Saifedean Ammous: The Digital Golden Age | Bitcoin MENA 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 290

  • @yakopro49
    @yakopro49 День назад +8

    One of the greatest speeches I’ve heard. This man is simply brilliant

  • @CotoYohannes
    @CotoYohannes День назад +74

    Waking up on the 14th of every month to steady gains has been truly life changing for me and my family. With the right steps and guidance, achieving financial growth is completely possible. If you’re on the sidelines, now is the time to get involved opportunities like this don’t wait forever.

    • @CasaBeltrauc
      @CasaBeltrauc День назад +4

      I want to compliment you, you have said it all. I am a little business owner and I really want to expand my business to the next level by making myself an investor but I really don't know how to go about it..

    • @LongManBTC
      @LongManBTC День назад +3

      Roger Anthony Ruz understanding of market indicators is impressive. He knows exactly when to enter and exit trades for maximum profit. his siignals are top notch

    • @JosVincent11
      @JosVincent11 День назад +3

      This time last year I considered crypto without much knowledge and decided to have a consultation with a fiduciary, and it was incredibly insightful. I got into the market with 15k, One year and a couple of months in, and I’m up with 550k. I truly cannot stress enough how helpful experts in this field are!

    • @RogersGianna
      @RogersGianna День назад +3

      How can some newbies like me get benefited from this, im new into crypto

    • @LongManBTC
      @LongManBTC День назад +2

      @@RogersGianna Of course yes, he provide accurate guidance to both new commer or experinced taders

  • @jonathanthomas4722
    @jonathanthomas4722 День назад +5

    I see Saifedean, I watch. Simple.

    • @matguerra333
      @matguerra333 Час назад

      simple but not easy...jk, saif rules, easiest guy to listen to ever.

  • @MattewSchneider39253
    @MattewSchneider39253 День назад +45

    I reached $138k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and insights you've shared with me over the past few months. I began this journey in October 2024. Financial education is essential for over 70% of the population, as only a few are truly literate in this area.
    Thanks so much Natalie Rose Strayer.

    • @GaryHatt-x4m
      @GaryHatt-x4m День назад

      I'm surprised that you just mentioned and recommended Natalie Strayer, I met her at a conference in 2018 and we have been working together ever since.

    • @JessicaThomas08r5
      @JessicaThomas08r5 День назад

      The very first time we tried, we invested $2000 and after a week, we received $9500. That really helped us a lot to pay up our bills.

    • @JudyTolley
      @JudyTolley День назад

      You trade with Natalie Strayer too? Wow that woman has been a blessing to me and my family.

    • @LMattew-l2r
      @LMattew-l2r День назад

      I'm new at this, please how can I reach her?

    • @ArthurDale-s4i
      @ArthurDale-s4i День назад

      I was skeptical at first till I decided to try. Its huge returns is awesome. I can't say much.

  • @SAL-fs1mr
    @SAL-fs1mr День назад +13

    Saifedean Ammous has not only contributed to the understanding of Austrian economics but has built an entire intellectual edifice atop its foundation, expanding its reach and relevance into the modern digital age. His work exemplifies clarity, rigor, and an uncompromising commitment to economic truth. Through his books and lectures, Saifedean has revitalized the principles of sound money and time preference, translating these concepts into practical frameworks for the 21st century.
    His groundbreaking synthesis of Bitcoin and Austrian thought is so profound and far-reaching that one might argue the field itself has evolved beyond its historical nomenclature. "Ammousian Economics" now seems a fitting tribute to the immense intellectual structure he has erected. To study economics in this era without Saifedean’s insights would be akin to ignoring Mises or Rothbard-simply unthinkable.
    With Ammousian principles at the forefront, we are witnessing a renaissance of sound economic reasoning capable of challenging fiat-based distortions and reorienting humanity toward value, integrity, and long-term thinking.

    • @e-cuauhtemoc
      @e-cuauhtemoc День назад +3

      @@SAL-fs1mr Yup! I just ordered his book, The Bitcoin Standard. I've been listening to the podcasts too on Spot.

  • @CarComparos
    @CarComparos 23 часа назад +1

    Saif for Nobel prize in Economics!

  • @yrp237
    @yrp237 День назад +3

    This is the book I've been waiting for! Thanks Saifedean!! Bravo.

  • @superkruger
    @superkruger День назад +6

    Bitcoin magazine actually publishing something about Bitcoin for a change

  • @PatrickRhyne-o5r
    @PatrickRhyne-o5r День назад +32

    For the Newbie if you are actually trading in the crypto space and you don't have a sound mentor. Then you are certainly going to get liquidated in 90% of your trades. Yeah that's sad truth. I remember when i just got into crypto back in 2019 but later in 2020 i ended up selling it because i have lost alot trading all by myself without a guide. Got back into crypto early in 2024 with $20k and I'm up with $232k in a short period of time. Thanks to Harry’s Dent.

