Happy Together - Show Me the Swag [ENG/2016.09.15]

  • Опубликовано: 19 янв 2025

Комментарии • 1,8 тыс.

  • @katharinas.3836
    @katharinas.3836 8 лет назад +4224

    "you end up looking like jay park" Jessi is a certified queen

    • @katharinas.3836
      @katharinas.3836 8 лет назад +134

      ok but I wish people wouldn't always diss her looks like can't flat girls respect her decision? and Jessi shouldn't diss back with "get yours done too if you wanna talk" if they're happy with their body that's great and if you're happy with your own body that's also great but don't talk shit about the way someone else looks when he's confident

    • @raync8
      @raync8 8 лет назад +97

      go and say that to her Instagram and let me know what her reply is to you if she does 😂

    • @panhann
      @panhann 8 лет назад +15

      OMG I'm curious about her reply, too hahahahah

    • @raync8
      @raync8 8 лет назад +35

      Phuong Anh Nguyen she probably won't do it because Jessi would eat her alive 😂

    • @katharinas.3836
      @katharinas.3836 8 лет назад +10

      Rahma Nurah she would block me I'm sure

  • @stechrochenfridge2252
    @stechrochenfridge2252 5 лет назад +2411

    san e laughing at everything jessi does is iconic he knows the others are experiencing culture shock

    • @nurfatahiyah928
      @nurfatahiyah928 4 года назад +28


    • @sendmemoneythanks
      @sendmemoneythanks 4 года назад +20

      Umm no he's not.

    • @itzstraypinkkingsqueens8728
      @itzstraypinkkingsqueens8728 4 года назад +5


    • @zxc-eq2xr
      @zxc-eq2xr 3 года назад +1

      @@nurfatahiyah928 v,v,v,v,vv,,,v,,v,,v,,,v,,-,,,(,,(,(,(,,,(,(,(,(,(,(,(vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v(,(,(vv,v,v,,,v((,(,,(,(,(,vv,v,v,v(,(,(,(,((v,v,v,v(,(,(,(,(,((,((v,v,vv,(vv,,(,(,(,(,,(,(,,(,(,(,(,(,,((,(((,((((,((,vv,v,vv,v,v,v,,v,,vv,,vg(,(v,,vv,,v(,(vv,v(,,(v(vv,vv,(v,v,v(,(,(,(,(,(,(vv(v(v(v_v(g(v(v(v(g5g(((v(((g(g(g(g(g(g(g(g(g(g(g(((g(g(g(g(((g(g(v(=(g(g(v(g(g(g(g(g(=,vvc,,ii,c,ic,v,v,vv,,,vv,,,,,,,v-v-v,v,v,v,v,v-v-v,v-v,v-v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v-v-vv,,,v-v,v,v,v,v,v,v-v-v,v,v,v,vv,,,,,,,-,,-,,-,,,,,,-,,v,v,vvv,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v-v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv-v,,,-,,-,,v,v,v-v,v,v,v-v,v,v,v-v,v-v,v,v,v,v-v,v-v,v,v,v-v,v,v,vv,-,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,-,,,,,,,vv,vv,-,,v-v,vvv,,,v,v,vv,v,,-,,-,,,-,,,,-v,v,vv,,,v,,,,,v,-,,,v,,,,,-v,v,v,vv,,v,-,,v,,-,v,,,,,v,,,,,,,,v,vv,,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,,,v,v,vv,,,v,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,-v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,,,,,,v,,,,,,v,vv,v,v,vv,,,,,,,v,v,v,vv,v,,,v,vv,,,,,,vv,,v,v,vv,v,v,,,,,,,,,,,,,v,,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,,,,,,v,v,,,,v,v,v,v-v,v-v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,,,v,,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,,,,v,v,,,v,,,v,v,,,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,,v,,,,v,,,vv,,,v,v,vv,,,,v,vv,,v,,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,v,v,vv,,,,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,vv,,vv,v,,v,v,v,vv,,vv,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,,,v,,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,,v,vv,v,,,,v,,v,,,,v,,v,,,,,vv,,v,,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,,,vv,,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,vv,v,,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,,vv,vv,v,,,,v,v,,v,vv,,,vv,,,,,v,v,vv,v,vv,,,,,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,,v,,vv,,vv,,,,,,,,v,,,,,,,v,v,v,v,vv,,vvv,v,v,,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,vv,v,vv,v,vv,,,v,v,v,vv,v,,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,,,vv,v,,,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,,,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,,,vv,v,v,,,,,,v,v,v,,,,,v,,,v,vv,,,vv,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,,vv,v,,,v,,vv,vv,vv,vv,,v,,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,,,vv,,v,v,v,vv,,,,v,,,,v,vv,v,,vv,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,,v,,,vv,vv,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,,v,,,vv,,v,,vv,vv,v,,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,v,,v,,,,vv,,,,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,,v,v,vv,,v,v,,,,,vv,v,v,,,,v,vv,,v,,v,vv,,,v,vv,vv,,v,v,,v,,,vv,,,v,vv,,,v,v,vv,,v,,v,v,,,,v,vv,,,v,vv,,,v,,,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,,v,,vv,v,vv,vv,vv,v,v,v,vv,v,,v,v,,,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,,v,vv,,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,,,v,v,,vv,v,,v,,vv,v,v,v,v,,vvv,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,v,v,v,v,,vv,,v,v,,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,,v,vv,,v,,vv,,v,v,v,vv,vv,,v,v,v,,vv,vv,v,,v,,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,vv,v,,vv,vv,vv,v,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,,,v,vvv,v,,v,v,v,vv,vv,vv,,v,,v,v,vv,v,,v,v,v,v,vvv,v,,,v,v,,v,,,v,v,v,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vvv,,,v,vv,,vv,,,v,,,,,v,v,v,,v,,v,vv,,,vv,vv,vv,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,,v,,vv,,,,v,v,v,v,vv,,,v,v,,vv,vv,vv,,v,v,,v,,,,,,vv,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,,,,v,v,vv,v,,,v,vv,,,,v,,,vv,,,vv,,v,v,v,vv,,,,v,v,vv,vv,v,,,v,v,vv,vvv,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,,v,vv,v,,,v,vvv,v,vv,,v,v,,,,,,,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,,v,vv,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,v,,v,vv,v,,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,vv,vvv,,v,vv,vv,v,vv,,v,v,,v,,v,vv,,vv,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,,,vv,,v,vv,v,vv,v,v,,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,vv,vv,vv,,vvv,v,v,,v,vv,v,,vv,,v,v,v,vvv,v,,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,vv,v,vv,v,vv,,v,v,v,,vv,,v,v,,vv,,v,v,v,,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,,v,,v,v,,v,v,,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,,v,vv,v,v,v,v,vvv,v,vv,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,,,,v,v,,v,v,v,,v,vv,v,v,v,vv,vv,,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,,v,v,,,vv,v,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,v,v,vvv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,,,vv,v,v,v,,v,v,v,v,vv,v,v,v,v,,,,,,v,v,,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,vv,,vv,v,v,,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,vv,,,vv,vv,vv,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,vvv,v,v,,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,,v,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,,v,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,v,v,v,,vv,vv,,,v,vv,vv,vv,v,v,,v,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,,vv,v,v,v,vvv,v,vv,v,v,vv,,,vvv,v,v,v,v,,vv,v,,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,v,,vv,,,v,v,vv,vv,vv,vv,v,vvv,v,v,vv,vv,vv,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,vv,,v,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,,,v,vv,,vv,v,v,,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,v,,v,v,v,v,v,v,vv,v,,v,v,v,v,vvv,vv,v,vvv,v,vv,,v,v,v,v,vv,v,,vv,v,,v,v,v,v,vv,v,vvv,v,vv,v,v,vv,v,v,v,,vv,vv,v,vv,v,v,v,v,vv,v,vv,vv,vv,gv,v,vv,vv,vv,v,vv,vv,v,v,g,g,g,g,g,g,gv,g,,ggg,,gv,g,g,gv,g,g,v,g,v,g,g,g,,vg,gv,g,v,g,v,,g,g,v,vv,g,g,g,vgg,,v,g,v,g,g,g,g,g,,g,gg,g,vv,g,g,g,g,,g,v,v,v,g,ggg,g,g,v,v,,g,g,,g,gg,ggv,g,g,,,g,v,g,g,g,gg,gv,g,g,gv,,gv,g,g,g,,,vvv(i(i(i(i(i(i(igi(i(i(i(i(i(i(igi(i(i(i(i(i(igi(i(i(i(i()i(igi(i(i(o(i(igo(i(o(o(o(o(o(o(o(ogi(o(ogogo(o(o(ohogogo(ogo(ogogohogo(o(o(o(o(o(o(o(ogo((o(ogo(ogo(o((o(ogogo(ogo(o(o(o(ogogo(o((o(g(((o(go((og(ogo((gog(o((goodg(((o(((g(gabigoodgoodgghggo(v(h((((g(ogo((ong((ggo(guysgood(g(goggoggggg)gg(thatgggg(((go(gabihg(highlyggggg(ghanag(goggg(g(

