Infurture - $50 ANC Headphones Better Than Sony? | Tech I Want Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 146

  • @3dtextures
    @3dtextures 2 года назад +41

    Just got them for 40$. Amazing quality and features for the price. They're comfortable, have no connection issues with an iPhone, the sound it's pretty amazing with good bass and the ANC is really a plus.

  • @romanmelnyk-ve2rmj979
    @romanmelnyk-ve2rmj979 Год назад +18

    Bought a pair and I have to say, for the money it is fine, sound quality is not bad for the price and anc is average to high, definitely not Bose or Sony. But for airplane cabin noise, it does a fairly good job. I personally find them a bit hard to have on for an hour or more, not the most comfortable. But overall, I like them for the price. and you will not feel bad changing them for something better in a year or more. Especially at the price you paid. So the review was very good, I experienced the same result, great job "Tech I want". Honest review is what I wanted to hear. One more thing, mine came with a USB C charge cable. I guess they started to listen to update them to USB C. That's a bonus.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад +3

      Thanks for the in-depth review!
      Are you still using them? I still use mine 2 years later, often for 4+ hours at a time... Have you heard about 'breaking in' headphones? You can stretch the band to reduce the pressure exerted on your head. It might help :)

  • @_therestlessbandit
    @_therestlessbandit 2 года назад +37

    Two things I expect from headphones. Good sound and comfort. That's it. Thanks for the review, I give them a shot.

    • @oboy_original4606
      @oboy_original4606 2 года назад +3

      Did you buy them? And if so, was it good? And was it worth it?

  • @IamDefiantx
    @IamDefiantx 3 года назад +26

    5:50 for sound quality.

  • @willienelsongonzalez4609
    @willienelsongonzalez4609 2 года назад +26

    Companies like Bose, Sony and Beats sell so called premium headphones at a ridiculous price point! It costs them pennies to make and they’ll fleece and over-inflated prices. Thanks but no thanks! There are better and cheaper headphones out in the market, do shop around!

    • @SafinRashid
      @SafinRashid 2 года назад +3

      It is actually quite expensive to develop the technology in many high end products. Exceptional ANC, wireless tech like LDAC, and other features require a lot of R&D. Though the material cost may be pennies, engineers cost more than pennies.

    • @misteryolo7248
      @misteryolo7248 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@SafinRashidyeah I'm pretty sure they evened the cost out a looong time ago

  • @omaroghly513
    @omaroghly513 2 месяца назад

    i love how you reply to all comments even after 3 years

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for noticing! Might take a while as we're not filming anymore, but I try to check in from time to time to help out and answer questions if I can :)

  • @nnkk7742
    @nnkk7742 Год назад +1

    Is this how MPOW rebranded or do they just use the same OEM?

  • @DJ279V
    @DJ279V 3 года назад +11

    Great review! Love the honest, in-depth explanation and testing experiences you covered. Hate that headphone companies are still using micro-USB...whaaa!?!? Thx for sharing the knowledge!!

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад +3

      Thanks! We've since spoken to the company, and it turns out that the newer model (same name and price) now comes with USB-C. Let me know what you think of them. -- Dan

    • @iQader
      @iQader 2 года назад

      Just got mine and it came with USB-C

    • @oboy_original4606
      @oboy_original4606 2 года назад

      @@iQader Do you still use them? I’ve seen many reviews saying it’s bad

    • @iQader
      @iQader 2 года назад +1

      @@oboy_original4606 yes i do, it’s been a while since i bought them and they’re still great 👍🏼

  • @Servant_of_Yeshua96
    @Servant_of_Yeshua96 3 года назад +7

    what about Overture? If that's not a headphone company yet, they should do that. That would be cool. Great video.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад +2

      Do you have a pair? What do you like about them?

  • @_therestlessbandit
    @_therestlessbandit 2 года назад +5

    Just bought them at Amazon for EUR 33. Absolute killer for the money.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      Right? Glad you like them!

  • @RebelBaseBuilds
    @RebelBaseBuilds 8 месяцев назад

    Great review man - really useful and good luck with the channel!

  • @olegyamleq7796
    @olegyamleq7796 Год назад +1

    Great review! looks like you are having fun with this channel ! i will check out more of your videos. thanks!

  • @arygaming8501
    @arygaming8501 Год назад +1

    Great review! I used to have the Taotronics Bh-tt22 which I think this company stole the entire design for these headphones from (probably just took over the production line from taotronics). The Taotronics had a distinct R and L in the cups so I'm pretty sure you wore these backwards throughout the video. Somehow that made this video incredibly funny to me.

