wow WHAT A PRIEST. HOW I WISH THEY WERE ALL 20% as good as Father Mark Beard. Why do all the best priests that the whole world needs RIGHT NOW go home so early, I am sure he is with Jesus Christ, so we can all be glad for him. There is no place he would rather be. He can help mankind even more now. THANK THE LORD FOR THE TIME WE ALL HAD FATHER BEARD HERE ON EARTH. PRAISE GOD.
@@lucyphillip6583 I do pray for his soul, I have a long list of people and soul’s that I pray for. Every morning and night I pray the Divine mercy chaplet for the holy souls in purgatory and say it during the day. I pray constantly. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
I've never heard a Priest as powerful a speaker as Father Beard. He speaks like Billy Graham in his homilies - and no, I am not calling him a Protestant - but he speaks loud and bold words - I just found him and now he's gone. He was a man on fire for the Lord, and His people. Praise God I found him - his homilies have much to teach me.
Some of the work of Saint Alphonsus Ligouri has been published, even in the last year the amount of material from his Sermons Throughout the Year has multiplied on the internet. A link to download a pdf of his material is: and a more secure link is at:
There are many world over. Priesthood of Christ is one. America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia has such kind of priests. The reason is simple. They are called by Jesus Christ their master and Saviour. Rev Fr Mark Beards was one of the witnesses to the truth.
He's gone? I've just found him. What a powerful man of God! Lord raise up more brave priests to speak to us. Touch our priests, convert them for we all need conversion daily. Touch even those who entered the priesthood to destroy it! May your salvation grace be upon all. Blessed Mother pray for us. 🙏🥀♥️😇📿🌹
May God the Father wash Fr Mark with the precious blood of Jesus at His judgment and Perfect Contrition at his passing. ..... Pray this for Father Mark and all of our loved ones everyday. There is no past with God. There is no future with God. There is only the eternal present with God, because God dwells outside of time and space. Every moment of our life is before God at all times even after our passing.
He left his mark in this world…. Fr Mark, rest in peace. You are in my daily prayers. Thank you for giving so unselfishly of yourself, not only to your congregation, but to all of us who were able to hear your words by having your homilies taped. I go to them daily. Fr Mark. Pray for us🙏
I’d not known him until he was killed in his accident. I totally wish I’d known him before as he was an awesome preacher. Never have I seen a priest like him - his homily are to be so treasured, on fire for GOD!
I would of traveled out of state just to of listened to one of his homilies! He was amazing! I pray for you like you asked...but I know you are sitting at the table with the Lord! ❤
Thank You Lord For Sending This Wonderful Priest To Us!! A Gift From God....Rest In Peace Fr.Beard! I Love What You Taught All Of Us..Truly Our Lord Sent You To Us!! We Are Soo Blessed TO See and Hear His Fabulous Wonderful Teachings..Thank You Lord For Sending Him To Us Hear On Earth.. AMEM...Spreading Spread Fr.Mark's Fabulous Healing Taughts!! A Gift From Our Lord..Amen!
Looking from a distance at how the Holy Trinity works, I see that someone prayed for you, Jude, to prepare you to absorb into your being what Fr. Beard had to say. Someone prayed for Fr. Beard to be molded into the vessel that he turned out to be. The Holy Spirit was completely involved in the process. You had to yield to the Holy Spirit, and Fr. Beard had to yield to the Holy Spirit. Fr. Beard was an obedient vessel. You are now charged with remaining holy and continuing to seek the Will of God and to do the Will of God in your life. Amen? Amen!
As I said to Jude, someone prayed for you, Keith, to prepare you to absorb into your being what Fr. Beard had to say. Someone prayed for Fr. Beard to be molded into the vessel that he turned out to be. The Holy Spirit was completely involved in the process. You had to yield to the Holy Spirit, and Fr. Beard had to yield to the Holy Spirit. Fr. Beard was an obedient vessel. You are now charged with remaining holy and continuing to seek the Will of God and to do the Will of God in your life. Amen? Amen!
