Trying to convince my accountant to let me give $3-5k for you since I've been around for years. Even emailed back and forth about games of thrones lol if you remember my uncle works on the set
Soldier : Sir were taking lots of casualties but we're losing them fast! General: What does that mean?! *sees hand stick out of the ground* General: What the f@#%
21:58 that Star Wars reference! Elrond to Galadriel: You were the chosen one. It was said you would destroy the one ring, not use it. Bring peace to the Middle-Earth, not leaving it in darkness...
People: So what do you think of the elf lady from lord of the rings. *Can't spell her name so it''s elf lady now* Me: "Yeah well she is cool, and all, but she could totally be the next Hitler. Look *Pulls up Apollo's video*
I think your friend is feedeing you Bretonian fake news. From the lore itself: "When the Elves hunted the animals of the forest for food and clothing, they used all that they took, and gave thanks to Athel Loren in ceremonies of blood."
Untold tales were wild, they had the Elven kingdom of Doriath that was sacked by Dwarves and then again by men, so "good guys" fighting each other did happen in tolkien.
Again one of the most beautiful replays of battles!! it was excited to watch a battle between good functions. I love the elvs vs man and i want more battles between them!! Really nice, good armies, nice commentary by apollo!!
WHAT!? I'm justsitting here aimlessly going through my youtubers and not finding anything getting my attention here and then you just push a wonderful med2 battle in mah face. fekkin glorious man.
In warhammer it wasn’t the wood elves but their treekin (dryad) allies that were known to do it. They were basically completely unpredictable getting their power and souls from the winds of magic
The Skaven certainly don't have better technology than the Empire. But this isn't Warhammer. Middle Earth humans, unlike the traditionalist elves, have siege equipment and far more numbers.
The only two possible "third faction" possibilities I can think of is... well the men of the west, or possibly Saruman. Númenor in it's later stage disowned it's relation with the elves and turned away from Erú and the Valar. Elves were not welcome on Númenor and elf-friends were harassed and killed, the Númenorians also enslaved humans all along the coasts of middle earth. Despite this they were staunch enemies of Sauron and orcs though, when Sauron showed his ugly face the men of the west shipped a massive army to Middle earth and Saurons army just disbanded out of fear and Sauron himself surrendered the King Ar-Pharazon. Saruman similarily wanted knowledge and power to fight Sauron but became power-hungry and slef-centered. He was never a truy ally of Sauron though, he always intended to take the ring for himself and dethrone Saruman, originally to save Middle earth.
Apollo what galadriel meant by "I passed the test" was the Doom of Mandos which stated that if the Noldor should continue to middle earth and wreak more havoc upon the world to reclaim the silmarils, they shall be banished from Valinor. Those that die would also stay eternally in the halls of mandos begging for their old bodies.
4:00 yes there were. The Noldor were a sub group of elves who travelled to Valinor and lived there for a while. The son of the King of the Noldor, Fëanor made three great jewels called the Simarills, but they made him jealous and he always thought everyone was out to get them from him. Eventually, Morgoth the dark lord did manage to get them and he took them back to Middle Earth. Fëanor and his seven sons swore and oath that they would fight anyone, regardless of who they were, if they held one of the jewels. And I bet u can imagine how that went. Long story short: one of the Silmarills came into the hands of the Sindar elves. The seven sons of Fëanor attacked them and slaughtered them, and so those who weren't killed went to a port city whose name escapes me. Of course, the Noldor attacked that city too, even going so far as to strand two innocent children in the wild where they would die. However, the Noldor did also play a key role in keeping Morgoth' s power in check in the north. So, there is at least one faction which has a 'grey area'.
You could say that humans are the gray area in LOTR lore since they are free to choose whom or which allegiance to serve. I haven't read the Silmarillion in a very long time but I think the elves were even kinda tricked by Melkor/Morgoth(Saurons master) to wage war against each other. And the Gondorians ancestors, the Numenorians have served both good and evil and the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor were the people of Numenor choosing not to betray the elves and themselves by being corrupted by Sauron. Setteling/seeking refuge in their colonies on Middle-Earth mainland while those serving the dark perished.
3:34 please excuse my obsession with middle earth lore and need to correct this statement: The Elves of Lothlorien do not become dark elves if they join Sauron. This is because elves are only considered dark elves if they were not among those who went to Valinor during the first age and saw the Two Trees. The People of Lothlorien are mostly Noldor, one of the three main groups of elves who took the journey to Valinor. All of them reached Valinor, and thus they are Eldar. Only the Avari, (those who refused to take the journey), the Nandor and Sindar (the elves who split of from one of the other three groups and settled east of the Misty Mountains and West of the Misty Mountains, respectively) are considered dark elves because they never saw the light of the two trees of Valinor.
Third Age battles: Fighting starts within 30 seconds, battle ends 40 minutes later. Just because of eleven/dwarven skill and large numbers of the bad side.
Technically there were Dark Elves in LOTR. They rejected the immortal lands and were known for their excellent craftsmanship. They also had a close friendship with the dwarves.