  • @staceynolan4858
    @staceynolan4858 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the review! How do you forward to the next song with these? I tried holding the ff or rewind button but it skips 4 songs. Am i doing something wrong? Thanks1

  • @HueyFreeman7
    @HueyFreeman7 2 года назад +2

    LOLOL I subscribed just because of your personality and humour! Keep up the good work!

  • @spotlessreviews7425
    @spotlessreviews7425 2 года назад +2

    Hello! Can you review the new Infurture h2?

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      Hey SpotlessReviews! Good catch, hadn't seen them. I'll look into it now - Dan.
      PS. Subscribe and stay tuned for when we do ;)

  • @ryanheron9363
    @ryanheron9363 2 года назад +2

    Great review Dan.
    I'm a new subscriber to your channel today, for the last few years I have been receiving your emails and checking out the products you test that way. Well today I decided to get with the times and check out and subscribe to your RUclips channel.
    I'm a cheap headphone/earbuds freak so I was all over watching this review. I'd prefer to buy 10 cheaper pairs rather than 1 expensive pair and now after your breakdown of these $50 gems, I'll be adding them to my collection as well. As long as the audio is decent and they work well, I'll continue to keep doing what I'm doing, I use them more for watching streaming content so as long as they don't fall apart in the first week and hold a decent charge, I'm a happy camper. I decided to go this route instead of buying one or two good pairs bcuz years ago I used to need the best of the best but was always devastated if I lost or broke something (the more expensive the item, the more likely it seemed to happen). So when I buy these beauts and leave them on the top of my car and drive off, my wife won't get mad because I need a new pair and more importantly bcuz she told me
    Thanks for the heads up on the ins and outs of my next audio purchase.
    -Supes 🤙

  • @abdoulmdghri3706
    @abdoulmdghri3706 Год назад +1

    Good content
    New subscriber

  • @LordBroadhurst
    @LordBroadhurst 2 года назад +4

    Just got them, wearing them right now. The ANC is nothing to write home about. They're a comfortable, attractive pair of normal headphones, but they don't block out a large amount of sound from my experience

    • @coquequique250600
      @coquequique250600 2 года назад

      Does your model have USB c? The Amazon page says it's USB c, so I don't know if they launched a revision or is wrong

    • @tturner0051
      @tturner0051 2 года назад +1

      @@coquequique250600 I just got the H1s today, they now have USB-C

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад

      Yep, they're USB-C

  • @aleximani7378
    @aleximani7378 Год назад +1

    How do you know it’s fully charged or how much charge it has? I dont see any indicators or does it have an app?

    • @verycoolwhaleshark
      @verycoolwhaleshark 4 месяца назад

      in the manual thing for mine it says that there’s a light that’ll turn from red to green when it’s fully charged, i haven’t tried it out yet though since i only got it a few days ago

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 месяца назад

      Yes, that's right. The light changes color once it's finished charging. The device you connect to should tell you how much battery is left, but I haven't checked in a long time. Usually I'll just use them daily 1-2h for 2 weeks and throw them on charge regardless, because once the "low battery" reminder starts, it's reeeeeally annoying!

  • @totalaveragegamer1126
    @totalaveragegamer1126 2 года назад +2

    the newer models are USB C

  • @randyguerzon5635
    @randyguerzon5635 Год назад

    Can you use multiple of these to watch on one bluetooth Ipad lets say? Like the Bose? 1 Ipad, 2 headsets?
    Is there anything for the same price +$10 range that is better? At 39$ Amazon right now, it's hard to beat.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад +1

      Did you find out an answer to this? I think that's more to do with the device broadcasting than the one receiving. What I can tell you is that I'm always connected to both my phone and my laptop with these, and it switches to the device broadcasting audio automatically

  • @germanystallone3883
    @germanystallone3883 2 года назад +1

    Great review, very honest... Tell me, how loud this pair gets? O like to hear my music very loud. Thanks!

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      Don't listen to music too loud, you'll hurt your ears!

    • @germanystallone3883
      @germanystallone3883 2 года назад +1

      @@TechIWant thanks for the advice, but you didn't answer my question man...

  • @duckling4393
    @duckling4393 Год назад

    Does it still need charging when using it wired?

