💨起風了: 周深 Wind Rises: Zhou Shen 作詞:米果 Lyric Composer: Mi-Guo 作曲:高橋優 Melody Composer: Takahashi Yu 編曲:劉胡軼 Arranger: Liu Huyi 發行/ Released: 2020-09-03 💕💨🙏💞💝💕💨🙏💞💝 這一路上走走停停 On this road, the many go and pause, 順著少年漂流的痕跡 flowed along with the youths’ drifting days. 邁出車站的前一刻 Moment before stepping out of the station, 竟有些猶豫 actually I had some hesitance. 不禁笑這近鄉情怯 Couldn’t help but laughed at this nostalgia, nearing home. 仍無可避免, 而長野的天, 依舊那麼暖 It’s inevitable; those long wild days remained just as warm. 風吹起了從前 The wind has blown up the past. 從前初識這世間 In my childhood, when learning about this world, 萬般流連 was extremely yearning for it. 看著天邊似在眼前 Staring at the horizon, the scenes seemed right before my eyes. 也甘願赴湯蹈火去走它一遍 And was very willing *to be scalded and to walk on flames* for this journey. [*this is at idiom, meaning willing to go thru all sufferings and hardship for this life experience] 如今走過這世間 Now that I have been through the world, 萬般流連 I’m yearning extremely for this. 翻過歲月不同側臉 Been through the different facets of life over the years, 措不及防闖入你的笑顏 Can’t wait to thrust into your smile. 我曾難自拔於世界之大 It was hard for me to imagine how big this world was. 也沈溺於其中夢話 And I also fancied deeply in those dreams. 不得真假 Unable to determine the truth and the false. 不做掙扎 Didn’t want to procrastinate. 不懼笑話 Defied all ridicules, 我曾將青春翻湧成她 I had forsaken her youth. 也曾指尖彈出盛夏 Flicking my fingertips, the melody of Midsummer. 心之所動 且就隨緣去吧 Our hearts so moved, we just let destiny took its course, 逆著光行走 任風吹雨打 going against the lights, enduring the wind and the rain. 短短的路走走停停 Short journey with many go and stop, 也有了幾分的距離 yet, it was a distance of separation. 不知撫摸的是故事 還是段心情 Not sure if it’s a tender story or just my sentiment. 也許期待的不過是 與時間為敵 Perhaps what I was looking forward to, fighting against time, 再次看到你 was to see you once again, 微涼晨光里 in the cool morning light, 笑的很甜蜜 smiling so sweetly. 從前初識這世間 In my childhood, when learning about this world, 萬般流連 was extremely yearning for it. 看著天邊似在眼前 Staring at the horizon, the scenes seemed right before my eyes. 也甘願赴湯蹈火去走它一遍 And was very willing to be *scalded and to walk on flames* for this journey. [*this is an idiom, meaning willing to go thru all sufferings and hardship for this life experience] 如今走過這世間 Now that I have been through the world, 萬般流連 I’m yearning extremely for this. 翻過歲月不同側臉 Been through the different facets of life over the years, 措不及防闖入你的笑顏 can’t wait to thrust into your smile. 我曾難自拔於世界之大 It was hard for me to imagine how big this world was. 也沈溺於其中夢話 And I also fancied deeply in those dreams. 不得真假 Unable to determine the truth and the false. 不做掙扎 Didn’t want to procrastinate. 不懼笑話 Defied all ridicules! 我曾將青春翻湧成她 I had forsaken her youth. 也曾指尖彈出盛夏 Flicking my fingertips the melody of Midsummer. 心之所動 且就隨緣去吧 Our hearts so moved, we just let destiny took its course. 喔喔喔...........woh...woh.... 晚風吹起你鬢間的白髮 The night wind blows the grey hair between your temples, 撫平回憶留下的疤 Healed scars left by memories. 你的眼中 明暗交雜 一笑生花 Within your dark eyes is a freshly bloomed smile. 暮色遮住你蹣跚的步伐 The colours of dusk camouflaged your staggering footsteps. 走進床頭藏起的畫 Walking towards the bedhead, a hidden picture. 畫中的你 低著頭說話 「Picture of you」 lowering your head, you whispered. 我仍感嘆於世界之大 I remained in awe that the world is really so big, 也沈醉於兒時情話 And still deeply infatuated with the childhood’s love utterances. 不剩真假 不做掙扎 無謂笑話 It doesn’t matter true or false, no need to procrastinate, no ridicules. 我終將青春還給了她 I finally returned the youthfulness to her 連同指尖彈出的盛夏 Along with flicks of my fingertips, the melody of Midsummer. 心之所動 就隨風去了 Our hearts so moved,we just flowed with the wind. 以愛之名 你還願意嗎 In the name of love, are you still willing? 💕💓💞💘💝💕💓💞💘💝 Translated by 永遠深迷💖Emily Koh翻譯 周深, 起風了! 風助奮力前行,實現夢想。 風給了力量,飛得很遠,經歷了未知。 風使回歸永恆愛等著. Zhou Shen, Wind is rising! The wind propels the realisation of dreams. The wind gives strength to fly far and experience the unknown. The wind takes the returning home, to their eternal love awaiting. 周深永遠是我們的冠軍! Zhou Shen, you’re eternally our Hero🍀🤩🌞🌝☀️⭐️🏆🥇❤️
❤️周深 啊 周深!你怎麼可以那麽棒呢?[起風了]這也太好聽了吧!真的是太讚了👍👏🥰
周深 好听❤❤❤
Awesome Zhou Shen ❤❤❤❤❤Amazing as Always 👏👍🏻❤❤❤❤❤
So Proud of Him Always ❤💙👏💓💕
永遠讓我更喜 更喜欢喜欢 他的歌声 他的礼数和譪可親,有自己性格 美声 美男子,你太棒👍👍✌✌🌟🌟🌟😎🥰🥰❤❤❤
maria shen My Only, Rubia, 花开忘忧 , 璀璨冒险人, 起风了, 大鱼, 克普勒, 光亮, 蘭亭序, 無所畏懼 ..…. 周深這位音樂藝人是有無比創造思維,內涵無限音形述說以及表達能力的天赋異稟,百年罕見之深邃超人。 他純真愛楽愛人之情怎能不取獲千萬知音知其人反饋之忠心
后面和声的老师们应该也是生米吧!!看起来很享受给深深和声, 而且越和越起劲的 🤩
寶寶 不要哭...
