This is like our Farmers Markets in the U.S.A.. There is one in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in Ephrata called Green Dragon. There are many Mennonite, and Amish folks there! This market is only open on Fridays! These kind of markets are so enjoyable! Thanks my friend for sharing , and God bless you greatly !!
We just don't have much like this bazaar in the USA. My small town farmer's market is pretty decent for the rural area, but this one is just majestic. Maybe Pike Place in Seattle is the closest comparable market.
I loved this video on the bazaar especially those spices and veggies. The Uzbek people you filmed look so healthy and happy and I think their fresh produce has a lot to do with it . Looking forward to more local videos there. The dome of the market is also impressive.
I hope that you do another video from this place. I’d like to learn more about the tea’s, spices, nuts, dried fruit, fresh produce etc. it made me so happy to watch this. What a lovely experience.
This is so beautiful! Thank you for showing us this beautiful place! We think of you daily and so happy that you are able to show the beauty of the world. I have learned so much from you and even when the world is dark right now, you are the shining light and candle that is in the darkness , and it is so needed. Please keep being the light. Keep shining. It’s important that you keep your head up and keep being the light. Don’t let the light burn out because you are needed!!!!
Very interesting in showing how other nationalities live and shop. The content today is very worthwhile. Thanks for taking the time. For these people life seems good. The suffering of the tragic war is a world away, if they are even aware. Glad to see you out and with a smile on your face. The food looks wonderful, especially the fruits, spices and produce.
Never seen anything like this in my own country. Yes we have farmer's markets but nothing that can compare in size or variety to this one! It makes me want to visit Uzbekistan and stay a while (something I don't think I've ever considered doing before!)
@1:55 you said “this place is GI-NORMOUS!” . That is perfect evidence that you have in fact lived in the United States and absorbed some of its culture. 😂 Great tour. Thank you for sharing.
This is so incredible! The food looks so fresh and tasty! What an operation to get all these vendors there and to go to each stand would take all day! Thank you for taking us on this trip to the Bazaar Constantine, I do appreciate it! God Bless you from the Kuches family in Ohio.
More and more people are aware about the importance of eating less processed foods. This is a a great market, which I would love to visit one day. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the glimpse into Uzbekistan’s market! Such a stark contrast to other former CCCP republics. It all looks delicious. Thank you Konstantin! I always look forward to your livestream
@@INSIDERUSSIA Konstantin, I watch your live streams every time I can. I pray with you, even when I'm watching your videos hours later. I can only imagine how you feel, but I appreciate your devotion to the updates. It is a voice of sanity, and it grounds me when I hear of terrible things happening at the hands of soldiers. Please do not lose hope! God has put you here for a reason, and your voice is more important than you know. I visited the USSR in 1991, I worked as a camp counselor at a Pioneer Camp near Chelyabinsk. The people were fantastic, despite near-total deprivation of what the rest of the world took for granted. I've never forgotten how the people waiting in line (ALWAYS waiting in line...) would start reciting poetry, or telling stories, or playing music, just to pass the time. What is being done in your name, in the name of all Russians, is a tragedy. You and your countrymen are good people, trapped by a wicked system. I pray for an end to the conflict, and for you and your wonderful family.
What an incredible place! Thank you for filming this Konstitine, you are indeed very fortunate to be there. You have said the food there is by far the best and now it's clear why! The people are so kind also. Great video! 👍
I love open markets like that and that one was truly spectacular. I was very impressed with how very clean everything was and the food and spices look so fresh and colorful. Now I really want to eat some strawberries.
Uzbekhistan is beeeautiful! I’ve been to Tashkent and Bukhara (for a work trip) and it’s just amazing. I didn’t even know the name of this market until now. Hahaha thank you! I had bought so much from this market (including hand-painted tea sets) that I had excess baggage going back. 😂
Can you please send five pounds of dried apricots, ten pounds of almonds, three pounds green tea, and -0.2 pounds horse meat? 😆 This looks absolutely amazing. Everyone is so friendly! And all the gorgeous produce - wow!!!
@@INSIDERUSSIA K, I have a bookcase full of Russian history books. Your explanation and analysis today was spot on. Many are praying these sufferings will turn around. There is One who knows! See Psalm 63.
Glad to see you about and about and SMILING! I think you should get a bulletin board, attach a world map to it, and place red map pins corresponding to the place of every friend you’ve made through life and through your streams. When you’re feeling lonely, you can look at it and see how much love you’ve spread throughout the world. Kind hearts and kind souls recognize one another and we see the good exceeds the bad in this world. It’s worth sacrifice for peace. We all have each other here, and that’s some very powerful love. Keep on doing you. We’ve got your back. ❤️
Constantine, I'm an American Navy Veteran. I know this is off topic and I understand why you turned off comments on your other videos. I just wanted to say that it's obvious from your videos how you feel about the war in Ukraine. I'm from California and I have many Russian friends, one of my best friends is a 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Ukrainian (his grandmother was born in Kiev). I just wanted to say that for what it's worth, no one that I know here in California holds any resentment to the Russian people. We love your beautiful culture and your beautiful country but obviously we have our reservations about "other things". As a "Cold war kid" watching Russia become a capitalist democracy was a joyous moment for myself and most Americans. We love you and that's why this hurts so much. God bless. Be safe and thrive.
