  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 787

  • @Fumeyamyam
    @Fumeyamyam  Год назад +349

    안녕하세요 辛메라니안 여러분 🙇🏻‍♀ 오늘은 인도음식 꿀조합을 준비했어요 ! 🇮🇳 인도식 볶음밥인 치킨비리야니, 탄두리치킨, 치킨티카마살라, 카다이프라운 (새우커리), 코코넛난, 갈릭난, 라씨까지 ! ! ! ! !
    인도 구독자분들이 예전부터 요청을 주셨는데 이제서야,,,! 인도 현지 쉐프님께서 직접 만드시는 인도음식들이에요! 택배로 받아서 편하게 조리해서 먹었는데 정말 맛있더라고요,,, 👍🏻
    치킨비리야니는 꼬슬꼬슬한 쌀알 식감이 너무 좋았고, 커리 쓱싹 비벼서 먹으면 꿀맛,, 탄두리치킨도 순살이라 먹기도 편한데 완전 부드럽고 바삭하고 맛있었어요! 두 가지 커리, 카다이프라운이랑 치킨티카마살라는 매콤해서 달달한 코코넛과 마늘향 찐한 갈릭난 함께 먹어도 말모말모,, 🥹
    하나하나 전부 다 너무 맛있어서 정신 놓고 먹어버렸어요,,, 마무리로 빠질 수 없는 상큼꾸덕한 라씨까지 완벽한 인도음식 한상차림 제대로 즐겼습니다아 - ! 한 번 빠지면 멈출 수 없는 인도음식,,, 집에서 인도음식으로 인도여행 떠나보세요 😋 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다! 모두모두 행복하세요 ❣🙋🏻‍♀
    🧡 푸메 오픈채팅방 Chat with FUME :
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    Hi, guys! 🙇🏻‍♀ Today I brought the ultimate combo of Indian foods: Chicken Biryani, Tandoori Chicken, Chicken Tikka Masala, Kadai Prawn (prawn curry), Coconut Naan, Garlic Naan, and Lassi! I’ve been receiving a lot of requests from my Indian subscribers, so I’m going to finally try it! Chicken Biryani is Indian-style fried rice, and I really loved the texture of the rice! It tastes amazing with curry! I also loved the tandoori chicken especially because it was boneless! It was so easy to eat, tender, and crispy! The two kinds of curry were quite spicy, so they went great with both kinds of naan I brought! Each food was so delicious that I ended up devouring all of it! Today’s drink was lassi, so I think it really was a perfect Indian meal! Indian food is so addicting! I would love to visit India someday and try the local food! Thank you so much for watching! 🙏🏻
    こんにちは、皆さん🙇🏻‍♀ 今日は私が好きなインド料理の最高の組み合わせを用意しました! 🇮🇳 チキンビリヤニ、タンドリーチキン、チキンティカマサラ、カダイプラウン(エビカレー)、ココナッツナン、ガーリックナン、ラッシーまで!!!!インドの方々が以前からリクエストをしてくださって、食べるようになりました! インド風チャーハンのチキンビリヤニはコリコリとした米粒の食感がとても良かったです。カレーを混ぜて食べると最高の味,,タンドリーチキンも骨なしで食べやすいのにとても柔らかくておいしかったです! 二つのカレー、カーダイフラウンドとチキンティカマサラは辛くて甘いココナッツとニンニクの香りが濃厚なガーリックナンを一緒に食べても本当によく合いました! 🥹 一つ一つ全部とてもおいしくて気を取られてしまいました! 仕上げにインド料理に欠かせないさわやかなラッシーまで完璧なインド料理の一膳立てをしっかり楽しみましたあ!一度はまったら止められないインド料理です! 機会があればぜひインド現地に行って食べてみたいです 😋いつも視聴してくださる方々に感謝します! 🙏🏻