Amen!!! We need more priests teaching us like Fr. It’s seems as though he can do much more in heaven!!! And yes I am praying for you every prayers every minute I am in adoration, rosaries, Mass, I am praying for u because u said to. If not you will haunt us. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I love this powerful Priest, man he speaks so loud, to get us all to understand, he makes himself hoarse !! God bless Fr Mark Beard and I pray his soul rests in peace !!
I wish our Catholic Priest was like this. Father Mark Beard RIP was an eloquent, inspirational speaker who had the holy spirit running through his veins.
Amen amen this priest is on fire. 😢I know you are with our Lord and still saving souls.please pray for me. Thank you for giving us these homilies. I watch them daily .
He was so awesome just heard of. Few days ago before the" accident" not too late just in time Rip I'm speaking to the children at park not on fence but she's in fantasy world. Pray for the children. Vibrant personality and a little humor too!! Modern day prophet,! Amrn
I like most people found fr beard when it was to late ,he was gone and then i got thinking na i found him just in time , i love that man i swear he brought me back to my god ... all about timing i guess,,,
I'am so Happy!! I found Father Beard although It was sad for me upon his passing. To those who did his video's From the bottom of my Heart, Thank you so much. 🙏💚☘ 🙏🌎💕🕊AMEN!
Wow 🤯 I have learned so much about our faith just from listening to Father in his homilies What a blessing he was. We need more holy priests like him 🙏🙏
Father Mark is truly one of a kind priest. We need more of his homily, and telling his parishioners the truth in order to save our souls at the end of our lives, that is what counts. I heard his homily by chance in RUclips God gave me that grace. And blessing I learned so much from him. I will be praying the rosary and invoking his name father Mark, so that he will be in the glory of God’s home heaven amen.🙏
He was a gift to the world around him, and now his powerful message lives on. I found his homilies a few days before his passing, and I have offered up many communions for his soul. Again, what a gift he has been in my life as I shared his homilies with so many people. May he have the grace to be with JMJ in Heaven for all eternity for him to intercede for us. God rest his soul. ✝️🙏❤️
Jesus is the only one according to scripture that Intercedes on our behalf. Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Thrilled with this fine Priest's Homilies being placed Online...Such a spontaneous theologian approaching everything with humor, joy, and truth. That southern accent combined with such passion and truth in the Divine brings a whole new dimension to faith. Doubtless, his words are uniquely inspired by God.
Thankful for the dedication, devotion,& diligence that bring uplifting words that give us strength to persevere when demonic attacks are so real and neverending.... I'm grateful I can hear God sent folks - we need reminders on our journey 🙏🌹 💜
Good Father, may your soul those of all your lineage rest in peace. Your message resonates with my mournful Monica heart. Almost a year ago today, I heard God say to me, “Better your name be written in the book of life, then for your picture to ever be in a book of the world” After being denied having a picture with my son and his bride on their wedding day, only to find out that my ex and his wife were given the honor. Yes, better my name to be written in the book of the life in my picture to ever be in a book of the world.
Please help me pray to God for the miracle healing of my Heart teeth gums eyes ears stomach lungs and all the organs and parts of my body mind spirit and especially for my family's health and financial breakthrough 🙏 All Glory And Praise Be To God 🙌 Thank You Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
Was your uncle's first name Robert? Anna Maria, may Our Lord continue to comfort you and guide you. Look to Jesus to direct you in fulfilling His Will for you each day. Amen!
Someone please help me understand how a priest can be the High Priest and forgive us of our sins? I'm studying the catholic faith and want to know the answers but only backed up by Scriptures. Hebrews chapter 5 is speaking of Jesus as the Only High Priest. In my understanding, i can only determine that Jesus is the only one who can forgive someone of their sins.
I was waiting for others to jump in and explain this but apparently they are not. The Catholic faith says that Jesus’ priesthood was also given to men so that they could continue his earthly work of forgiving sins. In the Gospel of John 20:19-23, it reads, “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” You have an excellent question which you should direct to either the priest or the deacon teaching your Order of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA class
In the description of the video is a link to the main page of Saint Helena Church in Amite. On that page, on the left hand side, are some directions on how to donate. If, for any reason, you are not able to visit that page, the main phone number of the parish office is 985-748-9057. Ask for Laura Faust, (Administration). You may leave her a message by email at: Due to all parish staff being overwhelmed with the events of last week, the staff will not be back in the office until August 21, 2023.
