recent pro-amnesty statement from the PM at a press conference could you kindly escalate this matter with the concerned authorities/present your views on it to the general public? Appreciate your views and efforts in bringing this issue to the fore in one of your videos. Many are enduring the hostile environment for years and life's been on hold until our statuses are regularised and the current pandemic coupled with the inhumane hostile environment has further exacerbated the misery of many hard working individuals for over a decade. Many thanks,
Thank you Craig. I'm sorry this whole thing has got you so down. Hardly surprising - you've had to carry so much info (that other people didn't have) about someone you respect - and try to keep the truth to yourself. Finally some has surfaced, but not all of it & you are still having to keep quiet and not put voice to info that could potentially help your friend. Such a really difficult position to be in! No wonder you are 'down'!! But if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure your friend will know what you have done to try & help & he will know that you've tried to have his back. And we have yours. Take care of yourself. Forget this stuff from time to time & go play with your new son (I don't think you've put up pics of your wee soul yet!) Try and stay away from politics for a few hours a day... Your health is important! Take care of yourself. x
The thing I don't understand and maybe someone can explain is why Peter Murrell had regular contact , to the point of plotting, with civil servants when he's not an elected official. Is it normal for him to be so involved?
I still strongly disagree with independence for Scotland purely as I love being a Scotsman in Britain but I wholeheartedly support the integrity of Craig Murray. There was a time when people of differing political views could be friends and even discuss their views amicably but with the SNP cult there is only one path and one way there, and nothing will get in their way. Well said and thank you for deconstructing the web of deceit.
There appears to be no motive for a ministerial/SNP leadership conspiracy to frame the former FM. The police and prosecutors do not take orders from politicians, perhaps they should be asked to explain why they went ahead with a case that was clearly going to fail. The interpretation (after 52:37) of the FM's speech on post-Brexit independence referendum is completely wrong.
Nothing on the Scotland act 1998 section 40 to 42. as torie mp david davis pointed out in his speech the other day, Westminster did not properly devolve parliamentary privilege Unlike Westminster mp's, Scottish msp's do not have parliamentary privilege like at Westminster where they can say what they want without contempt of court/being prosecuted. Therefore not able to freely answer the already prejudiced bias committee questions. The Civil service is also not devolved
Remember Salmond didn't get us the first Indy Ref, the Tories threw it upon him as the Indy polls we're very low in Scotland. Salmond had no choice but to follow through with the Tories demand for a Ref or he would have looked ridiculous. The Polls are different now, which is why the Unionists are dragging their heels, so, to blame Sturgeon for not getting us Indy 2 quick enough is a bit rich considering Salmond was handed his, not because he out maneuvered them but because they knew he would lose it.
Don't believe a word of this, how can you say what he did when he was alone with the woman in his bedroom, its his word against her..... you're not biased of course 🙄
“This is not Harvey Weinstein”. No, it is worse than that. Salmond’s indiscretions have set back the cause of Scottish independence by decades. I don’t blame Nicola for feeling let down and I do blame Salmond for putting his own self interest above his party and his country.
I rather think the points were that A: the Murrell clique has a vested interest in delaying, if not blocking, independence. And B: if in some parallel world independence did happen under NS, I'd love to see you try to "clear out" the leadership that "won independence" after the fact, regardless of how corrupt they may be. In short, I don't think you've really absorbed the implications.
Thank you for your honesty Craig, I wish you well as Scotland needs more people like you when we become independent.
Thank you Craig, Good man👍
I cannot vote for them. Not anymore.
Like many, last time, it was through gritted teeth, This time, a hell of a lot more water and scum has run under the bridge.
'Above our heads and hearts lies 'Conscience', something rarely spoke of...
We could not and would not vote for this if we listened to our Conscience.
Extremely good video. Well done and good luck. The corruption is terrifying.
Do men have that same freedom in Scotland? A woman can get the Police to act on sexual allegations which are proven in court to be false to the point the Woman wasn't even there, with no repucussions to the woman complainant. It could be open season!
The Scottish govrnment has to many Murrell's and not enough morals.
Excellent summary of the evidence with much I didn't know - charmingly delivered. thank you
Thanks for this. In fact, I quite like your long podcasts. It's probably easier to get out than long articles, and your exposure of the Scottish corruption is absolutely captivating.