    Chào các bạn 🙇🏻‍♀ Hôm nay, mình đã chuẩn bị combo siêu ngon với món ăn Ấn Độ mà mình yêu thích! 🇮🇳 Có cơm chiên Biryani, gà nướng Tandoori, cà ri gà Tikka Masala, cà ri Kadai Fraun vị tôm, bánh naan vị tỏi và dừa sưa chua lassi! ! ! ! ! Các bạn theo dõi kênh mình ở Ấn Độ đã yêu cầu mình ăn món này lâu rồi nhưng bây giờ mình mới có thể ăn được! Cơm chiên kiểu Ấn Độ cơm chiên gà Biryani có các hạt cơm giòn rất ngon, khi ăn chung với cà ri thì vị càng ngon hơn. Gà nướng Tandoori không xương nên rất dễ ăn, thịt mềm bên trong giòn ngon bên ngoài! Hai món cà ri tôm Kadai Fraun và cà ri gà Tikka Masala có vị cay cay ăn cùng với bánh naan vị dừa và toit ngọt ngọt thơm thơm rất ngon! 🥹 Món nào cũng ngon đến mức mình ăn liên tục! Ăn xong mình đã thưởng thức một cách trọn vẹn những món ăn hoàn hảo của Ấn Độ với nước uống sữa chua lassi chua ngọt mát lạnh, đồ uống không thể thiếu trong ẩm thực Ấn Độ! Một khi đã thử các bạn sẽ mê món ăn Ấn Độ ngay! Nếu có cơ hội mình nhất định muốn đến Ấn Độ để ăn thử 😋 Cảm ơn các bạn đã luôn theo dõi mình! 🙏🏻
    Halo semuanya! 🙇🏻‍♀ Hari ini saya membawa kombinasi terbaik dari makanan India: Ayam Biryani, Ayam Tandoori, Ayam Tikka Masala, Udang Kadai (kari udang), Naan Kelapa, Naan Bawang Putih, dan Lassi! Saya telah menerima banyak permintaan dari pelanggan India saya, jadi saya akhirnya akan mencobanya! Chicken Biryani adalah nasi goreng ala India, dan saya sangat menyukai tekstur nasinya! Rasanya luar biasa dengan kari! Saya juga menyukai ayam tandoori terutama karena tanpa tulang! Sangat mudah dimakan, empuk, dan renyah! Kedua jenis kari ini cukup pedas, jadi mereka cocok dengan kedua jenis naan yang saya bawa! Setiap makanan sangat lezat sehingga saya akhirnya melahap semuanya! Minuman hari ini adalah lassi, jadi menurut saya itu benar-benar makanan India yang sempurna! Makanan India sangat membuat ketagihan! Saya ingin mengunjungi India suatu hari nanti dan mencoba makanan lokal! Terima kasih banyak telah menonton! 🙏🏻