    • @zxc-eq2xr
      @zxc-eq2xr 3 года назад +1


  • @katecourageux443
    @katecourageux443 8 лет назад +5188

    When jessi held hyeongyeong's hand after her rap and called her cute it made me so happy. Jessi always supports other women and builds them up so much whenever she senses even a hint of insecurity. She's so sincere and you can tell she truly believed what she said about women being more confident. 🙌😍👸

    • @loveandheart08
      @loveandheart08 6 лет назад +226

      She always helps other women and that's why she got so upset on unpretty rapstars

    • @chimcham6762
      @chimcham6762 6 лет назад +122

      love heart Facts! Plus Trash-E is a misogynistic pig so I understand why Jessie couldn’t stand him on Unpretty Rapstar and still can’t stand him 😂😂

    • @rachelrye2615
      @rachelrye2615 6 лет назад +6

      Chim Cham why does people hate SAN E so much ??

    • @niera7460
      @niera7460 6 лет назад +33

      @@rachelrye2615 I know one of the reasons was bc of a song he made called feminist that was complete trash.

    • @rachelrye2615
      @rachelrye2615 6 лет назад +1

      Niera West what why I liked that song

  • @ChuukeseIslander
    @ChuukeseIslander 6 лет назад +572

    “Once you get a tattoo you want to geet more. Then you end up looking like Jay Park”

  • @balconyandI
    @balconyandI 8 лет назад +2890

    When San E was rapping about Yu Jae Suk I thought he was dissing him by saying "You just suck", but it was his name lol

    • @hafsa8513
      @hafsa8513 8 лет назад +177

      omg SAAAAAME i was like shiiiiiet but then he went on and i realised i was wrong. It would've been a sick punchline/pun

    • @saiyanfreak
      @saiyanfreak 7 лет назад +75

      that was probably the intention lol

    • @marlencinu11
      @marlencinu11 7 лет назад +5


    • @keiladiaz1362
      @keiladiaz1362 7 лет назад +3

      Miwhoami 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @rugile6681
      @rugile6681 7 лет назад +14


