TV-14 Won't Help WWE, They Will Still Suck!

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 188

  • @GenX6887
    @GenX6887 9 лет назад +4

    2005 to 2007 may not have been best years for WWE. But being TV14 at least made them more enjoyable to watch.

  • @KalvinEllis
    @KalvinEllis 9 лет назад +14

    Of course it won't help them. This is just the ridiculous notion of people who over glorify the attitude era.

  • @crh2010
    @crh2010 9 лет назад +18

    I fully blame the live in there mommy's basement/virgin 20-30 year old world of warcraft playing attitude era fanboys for this jeff..they have made the most noise about the "PG-era" they are the ones who cant move on from that time in wrestling history...personally I am a huge "Hogan Era" mark because I started watching WWF wrestling in 83/84..YET I still welcomed and loved the attitude/ruthless agression eras as well..I never ONCE sat there and bitched and moaned about how I "wished" the "Hogan Era" would come. back..not once!!!

    • @joshperkins5974
      @joshperkins5974 9 лет назад +6

      Maybe because the attitude era and ruthless aggression eras were good? You can't replace gold with gold and bitch about it. Don't know why you seem to think your better then those types of fans or that them bitching about the crap product is a bad thing. I think a lot of fans just miss word what they really want. Most fans like me just want a better product but instead of just saying they want better they just go towards the attitude era. Seriously, do you think if the product were great now yet nothing to edgy like the attitude era any one would care enough to whine about wanting it back? No!

    • @Rucker1980
      @Rucker1980 9 лет назад +1

      The golden era was a better product than now because there was storytelling that made sense and it was simple an exciting.
      This era is just bad television regardless of the rating and I think the WWE are the ones who refuse to let go of the previous eras with them putting so much emphasis on older wrestlers who only work a handful of times a year

    • @AlSween
      @AlSween 9 лет назад +3

      Josh Perkins It's clear what he meant. He's saying that Hogan's era had compelling story lines and booking. Attitude Era continued that with just a different rating but he didn't complain. However those Attitude Era fans don't realize that the rating of the show has nothing to do with the quality of wrestling. That's what makes it silly to complain about WWE being PG now. The bulk of WWE, WCW and every other organization has put out a PG product and people enjoyed it much more than today. It's not the PG rating but Attitude Era fans can't grasp this concept.

    • @Sean021122
      @Sean021122 9 лет назад +1

      Hogan is a piece of garbage as a human being and as a wrestler. People who sing his praises in the 80's UNDER MCMAHON"S GUIDANCE fail to remember that Hogan is also the same man who is the embodiment of cancerous politicking, out of control creative control, and turning once good wrestling into failures. He (along with bischoff) killed both wcw (post 1994) and tna (post 2010). Hogan did that. He killed two wrestling promotions in a span of less than 20 years. So stop kissing his ass about the cartoon pg garbage he did as a superman "Hulk" goofball in the 80's.. He was booked to look good. He had everything in wwe behind him. Just like cena is booked today as an invincible goofball. Anybody else could have been put in Hogan (or cena's) spots. Anybody can be booked as an invincible hero. What you need to judge Hogan by is what he did in wcw from 1994 on and tna from 2010 on. Look at both of those companies since he 'joined' and where they are now.

    • @MrDp115
      @MrDp115 9 лет назад +3

      Sean Morpheus First of all Hogan didn't kill TNA they're still alive even if they're hanging by a thead all Hulkster did was wound them financially. Secondly its not kissing up to say that he drew the most $ in the 80s thats fact no if, ands or buts about it yes Hogan was an egotistical prick but Vince had a hand in it during the Golden days and as for WCW the head man in charge (Eric Bischoff) was kissing up so he only fueled Hulkster ego until Vince Russo had to step in and set it straight. Hogan may be alot of things but does not devalue his impact on the business

  • @BlueRidge330
    @BlueRidge330 9 лет назад +7

    For anyone who thinks not having a PG rating = good wrestling, I have only one thing to say: CZW.

    • @jumpman2326
      @jumpman2326 7 лет назад

      Michael Gorman CZW is good tho.PG needs to end

  • @MrSkoufilds1
    @MrSkoufilds1 9 лет назад +5

    I am by no means a hardcore wrestling fan, but in my opinion pro wrestling in general is just out of touch and not suited for todays generation, its not Vince or wwe, its just pro wrestling as a concept and i think that is what most of u guys who talk about this stuff always miss out on. I doubt anyone thought wrestling would still be as big as it is in 2015 when it boomed back in the 90's. Right now tv is filled with reality based shows and wrestling just dosent fit in it, but the problem is that their fan base, atleast the core of it, is very stubborn and dosent like massive changes because it takes away the nostalgia values wrestling brings to them. So wwe's creative team, in a way, is on a very thin ice and even tho its easy to blame them for 3 hours of boredom, i think the ppl who watch the shows, go to the shows and buy their stuff are the ones to blame instead.