    • @Fumeyamyam
      @Fumeyamyam  Год назад +15

      مرحباً جميعاً! 🙇🏻‍♀ أحضرت اليوم مزيجًا مثاليًا من الأطعمة الهندية: دجاج برياني ، دجاج تندوري ، دجاج تيكا ماسالا ، كادي روبيان (كاري الجمبري) ، نان جوز الهند ، نان بالثوم ، ولاسي! لقد تلقيت الكثير من الطلبات من المشتركين الهنود ، لذا سأحاول أخيرًا ذلك! برياني الدجاج هو أرز مقلي على الطريقة الهندية ، وقد أحببتُ قوام الأرز حقًا! طعمها مذهل مع الكاري! كما أنني أحببت دجاج التندوري خاصةً لأنه كان منزوع العظم! كان من السهل جدًا تناول الطعام ، وطريًا ، ومقرمشًا! كان نوعا الكاري حارًا جدًا ، لذلك كانا رائعين مع كلا النوعين من خبز النان الذي أحضرته! كان كل طعام لذيذًا لدرجة أنني انتهيت من التهامه كله! كان مشروب اليوم لاسي ، لذلك أعتقد أنه كان حقًا وجبة هندية مثالية! الطعام الهندي مدمن جدا! أود زيارة الهند يومًا ما وتجربة الطعام المحلي! شكرا جزيلا للمشاهدة! 🙏🏻
      Herkese selam! 🙇🏻‍♀ Bugün Hint yemeklerinin mükemmel kombinasyonunu getirdim: Chicken Biryani, Tandoori Chicken, Chicken Tikka Masala, Kadai Prawn (körili karides), Coconut Naan, Garlic Naan ve Lassi! Hintli abonelerimden çok sayıda istek alıyorum, bu yüzden sonunda deneyeceğim! Chicken Biryani, Hint usulü kızarmış pilavdır ve pirincin dokusuna gerçekten bayıldım! Köri ile tadı harika! Tandır tavuğunu da özellikle kemiksiz olduğu için çok sevdim! Yemesi çok kolay, yumuşacık ve çıtır çıtır oldu! İki çeşit köri oldukça baharatlıydı, bu yüzden getirdiğim iki çeşit naanla harika gittiler! Her yemek o kadar lezzetliydi ki hepsini yuttum! Bugünün içeceği lassiydi, bu yüzden gerçekten mükemmel bir Hint yemeği olduğunu düşünüyorum! Hint yemekleri çok bağımlılık yapıyor! Bir gün Hindistan'ı ziyaret etmeyi ve yerel yemekleri tatmayı çok isterim! İzlediğiniz için çok teşekkürler. 🙏🏻
      हेलो सब लोग! 🙇🏻‍♀ आज मैं भारतीय खाद्य पदार्थों का बेहतरीन संयोजन लेकर आया हूं: चिकन बिरयानी, तंदूरी चिकन, चिकन टिक्का मसाला, कढ़ाई झींगा (झींगा करी), नारियल नान, लहसुन नान, और लस्सी! मुझे अपने भारतीय ग्राहकों से बहुत सारे अनुरोध प्राप्त हो रहे हैं, इसलिए मैं अंततः इसे आज़माने जा रहा हूँ! चिकन बिरयानी भारतीय शैली का तला हुआ चावल है, और मुझे चावल की बनावट बहुत पसंद आई! करी के साथ इसका स्वाद अद्भुत है! मुझे तंदूरी चिकन भी बहुत पसंद आया क्योंकि इसमें कोई हड्डी नहीं थी! यह खाने में बहुत आसान, कोमल और कुरकुरा था! दोनों प्रकार की करी काफी मसालेदार थीं, इसलिए वे मेरे द्वारा लाए गए दोनों प्रकार के नान के साथ बहुत अच्छी लगीं! प्रत्येक भोजन इतना स्वादिष्ट था कि मैं सारा का सारा खा गया! आज का पेय लस्सी था, इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि यह वास्तव में एक आदर्श भारतीय भोजन था! भारतीय खाना इतना लुभावना है! मुझे किसी दिन भारत आना और स्थानीय भोजन आज़माना अच्छा लगेगा! देखने के लिए आपको बहुत - बहुत धन्यवाद! 🙏🏻

    • @qwert0508
      @qwert0508 Год назад +1

      푸메님 주말잘지내세요❤️❤️👏👏

    • @bhimpun7722
      @bhimpun7722 Год назад +1

      eat nepali food please please 🙏😇

    • @saidivyakomaravolu2751
      @saidivyakomaravolu2751 Год назад

      ❤❤❤ I love your videos mam, If you want to visit India 🇮🇳 and try local food... I highly recommend you to come to South India since you love spicy food.. The food in South India is spicier than North india.. I love north indian food too but spice level of South India is good and you will love it. You can visit hyderabad in South India for best biryani.