  • @KxC-FK6349
    @KxC-FK6349 2 года назад +2

    Well tbh w you i googled you after seeing these on amazon so to my surprise someone had a review it isnt every time i see knockoffs or iffy looking headphones that im willing to dish out even money at all but im trying to get more bang for my bucks tysm

  • @verycoolwhaleshark
    @verycoolwhaleshark 4 месяца назад

    i got these a few days ago and when i try playing music/videos, it has a high pitched noise that plays - it’s not too bad and gets covered up by music pretty easily, but i was just wondering what it was? i can’t really find anything about it online aside from someone saying it’s a feedback loop and that you’d need to take it apart and find some dust or something stuck in it, but idk if i’ll be able to do that

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 месяца назад

      Hey! Sorry to hear. I still use mine nearly every day as my second pair, and still haven't had any issues like that. The faux-leather is starting to fray, but that's to be expected after 3 years of heavy use, no? Not to the point it bothers me, mind you, it's only starting to crack now.

  • @Jkid-nx8du
    @Jkid-nx8du 5 месяцев назад

    I got sum in color blue and ima have to get a battry replacement and iv had these for a few months... Im getting a lithium ion 1407 mah battery.. Default battery is a lithium po 650 mah and it sucks

    • @Jkid-nx8du
      @Jkid-nx8du 5 месяцев назад

      But they are good

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 месяца назад

      Are you planning on replacing the battery yourself? Is it the USB-C version? I still have the Micro version, and have been using it for at least 1-2 hours every day for the last 3 years. I charge it max 1-2 times per month. Seems to be doing OK, no?

  • @shamaymamobin681
    @shamaymamobin681 9 месяцев назад

    Are these good for calls? The mic feature?

  • @amoskaplan5097
    @amoskaplan5097 3 года назад +4

    I just got a pair as the price was right. I'm glad to see your review and agree completely with it, TY. I have subscribed to your channel.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for the sub! Hope you'll stay with us for long. What is your favourite part of the Infurture?

    • @amoskaplan5097
      @amoskaplan5097 3 года назад

      @@TechIWant sound quality and bluetooth were great but microphone sound not good enough for me needs, so sadly I'm returning it.

  • @drpenfreakart
    @drpenfreakart 3 года назад +3

    I love the honesty tho.. then I believe u should try more caparison with other headphones like this vs the havit i62n

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад

      Hey Jay!
      Thanks! We try to be as honest and straight in our reviews as possible, glad you noticed :)
      Hadn't heard of the Havits. Do you have them? What are your thoughts on them? If you can recommend them, we might look into getting ourselves a pair and checking them out!

    • @drpenfreakart
      @drpenfreakart 3 года назад

      @@TechIWant haven't gotten them yet, and I've not seen any reasonable reviews on it .. they are ANC budget headphones

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад

      OK, let us know if you do get them! And we'll look into them too

  • @raffraff168
    @raffraff168 Год назад

    Maybe the company funder wanted to name "in future" but accidentally made a typo on the brand name. The RUclipsr gives a very fair and objective review of the product. So I just subscribe to the channel and look forward to exploring more information I need to know.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад

      Thanks for subscribing! Yeah, we thought the same ;)

  • @robertmolnar9131
    @robertmolnar9131 Год назад

    anker q20 or infurture ?? They about the same price now.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад

      2 years later, Dan is still exclusively using the Infurture as a Bluetooth headset. Granted, his main driver is a wired Sennheiser, but that's in a whole other price/quality range. For everyday on-the-go use, he still grabs these $50 headphones

  • @santovillaReal
    @santovillaReal 2 года назад +4

    found these on sale at amazon for 40 bucks so I just wanted to see if i made a good choice W vid

    • @oboy_original4606
      @oboy_original4606 2 года назад +1

      Did you make a good choice? I’ve seen other reviews saying it’s horrible and I’m starting to become disappointed

    • @santovillaReal
      @santovillaReal 2 года назад +2

      @@oboy_original4606 Hey, sorry if its too late. I don’t regret getting these at all, the battery life lasts me a few days and i use these about 6-7 hours a day during the week. The noise is really nice and i can’t hear outside noise.

    • @oboy_original4606
      @oboy_original4606 2 года назад

      @@santovillaReal does it leak sound?

    • @santovillaReal
      @santovillaReal 2 года назад

      @@oboy_original4606 If you mean if you can hear it without having them on, unless you have them loud or are watching something loud you should be fine

  • @art.devran
    @art.devran 2 года назад

    Which one is better? Soundsurge85 or that one?

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад +1

      Haven't tried the Soundsurge85s.. but if you do, hit us up and let us know how they are!

  • @sunshine999
    @sunshine999 2 года назад +2

    I like cheap devices. To hell if I am paying $4000 for something I could easily live without!

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      Yeah, right? I love steals like this too!

  • @Del-Canada
    @Del-Canada 2 года назад +1

    The upgraded model of this set has USB-C I believe.

