Still using the POWER POCKET?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • The Slingshot Training Program...Located in Patreon (includes the slingshot discord community)
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  • @tyeerilatosdiscgolf
    @tyeerilatosdiscgolf Год назад +36

    Team Slingshot Member here. This is 1000% legit. Slingshot has changed my form to be so much more athletic, professional, and more effortless. If anybody is looking for real distance and effortless Coach T is the best coach to work with, hands down.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +5

      Tyee has effortless form. I’ve seen it live!

    • @cola57_dg
      @cola57_dg Год назад +4

      I 100% agree with Tyee on this take

    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад

      its crap

    • @blazesmith6841
      @blazesmith6841 Год назад +2

      That’s amazing to hear it’s sad that this Dave dude really trying to ruin plps goals telling them it can never happen just cause they didn’t put in the time to see the difference

    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад

      @@blazesmith6841 and the majority wont gain 10 feet and hurt their arms/shoulders in the process. preposterous. nonsense these distance videos.

  • @mikaelschloenzig9590
    @mikaelschloenzig9590 Год назад +3

    After 9 years of playing (=frustration),i found out today that i have to do exactly what you are teaching here and it works for me ,with my mind now set to "one thing only" makes me throw much better,all focus on bringing the throw-arm backward even as i go forward in all other motions.....the result, no pulling arm in any way,the arm will be dragged in with the "rubber band" effect,result,a bunch of best shots ever on the course today,straighter and longer.Not at all what i expected of my shots regarding form,style and feel ,but hey ,if it works don´t overthink it!Big Thanks "coach T".

  • @morganhart4723
    @morganhart4723 Год назад +5

    I watch all of your videos, and you are correct. I am having some serious problems with the power pocket. They way you teach it makes so much sense. Thanks for your hard work.

  • @RobLents
    @RobLents Год назад +2

    Brother I just wanna say that at 55 with Marine Corps issued arthritis everywhere I have struggled to throw past 230 feet. I have been throwing for years with terrible form. Always doing the lawnmower being stiff armed and pulling.
    I thought I’ll never figure this out then I started watching your videos and I can tell you my accuracy, my distance, and my lack of shoulder pain has been a blessing.
    Your journey, your open honest journey inspired me and I cannot thank you enough.
    With my deepest thanks. Semper Fi

  • @mawage666
    @mawage666 Год назад +3

    This could definitely make the top 100 best videos ever made in the history of making videos.

  • @tonyriedel4421
    @tonyriedel4421 Год назад +19

    There was a good comment on this point on the last video showing the form progression. The farther that you throw the more effortless and easy it looks. I think most people have been at the 300 barrier trying harder and not getting any more distance

    • @ryosapien27
      @ryosapien27 Год назад

      Should those players really be focusing on how to throw a disc further or how to throw a disc 300’ with less effort and more accuracy asking for a friend…

    • @tonyriedel4421
      @tonyriedel4421 Год назад +2

      @@ryosapien27 both, if you can hit 500 with great form the byproduct is 350 is easy

  • @MichaelFloyd12
    @MichaelFloyd12 Год назад +9

    Keep up the great content coach. This year has been amazing with the help of your videos! Can't wait for 2023!!!!!

  • @ryanmcguigan3508
    @ryanmcguigan3508 Год назад +5

    Love what you teach. I throw over 400 and look forward to hitting 500. I grew up in sports and the one thing that is hard in disc golf to do is hit that over 450ft distance to reach certain holes only the pros can reach on your drives. So thank you.

    • @jaythejuiceman3000
      @jaythejuiceman3000 Год назад +1

      That is my problem. I was a 400-450' thrower with bad form. I have been working on it and really trying to get this timing down. I lost about 50-100' of distance so far, but I know it will pay off as I practice it through the off season.

  • @benperry9819
    @benperry9819 Год назад +2

    literally just like pitching or throwing a baseball in general…the stretch that creates the slingshot effect or rubber band effect is a huge factor and something that harder throwers apply in effortless velocity…awesome video

  • @mikeikata3324
    @mikeikata3324 Год назад +4

    Straight up, love your honesty. Great video. Keep ‘‘em coming 💯 coach T

  • @jalakarvad
    @jalakarvad Год назад +1

    True. It snaps its self and there is less effort. Sometimes I create little swinging during run up to get this rotation timing before pulling through.

