I hope that the videos on Daniel chapter 8 were helpful to you and leads you closer to Christ. The Holy Spirit will is our greatest Guide and am confident that He is leading you in His Truth.
I came to your site wanting to know about the ram with many eyes in the book The Revelation. I’m leaving with divine understanding and a desire to more clearly understand the Bible. Thank you!
Praise the LORD Jesus Christ! I am very glad to hear that this video was helpful. May you receive more and more from the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding as you seek to know our LORD through His WORD. Luke 24:44-45 44 Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” 45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.
Please share This brothers. Hi brother, the 2300 evening and mornings start with the death of Alexander the Great. He was in his 33rd year the same as Jesus 13Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to the one who spoke, “For how long is the vision concerning the regular burnt offering, the transgression that makes desolate, and the giving over of the sanctuary and host to be trampled underfoot?” 14And he said to me,c “For 2,300 evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.” Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.” So from his death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, THAT BRINGS US TO 2023 THAT THE SANCTUARY WILL BE RESTORED. THIS IS THE SAME AS DANIEL CHAPTER 12 AND THE 1335-DAYS MAY 20TH 2023 Hopefully you will be able to put the rest together from this. God bless you brother.
O profeta Daniel revelou nas suas profecias quando e como chegaria o Maschiach! Também clareou quando chegaria o terceiro templo! Mas o profeta Daniel foi informado pelo "homem vestido de linho" o seguinte: "Vai, Daniel, porque estas palavras estão encerradas e seladas até ao tempo do fim." (Daniel 12:9). Isto é, as profecias não poderiam ser entendidas enquanto não chegasse o tempo do fim. Então, no tempo do fim, as profecias poderiam ser entendidas! Mas, acrescenta o homem vestido de linho: "Muitos serão purificados, embranquecidos e provados; mas os perversos procederão perversamente, e nenhum deles entenderá, mas os sábios entenderão." Daniel 12:10 Só os sábios, que são os justos, poderão entender as profecias citadas no livro de Daniel. Disse ainda: "muitos o esquadrinharão, e o saber se multiplicará." O livro de Daniel no tempo do fim será pesquisado, esquadrinhado, e os seus ensinamentos amplamente divulgados. O sonho que teve o rei Nabucodonosor, só então, será totalmente entendido. Quem fará isto no tempo do fim? Está escrito: "Os que forem sábios ... e os que a muitos conduzirem à justiça". Daniel 12:3. Portanto, o livro de Daniel foi aberto ao entendimento na época de Jesus e dos apóstolos. E isto já fazem quase 2.000 anos! Os últimos dias chegaram nos dias dos apóstolos. Atos 2:17. Porém, os perversos, que são os ímpios, não conseguirão entender as profecias contidas na estátua sonhada por Nabucodonosor! Daniel 2:28:"mas há um Deus no céu, o qual revela mistérios". O 1° reino, nesta estátua, é a cabeça de fino ouro que representa o Nabucodonosor, rei de Babilônia! (A Babilônia subjugou Jerusalém de 587 a.C. à 539 a.C.). Daniel 2:36-38. O 2° reino são o peito e os braços de prata que representam os reis da Média e da Pérsia. (Os Medos e os Persas subjugaram Jerusalém de 539 a.C. à 333 a.C.). Daniel 5:28,31. O 3° reino são o ventre e os quadris de bronze que representa o reino da Grécia. ( A Grécia subjugou Jerusalém de 333 a.C. à 323 a.C.). Daniel 8:21 O 4° reino são as pernas de ferro que representam os reinos do Norte e o do Sul. ( Os reinos do Norte e do Sul subjugaram Jerusalém de 323 a.C. à 63 a.C.) Daniel 11:1-45; Daniel 8:8,9,22. O 5° reino são os pés e os dez dedos de ferro e barro que representa o reino de Roma. (O reino de Roma subjugou Jerusalém de 63 a.C. á 70 d.C.) Daniel 11:30,31. Daniel 2:41; Daniel 7:7,23,24. Daniel 9:26,27; 11:31. Mateus 24:15,16; 23:36. Neste site abaixo você terá informações das revelações de Daniel: youtube.com/@estudosbiblicos237
Most of the Interpreters of Daniel's Prophecies do not directly want to answer Revelation 18:24... which narrates that the Harlot (Woman in Scarlet Red riding the dragon) was responsible for the BLOOD (murdered/drunk the blood of the saints) of God's Prophets and ALL those who have been SLAUGHTERED/SLAIN (past tense) on the Earth which includes Abel, from the time of Adam/Eve... Who is SHE, this Harlot?... How can ALL the 7 Beasts (7 Empires/Kingdoms) be responsible if they have not existed yet during Abel's time?
Good video, but I don't agree about the beast I think that the beast with the 10 horns is the last world power that is yet to come not Rome. The bear is Russia. The lion is England. And the leopard is the United States. Just my opinion though.