  • @boowie9302
    @boowie9302 4 года назад +1506

    I’m very pissed at this episode and I’m so glad jessi was there to educate them. There were so many ignorant and culturally inappropriate things said and as an African female I was not happy about them. Dreads are worn by people with textured hair as a protective style similar to cornrows or other kinds of braids , this korean guy got a similar protective style and I wasn’t even mad about it, do what you want to do . But they were talking about the hairstyle as if it was dirty or ugly and I do not respect that. There are some guys who use this style to take care of their hair, and it’s difficult for you to deal with it because it’s not meant for you hair type. They really need to educate themselves about these kinds of things cuz being this culturally ignorant and especially on broadcast is not okay

    • @beatm6948
      @beatm6948 4 года назад +76

      See, when he started talking about not washing it I was like "You probably need to wash your hair cause that hairstyle is not made for your hair!" Like, obviously you and other African American people will be fine, because it is made for you, cause you need to wash your hair less. I personally should wash my hair 1-2 times a week and a half, but can go two weeks without washing my hair. Also, when white people hair falls out cause they got braids, and they complain about it. Like, hun, you should've researched at least a little bit since your wearing a hairstyle you know wasn't made for you.

    • @boowie9302
      @boowie9302 4 года назад +58

      Bea Badjar exactly! Like I wasn’t even mad at him wearing it even though it’s cultural appropriation , but on top of that they were degrading the hairstyle as if they have the right , like it ain’t even mean for your hair texture in the first place . I just think there needs to be some educating here because the ignorance was frustrating

    • @rosiieox6842
      @rosiieox6842 4 года назад +23

      I’m actually glad someone brought this up

    • @maytheforcebewithu792
      @maytheforcebewithu792 4 года назад +12

      @@beatm6948 im not african but dmn korean is sp ignorant and it makes me mad

    • @lilsammy112
      @lilsammy112 4 года назад +10

      @L N Your comment makes no sense. Its good to call out ignorance when it occurs. Period. No rationalization needed.

  • @DoveyTheWriter
    @DoveyTheWriter 8 лет назад +4647

    i love how jessi is tearing down those rapper steretypes they have. everyone even black rappers dont have or do some of the things they said.

    • @WooGirlGoWoo
      @WooGirlGoWoo 8 лет назад +4


    • @hoodieboy1515
      @hoodieboy1515 8 лет назад +60

      That's why only listen to real stuff. Those fake stuff influence the youth too.. Sadly.. That's why I like BewhY. I like Christian rap better cause there's truth in it :))) Or, there's better message/content :) & beats too hehe

    • @DoveyTheWriter
      @DoveyTheWriter 8 лет назад +106

      ***** christian rap isn't the only thing that speaks the truth.(I actually really don't like it as I'm not christian) The rappers over here in america ain't shit. The only people who are actually good are jcole and Kendrick Lamar. Old school rappers are so much better. They were actually rapping about real stuff. Not bull crap.

    • @lottiel468
      @lottiel468 8 лет назад +32

      +chauniece davis Ohmy God u agree completely - although I don't like when people say 'all music today is crap' because there are some good songs, it feels like they rap about nothing except money, alcohol and dancing. There were some rap legends in the 90s that rapped about such a huge variety of things and didn't jump all over the place in their rap. They kept the story going.

    • @DoveyTheWriter
      @DoveyTheWriter 8 лет назад +10

      Charlotte R I didn't say all the music was crap,but majority of it is. Then we have artist with crap attitudes and behaviors so even if their music is good no one wants to support them. At least I don't want to lol. 90s rap music and further back was most definitely better lol😂😊

  • @rawest_darlie2641
    @rawest_darlie2641 5 лет назад +775

    Jessi is like a real American, she speaks freely, she hits people when she laugh, she swear when she want she’s like the best gettho korean I’ve ever know
    I mf love her😻😻😻😻😭🤍🥺

    • @meowmeowmeow7392-5
      @meowmeowmeow7392-5 4 года назад +50

      she was born in new york, she was raised in new jersey, and moved to korea when she was 15.

    • @JosephineTakahashi
      @JosephineTakahashi 4 года назад +20

      She is American

    • @ham-sley1308
      @ham-sley1308 4 года назад +9

      Lol she ain't ghetto she's real and I think that makes her really cool

    • @rawest_darlie2641
      @rawest_darlie2641 4 года назад +3

      @@ham-sley1308 I know she not and I love her but I’m saying that’s what most American would portray her as cuz that’s how they portray many people that like to speak their mind

    • @ham-sley1308
      @ham-sley1308 4 года назад

      @@rawest_darlie2641 ahhh ok

  • @vampvivid
    @vampvivid 8 лет назад +718

    "Do I have to hold the microphone like this? It feels like I am going to sing a national anthem" song HAHAHAHAHA

  • @152-salmaafrin7
    @152-salmaafrin7 4 года назад +381

    I really like jessy..she's just been real..bold..not like typical cute acting korean girl.

    • @produsultana
      @produsultana 4 года назад +9

      you should check Jimin park/ Jamie out! i love her. she is so savage like jessi!!

  • @sarah-cv8cp
    @sarah-cv8cp 8 лет назад +2388

    lol why do i feel cjamm is sorta fond of jessi its cute

    • @joshuakim9279
      @joshuakim9279 8 лет назад +3

      Sarah Jordan
      불 우 의 명 곡 진주

    • @sneezu
      @sneezu 8 лет назад +324

      same omg kinda like admiration in a sweet way bc of they way he always looks at her when she talks, like getting approval :') it's cute knowing they're close

    • @sherryfong9120
      @sherryfong9120 7 лет назад +49

      lol i ken totally ship them

    • @Hey-ey9jn
      @Hey-ey9jn 5 лет назад +2

      Sherry Fong ikr, 😂

    • @tasteslikeacherrybomb9770
      @tasteslikeacherrybomb9770 5 лет назад +3

      @Jewel Newurdan he has a girlfriend

  • @nupurjain1558
    @nupurjain1558 6 лет назад +75

    I did not knew about jessi before but she's too pure and honest for her own good like she'll make the best of friend, she looks iintimidating and fierce but she's really sweet

  • @TashyTilly
    @TashyTilly 8 лет назад +2528

    I have a girl crush on Jessi...