Thank You Konstantin, I am an individual that does not spend much time on the Internet, (except for work). In late February of this year ... I began to look at the world through the eyes of other people,..other become more aware. That Market! Just the Herbal Teas and Spices. The fruits, vegetables, grains, meats. Such food! Thank You for sharing. As a Healthcare practitioner, I really appreciate “real food”! All of that food, so beautiful, all of those vitamins and minerals for the body. It’s just not available in “fast food”. Except for Strawberry......which you will eat fast! Thanks to all whom have to offer buy a beer - Hops are good. Strawberries are good as well. Much Love to you, and all who read this message. Loretta
Thank you Loretta! You know every time I live here I start losing weight massively and easily. It's been 10 days in UZ and I've lost about 6 lbs and has not been trying
I'm listening to your previous post and I honestly feel that your purpose is to wake up the rest of us so that we understand not only what is going on, but how the decisions of your government have caused hardship to each of you -- on a personal level. You also taught me more about my own constitution in the US and how it must be protected from the likes of Putin (ie: Trump) and his followers who want to do the same to the US. It is frightening. If you would, to help you understand your emotional roller coaster, please research the stages of grieving - and keep in mind, we grieve all types of losses, not just those through death. And - have your mods protect your mental health by deleting all hateful, negative comments. You don't need that right now! Love from the US!
Our current situation with a Trump run in 2024 is one of the scariest times ever. If he wins he will take over like Putin, if he loses, his zombie like followers will potentially cause more violence. They were pushing the same far right messages on RT
Wowww.. I'll be lost in this bazaar is so enormous . 🤣🤣 Everything looks so fresh and organized. The place is very clean too. Thanks for showing us Uzbekistan bazaar and have a blessed day. 😁
Uzbekistan was never on my destination list, but it is now. I did not have anything against it, it just never occurred to me. That has changed. Thank you, Konstantin!
Such a wonderful video! We all needed this right now. Thank you for all your hard work. I've been with you for EVERY stream, as are so many of the other serial chatters. We have a ~1 hour visit with you every day... as if you are sitting in the same room with us. You have educated and enlightened us, and have shared with us information and insights that we couldn't possibly get ANYWHERE ELSE. What you are doing every day for us ALL is so very important... in the much greater scheme of things. Things ARE changing. (Russia will be a greater country... after all the dust settles. I really believe that.) Stay the course. Keep breathing. And remember, there are now 48,000 lives that you have touched in such a positive way, and whom follow you DAILY and religiously. That's no small task, my friend. -- You may be the greatest ambassador that Russia has right now. You're awesome, and you rock!!! 😊🦩
Thanks for showing a wonderful place like this. Normally when i think of Uzbekistan I'm thinking a lot of negative things. But this video shows the other side of reality. Amazing!
Well, in that case, I recommend you take a look at the life and pastime of Uzbeks in the latest stream of Konstantin's walk!видео.html
What a gorgeous Market! Everything looks so fresh and delicious! I wish we had something like that where I live. Thank you so much for sharing that experience
Prefer to be anonymous- But realize my name is on here ! I would like to commend your moderators. More importantly- my heart goes out to your wife and family, as their struggle is as great also. It is very difficult being the ones who stay behind and fear for your safety. I feel it is so important for the world to see and hear from you and others like you - to help prevent the growing dislike for all things Russian. just as we here in our country are sometimes judged by what our bumbling politicians do and say - unfairly - it happens ! your words may not reach everyone - but i believe it will reach enough. So chin up. And remember. OOB is still there. ! Keep eating those tomatoes 🍅
Thank you thank you. It is very hard on me and on the family. We miss each other. I've never been away from Michael for so long. I'm showing up every day and speak, that is the least I can do. Will continue. Will keep eating tomatoes as long as I am in Uz )) Thank you again, for the words, the message, the compassion and the money. K
There is a young Russian couple with their little daughter who I watch who are also in Uzbekistan, I haven’t seen them in the markets yet which look fabulous, but they have been filming their visits around the various sites.
Hello Konstantin from Nova Scotia,Canada. My second time watching. I just can't get over how wonderful everything is over there. Sure whis I could visit this part of the world. So awesome. So beautiful. 🙂
wow, all the produce looked so perfect! Wish I could have jumped through my screen and also ate some of the strawberries! Everything looked so good, (expect for me, the horse meat and horse sausages, I guess don't knock it till you try it, for me personally, that is a tough one to get over).