The Wood Elves have been known to have cannibalistic tendencies for human flesh in general on occasion. The same can also be said for the Wood Elves in Elder Scrolls.
The Elves have had multiple Civil Wars amongst each other, most notably & frequently perhaps over The Silmarils. Fëanor, the maker of The Silmarils, killed his Elven kin & stole their ships in order to pursue Morgoth across The Sea. “The Kinslaying” it was called, & I believe that Mandos, one of The Valar, cursed any of The Noldorin Elves who departed to Middle Earth with Fëanor because of this. Galadriel herself was one of these Noldorin Elves who departed from The Land of The Valar. She wasn’t with the lead group that enacted The Kinslaying, but The Curse of Mandos applies to her also for continuing to follow after Fëanor rather than turning back.
Saruman could be considered in being in the gray area, as he was initially planning on taking the ring for himself and betraying Sauron. Although the movie doesn't really depict it that well, the fight between the Isengard Uruks and Mordor Orcs about Merry and Pippin showed the viewers/reader that Saruman had his own plans on the ring.
Pixilated Apollo that is very true what you said about spears. Look at the Battle of Thermopylae. Leonidas could have won if his army never got flanked. Total War needs that feature.
I know you say grab your snack but I could literally eat like 3 bowls of cinnamon toast crunch (my go-to snack) (I also eat it without milk cause I don't like milk in cereal) during like the first 15 minutes so during a video like this the whole box would be gone so I banned myself from "grabbing snacks"
Just a couple more days and its STREAMING TIME!!!
Pixelated Apollo good stuff 👍
i cant wait apollo have been watching sience 100,000 subs i love you alot (and your pig hes cool to)
Will you upload the stream afterwards? because I worry I can watch live
Also nice vid
Pixelated Apollo wounded warrior great cause glad you chose it
Trying to convince my accountant to let me give $3-5k for you since I've been around for years. Even emailed back and forth about games of thrones lol if you remember my uncle works on the set
"I like men" - Pixalated Apollo
Finally, I know I have a chance with my favorite Middle Earthy boi.
Everyone has a chance, you just got to try hard enough
"I like men" Pixelated Apollo, 2k19
It was funny
"Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
Thank you for this comment 😂😂
Pixelated Apollo gay??? Confirmed
This is hilarious! As soon as I heard him say that I immediately came to the comment section. 😂
Third age back on the menu boys
nise comment
What about mount and blade its fresh....
And Dwarwes sell weapons to both sides
I see no evidence, manling!
The dwarves are tiny so that they can can do commerce without nobody noticing
@@Aziraal-Starhammer I work in Dale and I see both Human and Elf costumers
So are the dwarves the USA or Russia?
Jake Hall none, dwarves are DWARVES
Galadriel wai u do dis"
Soldier : Sir were taking lots of casualties but we're losing them fast!
General: What does that mean?!
*sees hand stick out of the ground*
General: What the f@#%
Vampire Counts in a nutshell
Zombie apocalypse starts
Thank you for supporting such a great cause 👍❤️
Everytime i hear pixi say elf on elf action
In my head: *70s porn music starts*
"I like men" - Pixelated Apollo
21:58 that Star Wars reference!
Elrond to Galadriel:
You were the chosen one.
It was said you would destroy the one ring, not use it.
Bring peace to the Middle-Earth, not leaving it in darkness...
Loved you as Apollo in Daley tactics
Hey Apollo I heard that you voice acted in DaleyTactics's latest video! You do good job! I watched his video before you posted this one this morning!
People: So what do you think of the elf lady from lord of the rings. *Can't spell her name so it''s elf lady now*
Me: "Yeah well she is cool, and all, but she could totally be the next Hitler. Look *Pulls up Apollo's video*
Dang some elf on elf action lol my mind
And why did the topic switched from the epic battle to fricking elves reproduction
I laughed so much when I heard this lmao
I think your friend is feedeing you Bretonian fake news. From the lore itself:
"When the Elves hunted the animals of the forest for food and clothing, they used all that they took, and gave thanks to Athel Loren in ceremonies of blood."
Heresy! Heresy of the highest! Thy shall be purged by Sigmar and his loyal champion Saltzpyre!!!
"how could you do this Galadriel, you were the chose one" I love it best commentator
“I love men” ummmm ok... We are not judging your sexuality 😂
I can't tell if Apollo is baked or drunk, but I'm pretty sure it's one of them.
You just now think that?
elven pregnancy 24 months according to popular lore.
Never thought I would hear it, PA saying "I like men"
Man it's depressing how this game looks so much better than all the newer total wars...
you're right, it does
The newer ones are cartoonish
Always a good time to sit back and watch a great battle! Thanks again for posting Apollo
" a faction fighting both evil and good" .... #FeanorDidNothingWrong
Awesome battle, more third age!
"Elf on elf action. :)"
Why is it rare though?
Untold tales were wild, they had the Elven kingdom of Doriath that was sacked by Dwarves and then again by men, so "good guys" fighting each other did happen in tolkien.