If we stay in the context of Daniel chapter 8, the little horn is not from Rome. It is in chapter 7 that the little horn comes from the fourth beast Rome. Let's remember, hope and trust the words of Jesus who said, "I will build My Church," who also is coming back for His Bride, the Church. I believe God is bringing His people together regardless of denominations. We should recognise the various denominations as expressions of a particular restored Truth of God to His Church seen throughout church history. Let the Church be ONE just as Jesus prayed in John 17 to seek first His Kingdom and Righteousness.
@@evangelcf777 let's look at context,the little horn intended on changing the appointed times law ,,and it was given over to it...? ...you folks worshipping the beast who's deadly wound was healed,,,,all it takes to see it ,,is go by what Christ said...
@@evangelcf777 it's documented history...the image image of Christ made by MANS HANDS is the image on the cross of chatholosism,,hints the mother,,,then she lost her power and ones branched off making their different images of Christ that fits their agenda,,,hint the harlots of the their mother...it's the truth,research it....wake up people the Messiah is real,,,,lots say they are Christ like but they are not like Messiah..they are like their image they have made up...
@Tom Oxley In case you haven't already seen Daniel 8 Part 4, I believe that video would answer that question. In short, Antiochus Epiphanes is seen to historically fulfill the prophecies concerning the little horn. However, when bringing all of Daniel 7-12, together with Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and the book of Revelation, taking in consideration the time element mentioned, we see that Antiochus Epiphanes ultimately points to the final Antichrist of the end times.
fact : country with the most goats in europe = According to a recent study conducted by the European Union's statistics authority, Eurostat, Greece has the highest number of goats... also we greeks call ourselves goat foot ( = κατσικο-ποδαροι ) because we cant fall down ... like goats do ...and we climb mountains easily coincidence ? i dont think so :)))
who's here bc you too been getting this word from God and are trying to understand it?
Thank you for the illustrated teaching…….makes it easy for understanding .God bless
Really appreciate the graphic illustrations that helps with better visual understanding. Many thanks for your labour.
Glad it was helpful! God Bless you heaps!
This is brilliant, thank you for breaking it down!
Thank you for that summarize and detailed explanation of chapter 8.
May the LORD expand you, give you greater insights just as the sons of Issachar understood the times and knew they ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:32).
I had a dream and I was in a store. The cashier told me to read Daniel 8 and that it would help me.
I hope that the videos on Daniel chapter 8 were helpful to you and leads you closer to Christ. The Holy Spirit will is our greatest Guide and am confident that He is leading you in His Truth.
Amazing Video dear friend
Keep it up and you can win more souls for God.
Wonderful explanation. Makes me want to keep going to learn more. Thank you!
All Glory to our LORD Jesus Christ!
I came to your site wanting to know about the ram with many eyes in the book The Revelation. I’m leaving with divine understanding and a desire to more clearly understand the Bible. Thank you!
Praise the LORD Jesus Christ! I am very glad to hear that this video was helpful. May you receive more and more from the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding as you seek to know our LORD through His WORD.
Luke 24:44-45
44 Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” 45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.
Here it is
thnks fo da good work
Thank you for your encouragement. Keep preaching the Word and be prepared in season and out of season (2 Tim 4:2).
Please share This brothers. Hi brother, the 2300 evening and mornings start with the death of Alexander the Great. He was in his 33rd year the same as Jesus
13Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to the one who spoke, “For how long is the vision concerning the regular burnt offering, the transgression that makes desolate, and the giving over of the sanctuary and host to be trampled underfoot?” 14And he said to me,c “For 2,300 evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.”
Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.”
So from his death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, THAT BRINGS US TO 2023 THAT THE SANCTUARY WILL BE RESTORED.
MAY 20TH 2023
Hopefully you will be able to put the rest together from this.
God bless you brother.
No where in the Bible does it talk about the third temple. All the prophecies are about the 2 nd Temple
It's 2024....
O profeta Daniel revelou nas suas profecias quando e como chegaria o Maschiach! Também clareou quando chegaria o terceiro templo! Mas o profeta Daniel foi informado pelo "homem vestido de linho" o seguinte: "Vai, Daniel, porque estas palavras estão encerradas e seladas até ao tempo do fim." (Daniel 12:9). Isto é, as profecias não poderiam ser entendidas enquanto não chegasse o tempo do fim. Então, no tempo do fim, as profecias poderiam ser entendidas! Mas, acrescenta o homem vestido de linho: "Muitos serão purificados, embranquecidos e provados; mas os perversos procederão perversamente, e nenhum deles entenderá, mas os sábios entenderão." Daniel 12:10
Só os sábios, que são os justos, poderão entender as profecias citadas no livro de Daniel. Disse ainda: "muitos o esquadrinharão, e o saber se multiplicará." O livro de Daniel no tempo do fim será pesquisado, esquadrinhado, e os seus ensinamentos amplamente divulgados. O sonho que teve o rei Nabucodonosor, só então, será totalmente entendido. Quem fará isto no tempo do fim? Está escrito: "Os que forem sábios ... e os que a muitos conduzirem à justiça". Daniel 12:3. Portanto, o livro de Daniel foi aberto ao entendimento na época de Jesus e dos apóstolos. E isto já fazem quase 2.000 anos! Os últimos dias chegaram nos dias dos apóstolos. Atos 2:17.
