Vro i actually love this guy he just gets straight to the point and his voice is so relaxing. W video, W RUclipsr. Keep up the good work and ggs on 1K!
At first I gonna grind for mythic rod but I found out about kings rod at the middle of the grind so I changed my mind cuz how good it's stats (I got it already and not regret it :D)
@@Unnoon_TUD yea its all based on your goals really, if you just want big cool fish kings rod is the way to go. If you want money then you get mythic, if you want good fish that can't go above 2k you go destiny
@@perimdim2508 yea they are catchable but they will always be a small nessie was what I meant. Destiny is definitely the best for any other fish though since they don't really go past 2k for the most part. Assuming you have the correct enchant to even catch it
Kings rod is really op if you use the UI navigation fishing technique. For those who dont know how to do it, disable UI with the top right camera button then go into roblox settings and enable 'UI navigation toggle'. Then go back and press \ (backslash) and then spam press down arrow and enter (down arrow first then enter).
Fisch getting good RUclipsrs last time, already like 5 days I finally see normal content but not free robux ad for 1/4 video and useless yap without point of video
It's not hard there's a guy talking stuff he don't know him self then u got this guy doing free roubux promo scams then there's people with subtitles that I can't be bothered to watch
Finally watchable fisch content with someone who is ACTUALLY FUNNY now i am kinda mid game in fisch, and im just wanting to know if I should get kings rod or mythical rod.
Mythical for money kings for good fish, like big fish. Plus the kings rod has a passive too same as the mythical rod, ir can make fish 10% bigger. Most of the times when i fish with kings i always get big fish
I recently found out there is a easier way to shake your rod, all you do is you go towards your Roblox settings and enable the "UI Navigation toggle". 1. After you enabled it cast your rod into the water and press the camera icon (TOP RIGHT). 2. Press the \ key and then you'll see a blue box shaped cube, firstly press the S key and then the ENTER key. If you have further questions reply to my comment.
Repeat pressing S and ENTER to shake your rod. After you caught the fish, cast your rod into the water again and just press the \ button again and repeat.
Sometimes / won't work since people have different navigation key. So look at setting when toggling the navigation there will be an symbol that say which key u need to on navigation For me its \ but for my friend its #
I’d recommend it rather then trident rod which is a hot take but the 15% size buff can get many good fish with extra weight and now the megalodon unlike the trident.
@@qenisb3 the camera button toggles GUI, so you can press the "\" button to activate the UI navigation for controller and you can spam the down arrow then enter for it to click the shake button for you
I never got nessie by destiny rod before but after i buy king rod i fisch for like 10 mins and i got a nessie also your video is so frickin underrated, subbed. 💯💯 (Also my nessie weight 3000+ kg when i first fisch it but now its 4000+kg)
Vro i actually love this guy he just gets straight to the point and his voice is so relaxing. W video, W RUclipsr. Keep up the good work and ggs on 1K!
woah its a straight upgrade from steady rod i didnt know the stats were that good, im def getting it
ty for covering it man
At first I gonna grind for mythic rod but I found out about kings rod at the middle of the grind so I changed my mind cuz how good it's stats (I got it already and not regret it :D)
@@Unnoon_TUD yea its all based on your goals really, if you just want big cool fish kings rod is the way to go. If you want money then you get mythic, if you want good fish that can't go above 2k you go destiny
@@ragegaze3482yeah I was just got mythic first so I could I buy destiny and kings rod
@@ragegaze3482 Tbh all fish are catchable with 2000kg for now, even nessie (His minimum KG is 1000)
@@perimdim2508 yea they are catchable but they will always be a small nessie was what I meant. Destiny is definitely the best for any other fish though since they don't really go past 2k for the most part. Assuming you have the correct enchant to even catch it
Bro literally drops the best Fisch content out of anyone on this platform. Keep it up man!
unotwo (the most unhinged group):
Llllllll bro thinks his tej best it's bacha lil bro
the only good fisch youtuber who doesn't sponser scam websites
Bax is not a Fisch RUclipsr but he does play it a lot
@@Carvtiko133 so is unotwo
@@eggnumber65 Idk who that is
@@Carvtiko133 just don't watch him they're the most unhinged group
idk how tf most mm2 ytbers don’t get banned or smt for sponsoring some random webs like mm2 cheap- like nikilis doesn’t accept that😭
Kings rod is really op if you use the UI navigation fishing technique. For those who dont know how to do it, disable UI with the top right camera button then go into roblox settings and enable 'UI navigation toggle'. Then go back and press \ (backslash) and then spam press down arrow and enter (down arrow first then enter).
how does that make the rod op, may i ask?