  • @amiraghelnejad4511
    @amiraghelnejad4511 2 года назад

    I work in an open-concept office. I wanna not to hear my coworker's phone calls. Will these do the job?

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад +1

      The noise cancellation is NOT as extreme as Sony's headphones. You'll still hear things. If I don't play music and put these on, I hear a muted version of the world around me. With music on, I hear nothing. But if YOU want to make calls with them, I will say that the microphone isn't as amazing as other headsets, and you get some kind of tinny echo going on.
      Otherwise, I love these headphones, and a year later, they're still my go-to choice when I'm out and about!

  • @antoniosabattini775
    @antoniosabattini775 Год назад

    Thanks for that mate. I think I'll make them my first anc headphones... even though I just bought Sennheisers for my daughter ;)

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад +1

      Dope! How do you like them? I actually use a pair of wired Sennheiser 38X when I'm at my workstation, but the Infurtures for when I'm on the go

    • @antoniosabattini775
      @antoniosabattini775 Год назад

      @@TechIWant I actually did buy them a while ago and they do pretty well. Much better out when going for a walk with my dogs 'cause it quieter, not so good in the gym 'cause it's too noise and let's be honest the noise reduction system within them ain't perfect and not as good as Sony or Sennheiser but still good value for the money.

  • @tonigee327
    @tonigee327 3 года назад +2

    I just ordered a pair for $25 wanted to try them out

    • @guccizaman8837
      @guccizaman8837 3 года назад

      are they worth it?

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад

      Hey Tone! What did you think of them? -- Dan

    • @tonigee327
      @tonigee327 3 года назад

      @@TechIWant I really like them love the sound, and they’re great for the price I got them for so definitely worth it! - Toni

    • @mikimosky4109
      @mikimosky4109 3 года назад

      25$? Damn, in EU they go for 50€..

    • @elizagm5181
      @elizagm5181 2 года назад +1

      @@tonigee327 What is the size of the cable that it comes with? The 3.5mm jack.

  • @violetlydia
    @violetlydia 2 года назад +2

    i really wish i could afford noise cancelling headphones

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      For $50, these seem pretty affordable. Especially when compared to $400 headsets that don't really offer 8 times more value!

  • @russellgilbert3453
    @russellgilbert3453 Год назад

    Mine have the type C connector. Must be a newer version. 😂

  • @hmoodykhalaqi
    @hmoodykhalaqi 2 года назад

    Thanks for the review

  • @emmaemma3459
    @emmaemma3459 3 года назад +1

    The seller said that the black will be updated to the USB-C interface soon
    Because pink is already the USB-C interface

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад +2

      Hey Emma!
      You're correct! Thank you for letting us know. We checked with the seller, and are updating the description now.

    • @pifre3051
      @pifre3051 2 года назад

      that's epic

  • @jeffreyhebert5442
    @jeffreyhebert5442 Год назад

    Good Job Dan!

  • @kamolsiro9461
    @kamolsiro9461 3 года назад

    Are these canceling the noise enough?

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад +2

      Not as much as higher-end models. But it IS noticeable. What headphones did you end up getting?

    • @kamolsiro9461
      @kamolsiro9461 2 года назад

      @@TechIWant Soundcore Life Q30)😅

  • @guysade3329
    @guysade3329 Год назад

    Are they good for gym?

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад

      I don't think any headphones like this are good for the gym, as the constant movement would have them sliding on and off. You'd probably be better off with an in-ear solution.

  • @racea.t6531
    @racea.t6531 Год назад

    About to buy these but the ones im looking at have usb c which is a big deal for me. 👍

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад +1

      Yeah, the same model now comes with USB-C only. Let us know how you like it!

    • @racea.t6531
      @racea.t6531 Год назад

      @TechIWant Will do👌🏼.

  • @kamolsiro9461
    @kamolsiro9461 3 года назад

    About ANC 2:24

  • @LofiCity2000
    @LofiCity2000 2 года назад +3

    Lol 😆 🤣 you killed it ya hit the like sub and the bell 🔔 ! Hope you won't have to review some cheap headset again thanks for the video !

  • @juanversion3922
    @juanversion3922 Год назад

    Review oneodio anc a10

  • @tojibutnottoji
    @tojibutnottoji Год назад

    guys it squeaks when you rotate it

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад +1

      You might have received a faulty pair. I'm still using mine 2 years later, and there's no squeak. From time to time (once every 4-5 months) the sound drops, but a quick power on-off gets it back to normal

  • @TheHappyDIYGuy-ri8nb
    @TheHappyDIYGuy-ri8nb 6 месяцев назад

    found some at Goodwill for $5.00

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 месяца назад

      Great find! How are they?