Thank you. It has been on my heart that his car was electronically taken over, which caused the accident taking his life. He was extremely brave in speaking and standing for the truths of the Catholic faith, which did not sit well with those in opposition to the true teachings of the Catholic faith. An amazing faithful person to Jesus Christ
17:25 if i tell people this day you will be in paradise, are they under no obligation to believe me, and usually don't. However as no one was taking notes, we do not know what jesus said..i doubt whether he would be chit chatting to his fellows across the way like they were at a saturday matinee movie or something...amen
Let's look at the whole picture. Crucifixion was and is the most gruesome and painful means of execution. 1,025 years before it was used on Jesus, BEFORE IT WAS EVEN INVENTED, King David wrote about Jesus' execution in this manner in Psalm 22. The Romans desired to make execution in this manner as the greatest crime deterrent. They devised ways to speed up or keep the execution going slowly. Yes, there was plenty of time to, as you say, "chit-chat" while dying, as executions could go on for days, and I know my wife, when she is in tremendous pain will say things that she does not remember that she said. So I believe that Saint Dismas, the repentant criminal, said what he said, and Jesus said what he said, and both said what they said with immense sincerity. Who were witness to this? In the Gospel of John we see the unnamed women, the mother of the Lord and her sister; and 2 women by the names of Mary of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene." (John 19:25) As Luke the Apostle records in the Gospel of Luke, there were many women, but these stand prominently out, as having been most closely associated with Him: "A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him." (Luke 23:27) "But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things." (Luke 23:49) The Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John speak of the presence of the soldiers, and of the two malefactors crucified one on either side of Jesus. The Apostles Matthew, Mark, and Luke draw special attention to the centurion in charge of the carrying out of the crucifixion, and they give some account of how he was impressed in the presence of the Jesus the Crucified. According to Matthew he said, "Surely he was the Son of God" (Matthew 27:54) According to Mark, "Surely this Man was the Son of God" (Mark 15:39) According to Luke, "Surely this was a righteous Man" (Luke 23:47) The presence of the chief priests is recorded by Matthew, Mark, and John with Luke making no reference to them. Matthew, Mark, and Luke refer to the scribes, elders, or rulers, comprising the Sanhedrin, while John ignores their presence. "In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him." (Matthew 27:41) "In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. 'He saved others,' they said, 'but he can’t save himself!'" (Mark 15: 31) "The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, 'He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.'” (Luke 23:35) "The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, 'He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.'" (John 19:21) It was no accident that Jesus was crucified between 2 thieves. There are no accidents in a world that is governed by God. Much less could there have been any accident on that day, or in connection with that event of all events - a day and an event which lie at the very center of the world’s history. No, God was presiding over that scene. From all eternity He had decreed when and where and how and with whom his Son should die. Nothing was left to chance or the impulsiveness of man. All that God had decreed came to pass exactly as He had ordained, and nothing happened save as He had eternally purposed. Whatsoever man did was simply that which God’s hand and counsel "determined to be done" (Acts 4:28). When Pilate gave orders that the Lord Jesus should be crucified between the two criminals, all unknown to himself, he was simply putting into execution the eternal decree of God and fulfilling His prophetic word. 700 years before Pilate gave his command, God had declared through the prophet Isaiah that Jesus should be "numbered with the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12). How utterly unlikely this appeared, that the Holy One of God should be numbered with the unholy; that the very one whose finger had inscribed on the tables of stone the Law should be assigned a place with the lawless; that the Son of God should be executed with criminals - this seemed utterly inconceivable. Yet, it actually came to pass. Not a single word of God can fall to the ground. "Forever, O Lord, your word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89). Just as God had ordained, and just as He had announced, so it came to pass.