Wow. Not much new information here for regular readers of your blog, but hearing you summarize it so clearly adds a new dimension.
Thank you.
We need Alex back.
There’s no impetus, no drive and no inspiration since Alex politicised our nation and gave us hope.
I’m disgusted with the SNP as it currently stands.
Thank you for your persistence. I wish you well.
Brilliant work Craig, keep shining the light of truth!
Watching now. Thanks for the upload Craig. We need people like you.
You're a good man, Craig Murray, a guiding light in these dark times.
This was my fear with the snp. They are getting comfortable with their safe seats in Scotland just like labour did before. Tell the Scottish public what they want to hear but never deliver and keep riding the gravy train
They’ve undoubtedly turned into a New Labour version of their previous incarnation.
And they’ve undoubtedly got numerous careerists onboard who would’ve undoubtedly have gone to Labour if they had remained in power.
They undoubtedly also have a core group who care little for independence over personal gain.
@@fearnpol4938 it's a big core group thst little core.
Betrayal is a most difficult thing to deal with. I was also a LibDem for 30+ years and the actions of the leadership in supporting the dangerous idea of Austerity while the rich were bailed out, ended it all for me. I don't necessarilly agree with your position regarding Independence but I am a democrat first and foremost and any democratic decision must be upheld. Thank you for maintaining your integrity in what is clearly a very difficult time for you.
A tale for modern times and a great expose on how social media and peoples fears can be abused and used to destroy someone. Worth staying with it until the end.
Thanks, Craig for your clear concise explanation.
GB news could do far worse than employ you.
Craig, thank you for this and for everything you do. Please don't let them get you down there are still more decent people out there who demand truth and support your efforts to secure that truth. Stay strong.
Thanks, you have cleared much up in the space of an hour.
I don't completely object to the idea of an independent Scotland but NOT by following the current agenda and absolutely corrupt conduct of the senior management of our current SNP regime. Nichola Sturgeon is a serious threat to our futures. Craig Murray is correct to be concerned and even depressed. People MUST wake up to the serious risks of a truly dark future when a new nation is started in this way. I do not want to break up the UK however I do understand genuine desire to see Scotland completely governed from within, making its way into the future as a 'full nation' in the word-it's an attractive idea but the route to that dream is unhealthy, especially at the current time. The SNP have singularly failed to demonstrate any ability to run those areas of responsibility to any acceptable standard, have failed in their promises (education for example) and are disrespectful of democracy and law. How on earth could we possibly manage under their leadership once the added problems of standing alone in the world came to pass? INDEPENDEDNCE-NOT UNDER THIS REGIME AND NOT NOW PLEASE.
Excellent video Craig, thank you. I'm sorry that your blogging income has fallen so much. I myself withdrew my small contribution a few months ago, not because of anything you wrote, but simply because my own income has been substantially affected by Covid and I needed to cut my cloth accordingly. This may be the case for many of your supporters. I hope later this year to resume my support - your voice is important. Stay strong and keep telling the truth.
It's all very depressing. I take the wider point that our once proud institutions are increasingly being corrupted as we face the post truth age. Frustratingly the public has very little appetite for such stories and subsequently we live without consequence (Iraq perhaps the most notable example). The 2018 Douma chemical attack being another truly shocking recent example. At least the Scottish cover up didn't kill anyone, although innocent people could have been jailed as a result.... I can almost envisage Sturgen still getting away with it
Agree with almost everything in your comment, but who suffered any consequences for the lies leading to the Iraq war? George W Bush? Tony Blair? The rehabilitation in the mainstream media "propaganda channels" of war criminals continues... No one in the west was ever prosecuted.
What can I say. This is dynamite. On the other hand, it is very humdrum and uncomplicated affair that you have exposed. The only thing requiring dynamite was something to clear the fug that they have created. The weaving of the web was mindblowingly audacious, since it relies blindly and totally on folk not seeing through its bald simplicity. One can't help thinking of the Emperor's New Claes. I commend your commitment and courage. I know how it feels to be disheartened and despondent, mental faculty can slip and lose focus along with failing conviction; it makes the task even harder, yet even more com,pelling. Schemers and manipulators weave webs and rely on other people having insufficient commitment and ability to be bothered disentangling the wretched fankle
Thank you. I support you and Alex. Well done on your hard work in summarising this. Please continue we need good decent people like you to expose the corrupt SNP government. I have donated today to show my solidarity. Take care.