@@IlikeJelly-j6h since king’s rod is really slow. That UI navigation technique makes the rod way faster than usual
@@I_Collect_souls_idk_why oh, right. Thanks for the info.
@@I_Collect_souls_idk_why does it works for mobile?
@@Ibrahimmoussayev-fq2lzprobably no
Bro, please be the best fisch youtuber. Deadass other video is either yapping bout nothing or just dont get into the point at all
@@AmorisManibusNoctum We only dropping bangers here 🔥
Fisch getting good RUclipsrs last time, already like 5 days I finally see normal content but not free robux ad for 1/4 video and useless yap without point of video
fr, this is like the best fisch ytber already, all the other guys just promote their ads
It's not hard there's a guy talking stuff he don't know him self then u got this guy doing free roubux promo scams then there's people with subtitles that I can't be bothered to watch
Bro King's rod is 120k, but you can still get a BETTER rod that's ONLY 25k and it's called the Arctic rod.
I was just about to comment the EXACT thing you said than saw your comment lol
man i respect you a lot, you're not scared to show your activate windows, my fellow brother, your content is so good as well, keep it up man!
Tbh blase is a small youtuber yet he is VERY ENTERTAINING Like HOW!?
I guess he is SPECIAL GUYS!
Thanks bro, this really helped me out a ton when I am deciding on which rod I should get next!
top 10 fisch yt fr gets straight to the point
Kings rod is simply enhanced steady rod
I mostly use Kings rod for Trophy fishing.
Specifically Isonades, Colossal squids and other usually big fish.
One of if not the best Fisch RUclipsr
yooooo sick content so entertaining but so underrated gl getting nessie man you deserve it
video so entertaining i watched the whole thing n already had the king rod 😭😭
IDK MAN, me personally ur the best fisch RUclipsr I seen
Yo this some w content for the game good job man
Dude Keep up the Great work!
Underrated fisch ytber keep cooking bro 🔥🔥🙏
your the best fisch content creator that i know
you earned yourself a subbed
Your videos are so much more quality than the other fake RUclipsrs, remember me when you get big!
Commenting to boost the algorithm cuz this guy is actually a good Fisch RUclipsr
I was a bit late but congrats on 1k, You truly deserved it and i hope your channel grows a lot more!
thank you 🙏🏽
we ❤ you
This man is underated as heck bro
Finally a good fisch RUclipsr not some npc who boring
this is better than the others I had ever watched!!!! you deserve a sub
first :D. Great video man!
@@Frog_enjoyer1313 🙌🏽
i love your vids i watch you alot! keep up the content!
Good video keep it up and the kings rod is very good
bro u are addictive to watch
@@blasemarcelyou fulfilled my request :)
W video man, you def gonna be big some day
Finally a RUclipsr Who Isn't Just Yapping
Banger video I just subbed
Love the vid!!🤍🤍
Commenting, you deserve more attention dude
Now there is artic rid. THE CONTROL IS CRAZY BRUH🙏
how do u see which fish spot like at 2:18 what is the yellow think ?
İt's probably legendary and you need fish radar to see the hot spots
Fish radar brodie it's 8k
how does this guy only have 5k subs, my man deserves 5mil icl his content is good, watchable, and funny as well
@@blackninja3143 🙌🏽
W vid as always, btw can u make baits tier list or smtn like that. Maybe ships tierlist.
tuff video gang.
Bro the way he said "That's mine" sounds like a cartoon character 😁
Bros gonna be the best fischtuber
first time subbing to a roblox youtuber less than 2K subs (content is always bangers too??)
Found this channel immediately subbed
Another banger 🗿
Dude please keep posting your content is so good and underrated. If you hit 100k remember me 🙏
why are you making such great content, but so underrated?
This just the beginning! 🙌🏽
w vid man good stuff
Yo blase i remember watching you since 307 subs, and bro when ever you upload and i watch the video, my ass giggles so hard cus its so entertained
Youre the best youtuber ❤
A fisch RUclipsr you doesn’t yap? Subscribed
I'm serious! I once caught Nessie and she weighed about 8994.KG is bigger than flying dutchman 2× (l use king rod)
what bait did u use?
We getting any fish with this one
Wdym she ?
not gonna lie kings rod feels like steady rod but have a massive upgrade, btw very nice content!!
Finally watchable fisch content with someone who is ACTUALLY FUNNY now i am kinda mid game in fisch, and im just wanting to know if I should get kings rod or mythical rod.
how much more resilience does resilient enchant give to kings rod, from 35 - ??