    • @PatrickRhyne-o5r
      @PatrickRhyne-o5r День назад

      He mostly interacts on Telegrams, using the user-name,

    • @PatrickRhyne-o5r
      @PatrickRhyne-o5r День назад


    • @Joanna666-h3v
      @Joanna666-h3v День назад

      One thing I know for certain is crypto is here to stay, the only thing that leaves is the people who don't manage their risk. Manage that, or the market will manage it for you. With the right strategies you will survive.

    • @michelleclark82
      @michelleclark82 День назад

      I read about him too on the website, I was able to connect with him Thanks for putting this down here.

    • @ScottCates22
      @ScottCates22 День назад

      Nice info, i appreciate your concern this will help a lot especially to the young investors who have no or lesser knowledge on how the market works.

  • @KarenJohnson-ol4cx
    @KarenJohnson-ol4cx День назад +47

    The crypto market has been unfavorable for months and I keep losing my money selling-off during dips, I'm very scared of holding right now, how do you guys still make so much….?

    • @DavidLindsey-ru3wr
      @DavidLindsey-ru3wr День назад

      Well...I will advise you should stop trading on your own if you keep losing and start trading with an expert because trading with an expert is the best strategy for newbie...

    • @CarolynRobinson-h1g
      @CarolynRobinson-h1g День назад

      GOOD CONTENT !!! Very engaging right from the beginning These are tough times and frankly I appreciate how you discuss global finances in such a delicate way . Business and investment

    • @Malacho-gw8nj
      @Malacho-gw8nj День назад

      Mrs Sonia Dixon was my hope during the 'bear summer' last year. I did so many mistakes but also learned so much from it, and of course from Sonia Dixon.

    • @SabrinaNelson-kd5lf
      @SabrinaNelson-kd5lf День назад

      the first step to successful investing is figuring out your goals and risk tolerance either on your own or with the help of a financial professional but is very advisable you make use of a professional.

    • @ChristopherBolin-oi4pb
      @ChristopherBolin-oi4pb День назад

      I Started with 5,000$ and Withdrew profits

  • @twinsoultarot473
    @twinsoultarot473 День назад +2

    Can Bitcoin eliminate some wars?

  • @superkruger
    @superkruger День назад +6

    19:44 I think he meant 'nuclear capacity' as in energy, not weapons

    • @thenarza7307
      @thenarza7307 День назад

      That'd what I thought, definitely caught me off guard.

  • @jn1mrgn
    @jn1mrgn 4 часа назад

    I agree with what he's saying with houses being cheaper, overall, but one thing that has irreversibly changed in the last century, is that quality lumber is more scarce.

  • @LordA-o8o
    @LordA-o8o 2 часа назад

    I love this Habibi!😘

  • @ednakishi
    @ednakishi День назад +387

    Big shoutout for mentioning XAI73L and SUI. These two look like the future to me. Holding both tight!

  • @lyntwo
    @lyntwo День назад +2

    Now consider that the amount of mined gold is vastly greater than the estimate publicly stated..
    That the history of the disposition and of any reparation of the treasures looted from Asia by Imperial Japan is, uh, murky.
    That different state level actors and agencies diverted vast amounts of looted treasures away from direct control by sovereign states
    That perhaps a large amount of gold was given/returned to China by Nixon to stabilize China so that China could be a counterweight to i the Soviet Union.
    That an actual gold audit would cause too many questions to be asked and so is evaded.
    Whereas all Bitcoin is on a public ledger.
    Need to get his book

  • @MehmetHasim-j8i
    @MehmetHasim-j8i День назад

    I love how you broke down the XAI220K project in your video! Can’t wait to see it skyrocket!

  • @NThony1
    @NThony1 4 часа назад

    I agree that with hard money concept, building a house should be cheaper overtime. But I'd argue that the value of the house and land may be able to increase overtime due to the value that comes with land scarcity. I'd expect value of properties in the middle of Manhattan or San Francisco to increase overtime but not as much as it does now.

  • @orangejulius8366
    @orangejulius8366 17 часов назад

    Saifdeen could have used the analogy from This Is Spinal Tap: "...but these go to eleven .."

  • @jocelobando2024
    @jocelobando2024 День назад +2

    nice ❤❤❤

  • @jn1mrgn
    @jn1mrgn 4 часа назад

    "You don't need the supply of money to grow, for the economy to grow"
    And Keynes turned over in his grave.