  • @krystleeverett7843
    @krystleeverett7843 Год назад +1

    Why does it have to be called ethnic jazz if what you refer as non-ethnic regular folks aren’t the originators of jazz. That’s just like saying ethnic R & B……

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 месяца назад

      My mistake, I meant 'ethno jazz' as in world jazz. Avishai Cohen, Tigran Hamasyan, Dollar Brand, some Coltrane, John McLaughlin... Not sure who non-ethnic regular folks are in your context. Everyone has an ethnicity, and I guess the 'ethno jazz' label covers the fusion of what is typically understood as jazz in the context of western music with traditional elements from cultures not involved in that original jazz movement. I'm no musicologist though, so excuse my ignorance, I just like ethnic jazz 🤣

  • @Del-Canada
    @Del-Canada 2 года назад

    I need more figures. More data. And especially more of those metallic "insects".

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад +1

      haha Check out our latest video then, where I somehow weave in a history lesson about ancient greek mathematicians into a review of a screwdriver ;)

  • @jchaudhry4456
    @jchaudhry4456 2 года назад

    7:33 😅😅

  • @PreacherAtArrakeen
    @PreacherAtArrakeen 3 года назад

    Before I even watch, I can say: "unlikely." I have the mKIII Sonys.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад +1

      haha nice! Well, it depends how you define "better". For someone without the extra $400, the price is "better". But yes, of course the Sony's are more feature-rich and powerful headphones, and given the money we'd recommend you buy them. But if you're on a shoestring budget, these Infurture headphones really amaze (and I still use them to this day without worrying about them breaking!)

  • @harshivrana5803
    @harshivrana5803 2 года назад

    Wow they're selling at $60 now

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      I've heard they've been upgraded somewhat. Even at $60, I think they're a steal!

  • @neargrog685
    @neargrog685 2 года назад

    I have some Sony which I use all the time & are great. My wife just wants standard ANC for long journeys. I think these might be what she’s looking for

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      Did you receive them? What did your wife think? How did they compare to your Sonys?

    • @neargrog685
      @neargrog685 2 года назад

      @@TechIWant I’ve ordered them as a Xmas present. Seems like a decent set. Lots others good reviews online. I won’t know how they compare until after Xmas.

    • @Rax_
      @Rax_ Год назад

      @@neargrog685 Hey! how did the headphones do

    • @neargrog685
      @neargrog685 Год назад +1

      @@Rax_ Oh yeah really good thanks. She uses them for long journeys & says they’re great 👍
      I prefer my Sonys but I expected that. Her ones are certainly not bad. They got good quality sound & decent functions.

  • @3vs3
    @3vs3 2 года назад +1

    عندي مثلها ❤️💥

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  2 года назад

      Awesome! Same headphones?

    • @dr.sarahamid4263
      @dr.sarahamid4263 Год назад

      مرحبا اني اريد اشتريها ومتردده ؟ حصلتها ب٤٥ الف تسوه ؟

    • @ammar_cys
      @ammar_cys Год назад

      @@dr.sarahamid4263ها اشتريتهة. اني اخذتها ب30

    • @krarhyderabad4762
      @krarhyderabad4762 Месяц назад

      ​@@ammar_cys وين اشتريتها بهيج سعر بلا زحمة

    • @ammar_cys
      @ammar_cys Месяц назад

      @@krarhyderabad4762 والله بيج من زمان بالانستكرام

  • @IraqiCuler10
    @IraqiCuler10 2 года назад

    Dude I just got em for 35 bucks

  • @marksaustralia6464
    @marksaustralia6464 3 года назад

    Thanks - loved the review. thumbs up. I don't ;like to subscribe unless we get at least your first name. Just FYC.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад

      Hey Marks! Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it. I never said my name? Damn! I make a point of doing it at least 23 times a day... just love the sound of it haha -- Danniel!

  • @molonlabe9602
    @molonlabe9602 Год назад

    According to Amazon, they now come with USB-C. I just ordered a pair with $15 off from Infurture dropping my purchase price to $24.99 with free shipping. Thanks for the review but no likes or subs for channels that beg for such.

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  Год назад

      How did you like them? And thanks for the feedback!

  • @pifre3051
    @pifre3051 3 года назад

    I love women, but I love me technology more, yes, I do not hate anything unless it's a bad personality. :)

    • @TechIWant
      @TechIWant  3 года назад

      Hope I'm not one of those bad personalities ;)

  • @almontheralmonther9712
    @almontheralmonther9712 18 дней назад

    I love you

  • @LDT751
    @LDT751 Год назад +1

    God bless everyone repent