Kim Heejin from the stablishment of IBK team 2011- 2022 shes been consistent being the Ace of the team until now no changes at all how many head have chnge but its always been Kim Heejin is the ace.. they always name Kim Heejin also in the national team...
unlike the newly establish team that now theyre still struggling, because there is no prominent striker , the team coach here is lucky to get Kim Heejin and park jung ah before. who are skilled players.and Kim Heejin is the youngest member of London olympics before..
희진선수 배구가 젤 재밌고 좋아요❤ 어서 코트에서 뵈요
우리 공주 진짜 갓기였구나ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무 기특하고 귀 여 워 💙
가로막기 성공 너~~무 짜릿해...
가로막기 성공이 난 너~~~~무 ^^ 좋아
이제라도 데뷔경기 볼 수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다.
역쉬 본업 최고 김희진선수💕
Kim Heejin from the stablishment of IBK team 2011- 2022 shes been consistent being the Ace of the team until now no changes at all how many head have chnge but its always been Kim Heejin is the ace.. they always name Kim Heejin also in the national team...
진짜 이미 완성형 선수였네요 희진선수 넘 멋쪄😆😆😆
unlike the newly establish team that now theyre still struggling, because there is no prominent striker , the team coach here is lucky to get Kim Heejin and park jung ah before. who are skilled players.and Kim Heejin is the youngest member of London olympics before..
희진선수 플레이 시원 시원하다
from the beginning of the team theyre not an easy team to beat, because there is Kim Heejin and Park Jeong ah..
데뷔경기인데도 쓰리블락을뚫고 득점내는 대장 최고다
우리언니 날라다녔구나…
Even then,Heejin is really a great player.I hope that she will play for a long time
서브 에이스에 속공, 이동공격, 쓰리블록 뚫고 무차별 폭격기.
고등학교때부터 국가대표인 이유.
데뷔도 혜성처럼.
V리그 데뷔 첫득점이 서브득점 맞나욤?
더군다나 서브에이스 4개
이미 완성형
센터도 잘하는데 요즘 라이트에서 너무 혹사당하는것 같아 맘 아픔.
다음시즌 중앙활용 잘하는 세터만나서 센터에서 멋지게 플레이했으면 좋겠어요.
속공 쓰리블락ㄷㄷ
박미희 해설 잘하네~
해설자 박미희 좋다