  • @seeballgetball937
    @seeballgetball937 Год назад +10

    I love when coach T gets hate for coming up with his own way of describing disc golf form. Give the guy credit he dissected Paul macbeths form perfectly which IS a coaching talent. No where have you heard double move, magic position, or somebody telling you back leg disc golf,or forget about the power pocket, and he’s correct imho on all fronts. I for one would of never noticed the “magic position” but when he draws it on the pros and you see it you start to see it on all the top throwers they all with out a doubt hit that position at some point in the throw.

  • @earlthomas6295
    @earlthomas6295 Год назад +5

    If I remember correctly Paul got some of that form from Bradley Williams. If you watch his slow mo form he also does what you are talking about.

  • @MiltaryFatiges
    @MiltaryFatiges Год назад +1

    I’ve played disc very casually for 4 years, but just started taking it seriously in the last 8 months. This has been a 4 week project for me. This concept of coiling across my back and punching through has already added ~50 ft to my not so amazing drive, taking me out to 350. I have popped two out to 400 ft, but I didn’t necessarily feel in control of either throw.
    Combining these concept of coil and back leg propulsion has not been easy. At times I feel like I’m spraying my drives when the timing is a little off. But, I’m seeing the results, so I am going to stick with it. Slow learning, but I believe it’ll pay off.

  • @joem8496
    @joem8496 Год назад +9

    This is so interesting to hear. I have been going thru this same logic. I'm a decent athlete at other sports. I can throw a forehand 400ft, but my backhand is stuck around 240. I don't believe it's a physical limitation, but I'm doing something fundamentally wrong. I don't expect to be awesome, but I should be able to throw 350.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1

      Those instincts are correct. If it feels like their is more distance…means there is.

    • @jeffgood1580
      @jeffgood1580 Год назад +1

      If you can forehand 400, I bet in a summer you can get your backhand to 400

    • @joem8496
      @joem8496 Год назад +1

      @@jeffgood1580 I swear I have been practicing every other day since June and still can't figure it out.

    • @tonyriedel4421
      @tonyriedel4421 Год назад +3

      @@joem8496 I would highly recommend joining the discord. I was also in the same boat and once I joined I made more progress in a few months then the entire 2 years I had been playing

    • @seeballgetball937
      @seeballgetball937 Год назад +4

      Join one of the tiers even if it’s only one review a month guarantee he finds something every time,e for u to work on you didn’t see. If not it’s imperative you tape yourself there’s no point in practicing non stop with the wrong form just bad habits later to brake

  • @thundy8363
    @thundy8363 Год назад +2

    It looks so easy lmao! It's so difficult to internalize the timing; getting the plant foot down before full extension, starting the turn to extend the disc and keep good angle control. This really does make a ton of sense though, it's not about pulling, it's about slinging. Cheers

  • @calebdyer6332
    @calebdyer6332 Год назад +4

    I don’t think the power pocket is the problem. It seems what you’re saying is that people get into the pocket to early, and are too rigid.

  • @buddysashie6439
    @buddysashie6439 Год назад +5

    I've picked up over 150' in the past six months. ( via Slingshot)
    Things I notice.
    1. DG is a lot more fun now.
    2. Drives require less effort / power, and as a result my control is also way up.
    3. My shoulder doesn't hurt like it used to.
    Tip: if you order a slingshot make sure to get one with Boom Sauce!

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад


    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад +1

      rofl, pure bs

    • @buddysashie6439
      @buddysashie6439 Год назад

      @@davehart9972 listen carefully. When it comes to form Its hard to correct our exact deficiency. If you have tried this method and its not working its likely you're missing key details. I put more time in studing DG form than I did in my organic chemistry class.
      You can fix the lack of "big arm" with big brains. Details count. Tiny little things have huge effects. GL bro.

  • @skylerhawkins9726
    @skylerhawkins9726 Год назад +6

    I’m so sick of hurting my body. I stopped throwing a disc three weeks ago, and I’ve been doing nothing but recoding and changing my form. I’ve watched all your videos 3 times. Great content.

  • @blazesmith6841
    @blazesmith6841 Год назад +1

    Really can’t wait to try this out been stuck at 300-350 (depending on the wind and if it’s uphill or downhill) max Accurate distance for a few months now trying to find the next step, and I think this will be the key to reaching 400 getting my timing and truely slingshotting my discs aka Paul mcbething it

    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад

      its NEVER going to happen, these videos get everyone hyped up, but its all genetics. You can have all the good form all you want but you are never throwing a baseball 95 mph or throwing a football 80 yards.