Lou, do you donate food, clothing, time, energy, money to any organization? Behind the video, Saint Helena Catholic Church donated the use of the 4 videos for 1 purpose. I donated the time to edit the videos, the use of the software and hardware to put it together and to upload it. RUclips donated and continues to donate the use of their software and hardware to both Saint Helena Catholic Church and myself to enable you to see the video in the format in which you watch it. You have an opportunity to donate to help the poor in another location on planet Earth. You do not have to donate. If you watch RUclips without paying any subscriber fees AND without any ads coming across your viewing screen, that means multiple entities are spending their resources to put something before your eyes. Is someone making money off of Amite or Saint Helena Catholic Church with this video on this channel: no.
wow WHAT A PRIEST. HOW I WISH THEY WERE ALL 20% as good as Father Mark Beard. Why do all the best priests that the whole world needs RIGHT NOW go home so early, I am sure he is with Jesus Christ, so we can all be glad for him. There is no place he would rather be. He can help mankind even more now. THANK THE LORD FOR THE TIME WE ALL HAD FATHER BEARD HERE ON EARTH. PRAISE GOD.
He’s still helping us after he’s gone…many ppl (like myself) are hearing his homilies for the first time…
Rest in peace dear father ❤
He is one of a kind, never will we have someone like him. May you rest in piece dear fr. Mark, i am praying for you. Pray for us!
Father Mark Beard is in Heaven with God the Father, the Son And The Holy Spirit. Amen. Praying for all of us who Love’s God. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
We should each pray for Fr Mark’s soul and not say he is in a better place as he said in one of his homilies
@@lucyphillip6583 I do pray for his soul, I have a long list of people and soul’s that I pray for. Every morning and night I pray the Divine mercy chaplet for the holy souls in purgatory and say it during the day. I pray constantly. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@@bill4852 awesome!! Please say a prayer for conversion of my mother and sister, thank you for all the prayers that you do! :)
@@cehson your welcome: I’m adding them to my prayer list now 🙏🙏🙏!!!
I've never heard a Priest as powerful a speaker as Father Beard. He speaks like Billy Graham in his homilies - and no, I am not calling him a Protestant - but he speaks loud and bold words - I just found him and now he's gone. He was a man on fire for the Lord, and His people. Praise God I found him - his homilies have much to teach me.
Some of the work of Saint Alphonsus Ligouri has been published, even in the last year the amount of material from his Sermons Throughout the Year has multiplied on the internet. A link to download a pdf of his material is: and a more secure link is at:
Billy graham did not pray the rosary 📿
@@MountainOfThunderGuess Billy missed out.
Amen! He was a priest on fire!
He’s one of the best homilists I’ve ever heard😊
Wish we had more priests with this conviction
There are many world over. Priesthood of Christ is one. America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia has such kind of priests. The reason is simple. They are called by Jesus Christ their master and Saviour. Rev Fr Mark Beards was one of the witnesses to the truth.
May Father's soul rest in peace 🙏 I love this Priest and his homilies. Everyone should listen to him.
He's gone? I've just found him. What a powerful man of God!
Lord raise up more brave priests to speak to us. Touch our priests, convert them for we all need conversion daily. Touch even those who entered the priesthood to destroy it! May your salvation grace be upon all. Blessed Mother pray for us. 🙏🥀♥️😇📿🌹
May God the Father wash Fr Mark with the precious blood of Jesus at His judgment and Perfect Contrition at his passing. .....
Pray this for Father Mark and all of our loved ones everyday.
There is no past with God. There is no future with God. There is only the eternal present with God, because God dwells outside of time and space. Every moment of our life is before God at all times even after our passing.
@@victoriousone1YES LORD POWERFUL TESTIMONIALS ❤😊😇🙏❤️🔥❤💜
He is amazing! How I wish u could've actually met him! May his soul rest in peace. God pour your mercy upon him. ❤
Even after Fathers Mark’s death he is gaining souls and devotion for Jesus. Such awesome homilies. 😢I wish I had known him in life. ❤
Fr Mark is the making of a SAINT . Rest in the arms of JESUS 😢FR MARK BEARD . You sure worked well for the LORD 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Keep praying!!