I agree that Sturgeon seems happy running her woke feifdom in Scotland; that the idea of Salmond coming back and pushing for independence must have sent panic through her SNP cult. Well done Craig, hope this goes some way towards lifting that writers block
Well done on this thoroughly damning and irrefutable jeremiad Craig. I saw the recent Panorama documentary and although it wasn’t as bad as the ‘Is Labour Antisemitic?’ shitfest it was disgraceful how they claimed that the worst thing Sturgeon conceivably could be accused of was ‘failing’ the ‘victims’, as if she hasn’t been enough of a vindictive cow already! I found it borderline libellous.
Bravo! It takes courage to fight for truth and take a stand against the widely-perceived and oft-repeated mainstream media take on events. You have put your reputation and freedom on the line to challenge Nicola Sturgeon’s version of events and expose her conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Scotland and the rest of the world needs more highly-principled persons like yourself.
Again, Bravo!
The case of the woman who wasn't there.
Great stuff, Craig.
I watched this as there is so much static out there right now and I wanted a sharp knife to cut through it. Thank you Craig, you've done just that.
I heard on Twitter that this had been removed, deleting watched videos from RUclips, and see its still here. Good on you @Wee Chid for saving it
Well done Murray, well said & a great service you've done the Scots, yet again 👍
& a great service to AS, hopefully this video will do the rounds of social media you mentioned, amongst SNP young voters whose perceptions are being preyed upon with lies sbout AS, spread by the Sturgeon gang.
I made it through to the end...and now I'm depressed too!
Truth needs to be valued more than politics and lies.
Thank you Craig and to all the other bloggers who are helping to highlight this atrocious scandal.
Nothing on the Scotland act 1998 section 40 to 42.
as torie mp david davis pointed out in his speech the other day, Westminster did not properly devolve parliamentary privilege. Unlike Westminster mp's.
Scottish msp's do not have parliamentary privilege like at Westminster where they can say what they want/provide all information without contempt of court/being prosecuted. Therefore not able to freely answer the already prejudiced bias committee questions.
Your a brave man Craig, I hope you stay out of Scottish prison. A monster has been created in Scotland over the past 14 years and one that was never there. Its not Nessi. I can see you are under pressure health wise. Take care, keep good health. Thanks for telling the truth to what happened and for standing up to them and for democracy.
I believe you are an honest man and I trust your moral perspective...but independence must come first.
Craig, I also cancelled my SNP membership because of this corruption. I think an independent Scotland has to be built on a solid foundation. I have also had people rant at me that I am the one preventing independence and all this can all be sorted out after independence, a bit like building a house on mud and trying to shove the foundation under later. No I want a better Scotland, not one that will be no better than this Sturgeon mess.
I agree Rob, I have had exactly the same!
@@MarygjenkinsMary. I think if Alex Salmond made a mistake it was handing power over to this lunatic and her pals. With better leadership we would be nearer 70% yes by now. Instead of arguing for independence she tried to overturn Brexit, that mission was a failure from the start. The sooner she goes the better for our hopes and dreams. I know there are people within the SNP membership and at both Holyrood and Westminster that share this view.
@@robspence6725 With regard to building 'on a solid foundation' I have to say that initially I agreed with that. My fear now is that time may not be on our side. The present 'in fighting' within the SNP is taking its toll in the polls and to continue the current split is, to me at least, a risk to our gaining Independence. I, therefore, feel that we have but little choice to now move on as one in order to achieve our goal of Independence and to then demolish the 'house built on sand'.
With Independence, amongst many other changes, I would hope to see Ministers and others in public office, held more closely to account in the future with a real possibility of gaol sentences for the more serious wrongdoings. e.g. Iceland with the bankers.
Finally, my thanks to you Craig for your work thus far. Don't let 'them' get you down. You have many followers. 'Nil desperandum carborundom' etc.