Oh WOW! I am a passionate home chef from Virginia, USA. I live on the Virginia outside of the Nation's Capital. As the suburbs of Washington D.C. now extends to where I live, which is one hour & a half from Washington D.C! However, I grew up still in the suburbs of Virginia, but it was only 23 miles outside of Washington D.C! Although, we do have fresh open air markets in the USA, they're typically for produce or seafood. We definately DO NOT HAVE ANY markets of this size, especially with ALL FRESH & ORGANIC INGREDIENTS in one place like this! So this market literally looks like HEAVEN to me; especially for fresh ingredients of dairy, meat, produce, and spices!! It looks like the only things they're missing is pork and seafood, which makes sense because it's a majority Muslim country! 😍🤪🤣😍
Thank you for all of your content, I am from Australia and I follow people like you so I can learn about Russia from genuine people. I am not going to go into the politics on this video expect to say that times like this will show you who your real friends are. I have found some awesome Russian youtube channels that have educated me about Russia. The important thing is to look after yourself because it is people like you who will help reunite Russia with the world.
I can tell you that I have received some very negative comments from people who may or may not be Russian because I am part of the LGBT community. What was totally funny is this person was so convinced I am American. I watch American tv and movies. I live on the other side of the planet from America. As for your predictions about the future, you are spot on. Find your true friends where ever they are on the globe and develop your own network
Lastly I can tell you I trust my own government as much as I trust your government. Our government is corrupted by money and religion. Our media is controlled by the rich. We also have no freedom or speech or human rights inside our constitution. Just a little insight to life outside Russia. Looking forward to more videos of life inside Russia.
Thank you so much for sharing with us❣️ Such an abundance of food arranged with such love ,care , creativity and beauty. God bless them. By the way I enjoyed very much your video about faith. I m not religious just a God loving person and I’ve never thought about faith in that way Much love from USA ❤️
Loving Uzbekistan 🇺🇿! The bazaar is amazing fresh the colour of the vegetables and fruit ....fresh is the way to go .Dont see that good in Wyoming USA ..Thankyou Konstantin 👍🤩
Amazing! I've never seen a market with so much food! I went to one of our major grocery store chains in the US today and they were out of bananas and a few other produce items. I would sure love to shop there, thanks for sharing!
What a fabulous place thanks for showing us. Love from Liverpool, UK, most people just want the best life for themselves and their children. Such a shame greedy people just don't understand this.
Oh my! What a beautiful, colorful market! clean! Not a piece of trash anywhere! Truly impressive. Thank you for the grand tour! You look happy! Hugs from Alaska......
Fantastic video! 👍👍👍 Loved this walking tour. The oranges, tomatoes and radishes looked so beautiful. Amazing the variety and quantity available at this bazaar. Please, more videos like this. Best thing... you were smiling in this video 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Those strawberries looked so good - imagine they wanted $10 a pound and you paid $7 - you'd think it was worth it. And you know what? It was because they looked beautiful. I just had strawberries a couple of days ago and have four small plants in my garden - you know tomorrow I'll be searching to see if any are ripe now. As good as the dried apricot must have been, I would have bought those fresh strawberries too! Hope you loved each one Konstantine!
Thanks Constantin for transporting me there, I feel like I want to jump into this picture and actually be there... I would go crazy at this market 🤪 everything's so fresh and beautifully presented, and clean. And thanks for sharing the smells and temperature 🌡 youre experiencing... the things that can't be picked up on video
Have to comment again... Lol, I had to go in the house for dinner from my studio... All the fresh produce made me so hungry... The vegetables and fruits.... So beautiful!!! Can't wait to plant my garden. Sending much prayers to the world. Thank you for the break...
Thank you Konstantin. I wish we had a way to tell the Uzbek people that your sharing with us these videos is showing many people how beautiful Uzbekistan is and how you show the people to be good and the food to be appetizing.
17:00ish Yes, I do wish I were there!! lol Everything looks sooo GOOD!! Thank you for this lovely video, Konstantin. I told my son if we run out of food here, I want to go to Uzbekistan!
I'm so sorry I had to miss the last part of your first live today and all of this. I'm happy that you put them up on replays. I like watching your lives.
Love all your videos. So informative. Praying for you during this difficult time. Stay safe and sometimes all we can do is trust in the "ONE" who holds us in the palm of his hand. Love from Canada.
I LOVE your videos!! I’m so happy I discovered you😃 so informative and interesting….. praying that you and your family may be safe and healthy 🙏 God bless you!
I'm so glad you left comments on.. I always have questions... and I take notes. That roof is lovely. I wonder why they didn't paint the inside decoratively too. . Well that first minute brought up a question for me.. where does the eastern line for middle east get drawn? Until this moment.. I considered Uzbekistan part of Asia. hmmmm cool shopping carts. Are you familiar with grow zones? In the US, they're based, pretty much, on first and last frost dates. I'd be curious to know where that area, Tashkent, falls in the grow zone chart. I'm mostly vegetarian but not for a, don't show me the skinless critters reasons.. my body just works better this way. The meat you weren't sure what it was.. I thought might be goat. I did see some large chunks of fat.. great for soap and candle making... and rendering cooking grease. I'm not seeing pork.. ooo.. nice looking salads.. or.. picked veggies. I'm noticing there are not many prices posted.. is this one of the places that shoppers are expected to haggle? I am horrible at haggling. And you just answered that question. Here's a way to explain why some Americans are uncomfortable negotiating - many of us were raised to believe that talking about anything financial with non-family members is rude And, talking independent shop workers/owners down on price here, can be taking food out of their kids mouths. You need to buy something dairy.. but then leave that section... how does that get your dairy products home? Upstairs.. what you didn't know what they were.. figs, dates and prunes. I love that you got the bowl with the strawberries. Sorry for the novelette.. it just happens.
wow the place looks clean and people are so calm and minding their own business and just like they have a chemistry in them wow >> wish our country also had same system like this >. after all you made a great video, I am subscribing now
Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of Turkey and the markets in Saudi Arabia. Wish we could buy produce like that in the UK. Our fruit and vegetables lack flavour. Was brought up in Australia so have never adapted. Looks an amazing place and you are looking a lot more relaxed.