    • @blazesmith6841
      @blazesmith6841 Год назад

      @@davehart9972 I’m lmfaooooo dude you truly are clueless it’s all about form and the amount of work you put in I threw less that 150 ft for a year then got a better form stated throwing 200 kept working on my form and strength started throwing 300 and in the last 3 months I’ve been able to throw up to 350-380 uphill consistently but if you wanna tell people it’s impossible to get better and do better go back to smoking crack my guy. But thanks for not believing in me I’ll use that as motivation to throw 400 ft consistently on flat ground just to prove you wrong and I’m only 130 lbs 5’10/11 definitely isn’t genetics it’s the amount of time you put in and how Consistent you are at practicing but have a good day

    • @blazesmith6841
      @blazesmith6841 Год назад

      @@davehart9972 well it’s time for me to hit the courses and put in the work

    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад

      @@blazesmith6841 rofl, ya keep it up you'll be at 450 in no time. good grief.

    • @blazesmith6841
      @blazesmith6841 Год назад

      @@davehart9972 ayee that’s the mind set g but prolly never coming back to this comment so have a great time try to stay positive

  • @scotranney8456
    @scotranney8456 Год назад +6

    Keep up the great work, man! Your vids are great whether they are straight up technique, philosophy, or whatever. Have a great 2023!

  • @keyelectric91
    @keyelectric91 Год назад +1

    I definitely try to use the power pocket I'm going to practice and hopefully relearn not to do the power pocket but coil like you demonstrated in this video.

  • @TommyThwack
    @TommyThwack Год назад +4

    You have said this before, but I think it’s the key to the slingshot timing, is the slow “reachback” ie moving around the disc. The timing for getting your arms to move in opposite directions is really hard to do when you are reaching back quickly. I was getting quite frustrated because it felt weird, but Once I started thinking 1-2-3-4 with my reachback timing I could feel it starting to click. I’m not quite there yet but I can feel it coming. Thanks for explaining this the way you do. It makes a lot of sense! You make great content!

  • Год назад +4

    Ive been working hard unlearning years of ultimate frisbee. Before incorporating the slingshot method I had to throw sky annys for 400’. Im getting more consistent at 400’ distance with a smooth backhand golf line now. It’s not easy AT ALL but it has made me more consistent, throws are more effortless, and the game is even more fun. If you want to get better and are willing to work, you will see results.

  • @rageoid
    @rageoid Год назад +2

    300 has been my wall for a year, shoulder tweaked 1/2 the time.

    @JIMWESTDG Год назад +2

    Whenever I go out and try to learn/practice the slingshot method, I always end up bouncing my disc off of my right shoulder which knocks everything off. I say right shoulder because I am left handed. If I try to do the double move, that's what happens. I have to, kind of, press my right arm against my side and use more of the power pocket (I think I'm doing the power pocket anyway) to get a clean throw. I don't know what to look for or at to maybe fix this. Great video either way though 🤘

    • @erniejeong1821
      @erniejeong1821 Год назад

      Try to have your final plant foot end more out ..i mean..more right (on lhbh) so that you have more space between chest and arms. Watch lizotte or gibson..especially their footwork and you will know what i mean

      @JIMWESTDG Год назад

      @@erniejeong1821 stepping out like that is what I've been practicing for a while now and do it pretty consistently (as far as I know anyway lol). I'll take some video and look. Thanks 😊.

  • @johnsd333
    @johnsd333 11 месяцев назад

    love the way you teach this .

  • @151forShizzle
    @151forShizzle Год назад

    Can we train this while standing still or only in combination with the X step?

  • @Joecuzzi
    @Joecuzzi Год назад +1

    Does Shusterick sling or pocket?

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад

      I will be reviewing his form on the coach T show at some point. Every Wednesday. See if you want to join. I will release the review on RUclips most likely though.

    • @Joecuzzi
      @Joecuzzi Год назад

      @@slingshotdiscgolf1897 He does seem to "reach" back after his right foot plants

  • @larryinfl80
    @larryinfl80 Год назад +7

    Whenever I see someone struggling with form in person or online I recommend your channel to them.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +3

      Thank you!