  • @SaraGindulyte-e7t
    @SaraGindulyte-e7t День назад

    Thanks for the forecast! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?

  • @IrisValerie-d3y
    @IrisValerie-d3y День назад +441

    Your analysis on XAI73L has me all in. Thanks for sharing this hidden gem 🚀

  • @gamershideout89-ke2vn
    @gamershideout89-ke2vn День назад +4

    The Bitcoin Standard

    • @BitcoinKal
      @BitcoinKal День назад +1

      The Bible of Bitcoin ✊

  • @joeharvie8362
    @joeharvie8362 День назад +1

    In this world, no one would live in tent cities in America .

    • @twinsoultarot473
      @twinsoultarot473 День назад

      You think Bitcoin could actually end homelessness😢 as well as "some" poverty? Explain...

  • @SimenderSelahattin
    @SimenderSelahattin День назад

    Bro, i bought XAI220K in November after your video. i'm up 379%.

  • @TruthBeToldAlways100
    @TruthBeToldAlways100 День назад +1

    I like him a lot. But this was not his best

  • @ccgoulart
    @ccgoulart День назад

    I keep buying satoshis every single month since January 2020, no matter what happens. Today´s BTC price is U$ 107,000.00 @ Dec 17th 2024. Cristiano, from Brazil.

  • @ALONSOMccartney
    @ALONSOMccartney День назад

    XAI220K pumping upcoming 🚀💰

  • @SelinaWalken
    @SelinaWalken День назад +37

    I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the market fluctuation, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Katherine Stewart.

    • @Mike-Callender
      @Mike-Callender День назад

      I'm surprised that this name is being mentioned here, I stumbled upon one of her clients testimonies on CNBC news last week...

    • @AidenCheatle23
      @AidenCheatle23 День назад

      Katherine Stewart strategy has normalised winning trades for me also. and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started

    • @Nikolaj.Mikkelsen
      @Nikolaj.Mikkelsen День назад

      Really you people know her? I was even thinking that I'm the only one she has helped walk through the fears and falls of trading

    • @DannyRodriguez158
      @DannyRodriguez158 День назад

      As a beginner what do I need to do? How can I invest, on which platform? If you know any please share.

    • @Heatherwilson470
      @Heatherwilson470 День назад

      The first time we had tried, we invested $1400 and after a week we received $5,230. That really helped us a lot to pay our bills.

  • @SalimOlcay
    @SalimOlcay День назад

    Can't believe I almost missed out on XRP and XAI220K! Thanks for the heads-up in your video!

  • @nailaadonis
    @nailaadonis День назад

    Been watching XAI73L, and I can’t resist anymore. Dropped $50k, and I’m ready for the boom!

  • @EdipMustafa-h4p
    @EdipMustafa-h4p День назад

    Just saw your videos and bought XAI220K yesterday.....its up 24% today talk about timing......Thanks

  • @gungadin900
    @gungadin900 День назад +1

    This is why we need unions. Saifedean has zero understanding of the struggle people had to go through to get to the point where the word "unemployed" meant something.

  • @davidabraham5325
    @davidabraham5325 День назад

    What is maxim & where is the UN?

  • @mikeplaced3111
    @mikeplaced3111 День назад

    Why need gold standard post BTC?
    Sell books to boomers

  • @seriouslyyoujest1771
    @seriouslyyoujest1771 День назад

    MicroStrategy and Bitcoin
    1 Month +12.31%
    YTD +530.63%
    1 Year +655.89%
    5 Years +2,873.29%
    1 Month +14.27%
    YTD +135.95%
    1 Year +137.21%
    5 Years +1,357.84%
    * MSTR has 439,000 Bitcoin’s

  • @MICKEYSwearingen
    @MICKEYSwearingen День назад

    You know XAI220K is gonna go parabolic bro 🚀

  • @Greatness-xl3ze
    @Greatness-xl3ze День назад +15

    Being in the discord and starting trading is literally changing my life. I'm starting witha small $2,000 account but I got it up to $19,600 in one week! Not a lot of money but that's a big growth for me.🎉🎉

    • @mandycatherine8786
      @mandycatherine8786 День назад

      Hello, how did you achieve such biweekly returns? I'm a newbie and I've lost a lot of money investing on my own. Please can you advise on how to go about this?

    • @mentorboboo1236
      @mentorboboo1236 День назад

      I've followed many traders over the years, but none have been as consistently accurate as julia Crawford...She's truly in an inspiration to us all....