    • @yveo
      @yveo 8 лет назад +5

      same here

    • @tainatautakitaki4701
      @tainatautakitaki4701 8 лет назад +77

      who doesn't? She's so REAL in her opinions and is such a cool person that I might become lesbian for her.. Lmao

    • @isahyun6842
      @isahyun6842 8 лет назад +15

      i feel so guilty for not getting to know her before. she is amazing

    • @sammas3245
      @sammas3245 8 лет назад +3

      Tasha H Go follow my insta

    • @sammas3245
      @sammas3245 8 лет назад +3

      Tasha H Mala_389

  • @TheChubbyJenny
    @TheChubbyJenny 5 лет назад +229

    36:26 how Jessi said “...OKAY🤷🏻‍♀️” following with “so what if they’re fake? I paid for them!” Then everyone else being like, “what are you talking about? Where?!” that cracked me up 💀💀💀

  • @zozobora1864
    @zozobora1864 8 лет назад +2361

    I really don't get it why a lot of people hate jessi. Like thats what everyone should do? Always be true and who you are right? They hate jessi because of her PS but lots of korean especially women had PS like wat duuh?

    • @chimcham6762
      @chimcham6762 8 лет назад +180

      Zozo bora I think it's just 'cause she's outspoken and very candid. It's a breath of fresh air tbqh. In a lot of entertainment industries around the world, not just Korea, PS is something that is prevalent but is taboo to talk about or admit that you got it, even when it's obvious. So Jessie being so open about hers must just rub some people the wrong way...especially when she's spilling some piping hot tea that might expose others lol.

    • @lowkeylonely4265
      @lowkeylonely4265 8 лет назад

      Chim Cham PS?

    • @chimcham6762
      @chimcham6762 8 лет назад +7

      DaBlue Panda plastic surgery 🙂

    • @eggorl
      @eggorl 8 лет назад +26

      DaBlue Panda Play Station

    • @isaaclean1437
      @isaaclean1437 8 лет назад +14

      Zozo bora actually what is so bad about PS it make people more confident

  • @livjoshi6710
    @livjoshi6710 7 лет назад +300

    All through the show, San E was trying real hard to get on Jessi's good side

    • @tanangel834
      @tanangel834 3 года назад +31

      He's not above jessi anymore unlike on unpretty rapstar that he's the mc and jessi is a contestant. Jessi can beat him up to pieces now 😂😂

  • @j.uanita.ditanita
    @j.uanita.ditanita 8 лет назад +586

    Lol, whenever JaeSuk was telling Jessi it was a competition, and he slowly fell. Lol! Myungsoo slowly tried to help but was also unsure on wtf was happening. LOL! Like his reaction really got me. LOL

    • @whatsupmail111
      @whatsupmail111 8 лет назад +8

      what part is it?? when yoo jae suk falls??

    • @ShivaWings
      @ShivaWings 8 лет назад +7

      +whatsupmail111 around 49:45 he tripped:)

  • @prestonsaunders3217
    @prestonsaunders3217 6 лет назад +757

    …also low key crushing on San E rn. C Jamm is cute too lol :)

    • @chimcham6762
      @chimcham6762 6 лет назад +58

      Preston Saunders Lord have mercy!!! In what alternate universe is anyone crushing on San E?!? 😷🤧🤧

    • @fromcourt
      @fromcourt 5 лет назад +15

      san e smells bad

    • @fMONA94
      @fMONA94 5 лет назад +6

      @@fromcourt did he say that to you?🤦

    • @maliapulu7584
      @maliapulu7584 5 лет назад +9

      Wtf sniffing people 🤦

    • @aidaray4578
      @aidaray4578 4 года назад +12

      @@maliapulu7584 😭😭😭😭😭 I just imagined someone going up to San e and openly sniffing him

  • @orgabrahmabasumatary1061
    @orgabrahmabasumatary1061 8 лет назад +189

    San E is literally a meme brought to life xD Love his hyena laugh and his 'nerd rap' songs. You do you bro!

  • @AuriELF
    @AuriELF 8 лет назад +431

    This is the first time i see C Jamm and i find him strangely handsome (?) haha his smile is kinda charming 😍😍😍

  • @nichline
    @nichline 8 лет назад +2024

    When San E said "It's breast swag" lol Dead

  • @le-anneong855
    @le-anneong855 8 лет назад +587

    San E: All rappers have their trademark
    Sehun: E-X-O

    • @cialiyeolbaekhaokip4819
      @cialiyeolbaekhaokip4819 4 года назад +14

      Idk but this is so funny 😂
      Like sehun literally sing E-X-O those days...

  • @awkwardnoodles69
    @awkwardnoodles69 8 лет назад +263

    you can tell they heavily edited out some of jessi's parts on 12:00 I wonder what she said LOLLLL queen of being straight forward

  • @clismydope1762
    @clismydope1762 5 лет назад +107


    • @aidaray4578
      @aidaray4578 4 года назад +3

      She was just on running man's recent episode

  • @pstmxlmnd
    @pstmxlmnd 8 лет назад +1518

    i love jessi!!!! I'm going to go climb a mountain and scream it out loud!!!! I LOVE JESSI SO MUCH I AM IN SPLITS RIGHT NOW SHE IS SO GENUINE AND FUNNY!!!!!!!! Role Model tbh

    • @fifivo1515
      @fifivo1515 8 лет назад +8

      lol if u do go take me with u

    • @hueminh2384
      @hueminh2384 8 лет назад +11

      yaass myy feels

    • @sowmya6691
      @sowmya6691 8 лет назад +74

      She is honest and truthful to herself...I dont get these men...they seriously are in 18th century...