    • @livearham5685
      @livearham5685 Год назад


  • @PusherFX
    @PusherFX Год назад +413

    I,ve never seen a foreigner eating indian food without disturbing the culture of eating the naan along curry, she litrellay did it so perfectly. ❤ we would absolutely love to see more indian foods soon

    • @Nivithecutiepie
      @Nivithecutiepie 6 месяцев назад

      How bro she literally ate that biryani with eggs how that can be a perfect indian meal

  • @shinchan432
    @shinchan432 Год назад +892

    Being an Indian I've never seen such crispy Naan. Whatever I had till now were very soft.
    And I'm glad you liked Indian food ❤

    • @Fumeyamyam
      @Fumeyamyam  Год назад +308

      Yeah I think I overcooked it lol... but tasted so good 🥹

    • @shinchan432
      @shinchan432 Год назад +57

      @@Fumeyamyam aww you are so humble 🥺😇

    • @_shreya_9795
      @_shreya_9795 Год назад +20

      Naan is not supposed to be totally crispy . Its chewy and stretchy and crispy where it's a bit burnt only

    • @khushism1694
      @khushism1694 Год назад +1


    • @pupshow6059
      @pupshow6059 Год назад +2


  • @debasmita6304
    @debasmita6304 Год назад +177

    Being an Indian, and a Biriyani lover, I must tell you that Biriyani is eaten with boiled egg, not fried eggs (as u mentioned in the video). It's authentic Biriyani served with boiled egg in India, and in some parts with potato as well. Anyways, your videos are amazing. Keep it up!

    • @epicgamer671
      @epicgamer671 Год назад +8

      You are talking about bengali biryani , to be specific

    • @pjv15305
      @pjv15305 Год назад +11

      ​@@epicgamer671naah here in Kerala we use boiled eggs as well ..not sure about other states...i have never seen any biriyani with a fried egg

    • @varshavarsha5927
      @varshavarsha5927 Год назад

      Yeah briyani and boiled egg best combo ever

    • @Mimi_0016
      @Mimi_0016 Год назад

      @@pjv15305 I don't think biryani is eaten with fried eggs

    • @Harry_shin
      @Harry_shin Год назад +4

      Usually, Koreans like to eat boiled eggs with Ramen and soup the most, but when it comes to rice, they prefer fried.

  • @ganga_bomzon
    @ganga_bomzon Год назад +114

    I just love the way how she eats❤ especially the expression after having a first bite of meal is olways so precious 🥺💟 Lot's of love from NEPAL 🇳🇵. I LOVE YOU FUME❤

  • @_prachipatil._
    @_prachipatil._ Год назад +86

    can we all just appreciate how good she did the transitions for making the foods

  • @hansikajain690
    @hansikajain690 Год назад +29

    10/10 for pronunciation of dishes an indian approves thanks for showing so much of respect to our food the way u eat it is apt as well🫶🫶🫶

  • @vaibhavijaiswal1844
    @vaibhavijaiswal1844 Год назад +31

    Sis was so into the Indian food that she forgot she had kimchi😂😂(she had it after more than half the vdo ended)

  • @bibhekchhaadhikari
    @bibhekchhaadhikari Год назад +67

    In India every place has its own variation of biriyani, where I live we like to add boiled egg and seasoned boiled potatoes to our biriyani. It is called Kolkata Biriyani and we love it.

  • @mongmong3026
    @mongmong3026 Год назад +12

    어디서 사신건지 궁금해요!저도 먹고싶어요 커리ㅠ

  • @emmadari
    @emmadari Год назад +11

    The way you eat Nan with hand is professional Indian❤️🤗I really do like it ....lots of love from India ❤

  • @ikapea
    @ikapea Год назад +34

    Its nice to see you tried Indian food. Im not an indian. But where I am from, we have Malay, Chinese, Indian food sold daily, everywhere within local neighbourhood, in school canteens and workplace. Im in awe you can stomach all the spice 😮😂

    • @vartikasreviews6121
      @vartikasreviews6121 Год назад +1

      Can I know from which country you are ?