Porém, os perversos, que são os ímpios, não conseguirão entender as profecias contidas na estátua sonhada por Nabucodonosor!
Daniel 2:28:"mas há um Deus no céu, o qual revela mistérios".
O 1° reino, nesta estátua, é a cabeça de fino ouro que representa o Nabucodonosor, rei de Babilônia! (A Babilônia subjugou Jerusalém de 587 a.C. à 539 a.C.). Daniel 2:36-38.
O 2° reino são o peito e os braços de prata que representam os reis da Média e da Pérsia. (Os Medos e os Persas subjugaram Jerusalém de 539 a.C. à 333 a.C.). Daniel 5:28,31.
O 3° reino são o ventre e os quadris de bronze que representa o reino da Grécia. ( A Grécia subjugou Jerusalém de 333 a.C. à 323 a.C.). Daniel 8:21
O 4° reino são as pernas de ferro que representam os reinos do Norte e o do Sul. ( Os reinos do Norte e do Sul subjugaram Jerusalém de 323 a.C. à 63 a.C.) Daniel 11:1-45; Daniel 8:8,9,22.
O 5° reino são os pés e os dez dedos de ferro e barro que representa o reino de Roma. (O reino de Roma subjugou Jerusalém de 63 a.C. á 70 d.C.) Daniel 11:30,31. Daniel 2:41; Daniel 7:7,23,24. Daniel 9:26,27; 11:31. Mateus 24:15,16; 23:36.
Neste site abaixo você terá informações das revelações de Daniel:
How does he bring stars down?
Most of the Interpreters of Daniel's Prophecies do not directly want to answer Revelation 18:24... which narrates that the Harlot (Woman in Scarlet Red riding the dragon) was responsible for the BLOOD (murdered/drunk the blood of the saints) of God's Prophets and ALL those who have been SLAUGHTERED/SLAIN (past tense) on the Earth which includes Abel, from the time of Adam/Eve... Who is SHE, this Harlot?... How can ALL the 7 Beasts (7 Empires/Kingdoms) be responsible if they have not existed yet during Abel's time?
Good video, but I don't agree about the beast I think that the beast with the 10 horns is the last world power that is yet to come not Rome. The bear is Russia. The lion is England. And the leopard is the United States. Just my opinion though.
The little horn is Constantine the Great....each denomination ,ALL of them come from their mother whom Constantine help create...
If we stay in the context of Daniel chapter 8, the little horn is not from Rome. It is in chapter 7 that the little horn comes from the fourth beast Rome.
Let's remember, hope and trust the words of Jesus who said, "I will build My Church," who also is coming back for His Bride, the Church. I believe God is bringing His people together regardless of denominations. We should recognise the various denominations as expressions of a particular restored Truth of God to His Church seen throughout church history. Let the Church be ONE just as Jesus prayed in John 17 to seek first His Kingdom and Righteousness.
@@evangelcf777 let's look at context,the little horn intended on changing the appointed times law ,,and it was given over to it...? ...you folks worshipping the beast who's deadly wound was healed,,,,all it takes to see it ,,is go by what Christ said...
@@evangelcf777 it's documented history...the image image of Christ made by MANS HANDS is the image on the cross of chatholosism,,hints the mother,,,then she lost her power and ones branched off making their different images of Christ that fits their agenda,,,hint the harlots of the their mother...it's the truth,research it....wake up people the Messiah is real,,,,lots say they are Christ like but they are not like Messiah..they are like their image they have made up...
🇺🇸 is Mystery Babylon
So, the little horn is not Antiochus Epiphanes???
@Tom Oxley In case you haven't already seen Daniel 8 Part 4, I believe that video would answer that question. In short, Antiochus Epiphanes is seen to historically fulfill the prophecies concerning the little horn. However, when bringing all of Daniel 7-12, together with Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and the book of Revelation, taking in consideration the time element mentioned, we see that Antiochus Epiphanes ultimately points to the final Antichrist of the end times.
fact : country with the most goats in europe = According to a recent study conducted by the European Union's statistics authority, Eurostat, Greece has the highest number of goats...
also we greeks call ourselves goat foot ( = κατσικο-ποδαροι ) because we cant fall down ... like goats do ...and we climb mountains easily
coincidence ? i dont think so :)))
capricorn > aries
Thank you for that summarize and detailed explanation of chapter 8.