    • @emiliawilson4378
      @emiliawilson4378 7 лет назад +3

      pstmxlmnd My role model too❤💪

    • @bingbong5053
      @bingbong5053 7 лет назад +5

      sowmya Ravi Kumar thats south korea for you. I love kpop, kbeauty and skincare but their society is messed up. This is just one little flaw out of all of them.

  • @ms_iced_coffee
    @ms_iced_coffee 3 года назад +16

    Jessi being herself and not faking her behaviors is the best way to make yourself true despite being a celebrity. Celebrities often do everything to make their image beautiful even it it means being fake on and off cam.
    I Stan JESSI❤️❤️❤️

  • @mary2721
    @mary2721 8 лет назад +360

    I swear, if Jessi and Cjamm collabs, I would tell my future kids to play that song on my funeral lmfao.

  • @laylashaikh7446
    @laylashaikh7446 5 лет назад +51

    When Jessi says she speaks without thinking at 24:08, she's JUST like one of my friends at school, who speaks without a care of what people think. I need her confidence

  • @gardeniamagnifica1713
    @gardeniamagnifica1713 8 лет назад +75

    This lady will be the death of me. Only Jessi will talk about such thing on tv. How can someone be so confindent, unfazed by people opinions and honest? that's so admirable! wish I was like her.

  • @itr35896
    @itr35896 5 лет назад +85

    People are never going to forget Jessi’s “This is a competition” 😂

  • @SheSpends2MuchOnKpop
    @SheSpends2MuchOnKpop 8 лет назад +1079

    "Slandering someone doesnt make you great", you hear that all you haters? 💋

  • @teamworkmakesthedreamwork9468
    @teamworkmakesthedreamwork9468 8 лет назад +49


  • @Lizx3
    @Lizx3 8 лет назад +162

    This was by far the funniest episode I've ever watched of Happy Together!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    San E's laugh could be compared to mine.. I loved it!! Jessi did an amazing job here! I hope more women will stand up like her, we need strong women like her who can speak up and break these stereotypes! Sad that C Jamm was rather quiet but he's still amazing

  • @galaseries1116
    @galaseries1116 2 года назад +12

    Jessi teaching everybody what GANJI (swag) really is, all the way back in 2016!!!
    Queen Jessi really was born with it!

  • @brendasan7231
    @brendasan7231 8 лет назад +874

    i really hope jay park can be a guest some day.

    • @brendasan7231
      @brendasan7231 8 лет назад +95

      Yea have aomg as the guest including hoody, id like to see how they all get along.

  • @shintayu101
    @shintayu101 3 года назад +49

    I second Jessi for admiting and normalize body correction in context of freedom for personal preference. It’s kindda cultural reset to lessen toxic social stigma. It’s ok…..it’s normal….it’s human. SALUTE Jessi!

    • @loveemily1589
      @loveemily1589 3 года назад +2

      Yes. Obviously the goal is to live in a society that doesn’t make people feel so bad or insecure about their natural features so they don’t feel the need to get plastic surgery, but making fun of and demonizing people for getting work done is horrible. Especially since it’s the society we live in that makes people feel that their natural features aren’t desirable enough, leading to people getting plastic surgery.

  • @a.j.w9992
    @a.j.w9992 8 лет назад +194

    Can we just take second to appreciate Jessi's shoes?

  • @viviantran7063
    @viviantran7063 6 лет назад +93

    “This place is so weird” -Jessi this is me everyday when I watch this and when I hangout with friends

  • @kokochen5754
    @kokochen5754 8 лет назад +765

    C JAMM imitating Keira Knightley xD

    • @kokochen5754
      @kokochen5754 8 лет назад +55

      also b free needs to get a life and stop dissing popular artists smh

    • @haeviru9007
      @haeviru9007 8 лет назад +22

      B-free is also extremely problematic and racist - no talent is worth stanning when you're a douchebag Dx

    • @sarah-cv8cp
      @sarah-cv8cp 8 лет назад

      Fove Miran how is he racist when his the only korean rapper who has acknowledged and supported blm (in his song w/ reddy he gave support to ferguson), openly goes against anti blackness, called fans out for saying the n word, and called out fellow rappers for encouraging anti blackness or saying black slurs. so wheres you proof his racist and problematic other than him saying makeup is "gay" then apologizing for that? lmao sure bud

    • @haeviru9007
      @haeviru9007 8 лет назад +7

      ***** Cultural appropriation saying hi, "bud". Also, when he has acknowledged black rappers? Source, please. Because if I remember correctly, and I'm sure I do, he used the n-word himself while reffering to black rappers. But most of all, he's a fan and supporter of Riff Raff.
      Ps. "I wish" was Reddy's song, B-free was only featuring. He didn't gave his support to Ferguson, he has just recited what Reddy told him to. During "black lives matter" movement he stayed completely silent.
      He IS problematic AND racist. And no, he never apologized, stop making up "facts".