  • @RossB.x
    @RossB.x 9 лет назад +10

    These things I hate whether the show is TV-14, Rated R or whatever. Not having blood or chair headshots, Cena, Reigns & Bryan being pushed as superheros, Cena hating the Authority (Even though ''the Authority has given him a 1000 shots at the title'', Heels always having to lose via DQ or never winning clean, the people everyone want to see put over always getting buried by Cena, Kane magically setting things alight, Taker being portrayed as a Zombie, wrestlers running to the ring out of the blue whilst their music hits, people taking the monitors off the commentators table before they're about to put someone through it, promos & commercials every 2 seconds when it's supposed to be a wrestling show, the shows not having unique storylines anymore & finally fuck WWE for giving Punk a mid card title run when the guy was the best form of entertainment since Eddie died & Angle/Brock left. Gonna watch Royal Rumble because it's my favourite event but fuck RAWs these days all it ever will be is talking & cheesey talentless Cena getting his thousandth reign. Lastly for the love of fuck why does WWE big up Cena & Flair winning the title 15/16 times don't they realise that means they've lost the belt 14/15 times surely a title reign that would mean a dime would be a 434 day reign if it was booked as the main event.

    • @AlSween
      @AlSween 9 лет назад +2

      Bryan hasn't been pushed as being a super hero. Reigns hasn't even won a singles title or main evented so how is he being promoted as a super hero besides by name... All those things you've named are a part of professional wrestling smh. Undertaker's gimmick is a dead man... what do you mean "potrayed as a Zombie". Of course they will take the monitors out of the announce table. They don't wanna end up like Davey Boy Smith!! Head shots is a good reason why a lot of wrestlers die before they're 50. smh.... so much wrong with a lot of what you said.

    • @RossB.x
      @RossB.x 9 лет назад

      Thanks bro

    • @Sean021122
      @Sean021122 9 лет назад

      Punk Well said, agree with you completely. But if vince mcdouche truly saw things th way we did, then this pg/reality era garbage would cease to exist and we would bring back the past. Because the past is the only time we have to look forward to for good wrestling period...

  • @ChillinwithChase
    @ChillinwithChase 9 лет назад +5

    I feel like wrestling fans never watched wrestling in 2005-2008 like it was TV 14 back then, and it sucked. I mean instead of bad kiddy jokes, were going to get bad dick jokes in wrestling. WWE ain't going to change because of a rating people it needs a change when writers change

  • @joseaguilera6355
    @joseaguilera6355 9 лет назад +6

    Them going to TV 14 only means that wwe wants different advertisers to buy ads during either Raw or the WWE network

  • @bigb860
    @bigb860 9 лет назад +3

    I haven't watched WWE regularly over the past few years, but I do keep up with the news and have a general idea of what's going on. I agree, TV-14 is NOT the answer. While the PG rating does obviously have its limits, tits, ass, swearing, and blood won't make it a complete all-around better product. It's not rocket science: Don't script the wrestlers promos word for word, drop the lame & unfunny comedy, IMPROVE the commentary, give us more wrestling and storylines that progress based on the outcomes of the wrestling matches, and this last one won't happen but I think Raw should go back to the 120 minute format. 3 hours every Monday is too much. They just seem to play it too safe. WWE needs competition. Point blank.

  • @ravenous071
    @ravenous071 9 лет назад +5

    man o man.... the wrestling world is crying out for a company that gives us MATURE wrestling.....wwe will go down the drain if it happens...that wwe network will fail if they dont change their ways

