Another Canto down, nice work. Posting this here since it got lost in chat for posterity sake: Fun fact: Gasharpoon is a reference to the harpoon that Book!Ahab used in the climax of the story. The harpoon was described as being baptized in the blood of Pequod harpooners Daggoo, Tashtego, and Queequeg. To seal the deal, Ahab proclaims: "Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris, sed in nomine diaboli!" which means "I do not baptize you in the name of the father, but in the name of the devil!" His harpoon was also described as a "fiery dart", and while some of Ahab's (and Captain Ishmael's) attacks inflict burn, this harpoon is gas-powered weapon. Not so fun fact: The fuel rods on her Gasharpoon E.G.O. have Pip, Starbuck, and Queequeg's pallidified faces on them.
I'm amazed that it only took me 3 streams to finish this Canto. I guess streaming extremely long helps me finish each Canto faster. haha That is an extremely interesting fun fact! It makes sense why Ahab's Garshapoon EGO had Pip, Starbuck, and Queequeg's faces on them. Morbid but brilliant way to pay homage to the original text too!
Watched a vod of your Canto 4 stream a few weeks back, came up when I checking out people's reaction to the final stretch of the canto. First time I've ever really watched a vtuber, much less any kind of longform content from one. Really liked what you had to say then, checked this one out when I got recommended it. What you spoke about in the final fight with Ahab really resonated with me. Thank you for being genuine, and making great content. Maybe I'll catch one of these streams live some day.
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the VODs~ The end of this Canto really struck me in the heart, especially during the final fight with Ahab, since what Ishmael went through is something that I myself experienced in my personal life. So it's awesome to know that what I spoke about resonated with you! I hope that I can see you during one of my streams in the future~
Is Ahab a horrible person? Yes, yes she is. But you have to give respect to that charisma and command she wields. Ishmael rushes in here, with a harpoon to skewer her with, and Ahab takes one look and goes "I would openly allow you to kill me, if you only aid me in killing this damned whale". And Ishmael, who was still traumatised by how well that ended last time, still goes along with it.
She's a narcissist and uses manipulative tactics to control Ishmael (who is already so traumatized and therefore still doesn't have immunity against such a person, regardless of what one might think). While I can understand that some people may respect that charisma of hers, for myself personally, I cannot respect it since I only see it as pure manipulative behavior, not charisma. The only thing I can respect is the fact that PM writers have written a very realistic portrayal of a narcissist and the way they manipulate their victims with that so-called charisma and gaslighting. On that note, I do wonder if we'll learn more about her though (that led to her behavior and obsession with the whale). It does make me quite curious (since she's still alive)!
PM’s writing just keeps getting better and better with each canto, but i don’t think it compares to the peaks of Library of Ruina their previous game. Idk if you know but the prequel to limbus company is Library of Ruina. On Ahab spoilers Ahab imo is just a classic gaslighter obsessed with her goal. Which I hear is sort of like her male counterpart in the book Moby Dick. They were all trapped in a hellish situation with their only other option is to leaving to get trapped in another hellish in situation ie Living in the City stuck in their previous situations. And she her crew that after killing the whale was synonymous with an end to their troubles (mainly their current ones). Not to mention the pay check they would get at the end of it. Eventually she used their guilt, the stress, their formed comradery to make them dependent on her. It only got worse for the crew when they were stuck in the whale. Overall she is a good villain i wish to see more of in games or any story in general.
Yep! I played Library of Ruina for the first time a while back, so I don't remember much of the details. Haven't played more of it since I wanted to finish LCorp first before finishing LoR. Most likely will complete both offline tbh. How interesting... I remember reading Moby Dick a very long time ago, so I don't remember anything at all sadly, but it's lovely how PM references and extrapolates from the original literature and implements them in a parallel way in their own writing for the game. I too loved the way she was written (despite hating her personally but loving her as a good villain, very confusing lol) and hope that more stories showcase such villains in the future!
Gameplay starts at 1:09
Another Canto down, nice work.
Posting this here since it got lost in chat for posterity sake:
Fun fact: Gasharpoon is a reference to the harpoon that Book!Ahab used in the climax of the story. The harpoon was described as being baptized in the blood of Pequod harpooners Daggoo, Tashtego, and Queequeg. To seal the deal, Ahab proclaims: "Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris, sed in nomine diaboli!" which means "I do not baptize you in the name of the father, but in the name of the devil!"