    • @sarah-cv8cp
      @sarah-cv8cp 8 лет назад

      Fove Miran no he did lmao. you can just go through his twitter if you please too where he called out a white girl for calling him the n word. you can also just look up his interviews if you please to do so. and i wish wasnt reddy or bfrees song it was a song they made together, so neither told each other what to say. even if it was reddys song reddy still wouldnt tell him what to say lmao. but stay pressed over a 3 year old comment bfree apologized for and then took it back after bts fans literally attacked him on twitter/instagram/youtube w/ racial slurs, do you bud

  • @syifasalehudin6045
    @syifasalehudin6045 8 лет назад +86

    i thought at the end jessi is going up against c jamm but then it didn't happen.. i was looking forward to it actually

  • @hoodieboy1515
    @hoodieboy1515 8 лет назад +742

    Aww Jessi was so cute, pretty back then or before surgery. You're all pretty peoples/women. We're all unique for a reason :)

    • @DefineMorena
      @DefineMorena 8 лет назад +37

      She was told to do the surgery, though. Darn those people! 😣😣😣

    • @hoodieboy1515
      @hoodieboy1515 8 лет назад +3

      Grace Osas REALLY?! WOW!

    • @DefineMorena
      @DefineMorena 8 лет назад +1

      ***** I know, right? Stupid entertainment industry...

    • @leenuhh_
      @leenuhh_ 8 лет назад +90

      Yeah I remember when she said on happy together that her company told her to do surgery because they give her an advice so she can look more photogenic and that she looked too fierce. She then regret listening to them and the outcome turned out that she looked even more fierced than before. I honestly thought she was cute, I don't know what her agency was talking about. Either way, I still love her. ( honestly I could careless about if idols get surgery or not ) lol.

    • @violetgirl1996
      @violetgirl1996 7 лет назад +2

      Grace Osas doesn't reflect the entirety of the industry. the pressuring happens a lot, but there are also many people who want genuinity and are a bit more for the individual than anything else

  • @jeezandcrackers9525
    @jeezandcrackers9525 8 лет назад +372

    ik it was so weird, but i want my mother like jessi, nah i mean not about she always swearing and doing plastic surgery, but she has a bright confident, she doesnt mind people diss her, because "i paid this.... blabla"
    i think she would be cool mom and always cheer her child, and ofc the child would get the energic and bright personality too, right??

  • @Thuthaon
    @Thuthaon 8 лет назад +755

    I love how she pronounce things. Born and raised from Atlanta and that's exactly how we pronounce it lmfao

    • @lorraineisraine
      @lorraineisraine 8 лет назад +22

      She's from Jersey

    • @Thuthaon
      @Thuthaon 8 лет назад +47

      @lor bron. I know she is from jersey. I'm saying I was from atl. I should of clarified better. Just saying she knows how to pronounce the name like locals do.

    • @seohulikim8357
      @seohulikim8357 8 лет назад +4

      yep I am from Atlanta too

    • @utudes
      @utudes 8 лет назад +2

      She is a foreigner or a korean?

    • @utudes
      @utudes 8 лет назад +1

      ***** Ah, I see. Thx! :D

  • @baekingkookieswithagdragon6875
    @baekingkookieswithagdragon6875 8 лет назад +45

    was actually waiting for c jamm's and jessi's rap battle

  • @PeaceVlogS
    @PeaceVlogS 8 лет назад +181

    CJamm is just laughing his ass off. How cute

  • @mariee__123
    @mariee__123 7 лет назад +28

    Jessi is so honest Lmao, they were all shocked when she was talking about her plastic surgery so casually

  • @SunshineGirlxoxox
    @SunshineGirlxoxox 8 лет назад +131

    I love Jessi so much omg

  • @stardarkangel
    @stardarkangel 6 лет назад +9

    I really like Jessi's definition of swag, that it's knowing what makes you unique and having confidence in it and not all the bling that posers wear.

  • @jace9143
    @jace9143 8 лет назад +104

    jessi is confidence goals

  • @ttalgi1211
    @ttalgi1211 2 года назад +15

    everyone's scared of jessi lmao she's so intimidating i love it

  • @tiitsoso
    @tiitsoso 8 лет назад +125

    Jessi is thug AF she kept her heels while they're all in slippers. I swear she's a QUEEN

  • @pm7128
    @pm7128 2 года назад +8

    Now I understand why YJS likes Jesi. She is so honest. It's surprising to be in the business for as long as she is and still be honest and pure.

  • @sumaiyaaa3214
    @sumaiyaaa3214 8 лет назад +225

    "I have never felt intimidated by a woman"
    "women should be more confident"
    I actually love Jessi fvjdnxvknv but Cjamm should've been given more chances to talk instead they just milked the 'magnesium rap' thing that that man was doing , it got boring v quickly.
    One of my fave episodes though, hands down

  • @4sara12
    @4sara12 8 лет назад +4

    I absolutely love jessi's personality she just doesn't care which is so rare when it comes to Korean celebs

  • @lanaahh
    @lanaahh 8 лет назад +24

    I'm a simple girl, I see Jessi in the thumbnail I click.
    She's so hilarious and honest. I love her personality. So real, no fake. :)

  • @chesteraranasurto6521
    @chesteraranasurto6521 4 года назад +6

    big respect to this girl shes really genuine just being herself shes super real love her..

  • @SofiiixD
    @SofiiixD 8 лет назад +576

    I would actually love to see some gender diversity in the cast as the Korean entertainment shows seem to be male-dominant. However, Hyunkyung isn't doing anything to the show at all. She just shows up randomly when showing reactions or when making scripted comments here and there. Either they edit her out, or she really has nothing to add. There are a lot of female comedians out there, please give them a chance too!

    • @andre-cmyk
      @andre-cmyk 8 лет назад +59

      Sister's Slam Dunk exists because of that.
      Thank God KBS kinda got the memo.

    • @kamichan7901
      @kamichan7901 8 лет назад +7

      YUP but that fave show of mine is prolly gonna be axed pretty soon tho :'(

    • @bottomfish106
      @bottomfish106 8 лет назад +4

      oh why? they are canceling it already?