He left his mark in this world…. Fr Mark, rest in peace. You are in my daily prayers. Thank you for giving so unselfishly of yourself, not only to your congregation, but to all of us who were able to hear your words by having your homilies taped. I go to them daily. Fr Mark. Pray for us🙏
I’d not known him until he was killed in his accident. I totally wish I’d known him before as he was an awesome preacher. Never have I seen a priest like him - his homily are to be so treasured, on fire for GOD!
I would of traveled out of state just to of listened to one of his homilies! He was amazing! I pray for you like you asked...but I know you are sitting at the table with the Lord! ❤
Thank You Lord For Sending This Wonderful Priest To Us!! A Gift From God....Rest In Peace Fr.Beard! I Love What You Taught All Of Us..Truly Our Lord Sent You To Us!! We Are Soo Blessed TO See and Hear His Fabulous Wonderful Teachings..Thank You Lord For Sending Him To Us Hear On Earth.. AMEM...Spreading Spread Fr.Mark's Fabulous Healing Taughts!! A Gift From Our Lord..Amen!
I am so sad he is gone. Happy for him, sad for us😢❤
How active you were dear father. May you in heaven above pray for us all. Amen
Pray for his soul! He has purgatory to endure!
“People will know you are a follower of Jesus Christ by HOW you react.” Legendary quote.
Fr. Mark changed my life. He was taken to soon. God Bless and Prayers Rest in Peace. I have all his Homilies save for future viewing and reflection.
Mine too brother.🙏❤️
Looking from a distance at how the Holy Trinity works, I see that someone prayed for you, Jude, to prepare you to absorb into your being what Fr. Beard had to say. Someone prayed for Fr. Beard to be molded into the vessel that he turned out to be. The Holy Spirit was completely involved in the process. You had to yield to the Holy Spirit, and Fr. Beard had to yield to the Holy Spirit. Fr. Beard was an obedient vessel. You are now charged with remaining holy and continuing to seek the Will of God and to do the Will of God in your life. Amen? Amen!
As I said to Jude, someone prayed for you, Keith, to prepare you to absorb into your being what Fr. Beard had to say. Someone prayed for Fr. Beard to be molded into the vessel that he turned out to be. The Holy Spirit was completely involved in the process. You had to yield to the Holy Spirit, and Fr. Beard had to yield to the Holy Spirit. Fr. Beard was an obedient vessel. You are now charged with remaining holy and continuing to seek the Will of God and to do the Will of God in your life. Amen? Amen!
I have all his Homilies saved, so I’ll always be prepared too receive the good word. Amen
Absolutely no coincidences, my life was changed completely during one of his homily’s 3 years ago. No longer a cafeteria Catholic.
I love this priest
We need Catholic priest like Father Beard. Loud and tells it like it is and bringing many to the church. Rest in peace🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Fr Mark!!
I wish he was still here
JMJ+ amen Father amen thank you for your teaching of the Mass and Catechism.......thanks to the tech folks for keeping this homilies available.....
Reached western Massachusetts 🙏
JMJ+ He's in my daily Rosary for souls. Please pray for him and all the Priests and Religious in Purgatory. Thanks.
Amen!!! We need more priests teaching us like Fr. It’s seems as though he can do much more in heaven!!! And yes I am praying for you every prayers every minute I am in adoration, rosaries, Mass, I am praying for u because u said to. If not you will haunt us. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@@lynneareckson2166pray for every soul in purgatory
I love this powerful Priest, man he speaks so loud, to get us all to understand, he makes himself hoarse !! God bless Fr Mark Beard and I pray his soul rests in peace !!
I wish our Catholic Priest was like this. Father Mark Beard RIP was an eloquent, inspirational speaker who had the holy spirit running through his veins.
I feel his Heart 🙏🏻 His words are are desperately trying to wake us up. God
speaks thru him
These videos are priceless
Love Father Beard..wish he is still around!
My God - Gob bless Fr. Beard!!!
Amen amen this priest is on fire. 😢I know you are with our Lord and still saving souls.please pray for me. Thank you for giving us these homilies. I watch them daily .
