The information is always the same. It talks about the alleged changing world order. But that everyone already knows. Empires don't last forever. A well-written and readable book. There are fragmented texts that are in bold for your convenience. It all seemed like a futurology essay with some historical basis. But nothing is guaranteed. Famous book, which after reading, you get the impression that its reading clarifies some points, but that there are no proposals to resolve anything. Reading it won't improve anyone's life but the Author's. Abs
🎁 Pegue o livro "Princípios" com desconto!
Qual livro vc quer ver resumido aqui no canal? Seu pedido é uma ordem!
Estou focado na *correção do meu caráter e vulnerabilidades.*
*Muita Gratidão!!!*
Esse livro parece ser a base de tudo que aprendi em grandes corporações. Sensacional. Vou comprar o livro ótimo conteúdo
Os princípios dele são bem óbvios. Geralmente nosso avô nos ensina isso.
Com certeza, tão óbvios que ninguém sequer aplica, dallio chegou onde chegou pela sua capacidade de refletir, e executar em cima de suas reflexões
O segredo da mente milionária T. Harv Eker, obrigado
The information is always the same. It talks about the alleged changing world order. But that everyone already knows. Empires don't last forever. A well-written and readable book. There are fragmented texts that are in bold for your convenience. It all seemed like a futurology essay with some historical basis. But nothing is guaranteed. Famous book, which after reading, you get the impression that its reading clarifies some points, but that there are no proposals to resolve anything. Reading it won't improve anyone's life but the Author's. Abs