I saw the Uzbek yellow carrots. They looked amazing! I have seeds for those and will be planting them soon. I'm vegetarian and enjoyed seeing all the fruits and veggies!
Dear Konstantin. We have not given up on the Russian people and we hope things come to an end soon. You are right that for the people of Russia life as you have known it has ended. I personally feel just as sad for the Russians that are I’ll informed (not through their own fault). What we are seeing on our news is heartbreaking. Please don’t give up on us in return. Your channel is very informative and pray for you, your family and the Ukrainian and Russian people. Love from Australia 🇦🇺
Wow that is the cleanest bazaar I've ever seen. I love it. I will put it on my bucket list. And I'm sorry, but I'm not crazy if I pay face value. I do enjoy searching for bargains but I will gladly support these sellers by giving them as much money as they can reasonably get in exchange for their goods. They appear to be nice, hard working people. They deserve every penny I'm willing to give them.
And, the most aesthetically beautiful food to me is the heaps of spices in bins. God has created food in an incredible array of colour! Yes, those are figs. Delicious!!
Can you spot what the mistake was?
My guess… You didn’t negotiate or didn’t film the negotiation.
@@TrickyMcnickle Darn! 👍 I paid the face price. Didn't pay too much attention, filmimg distracted me
Not changing your channel name to OUTSIDE RUSSIA?
@@INSIDERUSSIA The strawberries do look delicious so it’s not a total loss and the video was fascinating. Thank you!
@@INSIDERUSSIA Oh well it's all good brother.
Glad to see you doing more content like this again. This market is an example of what we need more of in the world, not McDonald's.
4:30 “If you are vegetarian… skip this part” - you are very empathetic! I am amazed at your being so perceptive and warning them.
At one part of my life I didn't eat meat for 9 months so I know
This is like our Farmers Markets in the U.S.A.. There is one in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in Ephrata called Green Dragon. There are many Mennonite, and Amish folks there! This market is only open on Fridays! These kind of markets are so enjoyable! Thanks my friend for sharing , and God bless you greatly !!
I love the Green Dragon. I havent been in a few years. I must get back there.
Yes! I thought of the Lancaster Market, but let’s be honest, it is like a postage stamp in comparison.
We just don't have much like this bazaar in the USA. My small town farmer's market is pretty decent for the rural area, but this one is just majestic. Maybe Pike Place in Seattle is the closest comparable market.
I loved this video on the bazaar especially those spices and veggies. The Uzbek people you filmed look so healthy and happy and I think their fresh produce has a lot to do with it . Looking forward to more local videos there. The dome of the market is also impressive.
Thank you ❤️
I am so glad to see your spirits lifted in this place. What an experience!
So nice to see you smiling Konstantine. I have been following most of your live streams, and I really enjoyed this video. What a market! 😊
I hope that you do another video from this place.
I’d like to learn more about the tea’s, spices, nuts, dried fruit, fresh produce etc.
it made me so happy to watch this. What a lovely experience.
This is so beautiful! Thank you for showing us this beautiful place! We think of you daily and so happy that you are able to show the beauty of the world. I have learned so much from you and even when the world is dark right now, you are the shining light and candle that is in the darkness , and it is so needed. Please keep being the light. Keep shining. It’s important that you keep your head up and keep being the light. Don’t let the light burn out because you are needed!!!!
Very interesting in showing how other nationalities live and shop. The content today is very worthwhile. Thanks for taking the time. For these people life seems good. The suffering of the tragic war is a world away, if they are even aware. Glad to see you out and with a smile on your face. The food looks wonderful, especially the fruits, spices and produce.
Oh they are aware
Never seen anything like this in my own country. Yes we have farmer's markets but nothing that can compare in size or variety to this one! It makes me want to visit Uzbekistan and stay a while (something I don't think I've ever considered doing before!)
@1:55 you said “this place is GI-NORMOUS!” . That is perfect evidence that you have in fact lived in the United States and absorbed some of its culture. 😂
Great tour. Thank you for sharing.
That was a great observation!
Thank you gi-normously!
This is so incredible! The food looks so fresh and tasty! What an operation to get all these vendors there and to go to each stand would take all day! Thank you for taking us on this trip to the Bazaar Constantine, I do appreciate it! God Bless you from the Kuches family in Ohio.