    • @millertimeast
      @millertimeast Год назад +3

      I second that I’m happy to recommend your channel to anyone struggling to push past whatever is holding them back with their backhand

  • @theterriblegolfer24
    @theterriblegolfer24 Год назад +12

    FYI I jumped from about 390 to 500’ incorporating this guys teachings into my backhand. I’ve only been playing for 3 years. I played 2 varsity sports in college, and I am well above average in athleticism and nothing else was working. I stumbled on Slingshot DG and progress has been amazing learning to be a back leg player.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1


    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад

      rofl, and then you woek up.

    • @theterriblegolfer24
      @theterriblegolfer24 Год назад

      @@davehart9972 nope. I can throw a 500’ golf shot. Let me guess you’ve never really passed 350’ so you rag on better players for having higher genetic ceilings.

    • @davehart9972
      @davehart9972 Год назад +1

      @@theterriblegolfer24 no that exactly proves my point. you can practice form for 20 years and if you your ceiling is 350 you arent gaining 150 of distance magically. its all genetics. thanks for agreeing with me.

    • @theterriblegolfer24
      @theterriblegolfer24 Год назад

      @@davehart9972 but if you don’t find the proper throwing mechanics for you, you’ll never unlock the extra distance plain and simple.

  • @runnerloose9419
    @runnerloose9419 Год назад +1

    Ive been struggling to get a proper extended reachback and hope this helps me, but i was wondering if youre forcing your throwing arm to keep extending as your bring your left arm in or you are holding your right arm still?

  • @RockCh4lk
    @RockCh4lk Год назад +2

    The thing about disc golf that has frustrated me for a decade is that I am athletic, but I haven't been able to throw over 380' more than a few times. I high jumped 6' 4" in high school after only doing it for two years. I had an exceptionally strong arm playing SS in baseball before that. I have the explosive power, but can't translate it to disc golf.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +2

      I get it

    • @RockCh4lk
      @RockCh4lk Год назад +1

      Your videos are helping a lot! I've been doing "ghost throws" all over my house this winter, and I'm getting a net this weekend so I can get more reps with discs. I can already feel the difference between the power pocket and the slingshot/rubberband.
      Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

    • @seeballgetball937
      @seeballgetball937 Год назад +1

      Same, your prob use to being able to just muscle through the other stuff with great results that’s the hardest part about this sure you can muscle a disc but you aren’t getting much over 400 w/o the correct form unless your 6’5 with long limbs and huge hands

    • @joem8496
      @joem8496 Год назад

      My longest throws are when I'm at like 70% power. It's a weird skill...

  • @ActualSighs
    @ActualSighs Год назад

    Another great video! I'm glad I found your channel. Now I can start undoing Danny Lindahl's methods. I stopped watching his vids after he broke down Paul McBeth's form. He kept saying that what he (Paul), was doing, you can't. I don't know what the point was.

  • @JoshJackson13
    @JoshJackson13 Год назад

    I hold the disc out like Eric Oakley until my left arm hits my chest then pull through but I've thrown ten thousand throws and only felt the buttery snap 2 times. I can make the snap noise but get no extra distance little more spin (by gripping harder).

  • @Joah1990
    @Joah1990 Год назад

    I was hitting 290-310 consistently 2 weeks ago. Ive dropped something during a couple days rest i took. Today i was having all kinds of issues. Sucky distancs, nose up release. Couldnt flip my usual distance flippers. I feel like im someone who just cant take a day off 😂. I know 310 isnt far. But im 6 months is and its alot better than where i started. I was having a hard time reaching much over 200 at first

  • @loganw861
    @loganw861 Год назад +1

    Hopefully one day I’ll get it & your channel will get most the credit. Great content! 🙌🏻

  • @Footfaultmaster
    @Footfaultmaster Год назад +1

    I’m new here!! Very interesting “slingshot” concept… do you offer individual form corrections?

  • @brettkeepin808
    @brettkeepin808 Год назад +1

    At 58 I’m like an old dog, you can’t teach it new tricks, looks like I’m stuck with the power pocket, I’ve just got the Zeus for Christmas off the wife, I have no problem getting the distance I need on the courses I have here in the uk, but great information for younger players to pick up on👍 Happy new year to all disc golfers around the world 🥳🍻🍻😂

  • @Jgrhymes
    @Jgrhymes Год назад +1

    Been a fan of your content from the start. I have the exact same feeling of my athleticism not translating into disc golf and I can tell something isn't right when I throw. I can just tell I'm not getting anything from my lower body in terms of power. I'm curious if you could explain what it should feel like when you actually get all the timing and form correct and what that progression looked / felt like for you? Cheers

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1

      Honestly. It should feel euphoric. At least when you first start doing it. Like anything else you get used to it and kind of goes away but that first 6 months I had it down felt supernatural. Until it feels that good you know there’s more! Keep grinding and just believe it’s possible

    • @Jgrhymes
      @Jgrhymes Год назад +1

      You're the man. Thanks!