@@robspence6725 Good comments, Rob, excellent. Must express my dismay over your statement; 'there are people within the SNP membership and at both Holyrood and Westminster that share this (sooner she goes the better) view'. All of the SNP representatives in Paisley - Gavin Newlands, George Adam and Mhairi Black - have publicly and arrogantly fobbed-off and, frankly, insulted their concerned constituents by 'taking sides' with Sturgeon. I know my single vote won't mean much in the bigger picture but I'll be satisfied, and justified, never to cast a vote in any of their favour again - never. All they had to do was shut their mouths, whatever opinion they had, and just wait till things were dealt with; many did, and have, shut their mouths - no damage to their reputation. As for Newlands, Adam and Black - talk about backing the wrong horse?
Which brings me to the point; this whole shambles should never have been about 'taking sides' as there were no 2 x parties involved, instead, this was about an investigation into why some-or-other guy was dragged through a Court of Law to face the most serious of charges and was acquitted on every one - costing all of us an absolute fortune. The catastrophic aftermath of the frame-up is what cost Sturgeon her credibility and damaged, profoundly, the movement. Sturgeon brought this upon herself, Sturgeon brought it upon us and NO ONE else was involved in that aftermath, and pro-indy folk should just stop turning this into 'taking sides'.
@@rogermartin5218 I've said this elsewhere, but I must point it out again: do you honestly believe that any leadership which presided over a successful transition to Scottish independence would be "cleared out" by SNP members after the fact? They'd be riding a wave of unprecedented popularity instead.
Of course the idea that the Murrell clique would permit concrete moves towards independence in the first place is dubious.
Thank you Craig for this informed tour de force of enlightening truth and the facts highlighting the corruption in the SG, the Crown Office and the Scottish Civil Service. It is truly horrific and appalling. I have shared your video with everyone in my family, all of whom wish for Scottish Independence. I believe Sturgeon to be nothing more than a vindictive sociopath and exactly the kind of individual who should be nowhere near any job of any import whatsoever. Good luck with your efforts Craig and I hope as many Scottish citizens view this video with an open mind prior to May 6th.
Thanks Craig .... I’ve never believed a single word of the allegations made against AS, after listening to you, I am even more both disgusted and horrified at the extent to which his political ‘enemies’ went to ‘shut him up’ .... I can only hope that the truth comes out.
It is out. He's just told everyone. No one is listening.
@@TheNelster72 no I know they’re not, I argue with them every single day ... that’s why we need more!
How can people vote for the SNP in 2021 knowing all of this?
I feel as if I’m becoming bulimic. The lies, force fed to the public makes me want to projectile vomit.
Craig, thank you.
Praying for you and yours. I hope you have faith Craig - this is not my home - my home is in Heaven, Look after yourself.
You've opened my eyes to the whole NSvsAS debate. I'm a 64yo who moved to Scotland when I was 12 and have always voted tatically for the SNP and even independence. I was once briefly keen enough to be a green party activist then I got dissolutioned and apathetic until Trump scared me and Q anon took an old friends brain.
A recent SNP friend sent me this link as I'd explained that my (previous) opinion of the two politicians was based purely on my gut instincts. The chances of me watching this were low but from the start you reminded me of my late Dad , (Assistant Director of the defunct Countryside Commission for Scotland whose Dept. was responsible for Conservation, Education and Interpretation). He used to get back from work and moan about corruption, civil servants, landowners, politicians and vested interests. He tried to fight from within, lost some battles, won some (like the Discovery in Dundee) and at least delayed National Parks here until he retired (preventing honeypot problems and holding back developers even outside the NPs). Anyway, having grown up with this kitchen talk I was convinced by your tone, not to mention the evidence. You have convinced me of the NS conspiracy sufficiently to copy it to a few others. Hope it goes viral and brings down NS and her clique. Also hope that your comments about SNP becoming a cult are addressed.... It was something I've always feared regarding some elements of nationalist parties. I've also never been sure that indyref would be good for Scotland or that the SNP had a good grasp of and ability to communicate the importance of any other policies and issues. Maybe I was wrong through ignorance again, and the movement to the right south of the border made it moot in any case. But I definitely don't believe that ends justifies the means.