  • @mattflippen2855
    @mattflippen2855 8 лет назад +1

    I just have found this video today and you are spot on how going back to TV 14 will not change the product one single bit. Many people probably aren't aware of this but when WWE went TV 14 , besides the pay per views, the only program that was TV was RAW. Smackdown has always been a PG rated program since its first episode in 1999. The difference is you had a creative team that knew how to book a wrestling program. Rumor is that a lot of the BS we saw back in the day like HLA, bra and panty matches, Katie Vick storyline(which was in the Ruthless Aggression Era) and skits and all that was because of the not so productive mind of Kevin Dunn and yet he's been the Executive Vice President of Television Production since 2003 but he's been working for Vincent Kennedy McMahon since 1984 because apparently, Kevin Dunn's father, who worked for Vince McMahon Sr., saved some old WWF tapes from a burning vehicle. Because of that, the McMahons vowed loyalty to Kevin Dunn and his family.
    I've seen interviews where legends like Chris Jericho and Edge have ridiculed the ever popular Attitude Era and said they preferred working in the PG environment nowadays than the Attitude Era. Edge said that because of all the backstage hijinks of the Attitude Era that pretty much focused on Vince and whatever kind of soap opera storylined affairs he had with Trish Stratus that drove Linda to a mental institution, because of all that garbage, Edge said that many matches were 2 maybe 3 minutes long. He said you can't tell a good story in the ring in that amount of time. You can tell a haiku. In the amount of time that he had left in the ring when WWE went full PG from June 2008 to the time he retired in April 2011, he said he had 15-20 minutes matches, maybe 30 minutes and in that amount of time a story could be told.
    Nowadays, some of the matches are 20-30 minutes long in both RAW and Smackdown and in a typical 3 hour RAW, you get an hour/hour and a half of in-ring action but the majority of the storylines make absolute zero sense. Like this whole Divas Revolution thing. How is dividing 9 women up into 3 groups going to help when there's one championship and the same 2 girls vie over that championship constantly? Say what you will about the storyline but the only storyline this year alone that kept me entertained in some way was Stardust vs Neville. A lot of the NXT call ups like Neville have kept me watching even though the main roster booking has gotten to a lot of them like The Ascension. In NXT, the team was booked brilliantly. And that's because the head writer for NXT has only one man to answer to and that's Triple H. Triple H may have been named Executive Vice President of Creative in December 2013 but on the main roster and pay per views, he still has to answer to Vince and 99 times out of 100, Vince changes around things.
    People always talk about how Vince is seeing today's gals in WWE as only eye candy. Say what you will about her matches and everything but when it comes to today's gals, at least Vince isn't making out with them or making them get on their hands and knees barking like a dog like he did with Trish Stratus.
    Finally, people who constantly blame today's product on the fact that the WWE is publicly traded. The fact that the WWE is publicly traded has absolutely nothing to do with how the product is today. A lot of you will find this interesting but WWE has been publicly traded long before Triple H ever dropped that information to Batista in 2014. It's been publicly traded since October 19, 1999 and long before CM Punk made his famous pipebomb in 2011, Paul Heyman was the innovator of pipebombs when he tore into Vince McMahon on the final Smackdown before Survivor Series 2001 and during that segment, he spoke about how Vince went and made then-WWF a public company.

    • @tylertravis2081
      @tylertravis2081 4 года назад

      This is to long to read but you have a huge point

  • @danielclark241
    @danielclark241 2 года назад +1

    Who's watching this after reading the announcement that WWE may be going back to TV-14 effective this Monday?

  • @TheChrisPhoenix
    @TheChrisPhoenix 9 лет назад +8

    For anyone that thinks TV-14 is going to make the WWE better might need to see a psychiatrist, just because of how crazy that idea is. Granted I loved when WWE was tv-14 but it's like what Jeff said, it's not going to change Vince's out of touch stupidity by any means of the imagination. I mean look at TNA for example, they are tv-14 and look how well not that great of a product they have been the last few years. Anyways until God aka HHH has control of the company, it's just going to be the same. Except once Cena is finally gone from being the face, we get four moves of doom Robotic Reigns who's going to tell us stories such as Jack and the Beanstalk along with Superman. I know this is sad and horrible, but let's face it.. the writing is on the wall meaning it's most likely true.

    • @robertrodriguez787
      @robertrodriguez787 9 лет назад +1

      +TheChrisPhoenix tna not that good because the talent and the writers . and the wrestlers who were good they got rid of

    • @premiumdude8353
      @premiumdude8353 7 лет назад +2

      +Robert Rodriguez dumbass. TNA is good. wwe is shit.

    • @robertrodriguez787
      @robertrodriguez787 7 лет назад

      never said TNA was not good dumbass . I also like it just think WWE has better wrestlers . their storyline suck. But they have better wrestlers .At least that,s what i think maybe i,m wrong but that,s the way i feel.

    • @robertrodriguez787
      @robertrodriguez787 7 лет назад

      try tv. 14 nutsack Get it right .

    • @jumpman2326
      @jumpman2326 7 лет назад

      TheChrisPhoenix Tv-14 will make it better

  • @RedWolf316sega
    @RedWolf316sega 9 лет назад +1

    If WWE went TV 14, it would just be a bigger version of TNA.

  • @digiking101
    @digiking101 9 лет назад +5

    Thank you! People on here like BubbaDunk whatever keep saying they should go to tv 14 and if they have all those storylines back in the day society today will be very offensive about it.

  • @Madvillain47
    @Madvillain47 9 лет назад +1

    Spot on, creative and treatment of talent are WWE's main issues not the rating.

  • @RockSolidEJV420
    @RockSolidEJV420 9 лет назад +1

    WWE doesn't need TV-14 to make money. Just because they have more "freedom" don't mean a grain of shit. Regardless of how hard these marks cry families are important to building a wrestling product but the thing is family friendly doesn't mean dumbing down.

  • @HHHBFResurrected
    @HHHBFResurrected 9 лет назад +1

    Agree for the most part. WWE's problems have very little to do with the PG rating, everything about the companies booking process will remain rigid, outdated and stagnant. But what it will do is give wrestlers the opportunity to express themselves more naturally with a live mic. Most of the aspiring talent on WWE's current roster grew up through the Attitude Era, and as such probably resent the PG rating even more than we do as fans. It could (could?) have a positive effect on the morale of the roster even if only slightly.
    I wouldn't envision it being the instigation of a real change to anything relevant, but it's certainly not a bad thing. I'm sure WWE are more than aware while the IWC may be the hardest demographic of theirs to please, we're also the most loyal (which they've taken advantage of for over 10 years). They wouldn't need to do this to cater to us, so I doubt that's the reason personally.