He was so awesome just heard of. Few days ago before the" accident" not too late just in time Rip I'm speaking to the children at park not on fence but she's in fantasy world. Pray for the children. Vibrant personality and a little humor too!! Modern day prophet,! Amrn
Rest In Peace Father Mark. You are never forgotten.
You know what? I am looking forward to the day I'll meet you, Fr. Mark Beard, in our final DESTINATION. Fr. Mark Beard pray for us!!!
If we had more priest like father beard, we would not lost so many to the Protestant faith God bless you, father Beard you are one of a kind
RIP Father Beard. You are still helping me.
Wow this is helping me so much on my way to conversion ! What a discovery tonight for me !
Thank you Father !
Modern times and thank God Fr. Mark’s homilies are recorded for us to hear! Thanks be to God 🙏🏼
Fr Mark will work well from Heaven for us all . Keep Fr Mark in your prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Praise God ❤️🔥 for Father Mark!
May he be canonized.
He has inspired my life greatly.
Rest in Peace Father
I really miss Fr. Mark Beard I replay his homilies so many time over n over again😢may u rest in peace Fr. Mark🙏
This Priest opens anyone’s heart 💜, no matter how disbelief it could be.
What a blessing he was. Please pray for us, Father. 🙏✝️🙏❤️
Pray for us❤
I like most people found fr beard when it was to late ,he was gone and then i got thinking na i found him just in time , i love that man i swear he brought me back to my god ... all about timing i guess,,,
I'am so Happy!! I found Father Beard although It was sad for me upon his passing. To those who did his video's From the bottom of my Heart, Thank you so much. 🙏💚☘
The videos are done to be a blessing to others. Thank you for taking the time to reply, Nancy!
Fr Mark…please pray for us
Thank you Jesus, i needed to meet Fr Mark.
Requiescat in Pace Fr Mark Beard
Wow 🤯 I have learned so much about our faith just from listening to Father in his homilies
What a blessing he was. We need more holy priests like him 🙏🙏
Amen 🙏
Rest in God's Grace and Glory 🔥 ✝️ Amen
He dearly missed.
Totally awesome and eye awakening. Praise be Jesus Christ 📿📿📿🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Once again I would like to thank God for giving us Father Mark, may all my prayers be for his being in your glory
Father Mark is truly one of a kind priest. We need more of his homily, and telling his parishioners the truth in order to save our souls at the end of our lives, that is what counts. I heard his homily by chance in RUclips God gave me that grace. And blessing I learned so much from him. I will be praying the rosary and invoking his name father Mark, so that he will be in the glory of God’s home heaven amen.🙏
I feel he is among great modern spiritual leaders in the Church along with Bishop Fulton Sheen but in his own unique style.
The Best thanks Father MARK BEARD ....REST IN GOD'S PEACE ... PRAY FOR US ... ❤🎉 ✝️ 🙌 📿 🙏
God bless you father, thank you for the truth. Amen.
I feel like I'm hearing a saint speak. I wonder if he was military prior to seminary. Power.!
He was a gift to the world around him, and now his powerful message lives on. I found his homilies a few days before his passing, and I have offered up many communions for his soul. Again, what a gift he has been in my life as I shared his homilies with so many people. May he have the grace to be with JMJ in Heaven for all eternity for him to intercede for us. God rest his soul. ✝️🙏❤️
Jesus is the only one according to scripture that Intercedes on our behalf.
Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
His statements, in light of the fact that six months later he died, are nothing short of miraculous...amazing and stunning...dts/usa
So very true. It's like the Lord and our Lady said, "Father, your time is short. Give it your all. He
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow 🙏 Thank you 💐
I can't stop watching these, even tho, I've watched them before.....such passion... it's contagious.
Thrilled with this fine Priest's Homilies being placed Online...Such a spontaneous theologian approaching everything with humor, joy, and truth. That southern accent combined with such passion and truth in the Divine brings a whole new dimension to faith. Doubtless, his words are uniquely inspired by God.
