Heritage Signature Auction Was Mixed Bag, But What a Bag | Hottest Golden Age Comics | Nov. 24, 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @SonOfCrom-1932
    @SonOfCrom-1932 24 дня назад +1

    Love these episodes. Here are my thoughts on the books you showed:
    10-Human Torch was cheaper than I thought it would be. It looks like he was fighting "Bender" from the cartoon Futurama!
    9- I bet Andrew Jackson and Charles Dickens would roll over in their graves if they knew they'd be on a cover with Hitler. 😅
    8- Love how the Blue Beetle looks like the "Blue Zorro" back in the day. Sorry you didn't win it.
    7- The Law Breakers issue is sooo crazy! That guy looks super creepy; Omg, I would feel like the girl too if I saw him holding the tongues!
    6- More Fun was a nice looking issue. Funny though that I never thought of Dr. Fate being "two fisted". Always like the little circle with the Spectre in it.
    5- That Marvel Comics 46 is such a great cover! It is worth every penny for sure! Maybe one will pop up hopefully you can get it.
    4- Pep 22 cover looks horrible, but nice to have the 1st Archie. Not a fan of the Shield though.I think Archie as a whole seems to be trending up.
    3- Whiz Comics with the first App. of CM is a nice book to have. Bought #25 for my daughter because she loves CM Jr.
    2- Fantastic comics with Samson and the robots are cool, but I am also shocked at the sold price. Maybe the "Yank Wilson" super spy app's. are trending up. 😉
    1- I would love to have a 'tec #27 for sure; but I would have never bid on that issue that sold. The presentation is horrible and the brittle pages are the icing on the cake. I would pay no more than 5 dollars for it! 😂
    I enjoyed the show as always!

  • @ilovedisneyandcomics612
    @ilovedisneyandcomics612 24 дня назад

    Wow that Marvel Mystery Comics 46 was definitely my favorite. Always love Detective 27 too but that is an unobtainable price for me.

  • @Matt_Likes_Comics
    @Matt_Likes_Comics 24 дня назад

    Giant robots make the hobby...fascinating.

  • @Doc_Dooom
    @Doc_Dooom 9 дней назад

    Row-BUTT? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @thelibrary8878
    @thelibrary8878 24 дня назад

    Wasn't that Detective 27 surrounded by some Hype as it was found at a Garage Sale ? Tho I cant see that driving the price up. But a Great story with the book as far as us drooling collectors and our fantasies of Finding the ultimate grail in this way.....Great Vid!

    • @ComicCollectorGeek
      @ComicCollectorGeek  24 дня назад

      I think you might be right. It could be the one from the garage sale. I remember hearing it was really low grade.

  • @Deadman1957TEB
    @Deadman1957TEB 24 дня назад

    That last book's price makes no sense, I know you said they don't come up often, but if I had that kind of money, I think I would wait for a nicer copy to come along! How come it's a blue label when it has the wrong back cover? Surely that would be classed as restoration?

    • @ComicCollectorGeek
      @ComicCollectorGeek  24 дня назад

      With CGC they would either give a green label if 3.0+ grade or 0.5 blue as in this case.

  • @ronhobbs463
    @ronhobbs463 23 дня назад

    Ppl want the next shiny thing. MMC 46 will always be pricey, always out of reach, for me anyway. I lost out of everything, except I got a Rangers of Freedom #3, in 4.5. Awesome cover. My second copy.

  • @Doc_Dooom
    @Doc_Dooom 9 дней назад

    You dont know why Lawbreakers is down since 2022?....2022 was the peak of all PCH and its all down a bit now.

    • @ComicCollectorGeek
      @ComicCollectorGeek  9 дней назад

      I know a lot of the PCH went a bit crazy during covid, but most of it held the new high prices. I know of a few exceptions though like Ghost Comics and some EC comics.