I think resilient enchant gives around 35% more resilience so around 70%
Y'all which one should I get first the Mythical Rod or the Kings Rod?
Mythical for money kings for good fish, like big fish. Plus the kings rod has a passive too same as the mythical rod, ir can make fish 10% bigger. Most of the times when i fish with kings i always get big fish
Im subscribing i love this vid
Ima new subscriber, your video is banger and hilarious 👍
i just tested it, if you get controlled on kings rod, the bar literally takes up half the room
I just caught 2 nessie's with the King's Rod today
(new sub btw)
The Kings Rod, The Beloved Child of The Steady and Reinforced Rod
we finally have a good fisch youtuber btw can u do a livestream of catching fish or a long video of catching fish 🐟🐬🐠🐋🐳🐊🦈
Bro earned my subs
I recently found out there is a easier way to shake your rod, all you do is you go towards your Roblox settings and enable the "UI Navigation toggle".
1. After you enabled it cast your rod into the water and press the camera icon (TOP RIGHT).
2. Press the \ key and then you'll see a blue box shaped cube, firstly press the S key and then the ENTER key.
If you have further questions reply to my comment.
Repeat pressing S and ENTER to shake your rod. After you caught the fish, cast your rod into the water again and just press the \ button again and repeat.
Sometimes / won't work since people have different navigation key. So look at setting when toggling the navigation there will be an symbol that say which key u need to on navigation
For me its \ but for my friend its #
I’d recommend it rather then trident rod which is a hot take but the 15% size buff can get many good fish with extra weight and now the megalodon unlike the trident.
is hunted rod a late game rod? if yes is it worth enchanting
hasty is good for kings rod cause its slow af my opinion
I fw ur content
Best fisch RUclipsr! You put a lot of effort into it, unlike others who just show screenshots throughout the video.
thank you!
Imo its good for mid game bc if u combine it with abyssal u might get lots of money bc of the weight passive and abyssal chance by the enchantment
trust this guy with all my shii bro man is fye
The kings rod is slept on, like bro its stats r by far the best out of the big 3 rods and is the cheapest
bro please dont die this content fire
my big nessie weight 4079kg i use steady rod with sea king enchant so its kinda easy to caught it anyways great video keep it up!🤗
"Hows bigger your sea pickle is?" Ahh dirty mind wake up 😭
what was bro typing right here
Dawg did you have a stroke
W Video subscribed
I’m definitely buying kings Rod⭐️👑
please dont touch kids dawg your goated
only peak fisch youtuber
Kings Rod + Resilient is my beloved rod
I hope you become a successful bro
In your opinion divine or resilient on mithical rod?
Good stuff yo
If I m right,you can double click the shake button and get more luck
Thanks dude now i know im def buying king
We need a video every day + Longer videos :))
Nice man l just started playing fisch bc of you thx for showing the game o me🎉❤❤❤❤
If your begginer then I suggest buy phenix before Al rods it's really great I upload a full video about that soon👍😢
W video! I'm focused on trying to get a better rod so I'm hoping that I can catch some rare fish but with my luck I get like 1 mythical a day. 💀
@@mandaplays9150 I feel the pain! Keep grinding!
Hey man, I’m currently in mid game and I was thinking whether I should get a steady/nocturnal rod in place of my haunted rod?
Personally I’d go with steady!
Oh ok thanks.
Can you also suggest me a good money making method using steady rod to get me to endgame?
hey bro what u use to edit vids with
tip, if ur holding ur rod and click the camera button on the top right u can use the ui navigation thing and spam s and enter to get shake easily
wym spam s and enter, can i have more detail
@@qenisb3 the camera button toggles GUI, so you can press the "\" button to activate the UI navigation for controller and you can spam the down arrow then enter for it to click the shake button for you
@@PastaVB thanks you
This doesn’t work because sometimes it will unequip my rod at random because the shake button is too far from the starting spot of the ui navigation
@@lemonthelemonman if u press the camera button it removes the menu (gotta hold ur rod before pressing the camera button)
I am the 1000th liked on this vid
now this is what i need to see
This is my first heart ever :D thank you!!!
I never got nessie by destiny rod before but after i buy king rod i fisch for like 10 mins and i got a nessie
also your video is so frickin underrated, subbed. 💯💯
(Also my nessie weight 3000+ kg when i first fisch it but now its 4000+kg)
I think the kings rod is good with sertin enchantments like steady ,blessed rounded, or resilient
W vid W mans