    • @Akay405
      @Akay405 Год назад

      Koreans are even more spice tolerant as their food is also v spicy

  • @SampurnaASMR
    @SampurnaASMR Год назад +21

    I've never had biryani with fried eggs but this makes me SO curious to try! 😭✨

  • @srishtishukla7414
    @srishtishukla7414 Год назад +12

    Finally yaayyyy !!!! Thankyou for choosing Indian food. I really love your videos. Lot's of love from India.❤️☺️🙏🏻

  • @riyaaacore
    @riyaaacore Год назад +5

    i think fume liked the curry's gravy she tried to finish it all at once with biryani omg she's so cute 😭😭lots of love from India ❤❤

  • @aarya..
    @aarya.. Год назад +128

    이런 영상은 남들과 달라요💗😭

  • @harshitkumar5294
    @harshitkumar5294 Год назад +41

    Food look so delicious 😋
    Thank you Fume for introducing Indian 🇮🇳 cuisine

  • @4real-
    @4real- Год назад +5

    Indian food so good, you forgot to eat the legendary Kimchi 😅, it was left untouched lol

  • @barrybones506
    @barrybones506 Год назад +12

    Really nice of you to learn the proper way of breaking the naan 😊 Love your mukbangs! ❤

  • @barbiebezbaruah1511
    @barbiebezbaruah1511 Год назад +17

    Glad that you liked Indian food ❤️

  • @Ts-i2n
    @Ts-i2n 3 месяца назад +1

    인도 음식을 진짜 맛보고 싶다면 인도에 와서 직접 먹어보세요.💗

  • @deepthim3364
    @deepthim3364 Год назад +12

    Great food combo today
    You should try South Indian food ( Parota with chicken curry) it’s so good
    Lots of love from India ❤️❤️

  • @ابوحسين-ي7ش
    @ابوحسين-ي7ش Год назад +203

    나는 이라크에서 당신을 사랑합니다 ❤🇮🇶

    • @_EVA-gt7ul
      @_EVA-gt7ul Год назад +11

      بنت بلدي 😭💗

    • @Luvioi
      @Luvioi Год назад +12

      هلاا بيج انا هم عراقيه🇮🇶😂💗

    • @ابوحسين-ي7ش
      @ابوحسين-ي7ش Год назад +5

      ​@@_EVA-gt7ulحياتي ❤😭

    • @ابوحسين-ي7ش
      @ابوحسين-ي7ش Год назад +5

      ​@@Luvioiحبيبتي 😭

    • @_EVA-gt7ul
      @_EVA-gt7ul Год назад +5

      @@ابوحسين-ي7ش لحظة توني انتبهة انو اسمك علي انت بنت او ولد

  • @arpitasingh7395
    @arpitasingh7395 Год назад +26

    Thank you Fume for trying these Indian dishes❤❤ love from India 🎉

  • @fatmaonay7579
    @fatmaonay7579 Год назад +3

    Diğer elinizi neden kullanmıyorsunuz naan yerken tek elle bölmeye çalışıyorsunuz? Afiyet olsun harika bir menü ❤🎉

  • @katt3089
    @katt3089 Год назад +18

    Being an Indian, I highly recommend you to visit our country and have the different budget friendly street food as well as the extravagant cuisines... there's a lot of other things which im sure u r gonna like cz u love spicy u❤

  • @박박소연-w2s
    @박박소연-w2s Год назад +4

    푸메님 이쁘게 드시구 사랑스럽습니다❤ 항상 몸건강조심 하세요. 사랑해요❤

  • @Bangtan0613purple
    @Bangtan0613purple Год назад +1

    인도음식 드셔주셔서 정말 감사해요 인도에 가보고 싶다고 인도 현지 음식도 먹어보고 싶다고 해주셔서 너무 감동이에요 정말 사랑해요 인도 꼭 가봐야겠어요 💜

  • @sandysandhiya5537
    @sandysandhiya5537 Год назад +40

    Proud to be a 🇮🇳 Indian...tnq ❤..yummy foods 😋 ♥️ love from India 🇮🇳

  • @sukanyaghosh24
    @sukanyaghosh24 9 месяцев назад +2

    Soo much love from India 🇮🇳 ❤

  • @9xiih_
    @9xiih_ 3 месяца назад +1

    For the first time in my life I see a Korean person eating Indian food!!🥹🫶🏻 CUTE

  • @savitrichinky8294
    @savitrichinky8294 Год назад +2

    Every foreigners only eat these types of things please just come to our india and try many different things l swear u will love it❤.u should also come south india its really great please come once and try indian food here 😊😊❤

  • @shvan3004
    @shvan3004 Год назад +1

    Fume you can try differnt different indian food like masala dosa , idli , mahrashtrian thali, sabhudana vada, vada pav..