  • @sc-sportscompilations5753
    @sc-sportscompilations5753 9 лет назад +5

    TV - 14 means : NO MORE CENA PG BULLSHIT

  • @QGPhilly
    @QGPhilly 9 лет назад +1

    I COMPLETELY agree with your notion that things are gonna stay the same if they switch from PG to 14. Its obvious!!!

  • @ChairmanOProductions
    @ChairmanOProductions 9 лет назад +1

    TNA has been doing this for years, and it's done very little to help their product. I don't know what makes people think this is going to help the product.
    I also don't understand the romanticizing of the Attitude Era. Outside of Stone Cold/McMahon and the Rock and whatever he was doing, I find the AE to be HIGHLY overrated to masturbatory levels.

  • @ravatheman
    @ravatheman 9 лет назад +1

    The WWE will still suck even it was rated R..

  • @bobbyzeal
    @bobbyzeal 9 лет назад +1

    Yep, it doesn't matter whether WWE is PG, TV14 or whatever. Although I like to keep an open mind, I highly doubt this is going to change anything.
    If the first TV14 RAW opens up with The Authority cutting another lackluster 15-20 minute promo at the beginning (which btw doesn't interest ANYONE of ANY age group), then they haven't changed a damn thing.
    Unless Vince has the sense to stand down, the WWE will continue to be shit for another ten years.

  • @rebeccaolsen5308
    @rebeccaolsen5308 9 лет назад +1

    Why can't WWE make NXT TV 14? Here's a show that's mostly viewed by a lot of fans of the internet and is a well written show by Triple H.

  • @AlSween
    @AlSween 9 лет назад

    It's these kids that grew up being introduced to wrestling during the Monday Night War. They don't get it that the bulk of great pro wrestling has always been pg-13. Shock value is temporary but only good if backed with good writing and booking.

  • @MrDp115
    @MrDp115 9 лет назад +1

    *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* Thank you, finally someone that gets it. All you AE fanboys (fangirls if any) who think a rating system is WWE's biggest problem... you're all seriously missing the point. If PG is so bad then why was WCW so successful from 1996-1998?

  • @premiumdude8353
    @premiumdude8353 7 лет назад +1

    its Linda's fault for this.

  • @cmdell4693
    @cmdell4693 9 лет назад +3

    Only AJ Lee can save WWE

    • @Sean021122
      @Sean021122 9 лет назад

      Even if she isn't 'gone' from wwe as was leaked from numerous sources. Her future there is as bright as a one-way tunnel heading to nowhere'sville. Cm Skunk killed any chance april lee ever had of growing old and retiring a hall of famer in wwe...

    • @cmdell4693
      @cmdell4693 9 лет назад


    • @Sean021122
      @Sean021122 9 лет назад

      CM Dell Doesn't change the fact that her husband sabotaged her future. You have to admit if your significant other did that to you you would be pissed... It was incredibly selfish, ego stricken, and full of insecurity on punk's part. If he's single then I'd have no problem with him expressing how he feels. But he has a wife who is trying to succeed where he failed or quit from. She cannot succeed now no matter what happens because they will NEVER let her. She's already fighting the gender glass ceiling. As a woman she was succeeding where others hadn't. To a point that she might have become this generation's trish or lita... BUt now she has to compete knowing vince mcdouche holds a lifelong grudge against her husband and now her...

    • @cmdell4693
      @cmdell4693 9 лет назад

      I think YOU SHOULD GO!

    • @Sean021122
      @Sean021122 9 лет назад

      ***** NO she should compete and thrive where she wants. Who are you to tell someone what to do with their life? Even if she ends up wrestling in some indies I would bet you she would come back to wwe because it is where she will get the most exposure, make the most money, and give punk his vessel to screw with wwe as I know he is premeditating...

  • @iamachildofgodbecauseibeli2491
    @iamachildofgodbecauseibeli2491 5 лет назад

    TV-14+ for WWE might still suck but at least it is less boring than TV-PG for WWE.

  • @verb.c7js802
    @verb.c7js802 9 лет назад

    That was a false rumor from a fake Dave Meltzer Twitter account even he said it himself that it is a false rumor, but your point still stands. An example of a tangible change the higher ups can do for one is to not waste their time writing nonsensical promos for Roman Reigns and others, but instead they should spend that time on crafting compelling storylines and characters. It would be a start if they made that type of change first regardless of the rating.

  • @user-io9km4mg8l
    @user-io9km4mg8l 7 лет назад

    Back When wwe was TV-14 wwe fans where hating on the Show back then as well.

