Profound and deep exploration of human experience when life collapses. It reminded me of my past experiences with an identity crisis. About 20 years ago, I became aware that I was gay in a place where there was little supportive environment to rely on. I felt a radical sense of loss from the once secure and supportive ground. After struggling for several years, I had the chance to access the gay community in an urban area. After meeting some members, I began to recover. During that time, I experienced what R.D. Laing described as the feeling of the sun being a dark hole emitting cold rays. However, after meeting with the community, I was able to experience the warmth of the yellow sun again.
Profound and deep exploration of human experience when life collapses. It reminded me of my past experiences with an identity crisis. About 20 years ago, I became aware that I was gay in a place where there was little supportive environment to rely on. I felt a radical sense of loss from the once secure and supportive ground. After struggling for several years, I had the chance to access the gay community in an urban area. After meeting some members, I began to recover. During that time, I experienced what R.D. Laing described as the feeling of the sun being a dark hole emitting cold rays. However, after meeting with the community, I was able to experience the warmth of the yellow sun again.
A beautiful use of the art of self-disclosure by this well known therapist.
A beautiful rendering of how challenging life can be.