Thankful for the dedication, devotion,& diligence that bring uplifting words that give us strength to persevere when demonic attacks are so real and neverending.... I'm grateful I can hear God sent folks - we need reminders on our journey 🙏🌹 💜
Well said!
I needed to hear your words to stop being distracted. Thank you!
Miss him 😢 glad they still have his sermons online.😊
Good Father, may your soul those of all your lineage rest in peace. Your message resonates with my mournful Monica heart.
Almost a year ago today, I heard God say to me, “Better your name be written in the book of life, then for your picture to ever be in a book of the world”
After being denied having a picture with my son and his bride on their wedding day, only to find out that my ex and his wife were given the honor.
Yes, better my name to be written in the book of the life in my picture to ever be in a book of the world.
He is a great Orator!
I totally agree sas that FrbBeard lost his life so tragically ❤
Thank you God for sending us fr
I love you Fr. Beard!!!
Spot on ❤
I wll Always choose GOOD..LORD'S WAY..I AM A CHILD OF GOD✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️
GOD's drill sargeant! LOVE HIM!
Please help me pray to God for the miracle healing of my Heart teeth gums eyes ears stomach lungs and all the organs and parts of my body mind spirit and especially for my family's health and financial breakthrough 🙏 All Glory And Praise Be To God 🙌 Thank You Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
1,2 & 3 a sampling! Knockout POWERFUL!!!
Rest in peace Father🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank God for technology .
His sermons will be heard over & over. I will be hearing them.
He died the same way, my Uncle died😭😭😭💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹😭😭😭💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🌹🌹
Was your uncle's first name Robert? Anna Maria, may Our Lord continue to comfort you and guide you. Look to Jesus to direct you in fulfilling His Will for you each day. Amen!
A John the Baptist of modern times!
Why was Fr Mark taken so young when he was doing such excellent work for the Lord? Answer: God's ways are not Man's ways ..
Beautiful sermon that i learn from you Father Mark that faith can not be neutral ? Neutral means that person is lukewarm ? Faith is like Yes or No ?
He is in a league like that of Father John Corapi SOLT...a priest after the Heart of Jesus Christ.
I agree!
THIS is what we need to forward, over and over and over again!!!! SALT! OIL for spiritual lamps!
Someone please help me understand how a priest can be the High Priest and forgive us of our sins? I'm studying the catholic faith and want to know the answers but only backed up by Scriptures. Hebrews chapter 5 is speaking of Jesus as the Only High Priest. In my understanding, i can only determine that Jesus is the only one who can forgive someone of their sins.
I was waiting for others to jump in and explain this but apparently they are not. The Catholic faith says that Jesus’ priesthood was also given to men so that they could continue his earthly work of forgiving sins.
In the Gospel of John 20:19-23, it reads, “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
You have an excellent question which you should direct to either the priest or the deacon teaching your Order of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA class
So to whom are these donations routed? I would hate to see Father being used.
In the description of the video is a link to the main page of Saint Helena Church in Amite. On that page, on the left hand side, are some directions on how to donate. If, for any reason, you are not able to visit that page, the main phone number of the parish office is 985-748-9057. Ask for Laura Faust, (Administration). You may leave her a message by email at:
Due to all parish staff being overwhelmed with the events of last week, the staff will not be back in the office until August 21, 2023.
I am sending donations to Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge Massachusetts where he loved St Faustina...JESUS I TRUST IN YOU ❤
Catholic priests need to be taught how to preach. Most of us need to be preached at. We'll never know it may be our last Holy Mass. Fr. Beard didn't.
Has it determined what caused his accident
Ir has been speculated that he may have had a medical emergency which resulted in his vehicle leaving the roadway and hitting the culvert.
Thank you. It has been on my heart that his car was electronically taken over, which caused the accident taking his life. He was extremely brave in speaking and standing for the truths of the Catholic faith, which did not sit well with those in opposition to the true teachings of the Catholic faith. An amazing faithful person to Jesus Christ
17:25 if i tell people this day you will be in paradise, are they under no obligation to believe me, and usually don't. However as no one was taking notes, we do not know what jesus said..i doubt whether he would be chit chatting to his fellows across the way like they were at a saturday matinee movie or something...amen
Let's look at the whole picture. Crucifixion was and is the most gruesome and painful means of execution. 1,025 years before it was used on Jesus, BEFORE IT WAS EVEN INVENTED, King David wrote about Jesus' execution in this manner in Psalm 22.