  • @LukaBlight69
    @LukaBlight69 9 лет назад +3

    WWE can do whatever it wants, but until Vince and Dunn are gone; it'll be the same old same old. You'll still get fuckering fuckatash, beanstalks, and shitty inconsistencies in the story lines. Jeff is mostly right, this won't improve the quality to the product. I'm willing to wait and see, but I dont have high hopes; and I won't until Vince and Dunn are out of the job.

    • @AlSween
      @AlSween 9 лет назад +4

      Vince and Dunn were around before and during when u enjoyed the show.

    • @LukaBlight69
      @LukaBlight69 9 лет назад +2

      Hey, Lucas was around when the original trilogy was made and everyone loved it! He was also around when the less-than-loved prequels were made. There comes a point where people stop caring as much as they used to.

  • @shg45
    @shg45 9 лет назад

    The perfect example of this is TNA. The product is TV-14 but it still sucks.

  • @pugnator5901
    @pugnator5901 9 лет назад

    Only Vince Russo and Ed Ferrera can save WWE from ruin.

  • @digitalstatictv
    @digitalstatictv 9 лет назад

    The Meltzer report was fake, and honestly... the TV-14 rating will help. As you said yourself, Vince McMahon is doing his best to sabotage Roman Reigns with these horrible promos, and he seriously believes him saying "Sufferin' Succotash" is good TV and will somehow get him over. If Vince truly does believe a switch to TV-14 is a change for the better, clearly that would mean that he doesn't think this kind of crap works in 2015.

  • @eagleslfootball
    @eagleslfootball 9 лет назад

    During the Attitude Era, nobody even knew the product was TV-14, and there were still some shit with the product when it was TV-14.

  • @handsomestik
    @handsomestik 9 лет назад

    It won't solve all the problems but it is a step in the right direction , next thing is too create stars

  • @godemperorletoatreidesii1318
    @godemperorletoatreidesii1318 2 года назад

    WCW was PG its entire run during the Monday night wars and it delivered quality wrestling til the tail end of the monday night wars. The difference is they had good story writers. The rating alone won't improve the company. You'll still have problems with the creative team

  • @NewYorkKidd
    @NewYorkKidd 9 лет назад

    who says that them going tv 14 will have the writers some how be better? they'll still be reading off of scripts, so no amount of cursing and blood and bra and panties matches will help the writers from having them cutting shitty promos, starting off every single Raw with a 15-20 min promo and bad booking decisions .

  • @Jnwboss
    @Jnwboss 9 лет назад

    I think it adds believe ability and a low possibility of better promos and characters again low shot of them being themselves but there may b minor changes that they could of did in the pg era

  • @dy031101
    @dy031101 9 лет назад

    Yup. Super Cena with everybody else's blood. That's supposed to be an improvement over PG Super Cena, right?
    Guys, really......?

  • @kingwrestling1423
    @kingwrestling1423 6 лет назад

    Attitude era is way more much better I hope it returns soon

  • @jkgameryt632
    @jkgameryt632 9 лет назад


  • @SS91792
    @SS91792 9 лет назад

    Raw needs to go back to 2 hours, they need to go back to the brand split (2 world titles again) to establish more stars, they need to treat Smackdown like it matters (making it live is an option, but not necessary), and they just need to get better writing (favor long term projections more over short term gains). TV-14 can help if they incorporate it as part of a bigger picture with these changes. Alone, I agree, it won't mean shit.

    • @SS91792
      @SS91792 9 лет назад

      This shit isn't rocket science. Their main problem is that being a publicly traded company they are trying to please everyone and they are ending up pleasing no one.

    • @AlSween
      @AlSween 9 лет назад

      Brand split is and always was stupid. 1 company 1 world champion.

  • @princeofstrongstyle6683
    @princeofstrongstyle6683 9 лет назад

    OTRSCentral god damn right. This will make a mockery of the attitude era.

  • @MrJoshinJosh
    @MrJoshinJosh 8 лет назад

    I stopped watching wrestling in the late 90's because I got plenty of other REAL important things to do.

    • @MrJoshinJosh
      @MrJoshinJosh 8 лет назад

      Good for you Greg. Good for you.

    • @MrJoshinJosh
      @MrJoshinJosh 8 лет назад

      I absolutely regret ever watching wrestling since the very first time. I'm glad that The Nitro Girls gave me a wake up call.

  • @CalrissianSteele
    @CalrissianSteele 9 лет назад

    I think it could be sort of an Improvement…but if they still write shitty wrestling shows…it's still gonna be a shitty wrestling show now with blood.

  • @higurashianduminekoconnect1702
    @higurashianduminekoconnect1702 2 года назад

    They are going back and right after Vince lost control temporarily for the investigation that shows me that PG was just a stubborn idea of a stubborn old man

    • @denzelpinkerton9665
      @denzelpinkerton9665 2 года назад

      Well it's still showing PG WWE

    • @higurashianduminekoconnect1702
      @higurashianduminekoconnect1702 2 года назад

      @@denzelpinkerton9665 yes I know supposedly though they're still going to do it but I could see them just saying that in line to get fans to watch but never keeping their promise

  • @stivenburg
    @stivenburg 9 лет назад

    A turd is still a turd no matter how much you polish it. Wrestling does work better under TV 14 but it isn't the be all end all. Bad writing is bad writing when it comes down to it.