  • @oliviajolly792
    @oliviajolly792 Год назад +11

    I been craving Indian food. Looks so delicious 😋.

  • @박기범-b2s
    @박기범-b2s Год назад +3

    인도 음식이 맛있겠어요
    다음 영상을 기다릴게요

  • @monalishapadhi2312
    @monalishapadhi2312 Год назад +8

    Wow you tried very nicely ❤️ Did you know Chicken Biryani is always our famous dish😊 Ok thank you sooo much for trying our country's food🙏

  • @yukisohma535
    @yukisohma535 Месяц назад

    Try 1)chicken bharta 2) Paneer tikka butter masala 3) chicken 65 4) Kulcha 5) chole bhature 6)Handi chicken 7) Pulao 8) lamb keema these are also great Indian dishes and the combo of chicken curry or chicken kosha with Puri is insanely popular among Bengali people so definitely try that too

  • @KomalKalma-et8uo
    @KomalKalma-et8uo Год назад +1

    If you come to visit India then keep some safety ❣️✨

  • @TejBhat
    @TejBhat Год назад +4

    love the way you take Indian food with delight. Love from America

  • @Disha_R
    @Disha_R Год назад +2

    If you are planning to visit India to try local Indian food definitely visit Kolkata from West Bengal. Local street foods of Kolkata are one of the best in India❤

  • @nanakoinoue4795
    @nanakoinoue4795 Год назад +2


  • @sofyyulanda2344
    @sofyyulanda2344 Год назад +1

    다음은 인도네시아 음식 먹기🥰🥰

  • @mdnayeem6922
    @mdnayeem6922 Год назад

    I have seen first time foreigner eating indian food and you are so sweet sis love to see you with indian food hope you liked it love from india hope you ll be liked millian

  • @SmrutiSahu-pz6cz
    @SmrutiSahu-pz6cz Год назад +1

    You should try south Indian food next time. Like idli sambar, Masala dosa, upma, Appe etc.

  • @Vaishnavi_Sharma_9166
    @Vaishnavi_Sharma_9166 Год назад +2

    Fume thanks for 🇮🇳Indian food🇮🇳 I like you videos ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @rinairfan
    @rinairfan Год назад +1

    When u want to heat up the naan, sprinkle water in frying pan and heat the naan... the naan will come out soft. I am glad u choose chicken tikka masala over butter chicken.. I always prefer chicken tikka masala cos they are spicier...

  • @kannanp5704
    @kannanp5704 11 месяцев назад +3

    India's food is always tasty 😋

    • @kannanp5704
      @kannanp5704 11 месяцев назад

      Thanks to eat that food

  • @sangitaprasad7531
    @sangitaprasad7531 Год назад +6

    Wow it was great watching you eat our delicacies so profoundly.keep showing more Indian style food .Thank you.❤❤🏵🏵⚘⚘

  • @yoongi_the_cat5014
    @yoongi_the_cat5014 Год назад +1

    Hi fume u should try pakistani dishes such as nihari, haleem, chicken korma etc!!! They are similiar to indian currys

  • @debadrita
    @debadrita Год назад +3

    Love from India 🇮🇳 ❤.....I love your videos very much....😊

  • @princisahu1232
    @princisahu1232 Год назад +1

    Please do Korean food vs Indian food mukbang
    Lots of love from India

  • @shagunkhajuria213
    @shagunkhajuria213 11 месяцев назад

    Em also a RUclipsr from India 🇮🇳.. loved it you tried Indian tasty cuisine. Next time try Indian smosa its a very delicious snack for muching