Thank you the Kuches! Yes Chorsu can be a whole day event 🤝❤️
More and more people are aware about the importance of eating less processed foods. This is a a great market, which I would love to visit one day. Thank you for sharing.
such a blessing to have a beautiful market like that.
Thank you for the glimpse into Uzbekistan’s market! Such a stark contrast to other former CCCP republics. It all looks delicious. Thank you Konstantin! I always look forward to your livestream
Thank you Matt 🤝🙏❤️
@@INSIDERUSSIA Konstantin, I watch your live streams every time I can. I pray with you, even when I'm watching your videos hours later. I can only imagine how you feel, but I appreciate your devotion to the updates. It is a voice of sanity, and it grounds me when I hear of terrible things happening at the hands of soldiers. Please do not lose hope! God has put you here for a reason, and your voice is more important than you know.
I visited the USSR in 1991, I worked as a camp counselor at a Pioneer Camp near Chelyabinsk. The people were fantastic, despite near-total deprivation of what the rest of the world took for granted. I've never forgotten how the people waiting in line (ALWAYS waiting in line...) would start reciting poetry, or telling stories, or playing music, just to pass the time.
What is being done in your name, in the name of all Russians, is a tragedy. You and your countrymen are good people, trapped by a wicked system. I pray for an end to the conflict, and for you and your wonderful family.
What an incredible place! Thank you for filming this Konstitine, you are indeed very fortunate to be there. You have said the food there is by far the best and now it's clear why! The people are so kind also. Great video! 👍
I love the guys there who are so friendly, and always smiling.
I love open markets like that and that one was truly spectacular. I was very impressed with how very clean everything was and the food and spices look so fresh and colorful. Now I really want to eat some strawberries.
Uzbekhistan is beeeautiful! I’ve been to Tashkent and Bukhara (for a work trip) and it’s just amazing. I didn’t even know the name of this market until now. Hahaha thank you! I had bought so much from this market (including hand-painted tea sets) that I had excess baggage going back. 😂
Wait I’ll make a separate video on those
Can you please send five pounds of dried apricots, ten pounds of almonds, three pounds green tea, and -0.2 pounds horse meat? 😆 This looks absolutely amazing. Everyone is so friendly! And all the gorgeous produce - wow!!!
@@INSIDERUSSIA K, I have a bookcase full of Russian history books. Your explanation and analysis today was spot on. Many are praying these sufferings will turn around. There is One who knows! See Psalm 63.
Glad to see you about and about and SMILING! I think you should get a bulletin board, attach a world map to it, and place red map pins corresponding to the place of every friend you’ve made through life and through your streams. When you’re feeling lonely, you can look at it and see how much love you’ve spread throughout the world. Kind hearts and kind souls recognize one another and we see the good exceeds the bad in this world. It’s worth sacrifice for peace. We all have each other here, and that’s some very powerful love. Keep on doing you. We’ve got your back. ❤️
Thank you Kim! Great idea!
You look so much happier in there! You need to visit there more often. It’s good for you! 🙏😔🙏♥️
yes. every Sunday
Constantine, I'm an American Navy Veteran. I know this is off topic and I understand why you turned off comments on your other videos. I just wanted to say that it's obvious from your videos how you feel about the war in Ukraine. I'm from California and I have many Russian friends, one of my best friends is a 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Ukrainian (his grandmother was born in Kiev). I just wanted to say that for what it's worth, no one that I know here in California holds any resentment to the Russian people. We love your beautiful culture and your beautiful country but obviously we have our reservations about "other things". As a "Cold war kid" watching Russia become a capitalist democracy was a joyous moment for myself and most Americans. We love you and that's why this hurts so much. God bless. Be safe and thrive.
Thank You Konstantin,
I am an individual that does not spend much time on the Internet, (except for work). In late February of this year ... I began to look at the world through the eyes of other people,..other become more aware.
That Market! Just the Herbal Teas and Spices. The fruits, vegetables, grains, meats. Such food!
Thank You for sharing.
As a Healthcare practitioner, I really appreciate “real food”!
All of that food, so beautiful, all of those vitamins and minerals for the body.
It’s just not available in “fast food”.
Except for Strawberry......which you will eat fast!
Thanks to all whom have to offer buy a beer - Hops are good. Strawberries are good as well.
Much Love to you, and all who read this message.
Thank you Loretta!
You know every time I live here I start losing weight massively and easily. It's been 10 days in UZ and I've lost about 6 lbs and has not been trying
I'm listening to your previous post and I honestly feel that your purpose is to wake up the rest of us so that we understand not only what is going on, but how the decisions of your government have caused hardship to each of you -- on a personal level. You also taught me more about my own constitution in the US and how it must be protected from the likes of Putin (ie: Trump) and his followers who want to do the same to the US. It is frightening. If you would, to help you understand your emotional roller coaster, please research the stages of grieving - and keep in mind, we grieve all types of losses, not just those through death. And - have your mods protect your mental health by deleting all hateful, negative comments. You don't need that right now! Love from the US!