His harpoon was also described as a "fiery dart", and while some of Ahab's (and Captain Ishmael's) attacks inflict burn, this harpoon is gas-powered weapon.
Not so fun fact: The fuel rods on her Gasharpoon E.G.O. have Pip, Starbuck, and Queequeg's pallidified faces on them.
I'm amazed that it only took me 3 streams to finish this Canto. I guess streaming extremely long helps me finish each Canto faster. haha
That is an extremely interesting fun fact! It makes sense why Ahab's Garshapoon EGO had Pip, Starbuck, and Queequeg's faces on them. Morbid but brilliant way to pay homage to the original text too!
Watched a vod of your Canto 4 stream a few weeks back, came up when I checking out people's reaction to the final stretch of the canto. First time I've ever really watched a vtuber, much less any kind of longform content from one. Really liked what you had to say then, checked this one out when I got recommended it. What you spoke about in the final fight with Ahab really resonated with me. Thank you for being genuine, and making great content. Maybe I'll catch one of these streams live some day.
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the VODs~ The end of this Canto really struck me in the heart, especially during the final fight with Ahab, since what Ishmael went through is something that I myself experienced in my personal life. So it's awesome to know that what I spoke about resonated with you! I hope that I can see you during one of my streams in the future~
The homoeroticism of wanting to run away with your buff girlfriend and live a life together doing whatever.
I honestly wish Queequeg could have survived and joined us (to be with Ishmael too).
@@Trailblazer_Ririna they should have just KISSED
Is Ahab a horrible person? Yes, yes she is.
But you have to give respect to that charisma and command she wields. Ishmael rushes in here, with a harpoon to skewer her with, and Ahab takes one look and goes "I would openly allow you to kill me, if you only aid me in killing this damned whale". And Ishmael, who was still traumatised by how well that ended last time, still goes along with it.
She's a narcissist and uses manipulative tactics to control Ishmael (who is already so traumatized and therefore still doesn't have immunity against such a person, regardless of what one might think). While I can understand that some people may respect that charisma of hers, for myself personally, I cannot respect it since I only see it as pure manipulative behavior, not charisma. The only thing I can respect is the fact that PM writers have written a very realistic portrayal of a narcissist and the way they manipulate their victims with that so-called charisma and gaslighting. On that note, I do wonder if we'll learn more about her though (that led to her behavior and obsession with the whale). It does make me quite curious (since she's still alive)!
8:15:00 Ishmael pointing at cringe!
LOLLLL cringe is life 🤪
Really enjoyed watching the stream
I'm glad to hear that! Hope I can see you in the next stream~
What is your compass ririna?
My husband, my cats, and myself
@@Trailblazer_Ririna You will chart your own path :)
🤣🤣🤣 trauma from the previous Canto!
Don't worry, there'll be plenty of trauma in Canto VI :)
PM’s writing just keeps getting better and better with each canto, but i don’t think it compares to the peaks of Library of Ruina their previous game. Idk if you know but the prequel to limbus company is Library of Ruina. On Ahab spoilers
Ahab imo is just a classic gaslighter obsessed with her goal. Which I hear is sort of like her male counterpart in the book Moby Dick. They were all trapped in a hellish situation with their only other option is to leaving to get trapped in another hellish in situation ie Living in the City stuck in their previous situations. And she her crew that after killing the whale was synonymous with an end to their troubles (mainly their current ones). Not to mention the pay check they would get at the end of it. Eventually she used their guilt, the stress, their formed comradery to make them dependent on her. It only got worse for the crew when they were stuck in the whale. Overall she is a good villain i wish to see more of in games or any story in general.
Yep! I played Library of Ruina for the first time a while back, so I don't remember much of the details. Haven't played more of it since I wanted to finish LCorp first before finishing LoR. Most likely will complete both offline tbh.
How interesting... I remember reading Moby Dick a very long time ago, so I don't remember anything at all sadly, but it's lovely how PM references and extrapolates from the original literature and implements them in a parallel way in their own writing for the game. I too loved the way she was written (despite hating her personally but loving her as a good villain, very confusing lol) and hope that more stories showcase such villains in the future!