Very interesting re national parks, could you elaborate on the honey pot theory
@@vandiesel300 Sure. The honeypot effect is caused by labelling things, officially or unofficially. Before we moved to Scotland my Dad was information officer for the Peak District National Park which attracts visitors to its view its outstanding landscapes forged by natural process acting on limestone and millstone grit geology. So there are climbers, cavers, anglers, walkers and ramblers, pedal and motor bikers and canoeists not to mention my Dads favourite, "Uncle Joe and Aunty Flo" who generally prefered to caravan or SUV then park in a layby pull out the awning, set up a wee table and chairs set start a fire and read the Daily Express all day. These people like to escape from the surrounding urban areas like Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster, Derby, Manchester, Leeds, Stoke on Trent, Birmingham, Nottingham, Hull - all less than about 2 hours drive from say Edale. Although Edale is not near the geometric centre of the peak District if you look up top 20 UK walking challenges you will eventually discover that it marks the start of the Pennine Way, something very few probably attempt but a lot more might spend a few hours indulging their curiosity about. Apart from the tourists the PD is home to a gazillion sheep and the farmers also have to use the extremely narrow picaresque dry stone walled roads. Now add to his mix a quaint pagan, but now religious and dating back to 1349 , custom of well-dressing , which involves creating large pictures made of petals stuck in mud, surrounding village wells. The experience of seeing some of these by parking the car on he outskirts of the village, and walking half a mile down the narrow lanes as a young say 10 year old boy in 1967 was indeed memorable. I remember every layby was chock full of parked tourists even then....I can't imagine how degraded the experience is by now. The honeypot effect is simply the tendency of a label to attract a horde of people , sadly quite often many of them appear to be idiots, and they end up destroying the place through many different means. The obvious ones are littering, and "collecting" (I saw an ariel pic of petrified forest in the US showing different texture near roads caused by everyone collecting a wee rocks), perhaps less obvious are longer term things like erosion. Carrbridge Landmark visitor centre off A9 had a raised platform walk to prevent this, it was one of the first in the UK I think and it was beautiful to walk among the ancient Scots pine with the natural heather growing 3 foot tall below and then rise up into the canopy. Don't think I ever want to go back though, the low impact sensitive design of the visitor centre containing its single obligatory cafe, has now expanded into the usual bunch of shops probably selling the same tartan garbage you can get in London, with a t.rex and a big roller coaster marketed as an adventure park. It's not that there isn't a place for such things, just that it should not be located in an ancient woodland where I saw all sort of rare birds and a snake on that quiet walk long ago. Why not put it in an old landfill site, or at least somewhere in the forestry commissions desserts of Sitka spruce. The kids are certainly not going to notice any wildlife which has hopefully fled although there's not much ancient woodland left to flee to. Sorry for the depressing story, you can watch it happen to loch Lomond and the Cairngorms next.
@@chrisaldridge545 Thanks Chris for the very deep insight, the honeypot effect is well and truly underway at Loch Lomond, but more importantly in the surrounding areas of community woodlands and land not governed by the national parks bye laws where they come in their thousands and destroy not only the natural habitat, but the lives of the people unfortunate enough to live in these areas, land and residents that have no protection from the LRA 2003 or the local authorities and the free for all destruction that is currently and historically since 2003 taking place daily
Sorry to hear you are losing subscriptions just at the time you most need support. I hope that trend is reversed very quickly. Thanks for this treasure trove of information.
Ahh weldone dad , we are in the end of days , keep exposing the corruption ,bless you
Thanks for sharing Craig. Stay strong - you have many many people with you.
Hope you don't mind that I've downloaded and saved this - just in case.
You are not the only one who had this idea. This video feels very effective, and I also had a feeling it might well be targeted specifically in the attacks against Craig.
Oops sent that accidentally...
You also said that the BBC and Guardian have gone blind ... I'm not totally shocked by the former, but I thought the Guardian at least had some independent thought left.
Thanks again for all the info, maybe it's too late for you to rejoin the SNP and reform it from within, if so I think that's a crying shame as the world needs more people like you to tell the truth. All the best..C
Welcome to AFI. Hopefully you get elected then take these people to task.
Alex please speak out if you can.
Old Chinese proverb: 'Evil needs good to feed upon and thus destroys itself.' Give yourself some credit for the wonderful job that you do.