  • @AegisEpoch
    @AegisEpoch 9 лет назад

    "lets go to NC-17, lets go to TV DICK..." best line

  • @gluesniffer2
    @gluesniffer2 9 лет назад

    They can even change it to tv MA but until vince and kevin dunn step down from the day to day operations the bad WWE shows will continue.

  • @vinbuscusC
    @vinbuscusC 9 лет назад

    Wwe will still have cena and stupid ownership. Nothing will change.

  • @mikeyoutubeaccount7120
    @mikeyoutubeaccount7120 2 года назад

    We'll find out for sure soon tho there really isn't any doubt lol

  • @jarkkolaamanen1654
    @jarkkolaamanen1654 9 лет назад

    TV-14 won't remove the senility of vincent kennedy mcmahon

  • @joshperkins5974
    @joshperkins5974 9 лет назад

    Them going tv-14 isn't a bad thing at all. However it's not a good thing ether. It's that night after wrestle mania where everything looks like it might be turning around then the next week happens. Anyways them going tv-14 doesn't hurt so. More then likely all this means is we'll get a few more curse words and that's about it.

  • @alexanderpalm9389
    @alexanderpalm9389 9 лет назад

    At least Jeff i think it would give the WWE a little room - for doing some different things, who sometimes can help bringing certain Points & Spots, Stories and Matches over. BUT i see it like you, it would not change anything in the direction of the Company.. I thought the same some days ago, the 80's Wrestling was a PG Style of Product, but i do understand that times have changed - and the WWE what they do in the last Years was and is absolutely nothing. When you think of the World-wide strong influence this Company and Professional Wrestling had and still has or should have with the Network and all..

    • @lashendamurray8999
      @lashendamurray8999 9 лет назад

      It wasn't pg in the 80s they didn't have tv ratings until like 97 so how was it pg ?

    • @alexanderpalm9389
      @alexanderpalm9389 9 лет назад

      lashenda murray The 80's Wrestling was "A PG Style of Product" i wrote. It was different then - very different..

    • @lashendamurray8999
      @lashendamurray8999 9 лет назад

      It can't be pg if tv ratings didn't come out until 97 just because it wasn't edgy and sexual doesn't mean its pg

    • @Sean021122
      @Sean021122 9 лет назад

      lashenda murray There you are! I thought you disappeared! The reigns hater. I thought you only posted rants against robot reigns. He suuucks sooo fucking bad. He's cena more and more every show...

  • @LibraryChess
    @LibraryChess 9 лет назад +1

    Changing the rating does make a difference in what you can and can't do or say. A fundamental understanding of the ratings system, and how it has changed in the last twenty years or so underscores this. Is it the sole determinant to what makes good TV? No, and you're right to criticize those who see this as the saviour of the product. Are there ulterior motives behind the change? Of course. It's big business, there's always some shady bullshit going on. Does this mean that the product will improve? I don't know, and neither do you, and neither does anyone else. As it always is and always will be, it's "wait and see". But whether you're happy with the IWC's predictably-overzealous reaction to the (supposed) news or not, yelling that IT WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING is just the diametric opposite of the same coin.

  • @HEAVYMETALmovie1981
    @HEAVYMETALmovie1981 9 лет назад

    It would help a little more in the storyline with better creativity with better quality in matches as well and thing would be less watered down, less held back and get to cut loose a little more. Personally, I have been wanting for it to happen for a very long time

  • @mikeypitt6451
    @mikeypitt6451 8 лет назад

    It wouldn't make any different we would still have the same lame generic "superstars" TV 14 could never be an automatic cure

    • @xritcha
      @xritcha 8 лет назад

      it could help. obviously if they went tv-14 they wouldn't straight into bloodied matches and insane swearing. they would likely ease into it doing things like actually calling it wrestling and not sports entertainment. the would slowly ramp up the swearing etc.

  • @mikeypitt6451
    @mikeypitt6451 8 лет назад

    and it wouldn't sort out the storyline lack of continuity or the character inconsistencies

  • @AlSween
    @AlSween 9 лет назад

    9999999999999 likes just for the title of this video.

  • @MrDivalover1
    @MrDivalover1 6 лет назад

    I blame writers who wwe has hire over yrs like freddie jr who hasbeen who has not work in hollywood in 15 yrs. also i grew up with old wwf pg new generation era also wcw pre- new generation era when stonecold was stunning steve and flyin brian hollywood blondes vs bagwell and scropio wcw world tag team titles wcw worldwide. wcw was pg till 1999. wcw was good matches and feuds in wcw.