    • @HyzerFlip
      @HyzerFlip Год назад

      ​@@slingshotdiscgolf1897 This both excites me but also makes me sad because it's been 5 years and I still haven't felt this. I'm worried I'll never be able to teach myself the feel and the timing even though I've watched OT and your channel since the start. I'm just not athletic in that way.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад

      @@HyzerFlip let me review your form on my channel. I want to see what’s really going on with your current form. Either way I appreciate your support!

  • @danieldziepak6561
    @danieldziepak6561 Год назад

    Do you think you hsve reached your max distance? And what is your still working on my backhand form and sit around 250-300 consistently depending on the disc

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1

      Yes I’ve reached my max distance. But that doesn’t mean I’m on the level of any of the pros. 9,000 more hours to go if I want to achieve perfect angle and accuracy on every shot.

  • @phonypeeps7020
    @phonypeeps7020 Год назад

    The power pocket is a little misunderstood because of the amount of rotation back (coming inside) and working from a closed hip setup as the front foot plants. You shouldn't be throwing the arm out, in then out again. Rather create a path that passes through it during the dynamic rotation. It will feel like you aimed to far left until you find it. This is also why many players get better distance on their grip locks. I study biomechanics for ball and disc golf, this is just my analysis from years of coaching 1 on 1.

    • @phonypeeps7020
      @phonypeeps7020 Год назад +1

      @Lasr8 it's kinda hard to explain in writing but I'd Start by watching the angle of run up and where that front foot plants. The hips are almost always preset closed/back. So it might feel like everything is left. Continue rotating but by the time your open to the target the disc should already be released. Feel inside out with good rotation. This is for distance mainly. Things get a little less exaggerated as you slow it down.

    @MSFB4EVER Год назад

    If you don’t pull at all with your arm how do you keep it in line? This game is so hard!

  • @carsonjewett3349
    @carsonjewett3349 Год назад +2

    Ya most people don't recognize that paul is literally 5 ft 9 or 10, he's an average size guy with top level power because he maximizes efficiency. If someone like Simon or brodie size could maximize efficiency like that they would be unstoppable

    • @johnjordanville
      @johnjordanville Год назад

      Simon is able to throw over 700’ how is that not efficient? Brodie on the other hand 😮

    • @carsonjewett3349
      @carsonjewett3349 Год назад

      @@johnjordanville you're right simon is maximizing efficiency, I just meant that tall build in general my bad

  • @blainehock754
    @blainehock754 Год назад +2

    Just from watching this video, I'd guess that my own problems are too fast of a backswing, and potentially far too early starting the backswing

  • @Jrspvsurf
    @Jrspvsurf Год назад +1

    This is the moment you have me hooked. 1:44 . I’m the same height as you same general athleticism as you. Can’t wait to see where the rest of this video goes, and I’m excited to learn from you.

    • @Jrspvsurf
      @Jrspvsurf Год назад +1

      Played my first round after watching this video, and focusing so much more on my other arm and maximizing that extension, I only got a couple of good throws, but I see where this is going. Please keep the content coming!

  • @VanBurleigh
    @VanBurleigh Год назад +4

    always extra pumped to hit the course after a fresh SSDG vid.

  • @cameroncumberland7074
    @cameroncumberland7074 Год назад

    Firm believer that Eagle McMahon is the greatest thrower of a disc the world has ever seen. His power both forehand (pre-injury) and backhand is unheard of. Paul’s form is great I won’t dispute that, but the way Eagle can accelerate a disc is next level and I don’t even think it’s teachable it’s just raw talent

    • @Adam-xc4wk
      @Adam-xc4wk Год назад


    • @tonyriedel4421
      @tonyriedel4421 Год назад

      Just like any sport the best of the best are a combination of technique and pure talent. When I did weightlifting there were world record holders who had "bad" form.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад

      Yes I agree eagle is extremely gifted physically. He’s #5 on my form list so I’m not arguing. I’m a big fan of eagle

    • @buddysashie6439
      @buddysashie6439 Год назад

      Anything a human does is teachable.
      How did Eagle learn? Did his dad teach him? 2nd gen athletes have a huge advantage in sports. From not only genetics but from the knowledge passed to them at a young age.
      You can't teach an old dog new tricks. But perhaps an old dog can still benefit.
      If you gave a thousands of kids eagles upbringing many of them would thriw like that. Same story for Simon. 2nd gen Dg. You see this trend in a lot if sports.