Our current situation with a Trump run in 2024 is one of the scariest times ever. If he wins he will take over like Putin, if he loses, his zombie like followers will potentially cause more violence. They were pushing the same far right messages on RT
Thanks so much for filming this Konstantin. You did a good job. I could just smell the spices.
Wowww.. I'll be lost in this bazaar is so enormous . 🤣🤣 Everything looks so fresh and organized. The place is very clean too. Thanks for showing us Uzbekistan bazaar and have a blessed day. 😁
Uzbekistan was never on my destination list, but it is now. I did not have anything against it, it just never occurred to me. That has changed. Thank you, Konstantin!
Such a wonderful video! We all needed this right now. Thank you for all your hard work. I've been with you for EVERY stream, as are so many of the other serial chatters. We have a ~1 hour visit with you every day... as if you are sitting in the same room with us. You have educated and enlightened us, and have shared with us information and insights that we couldn't possibly get ANYWHERE ELSE. What you are doing every day for us ALL is so very important... in the much greater scheme of things. Things ARE changing. (Russia will be a greater country... after all the dust settles. I really believe that.)
Stay the course. Keep breathing. And remember, there are now 48,000 lives that you have touched in such a positive way, and whom follow you DAILY and religiously. That's no small task, my friend.
-- You may be the greatest ambassador that Russia has right now. You're awesome, and you rock!!! 😊🦩
Thank you 🥲
That's a bbq/grillers dream! So fresh and the cost is probably wayyyy cheaper there. Good stuff Constantine ,God bless you.
Thanks for showing a wonderful place like this. Normally when i think of Uzbekistan I'm thinking a lot of negative things. But this video shows the other side of reality.
Well, in that case, I recommend you take a look at the life and pastime of Uzbeks in the latest stream of Konstantin's walk!видео.html
Yes, there is another side ) Thank you❤️
What a gorgeous Market! Everything looks so fresh and delicious! I wish we had something like that where I live. Thank you so much for sharing that experience
I know few similar Russians as you and it gives me hope your country has chance to raise once. All good from Slovakia!
Thank you my friend!
Prefer to be anonymous-
But realize my name is on here !
I would like to commend your moderators. More importantly-
my heart goes out to your wife and family, as their struggle is as great also. It is very difficult being the ones who stay behind and fear for your safety.
I feel it is so important for the world to see and hear from you and others like you - to help prevent the growing dislike for all things Russian.
just as we here in our country are sometimes judged by what our bumbling politicians do and say - unfairly - it happens !
your words may not reach everyone - but i believe it will reach enough. So chin up.
And remember. OOB is still there. ! Keep eating those tomatoes 🍅
Thank you Joan. Very much appreciate at these trying times.
Thank you thank you. It is very hard on me and on the family. We miss each other. I've never been away from Michael for so long.
I'm showing up every day and speak, that is the least I can do.
Will continue.
Will keep eating tomatoes as long as I am in Uz ))
Thank you again, for the words, the message, the compassion and the money. K
I really like the way you film the places you go. The bazar was super cool! As an American, I love learning about places I never knew existed 👍👍
Thank you for the tour! This place looks amazing. I know more about Uzbekistan than ever before because of your channel. Appreciate your hard work!
Thank you Rebecca ❤️🙏🌹
I have never seen better looking tomatoes KONSTANTIN!
Your Strawberries also look wonderful!
There is a young Russian couple with their little daughter who I watch who are also in Uzbekistan, I haven’t seen them in the markets yet which look fabulous, but they have been filming their visits around the various sites.
Minimal Russian Girl!
@@rosalindastourian3985 is that what the site is called? A lovely young couple and they have a baby girl who is walking and toddling round.
Victoriya and Tolya. The legends.
Bukhara. I'm going there this weekend
@@INSIDERUSSIA thanks, I couldn’t remember their names. Very sweet people.
Hello Konstantin from Nova Scotia,Canada. My second time watching. I just can't get over how wonderful everything is over there. Sure whis I could visit this part of the world. So awesome. So beautiful. 🙂
Thank you! ❤️
wow, all the produce looked so perfect! Wish I could have jumped through my screen and also ate some of the strawberries! Everything looked so good, (expect for me, the horse meat and horse sausages, I guess don't knock it till you try it, for me personally, that is a tough one to get over).
Oh WOW! I am a passionate home chef from Virginia, USA. I live on the Virginia outside of the Nation's Capital. As the suburbs of Washington D.C. now extends to where I live, which is one hour & a half from Washington D.C! However, I grew up still in the suburbs of Virginia, but it was only 23 miles outside of Washington D.C! Although, we do have fresh open air markets in the USA, they're typically for produce or seafood. We definately DO NOT HAVE ANY markets of this size, especially with ALL FRESH & ORGANIC INGREDIENTS in one place like this! So this market literally looks like HEAVEN to me; especially for fresh ingredients of dairy, meat, produce, and spices!! It looks like the only things they're missing is pork and seafood, which makes sense because it's a majority Muslim country! 😍🤪🤣😍
Spot on! ❤️
Thank you for all of your content, I am from Australia and I follow people like you so I can learn about Russia from genuine people. I am not going to go into the politics on this video expect to say that times like this will show you who your real friends are. I have found some awesome Russian youtube channels that have educated me about Russia. The important thing is to look after yourself because it is people like you who will help reunite Russia with the world.