    • @keiichimaebara3754
      @keiichimaebara3754 5 лет назад

      That part is true but I don't agree with most of what this guy said but I will say the writers have a lot to do with it because of the fact that They have released superstars instead of releasing writers the writers are the problem and they fired their talent it would be like if you worked for a company and the manager mrs up but instead of firing the manager they fire the employee That got screwed over by the managers mess up and the manger just gets praised I'm surprised WWE has not faced any wrongful termination lawsuits over this subject and this issue

  • @keiichimaebara3754
    @keiichimaebara3754 5 лет назад

    ORTSCentral And shockingly enough TV14 hasn't ever really been watered down which is my TV 14 would make a lot more sense And neither has TVMA what's gonna happen next eventually are they gonna water down those ratings are we gonna TV14 and TVMA shows that are gonna be more like Sesame Street

  • @TheJsull87
    @TheJsull87 9 лет назад

    Im 15 Ive been watching WWE since the invasion Angle in 2001 I was 2 and I honestly miss the TV14 rating

  • @badassuchiha4875
    @badassuchiha4875 9 лет назад

    well John Cena ain't freaking Corny it's because most of his Fans are Kids I mean some of it could be the Sponcers fault

  • @teamoutrage1
    @teamoutrage1 7 лет назад

    tv-14 doesn't mean wwe is going to be good l, bit I kind of disagree because it will give more freedom to more crazy shit. more blood and sex appeal. its going to take time to get it right, like it took time when Monday night wars hit.

  • @SuperRenegadeOutlaw
    @SuperRenegadeOutlaw 9 лет назад

    If anything they should change there rating to that Turd icon you ise in your phone texts

  • @StayTyler
    @StayTyler 9 лет назад +1

    i died at 8:45

  • @SlyCarey
    @SlyCarey 9 лет назад

    Less childish bullshit. That's a change isn't it?

  • @rustybevrege
    @rustybevrege 8 лет назад

    they should just go to rated r

  • @SlyCarey
    @SlyCarey 9 лет назад

    Tv-14 be a lot better

  • @bernarddixon7573
    @bernarddixon7573 Год назад +1

    It is what it is iam not getting mad that is other people oh well who cares about wwe

  • @keiichimaebara3754
    @keiichimaebara3754 5 лет назад

    OTSCentral One more thing you said it sports entertainment so you don't realize that's a contradiction night because violence and all the stuff they get before is a part of entertainment people get entertained by that If you're only reaching one demographic it's no longer entertainment And if you want to be Technical WWE even in the attitude era had some kiddy stuff in it It's not like they did not have it they just wanted to screw one demographic to only make it one sided for one demographic It was more balanced back then believe it or not One sided demographic reach is not entertainment it's just lets focus on one group A very small group might I add and let's screw are main people let's go out of her way to screw them

  • @keiichimaebara3754
    @keiichimaebara3754 5 лет назад

    OTRSCentral Now I actually agree with you on the creative team but even if they were better it's still when be the same because Of like I said before PG has been watered down So to days PGTV what a been TV Y7 And like I said before you could still tell the difference between TV 14 so yeah you are right the creative team sucks but even if they didn't will be that much better

  • @MrMichaelLaw2011
    @MrMichaelLaw2011 9 лет назад

    Not gonna lie but I thought that ***** was gonna voice his opinion on this.

  • @robertrodriguez787
    @robertrodriguez787 9 лет назад

    bring back vince russo

  • @keiichimaebara3754
    @keiichimaebara3754 5 лет назад

    OTRSCentral And one more thing that shows you said were more edgy back then yeah that's true but because they were so edgy now PG has gotten to the point where we should just put the P out of G I grew up in the nineties and I can tell you the reason why that is is because they watered everything down and even then you could still tell the difference between PG and TV14 and which one was better I'm not going to make up excuses saying while the people don't really know you people just don't know know we know we got brains and we understand when we're being screwed

  • @higurashianduminekoconnect1702
    @higurashianduminekoconnect1702 2 года назад

    Tv-14 I saw the writing on the wall that this many years from now that there would be a reason why I disagree with this video sound like the world's biggest rant guy ranting on something he didn't even kept the nail on the head not even close and it's become more relevant to why with AEW I'm not even insulting the guy but fast-forward a few years not that it shouldn't have been obvious from the beginning it's pretty obvious that it was true that they needed to go tv-14 and it's even crazier that they still haven't

  • @hurricaneparro2464
    @hurricaneparro2464 6 лет назад

    Lmfao you could make good money as a great comedian #ThePowerOfChristCompelsYou

  • @jokered1133
    @jokered1133 9 лет назад

    wwe needs a new creative team who are actually creative

  • @TheBadassTonberry
    @TheBadassTonberry 9 лет назад

    Thank you for this video.