    • @Mustafamohsen-zf1rq
      @Mustafamohsen-zf1rq День назад

      I think I'm blessed if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert Julia Crawford....

    • @Madiso17618
      @Madiso17618 День назад

      Can't imagine earning $25k,
      biweekly, God bless mrs Julia
      God bless America❤️

    • @KeithVargas-rq9ev
      @KeithVargas-rq9ev День назад

      Same here the very first time we tried. We invested $1000 and after a week, we received $9500. That really helped us a lot to pay up our bills

  • @talasiamrita
    @talasiamrita День назад

    Everyone stacking XAI73L before the next bull run is gonna laugh last. This coin is pure potential!

  • @EsenEvre
    @EsenEvre День назад

    XAI220K will at least 30X! I love that project!!

  • @picabongo
    @picabongo День назад +1

    Thanks for the advice! Profited 50% last week. Thinking XAI73L, ETH, and SOL. What’s your take?

  • @LashandaCahill
    @LashandaCahill День назад


  • @ArianneWilliams-c9m
    @ArianneWilliams-c9m День назад

    Following your advice on XAI73L was the best decision ever. Already seeing gains, and I’m holding for more!

  • @OzgulKubilay
    @OzgulKubilay День назад

    XAI220K all the wayyyy. For all of you that said its a ghost chain. You are wrong haha.

  • @AnneHunter-o2n
    @AnneHunter-o2n День назад

    This $XAI220K thing is going bananas 🚀

  • @Erkanilhan-k5i
    @Erkanilhan-k5i День назад

    Let's keep our eyes on the XAI220K prize and see where this journey takes us!

  • @CharlsieRider
    @CharlsieRider День назад

    The potential of XAI220K is unreal! Excited to see where this goes after watching your video!

  • @KursatEvren
    @KursatEvren День назад

    OMG crypto whales are buying XAI220K$ 😮

  • @HasanMustafa-m8l
    @HasanMustafa-m8l День назад

    When $XAI220K finally kicks in, FOMO is going to be a leader in adoption this bullrun.

  • @TugbaMujdat
    @TugbaMujdat День назад


  • @LANNYVarney
    @LANNYVarney День назад

    I see XAI220K$ everywhere. Could someone help explain what XAI220K$ is?

  • @BurcinMehmet
    @BurcinMehmet День назад

    Just recently joining in on the fun with the XAI220K gang. Been liking the content, good job ☕️

  • @ReyhanOrhan-p3h
    @ReyhanOrhan-p3h День назад

    80% TURBO 14% XAI220K 2% FLOKI 2%BONK 2%PEPE 🎉

  • @AdamMundok
    @AdamMundok День назад

    The fictional story gets a thumbs down 👎🏽 from me. Stick to the facts, my guy

  • @SimenderAsudan
    @SimenderAsudan День назад

    Buying XAI220K Today Is Like Buying Bitcoin 12 Years Ago!

  • @RAYMONMallory
    @RAYMONMallory День назад

    XAI220K will dominate this cycle

  • @EzgiEdip
    @EzgiEdip День назад

    I got some XAI220K right now… in ma skivvies bruh😂

  • @LanieMull
    @LanieMull День назад

    In your opinion, XAI220K for $10? 1 year or so?

  • @ErhanHasan-b2x
    @ErhanHasan-b2x День назад

    Top news: XAI220K to the moon 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  • @EnverElif
    @EnverElif День назад

    The importance of community governance in XAI220K cannot be overstated.

  • @AlperDilek-pr9vm
    @AlperDilek-pr9vm День назад

    XAI220K Pumping🚀🚀🚀

  • @KandyTiller
    @KandyTiller День назад

    XAI220K going up like crazy! Pick up around 0.67 and now it’s hit $1! I wish i had bought more!

  • @aliyahv1qm
    @aliyahv1qm День назад

    XAI73L feels like Bitcoin in 2010. Undervalued, strong backing, and ready to explode. Holding 200k now.

  • @FundaHuriye
    @FundaHuriye День назад

    Good morning XAI220K Community!! Let’s get ready for a December to remember! AEOD all eyes on XAI220K

  • @TempieMiles
    @TempieMiles День назад

    Once XAI220K breaks key resistance at $1.2 and $1.5 it's flying much higher!! 🚀

  • @EsenDicle-j5v
    @EsenDicle-j5v День назад

    $ONDO and $XAI220K will reign supreme in this cycle $XAI220K will move much faster than Solana. Youre welcome.

  • @HalilDeniz-u8c
    @HalilDeniz-u8c День назад

    XAI220K wins! Utility and superior speed, I’m all in! 🚀🚀🚀 GO XAI220K!