  • @bassamalsabah5366
    @bassamalsabah5366 9 месяцев назад +1

    아랍 음식 먹어볼 수 있나요? 맛있어요 😊

  • @simona5823
    @simona5823 9 месяцев назад +1

    Love from INDIA❤️

  • @rp16222
    @rp16222 Год назад +3

    You must try South Indian non veg items as well! Youll love it! ❤

  • @norae7434
    @norae7434 Год назад +4

    As an indian; My respect for you when you are naan with hands 😅❤

  • @菱宝动画-l6q
    @菱宝动画-l6q Год назад

    yea she also looked super happy when she was cutting open a live squid as it was trying it’s best to run away

  • @Sherein-Alhaj-Hussein
    @Sherein-Alhaj-Hussein Год назад +5

    Biryani chicken and tandoori chicken are so famous foods all over the world and they are the main dish in some restaurants in my country Syria because they are so yummy😊, and Fume try the Arabic cuisine also because it is so delicious.

  • @puspahazarika9043
    @puspahazarika9043 Год назад +2

    I am from northeast India and can please try northeastern region cuisines... It's totally a different delicacy from mainland India... Please try once... I'm a big fan of yours . Please unni please

  • @hrithikam1774
    @hrithikam1774 11 месяцев назад +1

    Is it just me, who feels a difference in this mukbang

  • @nimmi6885
    @nimmi6885 Год назад +1

    Her captions are so cute😩❤️

  • @ばけらった-n1i
    @ばけらった-n1i Год назад +2

    ココナッツナン 美味しそう😊
    しばらく 食べてないので
    今晩 食べようかな~

  • @Demon.Slqyer
    @Demon.Slqyer Год назад +1

    Love From India 🇮🇳

  • @lalithaTaduri
    @lalithaTaduri Год назад +3

    7:49 how cutely she said "chicken" 🥰

  • @nashrashaikh4531
    @nashrashaikh4531 Год назад +1

    진짜 맛이겠다~!🤤 저 인도 사람이요! 언니 정말 음식 잘 먹었어요!! 다음에 Pani Puri 한번 먹어보세요~~💗

  • @sugunadhamodharan7212
    @sugunadhamodharan7212 Год назад +2

    0:59 Here with lots of love🇮🇳

  • @drv5556
    @drv5556 10 месяцев назад +2

    Your intro is world class 😂😂😂😂😂.

  • @HappyHappy-rl9jb
    @HappyHappy-rl9jb Год назад +2

    Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳 💓💓

  • @judithvalantinal2980
    @judithvalantinal2980 Год назад +1

    🇮🇳🇮🇳❤️❤️❤️❤️Love from India unni❤️❤️❤️❤️🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @chaakhaai
    @chaakhaai Год назад +2

    Try out Bengali foods too!
    Such as Kacchi Biryani, Morog Polau, Plain Polau with Chicken roast or Chicken rezala, Chicken jaali kabab or Chicken Tikia.

  • @bnaik2070
    @bnaik2070 Год назад +1

    Love From India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @traumahealer6696
    @traumahealer6696 Год назад

    Eating biriyani with fingers is satisfying. Eating biriyani with wooden spoon is heaven ❤

  • @Nobody_0987
    @Nobody_0987 Год назад +2

    I am happy that you liked our country's food

  • @Nishum_Nepal
    @Nishum_Nepal Год назад +1

    Thank you fume sisiter for trying India food ❤❤

  • @poojaarora7402
    @poojaarora7402 Год назад +4

    It's so good to see you having Indian food 🥰

  • @adrianmorris1068
    @adrianmorris1068 Год назад +3

    That was my kinda dish, I love Indian food. Yum-mo!! 😊💕

  • @Lakshmichowdary7
    @Lakshmichowdary7 Год назад +1

    ❤ from INDIA🇮🇳

  • @fallinkpop
    @fallinkpop Год назад +3

    Even tho I'm Pakistani we share some common foods so I'm quite surpriseddd

  • @hirensarma600
    @hirensarma600 Год назад

    May God gives everyone food.