How many fans were at this concert?? ❤❤
How amazing would it be to be there.!
I would love to see more of Zhou Shen n Fei Xiang together ❤🎉
💨起風了: 周深
Wind Rises: Zhou Shen
作詞:米果 Lyric Composer: Mi-Guo
作曲:高橋優 Melody Composer: Takahashi Yu
編曲:劉胡軼 Arranger: Liu Huyi
發行/ Released: 2020-09-03
On this road, the many go and pause,
flowed along with the youths’ drifting days.
Moment before stepping out of the station,
actually I had some hesitance.
Couldn’t help but laughed at this nostalgia, nearing home.
仍無可避免, 而長野的天, 依舊那麼暖
It’s inevitable; those long wild days remained just as warm.
The wind has blown up the past.
In my childhood, when learning about this world,
was extremely yearning for it.
Staring at the horizon, the scenes seemed right before my eyes.
And was very willing *to be scalded and to walk on flames* for this journey. [*this is at idiom, meaning willing to go thru all sufferings and hardship for this life experience]
Now that I have been through the world,
I’m yearning extremely for this.
Been through the different facets of life over the years,
Can’t wait to thrust into your smile.
It was hard for me to imagine how big this world was.
And I also fancied deeply in those dreams.
Unable to determine the truth and the false.
Didn’t want to procrastinate.
Defied all ridicules,
I had forsaken her youth.
Flicking my fingertips, the melody of Midsummer.
心之所動 且就隨緣去吧
Our hearts so moved, we just let destiny took its course,
逆著光行走 任風吹雨打
going against the lights, enduring the wind and the rain.
Short journey with many go and stop,
yet, it was a distance of separation.
不知撫摸的是故事 還是段心情
Not sure if it’s a tender story or just my sentiment.
也許期待的不過是 與時間為敵
Perhaps what I was looking forward to, fighting against time,
was to see you once again,
in the cool morning light,
smiling so sweetly.
In my childhood, when learning about this world,
was extremely yearning for it.
Staring at the horizon, the scenes seemed right before my eyes.
And was very willing to be *scalded and to walk on flames* for this journey. [*this is an idiom, meaning willing to go thru all sufferings and hardship for this life experience]
Now that I have been through the world,
I’m yearning extremely for this.
Been through the different facets of life over the years,
can’t wait to thrust into your smile.
It was hard for me to imagine how big this world was.
And I also fancied deeply in those dreams.
Unable to determine the truth and the false.
Didn’t want to procrastinate.
Defied all ridicules!
I had forsaken her youth.
Flicking my fingertips the melody of Midsummer.
心之所動 且就隨緣去吧
Our hearts so moved, we just let destiny took its course.
The night wind blows the grey hair between your temples,
Healed scars left by memories.
你的眼中 明暗交雜 一笑生花
Within your dark eyes is a freshly bloomed smile.
The colours of dusk camouflaged your staggering footsteps.
Walking towards the bedhead, a hidden picture.
畫中的你 低著頭說話
「Picture of you」 lowering your head, you whispered.
I remained in awe that the world is really so big,
And still deeply infatuated with the childhood’s love utterances.
不剩真假 不做掙扎 無謂笑話
It doesn’t matter true or false, no need to procrastinate, no ridicules.
I finally returned the youthfulness to her
Along with flicks of my fingertips, the melody of Midsummer.
心之所動 就隨風去了
Our hearts so moved,we just flowed with the wind.
以愛之名 你還願意嗎
In the name of love, are you still willing?
Translated by 永遠深迷💖Emily Koh翻譯
Zhou Shen,
Wind is rising!
The wind propels the realisation of dreams.
The wind gives strength to fly far and experience the unknown.
The wind takes the returning home, to their eternal love awaiting.
周深永遠是我們的冠軍! Zhou Shen, you’re eternally our Hero🍀🤩🌞🌝☀️⭐️🏆🥇❤️