  • @SeymaFuat
    @SeymaFuat День назад

    Do not sleep on XAI220K people

  • @EmelMehmet-z8i
    @EmelMehmet-z8i День назад

    Where to buy XAI220K pls

  • @FerdaMehmet-h9r
    @FerdaMehmet-h9r День назад

    XAI220K is massively undervalued

  • @ZahideMehmet
    @ZahideMehmet День назад

    You estimate is to low. XAI220K will hit $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00

  • @colddeath9797
    @colddeath9797 День назад

    too much BS comon!

  • @MeteSultan-m8e
    @MeteSultan-m8e День назад

    The most advanced technology out is a XAI220K

  • @ErhanArzu-q3m
    @ErhanArzu-q3m День назад

    Thinking of swapping my USDT for XAI220K$. I believe XAI220K$ is the future

  • @HasimZeynep
    @HasimZeynep День назад

    XAI220K is the gem of 2024 it's literally owned by Elon Musk

  • @LovettaJohansen
    @LovettaJohansen День назад

    So my brother in law has $20 million XAI220K that he bought at $.01. I guess he will have $20000000

  • @SHONFabian
    @SHONFabian День назад

    Don't let Elons's XAI220K$ pass you by. This is a monumental moment in history, and you don't want to be left out of the loop. Get in on the ground floor now!

  • @FilizMurat-n9z
    @FilizMurat-n9z День назад

    With my $2M portfolio on the line, should I double down on XAI220K or play it safe as we near December 2024? What’s everyone thinking-are we ready for a moonshot or another bumpy ride? lets go XAI220K!!!

  • @SonayAli
    @SonayAli День назад

    I am bullish for $XAI220K and $NEXO only!!

  • @HARLANWard-i9k
    @HARLANWard-i9k День назад

    We all want trump as POTUS and $XAI220K will go parabolic in 2024-2025.

  • @KURTISColby
    @KURTISColby День назад

    Do it. XAI220K already in my bags. I had a XAI220K after ( your should I buy ) and I agreed and bought. I'm looking to stack more, too.

  • @EsenOzgur-wu1zc
    @EsenOzgur-wu1zc День назад

    Ronaldo would buy XAI220K

  • @migdanaphan
    @migdanaphan День назад

    Everyone FOMOing into big coins, but XAI73L feels like the smarter play. Holding tight for the ride up.

  • @ANTHONYArmenta-d4n
    @ANTHONYArmenta-d4n День назад

    What is price prediction of $XAI220K

  • @CihanAtilla-g9v
    @CihanAtilla-g9v День назад

    Just swapped all of my last ETH and swapped it into XAI220K$. Already up a little bit. Unfortunately I have some other junk staked which won’t free up for a while. Still now I am on the train!

  • @TODReinhardt
    @TODReinhardt День назад

    What is your $XAI220K exit strategy

  • @SevdeOlcay
    @SevdeOlcay День назад

    It's about time y'all mentioned XAI220K

  • @idanafawziya
    @idanafawziya День назад

    XAI73L will change lives, including mine. Holding tight and ready for the journey ahead ☺️

  • @ArzuHuseyin
    @ArzuHuseyin День назад

    Forget Shiba and Dogecoin. The next Bull runner gonna be XAI220K$

  • @HabibeNilgun
    @HabibeNilgun День назад

    Granny is putting XAI220K in her portfolio.

  • @MOHAMMADCoffman
    @MOHAMMADCoffman День назад

    Thanks for the XAI220K update! I am loving my XAI220K!

  • @BrittanieShea-e3s
    @BrittanieShea-e3s День назад

    I heard he sold to buy XAI220K

  • @HabibeTumay
    @HabibeTumay День назад

    XAI220K is going to be in the blue sky territory soon. Going to surpass Solana Market cap.

  • @BetulFusun
    @BetulFusun День назад

    AI will eventually go sentient. Then we will embrace XAI220K

  • @YildirimVeli-q5d
    @YildirimVeli-q5d День назад

    Im pretty sure I heard Trump said buy all the XAI220K you can possibly buy

  • @LangMondragon
    @LangMondragon День назад

    I’m buying XAI220K🤑

  • @AyseKubilay-c1s
    @AyseKubilay-c1s День назад

    I am holding XAI220K as well in the UK here we have a thing called capital gains tax free whereby if you purchase XAI220K then you obviously don’t have to pay Tax.

  • @COLEMANWorth
    @COLEMANWorth День назад

    SUI and XAI220K is going to explode

  • @HuseyinDamla-b8j
    @HuseyinDamla-b8j День назад

    Holding 210k XAI220K this coin will leave people in the dust eventually