  • @jack66633399
    @jack66633399 9 лет назад

    i like hardcore match but not make great show sometime need more pro wrestling is show, divas not real pro wrestler. roh and cmll is pg but great show

  • @KoolAids9000
    @KoolAids9000 8 лет назад +1

    send this to BDF Network

  • @mikeypitt6451
    @mikeypitt6451 8 лет назад


  • @Santiago3-16
    @Santiago3-16 9 лет назад

    100% spot on.

  • @fc775
    @fc775 7 лет назад

    roman regins will be world champion

  • @keiichimaebara3754
    @keiichimaebara3754 5 лет назад

    OTRSCentral Should Mr. McMahon be the creative team process yes should they go back to TV14 yes Will it make the ratings better yes And everything you said no to the shareholders about is actually a yes sorry but I just can't agree with you And do I think it would fix the product yes Because of everything I said before If they had a brain then they would fix it for the future generations and Would it fix it yes At the only thing that's ridiculous is people pretending that PG is not the reason what makes you think that what you're saying makes sense I what makes you think we should suddenly be like Oh what what are we thinking come on bro Seriously bro what are you thinking If you think that's true that they had on being the cloudy corny goose when it was TV14 And you never actually watched it then and I can say that with confidence And were sadly mistaken the only problem is the problem you're actually yelling at us about You're saying Dingdong to us were sadly mistaken really the only thing sad is that you're so naive and that you're so delusional that you'd actually get on RUclips and get all triggered out on something You got completely backwards If you're almost glad this news didn't get out then you're not a true WWE fan Because in reality this is the only problem with WWE and people defending get isn't helping Counterproductive is PG era and also what's counterproductive is people defending it Near the end of your argument you're pretty much contradicting your argument you're saying that because of the pg era it blew up in their face they got bad deals So if they had stayed TV14 How what you're saying because you're contradicting yourself is that it should go back to TV14 so your solution is the problem was PG so therefore now you're saying we should go back to TV14 because your arguments not supporting your argument at the end you just back stepped in said it blew up in their face of therefore it should be TV14 again you are very confusing as for reasons I pointed out before Obviously your knucklehead and the only knucklehead but I hope one day you'll see Through yourself and realize oh my gosh the products sucks because they watered it down Of the bad TV deal was a part of them going PG so yeah they should go back TV14 what are you trying to say because that's what it sounds like to me And furthermore this argument doesn't really have any basis on facts it's just your personal opinion and it's more like slandering those who don't have the same opinion That is why I'm talking to you and contradict me everything you say because you come off as though you know the answers to the whole company but the truth is we already know the answer it's the problem that's been the problem they watered it down No they're starting to realize that we were right and they were wrong and are losing money because of it end of story Well part of telling us a good emotional story is having some good stuff to work with in that's inside the TV14 era Everything you're supporting is exactly what you're saying don't support so I think I'll support TV14 All the sudden guy gets on RUclips Just all the sudden that we say go to TV 14 and it fixes the problem he said sarcastically Not realizing that hes talking to people That have valid points and the correct points Suddenly I got gets on RUclips and says that we go a different direction get new characters edgy story lines and it stays exactly the same and he said get the fuck outta here Well I say it does Stay exactly the same how to explain the attitude era it came at a time when it was getting bad the Only thing that Stay the same are the people who actually are blind enough to argue against it and never have any points instead they just bash people who actually know what they're talking about Suddenly a man gets on RUclips and says that if you're naive enough to believe that is going change something gear sadly fucking mistaking And that is never going to change and that we should deal with it but not realizing that in reality hes talking to people to actually have a point and he just sounds like every other person who doesn't have a point And all I can say is I don't deal with any of that shit but you can deal with that Why did with it when we shouldn't have to deal with stupidity my deal with it when we should have to even put up with that crap And why should we have to care if you say deal with it like that actually mean something if it's coming from someone who has no point it doesn't mean anything to me deal with it you have no point I respect your opinion though but I don't care if you're mad at us Learn from it deal with it you don't want change you actually like crappier side of WWE lol Only thing you agree with is that Vince's the problem he is the problem for going PG genius Did we say we want in NC17 or TV dick No we just want more believable stuff and you just want to be a complacent fan you're OK with it used but come so used to this crapy PG era that you just don't get and did we say we want TV lesbian You are getting so triggered and yet you're so wrong so why even get triggered over something You are completely wrong about Never said I wanted lesbians getting on for 3 hours Nice delusion though To me I think you're out of touch as a fan It's much as Vince I don't have anything wrong with you but your whole argument just seems like you were upset because for personal reasons and not really for facts Dude TV14 is the reason it got better

  • @cmuldrow25
    @cmuldrow25 9 лет назад

    Lol hahaha TV-Dick!! Awesome

  • @premiumdude8353
    @premiumdude8353 7 лет назад


  • @dan223344556677
    @dan223344556677 9 лет назад

    too loud

  • @jkgameryt632
    @jkgameryt632 9 лет назад


  • @mikeypitt6451
    @mikeypitt6451 8 лет назад

    It wouldn't make any different we would still have the same lame generic "superstars" TV 14 could never be an automatic cure