    • @kamichan7901
      @kamichan7901 8 лет назад +9

      yakno, kbs is ruthless for low rating shows. special if it's particularly new. It's a big posibility that they will cancel SSD after miran's dream.OR, I hope it will have a s2 with a new member. *sigh*

    • @rizzy2120
      @rizzy2120 5 лет назад +5

      Women in korea are basically on dogs level in the entertainment industry they get zero respect and ppl on know how to treat them like crap

  • @lo97ve
    @lo97ve 5 лет назад +40

    38:17 i became very fond of the moment when san e helped jessi out :)

  • @hopaelsaid2326
    @hopaelsaid2326 8 лет назад +556

    I see jessi I say click
    jessi click jessi click 😂😍

  • @smooshiee4780
    @smooshiee4780 4 года назад +12

    I love how Jessi can just get everyone onboard for ragging on Jolly V😂 love her

  • @mamastop1807
    @mamastop1807 8 лет назад +149

    OMO, I find San E and Jessi so inspirational, gentle San E and fierce Jessi. They both are strong people full of swagger and confidence. THANKS FOR BEING AN INSPIRATION! In this society now, it's harder for girls to be confident, and I agree with you Jessi.

  • @ruhi6136
    @ruhi6136 4 года назад +10

    I like San E's rapping method tho...! "Dissing someone else won't make me a great person! " That words struck my heart...!

  • @f.2548
    @f.2548 8 лет назад +903

    Cjamm is seriously questioning why his on the show with all these crwzy people lol mental breakdown right there

    • @Andysnyc
      @Andysnyc 8 лет назад +9

      Even worse, he's an emergency guest because someone couldn't be there.

    • @superstar12469
      @superstar12469 8 лет назад +86

      Cjamm wasn't the emergency guest, MC Minzy was lol

    • @Andysnyc
      @Andysnyc 8 лет назад +2

      ~☼MilkshakeHighs☼~ I completely forgot. I was referring to Minzy.

    • @chrystinethymotisari1916
      @chrystinethymotisari1916 8 лет назад


    • @jubackdawe9068
      @jubackdawe9068 8 лет назад +4

      ~☼MilkshakeHighs☼~ who was the original guess?.

  • @princesscami122099
    @princesscami122099 7 лет назад +2

    *This is my first time ever watching anything that has jessi in it and she is a BOSS*

  • @KarolinaLopez
    @KarolinaLopez 8 лет назад +43

    This was so hilarious. It looked like every person was happy together and everyone had fair screen time. Honestly I love Happy Together and Jessi being there made it better

  • @AznCantalope
    @AznCantalope 8 лет назад +38

    1:14:10 "she gave birth to me after ten months. ARERGGHHHH...AAARRGGHH...!"

  • @prettylife101
    @prettylife101 8 лет назад +20

    Jessi is a freaking queen! She says what she wants

  • @thesmilinone11
    @thesmilinone11 4 года назад +9

    maybe it's just me, but i feel like this "set" or "season" version of happy together was one of the best...

  • @mariaedera5296
    @mariaedera5296 8 лет назад +15

    Jessi is just full of charisma. Like, she be sittin there doing nothing yet you would be intimidated 😍

  • @asianpotato4963
    @asianpotato4963 4 года назад +2

    I cannot write in words how much I adore jessi, *Love this woman

  • @29991sl
    @29991sl 8 лет назад +27

    Jessi speaks her mind. There is a thing called freedom of speech for everyone. She doesn't need approval to be herself. Accept her the way she is. P. S. Nobody is perfect.

  • @3aries24
    @3aries24 5 лет назад +5

    i love how they reacted to hyeongyong's swag lines.. hahaha! missing her and myungsoo in 2019 ☹️😞❤️

  • @isseume
    @isseume 8 лет назад +31

    I love Jessi and her confidence so much ❤

  • @S_Lee01
    @S_Lee01 7 лет назад +3

    The reason why I like Jessi is because she keeps it real. She's confident and isn't afraid of speaking her mind.

  • @fifivo1515
    @fifivo1515 8 лет назад +31

    Jessi is boss❤ Love her so much. Honestly she's so sweet and kind but if u hate her just know that she doesnt care and there's no reason for u to be spreading stupid lies and bringing up her old past. Seriously she's so blunt and honest and that's what makes her different

  • @Mirrasha
    @Mirrasha 5 лет назад +3

    This is still one of the funniest Happy Together episode of all time. Jessi is too funny! Lol

  • @taenysone4208
    @taenysone4208 8 лет назад +88

    any shows where Jessie is there is always fun to watch.m sarangye Jessie

    • @TheYGElitist
      @TheYGElitist 8 лет назад +12

      Unnies slam dunk :)

    • @fifivo1515
      @fifivo1515 8 лет назад +2

      taeNySone she was also on running man, two yoo project sugarman, I can see your voice 6, knowing brothers

    • @loveandheart08
      @loveandheart08 6 лет назад

      Unpretty rapstars. She seems like such a badass but she had good intentions in the beginning it makes you root for her

  • @sapanagurung7474
    @sapanagurung7474 3 года назад +2

    The guy who is rapping with "Don`t laugh" was epic. I have never had such laugh in my lifetime. Oh god!

  • @d.ayjaaf
    @d.ayjaaf 8 лет назад +949

    I wish Cjamm would've spoken more :(

    • @melonm8
      @melonm8 8 лет назад +39

      Same I was really looking forward to him

    • @Adenikeify
      @Adenikeify 8 лет назад +105

      I was looking forward to the rap battle between himself and Jessi, since they were the only ones remaining.

