Lord of lords, king of kings, I come before your throne, with a repented heart, asking for another year for me and my people, please grant us another year in Your book of life.Amen.😢🙏🥺
Idk, we were just a territory of Mexico after we got our independence from Spain, no one wanted us, because once the US got us, we were just a territory again, us and Arizona are the only states that had to wait as long as we did to become a state. Well I’m sure PR will break that record once they finally get in.
Also, "Mexico, Mexicanos" are spelled both with the "x" in both English and Spanish. Yes, it's pronounced "me-hi-co" or "me-hi-ca-nos" in Spanish but the "X" stays in the written form. So, please correct the lyrics you post here. Gracias.
Que hermosas estas canciones!
Saludos desde España a todos los Hispanos de nuevo méxico!
Saludos desde Nuevo Mexico.
to make this clear
o fair new mexico and
asi es nuevo mexico
are 2 completely different songs
but both are official state songs
Yes we actually have five state songs total.
Fun fact - in New Mexico it's illegal to sing less than three verses of "O Fair New Mexico" in any public performance of that song!
Is it really illegal or is it just preferred to sing three
There are other versions with less than three verses
Hermanos que nunca olvidaron ser mexicanos
Para ser un himno es muy bailable
This state and Arizona are the only two, as far as I'm aware, that have ever had two women governors in a row!
Long live new Mexico from India
Hum india?
@@NighatKousar53 i love india
Support india in kashmir
@@erickmartinsmxusca7562 i like state of assam
Long Live New Mexico
Its Cool Thats All I Gotta Say
Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and dance to the state anthem of New Mexico
Lord of lords, king of kings, I come before your throne, with a repented heart, asking for another year for me and my people, please grant us another year in Your book of life.Amen.😢🙏🥺
Good flag.
"Please rise and get your feet loose for the New Mexican anthem"
This state, for me, is one of those places that I would like to visit, but I worry I won't eat the food!
If they consider chili pepper as equal to a vegetable...
This was part of our land
It's your land, and the Mexicans who are not descendants of the Spanish colonizers are invading it.
Este estado pertence ao México😆
Idk, we were just a territory of Mexico after we got our independence from Spain, no one wanted us, because once the US got us, we were just a territory again, us and Arizona are the only states that had to wait as long as we did to become a state. Well I’m sure PR will break that record once they finally get in.
A bunch did actually.
@@InvaderKush there was also Oklahoma that had to wait
@@InvaderKush your right
Estoy de acuerdo pero EUA no
Also, "Mexico, Mexicanos" are spelled both with the "x" in both English and Spanish. Yes, it's pronounced "me-hi-co" or "me-hi-ca-nos" in Spanish but the "X" stays in the written form. So, please correct the lyrics you post here. Gracias.
perdonalo xd mucha gente que habla ingles no sabe eso
@@diegoalonjimz291 Y como lo sabes eso? Precisamente, los anglos que no hablan mucho espanol sabe no mas que "Mexico" esta siempre deletreado con "x."
I thought it was the breaking bad soundtrack as anthem💀
Only state to have a Spanish state song besides Puerto Rico
This played on the last broadcast when Oklahoma started bombing New Mexico, causing the poor state to surrender until the holy war ends.
breaking bad
red or green?...... no this isn't a not color blindness!🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Always green.
Los dos.
Long Island should be it’s own state and Billy Joel would make a much better song.
Sounds like you guys ripped this off of a Disney song.
More likely, Disney ripped them off, like they do so well.
Mf New mexico came first hombre
Bro insulted Real Mexico.