  • @safitrisantika2156
    @safitrisantika2156 Год назад +1

    형님 인도네시아 팬이에요..인도네시아 음식 메뉴로 먹방도 해보고...

  • @Alia_4
    @Alia_4 Год назад +1

    Ahhh.....looks yummy💛
    love uh❤i love watching your videos again and again😂
    Even when my wifi is off , i download your videos and watch them😊❤literally my youtube history is full of your videos😂❤keep doing great work❤
    May god bless uh with more delicious food😊❤

  • @qwert0508
    @qwert0508 Год назад +3

    푸메님 카레치킨먹방 잘봤습니다👍👍
    즐거운밤 되세요

    • @Fumeyamyam
      @Fumeyamyam  Год назад +3

      감사합니다 🥰🙏🏻 즐거운 밤 보내세요 !

    • @qwert0508
      @qwert0508 Год назад +1

      다음먹방 기대할께요

  • @박기범-b2s
    @박기범-b2s Год назад +1

    푸메님 카레치킨먹방 잘봤습니다 😊😊
    즐거운 밤 되세요

  • @rinkivishwakarma8318
    @rinkivishwakarma8318 3 месяца назад +1

    Please try this Indian food , samosa and pani puri ❤

  • @foodiekr3820
    @foodiekr3820 Год назад +1

    Today all items looks really mouthwatering 🤤🤤 nd yummy 😋😋😋😋, looks tempting 👌👌👌......
    Thanks for sharing this amazing video 👌👌😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  • @promilamardy7821
    @promilamardy7821 Год назад +9

    Thank you fume for trying these indian dishes. Sending you so much love from India 🇮🇳 ❤❤

  • @anchitabose7211
    @anchitabose7211 Год назад +1

    Fume eating indian food is my favourite thing to watch 🥺❤️

  • @Ayeshakhan-wn2sd
    @Ayeshakhan-wn2sd Год назад +1

    I also want u to try out pakistani food, btw love your videos❤

  • @Storymagic5
    @Storymagic5 Год назад +1

    Hi kak fume😊

  • @KaAniyahScott5814
    @KaAniyahScott5814 Год назад

    Your videos give me the shivers because the crunch is so good

  • @muhammadtariq9175
    @muhammadtariq9175 Год назад +2

    Not only indian...pakistani too❤

  • @비요뜨-h6p
    @비요뜨-h6p Год назад +1

    립스틱 어떤제품쓰세요?

  • @snehajain3589
    @snehajain3589 Год назад +1

    i am Indian thanks for try Indian food love your mukbang video fume❤

  • @jesvyuli
    @jesvyuli Год назад +1

    She didn't even touch kimchi till the end which shows how much she was enjoying Indian food 😂❤

  • @YourLocalStreetBacon
    @YourLocalStreetBacon 6 месяцев назад

    She eats so neatly!😊 i love it❤

  • @kusumbera5946
    @kusumbera5946 Год назад

    This is the real youtuber from india

  • @chaakhaai
    @chaakhaai Год назад +2

    You can also try out Bengali desserts such as Doodh Shemai/Jorda Shemai/Laccha Shemai, Firni, Halwa, Jalebi, Roshogolla, Kalojam, Lalmohon, Mihidana laddo & many more!!

  • @himanshurout4469
    @himanshurout4469 10 месяцев назад +1

    I from India ❤🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @jayasrisethupathy6664
    @jayasrisethupathy6664 Год назад +2

    Iam also going to eat briyani 😋 thankyou 💞 fume for trying indian foods ❤ love from India 🇮🇳

  • @babitanayak3337
    @babitanayak3337 Год назад

    Lot's of love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳i always watch your video ❤❤❤❤❤