  • @mr.wizeguy8995
    @mr.wizeguy8995 Год назад

    I have asked few times how much age affect meaning muscles loses "explosiveness" when you become older. I'm 44 threw 4 year with good throw i can reach just 400+ but haven't gain anymore distance.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад

      Age, unfortunately does limit distance. Pro athletes in every sport lose athleticism and it’s rare to see pro athletes past 40. As Charles Barkley always says…” Father Time is undefeated”. However…age does not effect form. It only effects distance because distance is a measure of athleticism.

  • @brettbuttars2792
    @brettbuttars2792 Год назад +1

    Great stuff as always.

  • @tommyg5095
    @tommyg5095 Год назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @zacharyturner7554
    @zacharyturner7554 Год назад

    Love the content! Hate the clickbait!!!

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад

      I have no choice. I hate it too. If I put a normal title nobody will see it. Trust me it sucks

  • @Grannyknockers
    @Grannyknockers Год назад

    Wait that’s the end of the video? I thought it was just getting to the good part

  • @JPnTX
    @JPnTX Год назад +1

    Sounds like your contradicting your power pocket video?

  • @koroba01
    @koroba01 Год назад

    It's like a retrograde motion between the core and the reach back.

  • @millertimeast
    @millertimeast Год назад

    Would you ever do a video on forehands?

  • @Andyofsuh
    @Andyofsuh Год назад +2

    Love it 🎉

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1

      Thank you

    • @Andyofsuh
      @Andyofsuh Год назад +2

      @@slingshotdiscgolf1897 been watching you since the beginning and it never really clicked. Until the other day i just really wanted to get my left arm and left side of my body more active and it finally clicked alot more. Still gotta fix my timing with the double move and all that but it already feels more effortless than before and easier distances

  • @drewg3087
    @drewg3087 Год назад

    You helped me so much this year. Thank you for everything.

  • @chief1761
    @chief1761 Год назад +1

    But McBeth can throw insanely far, and coming from Paul himself, he says get distance first, accuracy second.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад

      The most effortless form…as I describe…leads to your max distance potential as a by product

  • @triplespace007
    @triplespace007 Год назад +1

    I'll try to focus on this in warmer months ahead. Off topic: tips for throwing nosing down?

  • @mattbruder8242
    @mattbruder8242 Год назад +2

    Rex Kwon Do

  • @joshuastephens9720
    @joshuastephens9720 Год назад +1

    Just watched a slow-mo of Paul's form and he has what I consider is the "power pocket"видео.html Am I misunderstanding what the "power pocket" is?

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1

      Your seeing in and out fast twitch acceleration. That’s not where the power comes from. These are just my opinions though. Whatever works for each individual

  • @nathanrobbins2440
    @nathanrobbins2440 Год назад +3

    Yea I think I'm gonna go ahead and trust drew Gibson on this one over some random channel I've never heard of

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +2

      Can’t argue with that

    • @joem8496
      @joem8496 Год назад +2

      But seriously, did Drew have to struggle to learn his technique? It's hard to teach something that comes easily to you...

    • @nathanrobbins2440
      @nathanrobbins2440 Год назад +1

      @@joem8496 watch his video with Brodie Smith 2 years ago

    • @joem8496
      @joem8496 Год назад +2

      @@nathanrobbins2440 will do

  • @samich2220
    @samich2220 Год назад

    You want to get past 400 ft you need to go to the gym. The end.

    • @slingshotdiscgolf1897
      @slingshotdiscgolf1897  Год назад +1

      There’s a lot of truth in that

    • @tmcmillan45
      @tmcmillan45 Год назад +2

      Tell that to the 14 year old, 120lb twig of a kid at our local course burning 450' drives. He looks anemic but crushes.

  • @JH-fk8ow
    @JH-fk8ow Год назад
