Where is Chanukah hinted in this weekly reading Behaalotcha?

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • In verses Bemidbar 10:8-9 the Torah describes that if a war will come to our land, the sons of Aharon should blow the trumpets and be remembered before Hashem and saved from the enemy. This summarizes the entire Chanukah story. Notice how the miracle was specifically in the Land of Israel as opposed to the Purim miracle. Chashmonaim were blowing trumpets during that war (Josephus, Antiquities 7:7:4, the Book of Maccabees 1:3:54). What is even more amazing is that if you count from the last letter “Mem” of the word וַהֲרֵעֹתֶם (should blow) skipping of every six letters you will get the name Matisyahu. Indeed this is the shortest equidistant skip for Matisyahu in the entire Chumash! The number six may correspond to Matisyahu and his five sons.

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  • @gybx4094
    @gybx4094 3 месяца назад

    The first 3 chapters of 1st Maccabees are very relevant in these times. Ancient Greek globalization tried to force total compliance with their pagan culture. We have secular culture trying the same domination and conformance today. Mattathias told his sons, "this is a time of arrogance and outrage; it's a time of turmoil and bitter hatred. This is a time to zealously embrace the Law and dedicate your lives to the Covenant of our ancestors". We must do the same today. Shalom.