Thank you! ❤️🙏🌹🌹🌹
I can tell you that I have received some very negative comments from people who may or may not be Russian because I am part of the LGBT community. What was totally funny is this person was so convinced I am American. I watch American tv and movies. I live on the other side of the planet from America.
As for your predictions about the future, you are spot on. Find your true friends where ever they are on the globe and develop your own network
Lastly I can tell you I trust my own government as much as I trust your government. Our government is corrupted by money and religion. Our media is controlled by the rich. We also have no freedom or speech or human rights inside our constitution. Just a little insight to life outside Russia. Looking forward to more videos of life inside Russia.
good video i never ever seen anything from that country but the food looks so good and natural
Fabulous video! Really enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for sharing with us❣️ Such an abundance of food arranged with such love ,care , creativity and beauty. God bless them. By the way I enjoyed very much your video about faith. I m not religious just a God loving person and I’ve never thought about faith in that way Much love from USA ❤️
Thank you Michele ❤️🙏🌹💐🌼🌻🌸🌷🌺
Loving Uzbekistan 🇺🇿! The bazaar is amazing fresh the colour of the vegetables and fruit ....fresh is the way to go .Dont see that good in Wyoming USA ..Thankyou Konstantin 👍🤩
Uzbek raisins! So wonderful. I also love the dried apricots. Always kept a bag of those for a quick snack.
Amazing! I've never seen a market with so much food! I went to one of our major grocery store chains in the US today and they were out of bananas and a few other produce items. I would sure love to shop there, thanks for sharing!
I love coming to Chorsu 🤝🙏❤️
What a fabulous place thanks for showing us.
Love from Liverpool, UK, most people just want the best life for themselves and their children. Such a shame greedy people just don't understand this.
Oh my! What a beautiful, colorful market! clean! Not a piece of trash anywhere! Truly impressive. Thank you for the grand tour! You look happy! Hugs from Alaska......
Hello Mary! Thank you! ❤️❤️
Wow this is amazing to see! Thank you for sharing this experience!
Fantastic video! 👍👍👍 Loved this walking tour. The oranges, tomatoes and radishes looked so beautiful. Amazing the variety and quantity available at this bazaar. Please, more videos like this. Best thing... you were smiling in this video 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank you John. One of the rare moments when I forgot about everything.
Thanks very much for posting this for us. Really enjoyed it
This is amazing to see Konstantine! Thank you!
Me too LOL
Amazing! Love it! Reminds me a little of when I was a child living in Jordan.
My mouth is watering for the apricots.
Thank you for giving us a tour of such a fantastic place. All the best from Southern California.
Those strawberries looked so good - imagine they wanted $10 a pound and you paid $7 - you'd think it was worth it. And you know what? It was because they looked beautiful. I just had strawberries a couple of days ago and have four small plants in my garden - you know tomorrow I'll be searching to see if any are ripe now. As good as the dried apricot must have been, I would have bought those fresh strawberries too! Hope you loved each one Konstantine!
Thanks Constantin for transporting me there, I feel like I want to jump into this picture and actually be there... I would go crazy at this market 🤪 everything's so fresh and beautifully presented, and clean. And thanks for sharing the smells and temperature 🌡 youre experiencing... the things that can't be picked up on video
Have to comment again... Lol, I had to go in the house for dinner from my studio... All the fresh produce made me so hungry... The vegetables and fruits.... So beautiful!!! Can't wait to plant my garden. Sending much prayers to the world.
Thank you for the break...
Thank you ❤️🙏🌹
Loved this! Food looked so fresh! Definitely a bucket list place. Thanks for sharing...and caring ..your videos and prayer times mean so much 💞
Thank you Konstantin. I wish we had a way to tell the Uzbek people that your sharing with us these videos is showing many people how beautiful Uzbekistan is and how you show the people to be good and the food to be appetizing.
Thank you for this video!!! Beautiful place - friendly people - fantastic quality of all the foods … I loved watching all of it. 😍 Thank you!
17:00ish Yes, I do wish I were there!! lol Everything looks sooo GOOD!! Thank you for this lovely video, Konstantin. I told my son if we run out of food here, I want to go to Uzbekistan!
I'm so sorry I had to miss the last part of your first live today and all of this. I'm happy that you put them up on replays. I like watching your lives.
Thank you ❤️🙏
Thanks for sharing! Enjoying from Oregon.
Just found your channel and i realy like it! Wish you all the best!
Of course i will sub! :)
Love all your videos. So informative. Praying for you during this difficult time. Stay safe and sometimes all we can do is trust in the "ONE" who holds us in the palm of his hand. Love from Canada.
Free trade, nice people, great weather, you are blessed and I am happy for you!
I LOVE your videos!! I’m so happy I discovered you😃 so informative and interesting….. praying that you and your family may be safe and healthy 🙏 God bless you!
I enjoyed this video so much! Thank you!