The Romans desired to make execution in this manner as the greatest crime deterrent. They devised ways to speed up or keep the execution going slowly. Yes, there was plenty of time to, as you say, "chit-chat" while dying, as executions could go on for days, and I know my wife, when she is in tremendous pain will say things that she does not remember that she said. So I believe that Saint Dismas, the repentant criminal, said what he said, and Jesus said what he said, and both said what they said with immense sincerity.
Who were witness to this? In the Gospel of John we see the unnamed women, the mother of the Lord and her sister; and 2 women by the names of Mary of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene." (John 19:25)
As Luke the Apostle records in the Gospel of Luke, there were many women, but these stand prominently out, as having been most closely associated with Him:
"A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him." (Luke 23:27)
"But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things." (Luke 23:49)
The Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John speak of the presence of the soldiers, and of the two malefactors crucified one on either side of Jesus.
The Apostles Matthew, Mark, and Luke draw special attention to the centurion in charge of the carrying out of the crucifixion, and they give some account of how he was impressed in the presence of the Jesus the Crucified.
According to Matthew he said, "Surely he was the Son of God" (Matthew 27:54)
According to Mark, "Surely this Man was the Son of God" (Mark 15:39)
According to Luke, "Surely this was a righteous Man" (Luke 23:47)
The presence of the chief priests is recorded by Matthew, Mark, and John with Luke making no reference to them. Matthew, Mark, and Luke refer to the scribes, elders, or rulers, comprising the Sanhedrin, while John ignores their presence.
"In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him." (Matthew 27:41)
"In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. 'He saved others,' they said, 'but he can’t save himself!'" (Mark 15: 31)
"The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, 'He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.'” (Luke 23:35)
"The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, 'He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.'" (John 19:21)
It was no accident that Jesus was crucified between 2 thieves. There are no accidents in a world that is governed by God. Much less could there have been any accident on that day, or in connection with that event of all events - a day and an event which lie at the very center of the world’s history. No, God was presiding over that scene. From all eternity He had decreed when and where and how and with whom his Son should die. Nothing was left to chance or the impulsiveness of man. All that God had decreed came to pass exactly as He had ordained, and nothing happened save as He had eternally purposed. Whatsoever man did was simply that which God’s hand and counsel "determined to be done" (Acts 4:28).
When Pilate gave orders that the Lord Jesus should be crucified between the two criminals, all unknown to himself, he was simply putting into execution the eternal decree of God and fulfilling His prophetic word. 700 years before Pilate gave his command, God had declared through the prophet Isaiah that Jesus should be "numbered with the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12). How utterly unlikely this appeared, that the Holy One of God should be numbered with the unholy; that the very one whose finger had inscribed on the tables of stone the Law should be assigned a place with the lawless; that the Son of God should be executed with criminals - this seemed utterly inconceivable. Yet, it actually came to pass. Not a single word of God can fall to the ground. "Forever, O Lord, your word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89). Just as God had ordained, and just as He had announced, so it came to pass.
What is this donate? Is SOMEONE making $ off this hard working community???
Lou, do you donate food, clothing, time, energy, money to any organization? Behind the video, Saint Helena Catholic Church donated the use of the 4 videos for 1 purpose. I donated the time to edit the videos, the use of the software and hardware to put it together and to upload it. RUclips donated and continues to donate the use of their software and hardware to both Saint Helena Catholic Church and myself to enable you to see the video in the format in which you watch it. You have an opportunity to donate to help the poor in another location on planet Earth. You do not have to donate. If you watch RUclips without paying any subscriber fees AND without any ads coming across your viewing screen, that means multiple entities are spending their resources to put something before your eyes. Is someone making money off of Amite or Saint Helena Catholic Church with this video on this channel: no.
A homily should at most last for 10 minutes or a protestant gained His Church, pride that skirt.