    • @flightdeparture1895
      @flightdeparture1895 8 лет назад +64

      Ikr , They always edit out the guests parts that I'm most excited about ugh

    • @jimintrash552
      @jimintrash552 8 лет назад +7

      Dayja Flowers same :/

    • @jessp5775
      @jessp5775 6 лет назад +2

      Yeah totally! He's so cute

  • @poojarana8382
    @poojarana8382 4 года назад +4

    "This is who I am, why should I hide it?" She's queen 👑🤩

  • @Little_baby_99
    @Little_baby_99 8 лет назад +669

    Omo such a cute episode i loved it a lot and laughed a lot 😂😂😂It was so funny Jessy San E JamJam and the other two 💞💞💞

    • @1015creamy
      @1015creamy 8 лет назад +1


    • @Little_baby_99
      @Little_baby_99 8 лет назад +1

      Ahahah your comment made my day Nanana Singitlike

    • @nanisimmons6449
      @nanisimmons6449 8 лет назад +17

      Jessi San E CJamm MC Minzy I can't Jessi is a boss and savage San E is funny and Cute C Jamm is adorable and Seho was funny with the rap

  • @tarthart8975
    @tarthart8975 7 лет назад +1

    San E's laugh makes everything in my life better. I swear if I have a bad day, I would watch and listen to him laugh and every bad emotions are blown away. *Sigh~*

  • @ShreyashiSarkar94
    @ShreyashiSarkar94 8 лет назад +358

    Myungsoo's 'Constipation Rap' at the end!!!!! XD XD XD My stomach is still aching from laughing so much!!!!!

  • @mishielariel
    @mishielariel 4 года назад +1

    I was touched when his mom supported him to have tattoos, and even paid it for him. AND went with him. Ah basta, makatouuuch. Sanaol

  • @asmasam
    @asmasam 8 лет назад +53

    I'm dying here from San E late reaction to almost every thing XD 😂😂

  • @annebernadetterama6428
    @annebernadetterama6428 4 года назад +13

    Jessi is a strong woman 😍😍😁 im so happy that she handle those things in this way ☺️

  • @il0veb1j0u4
    @il0veb1j0u4 8 лет назад +45

    I watch any show featuring Jessi! Girl's On Fire! And she's so hilarious! 😍

  • @seasonofmayumi456
    @seasonofmayumi456 4 года назад +1

    I love to watch this episode again and again just because of this savage queen Jessi

  • @hannahsmith2569
    @hannahsmith2569 8 лет назад +13

    Am I the only one that think's Cjamm is so adorable? Like is smile is everything and even though he has this confident demeanor on stage the fact that he seems so quiet and shy is even more charming.

  • @kittya2658
    @kittya2658 4 года назад +5

    I love how the other rappers were supporting Jungha’s rap haha respect

  • @labellaxia7853
    @labellaxia7853 8 лет назад +174

    Jessie said in sister slam dunk that people often misunderstood her as a tough girl and that she's not. But how she carry herself, people will continue to see her as the tough girl, just saying.

    • @kyl6864
      @kyl6864 8 лет назад +73

      I think she meant being confident and have having strong opinions don't equate being a tough woman. It's implying women by default aren't confident or can have opinion.

    • @labellaxia7853
      @labellaxia7853 8 лет назад

      no, she clearly stated that unless they didn't sub it correctly.

    • @kyl6864
      @kyl6864 8 лет назад +38

      La bellaXia Lol, I know she said that. But the real meaning is between the lines. Some people just take it by face value. Can't be helped I guess.

    • @destined2bebossy
      @destined2bebossy 8 лет назад +83

      She acts tough for shits and giggles. She knows the public likes it.
      But its also a misunderstanding of her character. What she is saying is, she's not intentionally being rude or mean (like how Koreans may interpret it), its her having been surrounded by a different culture and being more brass because of it, thus she tends to be more blunt and make more mistakes. But shes not some intentionally rude person, is what she is trying to say.

    • @violetgirl1996
      @violetgirl1996 7 лет назад +13

      destined2bebossy i totally understand her, and really appreciate her genuinity and honesty.

  • @Jennifer-ej5de
    @Jennifer-ej5de 5 лет назад

    I’ve always been a fan of Jessi. When everyone is putting up a certain mask for the public she doesn’t. We love her for her honesty. We also love how she is a badass cutie too.

  • @vivianwu1622
    @vivianwu1622 8 лет назад +35

    i love jessi!!! missed her being on shows!

  • @miruru5258
    @miruru5258 5 лет назад +1

    this is the first time i watch show with jessi. and she's so...wow.. awesome. how come a lot of people hate her? she's so carefree

  • @labellaxia7853
    @labellaxia7853 8 лет назад +33

    c jamm is such a gorgeous man

  • @tinizagurung7748
    @tinizagurung7748 4 года назад +1

    It's just cute that in whole episode C jamm was looking at Jessie so cutely 😍😍

  • @superstar12469
    @superstar12469 8 лет назад +25

    San E's laughter on repeat jesus christ LOOOL

  • @alienmallows
    @alienmallows 4 года назад +3

    I've watched this many times coz of Jessi but this is the first time that I've focused on San E. I liked the way he was leading everyone and explaining the words used in hiphop. And when he laughs, he repeats the words and laughs hard 😂😂😂 I had so much fun! So much respect for him and to the guests on the show.

  • @fifivo1515
    @fifivo1515 8 лет назад +14

    When jae seok said, "come on this is a competition jessi" then a few seconds later he ends up dying for her😂😂 Hey you gotta love jessi❤

  • @glanced9684
    @glanced9684 6 лет назад +1

    I really like how Jessi explained swag: a unique groove that an individual carries.