Really good look at another world! Thanks,
I'm so glad you left comments on.. I always have questions... and I take notes.
That roof is lovely. I wonder why they didn't paint the inside decoratively too. .
Well that first minute brought up a question for me.. where does the eastern line for middle east get drawn? Until this moment.. I considered Uzbekistan part of Asia. hmmmm
cool shopping carts.
Are you familiar with grow zones? In the US, they're based, pretty much, on first and last frost dates. I'd be curious to know where that area, Tashkent, falls in the grow zone chart.
I'm mostly vegetarian but not for a, don't show me the skinless critters reasons.. my body just works better this way.
The meat you weren't sure what it was.. I thought might be goat. I did see some large chunks of fat.. great for soap and candle making... and rendering cooking grease.
I'm not seeing pork..
ooo.. nice looking salads.. or.. picked veggies.
I'm noticing there are not many prices posted.. is this one of the places that shoppers are expected to haggle? I am horrible at haggling. And you just answered that question.
Here's a way to explain why some Americans are uncomfortable negotiating - many of us were raised to believe that talking about anything financial with non-family members is rude And, talking independent shop workers/owners down on price here, can be taking food out of their kids mouths.
You need to buy something dairy.. but then leave that section... how does that get your dairy products home?
Upstairs.. what you didn't know what they were.. figs, dates and prunes.
I love that you got the bowl with the strawberries.
Sorry for the novelette.. it just happens.
What an amazing place! Thank you for sharing.
wow the place looks clean and people are so calm and minding their own business and just like they have a chemistry in them wow >> wish our country also had same system like this >. after all you made a great video, I am subscribing now
WOW!! Fabulous!!!
Hello the Usual suspect ❤️🤝
I loved your bazaar video! A lot like the ones in Chișinău. I sure wish the states had something like this! Oh, the spices!! That looked like heaven!!
OMG, the tomatoes!!! Amazingly fresh produces!!! 😋
❤ sending you lots of love and prayers from Denmark. Thanks for an amazing tour and for your livestreams ❤
Very nice video Konstantin. Glad I found your channel a few weeks ago, very informative. But I love this video, made me so hungry. Minnesota, USA
Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of Turkey and the markets in Saudi Arabia. Wish we could buy produce like that in the UK. Our fruit and vegetables lack flavour. Was brought up in Australia so have never adapted. Looks an amazing place and you are looking a lot more relaxed.
Wow what a great space for a bazaar! So bright and open. And BIG. Thank you for sharing this fabulous place.
I saw the Uzbek yellow carrots. They looked amazing! I have seeds for those and will be planting them soon. I'm vegetarian and enjoyed seeing all the fruits and veggies!
This is just AMAZING!
Dear Konstantin. We have not given up on the Russian people and we hope things come to an end soon. You are right that for the people of Russia life as you have known it has ended. I personally feel just as sad for the Russians that are I’ll informed (not through their own fault). What we are seeing on our news is heartbreaking. Please don’t give up on us in return. Your channel is very informative and pray for you, your family and the Ukrainian and Russian people. Love from Australia 🇦🇺
Phenomenal video! Thank you for sharing, wish that I could shop there. Konstantin, please hold your chin up, you are a fine person.
Thank you ❤️🙏🤝
I wonder what the "huge mistake" is! That you didn't buy enough strawberries???? They looked so delicious! 🍓🍓🍓🍓
NO 😂😂😂
@@INSIDERUSSIA hehe ok watching now I'm gonna try to find out
Oh geez! You were saying ‘sacks and SACKS’! 🤣🤣🤣
I thought you were saying something else 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wasn't going to say anything lol
@@TheHiphopgems definitely had me chuckle! 🤣
Sorry, Konstantine! 😜not sorry?
Those vegetables and fruit looked awesome. The spices must be superb. Meats also.
They are! Hello my friend!
I loved this inside view. Seems so right.
I was suppose to move to Tashkent about ten years ago. so it is especially nice to take this visit with you and see what it is like!
I lived here 10 years ago :)
Thank you for this awesome trip! All the food seems so fresh and healthy, I wish I could do my groceries at this place :)
WOW to market to market , so big never seen anything like it . Thanks for sharing 😊.
seems like a nice place to find all kind of yummy ingredients!!!
Wow that is the cleanest bazaar I've ever seen. I love it. I will put it on my bucket list. And I'm sorry, but I'm not crazy if I pay face value. I do enjoy searching for bargains but I will gladly support these sellers by giving them as much money as they can reasonably get in exchange for their goods. They appear to be nice, hard working people. They deserve every penny I'm willing to give them.
Barganing is the local lifestyle ) I paid the face price for strawberries )
Omg the produce looks so good!
Loved watching this video.
Wow 🤩 thanks for this awesome video. I feel good to watch it !
What an incredibly beautiful place! It makes me want to travel again, despite the global tensions!
I have never seen horse meat sausage before! Wow!
And, the most aesthetically beautiful food to me is the heaps of spices in bins. God has created food in an incredible array of colour!
Yes, those are figs. Delicious!!
Fabulous... ThankYou for the stream.