Watched it all and agreed with all of it. Especially about the way the media refers to the accusers as victims. They are not victims there has been a court case that has shown they are not victims. This has long troubled me as we see time and time again the well worn trope of "well something must have happened" when a not guilty verdict is handed down. This is in part because of the nature of reporting in this country where the prosecution is covered in great depth but the defence is barely covered. I know there are reasons for this but I would say that this needs looking at as it is bringing Justice into disrepute. Perhaps it is time to have a review looking at opening up the courts?
"My dear Kepler, I wish that we might laugh at the remarkable stupidity of the common herd. What do you have to say about the principal philosophers of this academy who are filled with the stubbornness of an asp and do not want to look at either the planets, the moon or the telescope, even though I have freely and deliberately offered them the opportunity a thousand times? Truly, just as the asp stops its ears, so do these philosophers shut their eyes to the light of truth." Galileo
Thank you for being a voice or reason, along with the other bloggers. The truth will out.
Dear Craig,
Following a recent pro-amnesty statement from the PM at a press conference could you kindly escalate this matter with the concerned authorities/present your views on it to the general public?
Appreciate your views and efforts in bringing this issue to the fore in one of your videos. Many are enduring the hostile environment for years and life's been on hold until our statuses are regularised and the current pandemic coupled with the inhumane hostile environment has further exacerbated the misery of many hard working individuals for over a decade.
Many thanks,
Thank you Craig. I'm sorry this whole thing has got you so down. Hardly surprising - you've had to carry so much info (that other people didn't have) about someone you respect - and try to keep the truth to yourself. Finally some has surfaced, but not all of it & you are still having to keep quiet and not put voice to info that could potentially help your friend. Such a really difficult position to be in! No wonder you are 'down'!! But if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure your friend will know what you have done to try & help & he will know that you've tried to have his back. And we have yours. Take care of yourself. Forget this stuff from time to time & go play with your new son (I don't think you've put up pics of your wee soul yet!) Try and stay away from politics for a few hours a day... Your health is important! Take care of yourself. x
The thing I don't understand and maybe someone can explain is why Peter Murrell had regular contact , to the point of plotting, with civil servants when he's not an elected official. Is it normal for him to be so involved?
I still strongly disagree with independence for Scotland purely as I love being a Scotsman in Britain but I wholeheartedly support the integrity of Craig Murray. There was a time when people of differing political views could be friends and even discuss their views amicably but with the SNP cult there is only one path and one way there, and nothing will get in their way. Well said and thank you for deconstructing the web of deceit.
There appears to be no motive for a ministerial/SNP leadership conspiracy to frame the former FM. The police and prosecutors do not take orders from politicians, perhaps they should be asked to explain why they went ahead with a case that was clearly going to fail. The interpretation (after 52:37) of the FM's speech on post-Brexit independence referendum is completely wrong.
Nothing on the Scotland act 1998 section 40 to 42.
as torie mp david davis pointed out in his speech the other day, Westminster did not properly devolve parliamentary privilege Unlike Westminster mp's, Scottish msp's do not have parliamentary privilege like at Westminster where they can say what they want without contempt of court/being prosecuted. Therefore not able to freely answer the already prejudiced bias committee questions.
The Civil service is also not devolved
Remember Salmond didn't get us the first Indy Ref, the Tories threw it upon him as the Indy polls we're very low in Scotland. Salmond had no choice but to follow through with the Tories demand for a Ref or he would have looked ridiculous. The Polls are different now, which is why the Unionists are dragging their heels, so, to blame Sturgeon for not getting us Indy 2 quick enough is a bit rich considering Salmond was handed his, not because he out maneuvered them but because they knew he would lose it.
Don't believe a word of this, how can you say what he did when he was alone with the woman in his bedroom, its his word against her..... you're not biased of course 🙄
“This is not Harvey Weinstein”. No, it is worse than that. Salmond’s indiscretions have set back the cause of Scottish independence by decades. I don’t blame Nicola for feeling let down and I do blame Salmond for putting his own self interest above his party and his country.
You obviously haven't watched the whole video.
Independence first.....clear-out later.
I rather think the points were that A: the Murrell clique has a vested interest in delaying, if not blocking, independence. And B: if in some parallel world independence did happen under NS, I'd love to see you try to "clear out" the leadership that "won independence" after the fact, regardless of how corrupt they may be. In short, I don't think you've really absorbed the implications.
Zero evidence, zero credibility
Scotland's version of David Icke. We see right though you...