It's happens a few times
We have confirmed the myth "I like men" - Apollo
“I wonder how long an elven pregnancy is..”
Apollo asking the real questions rn!!
It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!
You under estimate the power of Lothlorien! Don't try it!
22:00 all the Star Wars references 😂😂😂
Again one of the most beautiful replays of battles!! it was excited to watch a battle between good functions. I love the elvs vs man and i want more battles between them!! Really nice, good armies, nice commentary by apollo!!
5:42 "i like men".
Alrighty then ...
My Nofication is late...
Imma like myself...
5:33 - 6:12 is exactly my opinion on elves too (- the "i like men" part. miss me with that gay s***)
The whole '3 way' wars and people kind of being at war with everyone happens a lot in the Silmarillion
Pixelated Apollo had a weird day, this whole video has stuff like "i like men" and 22:30
"Juicy, thick line" "how long does elven pregnancy take"
"elves eating children"
I thought the test was to see if the ring would accept her as its master?
"Some elf on elf action, you know what I mean boys?" - Pixelated Apollo
Apollo should invite Mr.Brunswick and Niko here
"some elf on elf action, know what i mean boys? Hoo!" - Pixelated appolo.
WHAT!? I'm justsitting here aimlessly going through my youtubers and not finding anything getting my attention here and then you just push a wonderful med2 battle in mah face.
fekkin glorious man.
Yeah im now a Pixelated Apollo team member.
That feel awsome !!!
And on top of a hill, some orcs and iron hand dwarves are just chillin', placing bets and having a front row seat to the whole thing.
"I like men"
Pixeleted Apolo 2019
'I'm routing for men.... I like men' LOL (words are hard)
In warhammer it wasn’t the wood elves but their treekin (dryad) allies that were known to do it. They were basically completely unpredictable getting their power and souls from the winds of magic
"I wont dare live in a world full of elves... Everybody would be smug as shit!" hahah
Yo Apollo your voice acting for daily tactics was awesome
Humans can outbreed the elves and deploy more modern technology in their battles. Humans are to elves what the skaven are to humans.
The Skaven certainly don't have better technology than the Empire. But this isn't Warhammer. Middle Earth humans, unlike the traditionalist elves, have siege equipment and far more numbers.
@@Cleverhandle357 they have nukes and you say that the Empire is more technologically advanced.
The only two possible "third faction" possibilities I can think of is... well the men of the west, or possibly Saruman.
Númenor in it's later stage disowned it's relation with the elves and turned away from Erú and the Valar. Elves were not welcome on Númenor and elf-friends were harassed and killed, the Númenorians also enslaved humans all along the coasts of middle earth. Despite this they were staunch enemies of Sauron and orcs though, when Sauron showed his ugly face the men of the west shipped a massive army to Middle earth and Saurons army just disbanded out of fear and Sauron himself surrendered the King Ar-Pharazon.
Saruman similarily wanted knowledge and power to fight Sauron but became power-hungry and slef-centered. He was never a truy ally of Sauron though, he always intended to take the ring for himself and dethrone Saruman, originally to save Middle earth.
Because Elves and Urkhai are my favorite Units in lord of the rings.
"Elf on elf accion" - Pixelated Apollo
I see you have great taste my friend
Well Synn pulled it out at the end no surprise, love to see the kills of the Doomsmen of Varda.
Tons of elves getting together “doing it”?? 😂😂😂
Congrats on the DaleyTactics partnership!
Apollo what galadriel meant by "I passed the test" was the Doom of Mandos which stated that if the Noldor should continue to middle earth and wreak more havoc upon the world to reclaim the silmarils, they shall be banished from Valinor. Those that die would also stay eternally in the halls of mandos begging for their old bodies.
This battle is full of meme worthy talk
"I like men"
"reproduction camp"
"how could you galadriel" "they have the high ground"
I fucking love it
I loved ur voicing as Apollo on Rico's brigade
5:42 "I like men" - PixelatedApollo
Great vid! You are my favourite RUclipsr Apollo :D
Elves vs Man: I think it always comes down to strategy and who ever is the most clever.
4:00 yes there were. The Noldor were a sub group of elves who travelled to Valinor and lived there for a while. The son of the King of the Noldor, Fëanor made three great jewels called the Simarills, but they made him jealous and he always thought everyone was out to get them from him. Eventually, Morgoth the dark lord did manage to get them and he took them back to Middle Earth. Fëanor and his seven sons swore and oath that they would fight anyone, regardless of who they were, if they held one of the jewels. And I bet u can imagine how that went. Long story short: one of the Silmarills came into the hands of the Sindar elves. The seven sons of Fëanor attacked them and slaughtered them, and so those who weren't killed went to a port city whose name escapes me. Of course, the Noldor attacked that city too, even going so far as to strand two innocent children in the wild where they would die. However, the Noldor did also play a key role in keeping Morgoth' s power in check in the north. So, there is at least one faction which has a 'grey area'.
5:42 jumped to that with no context lol
“I bid you Stand! Men of the WEST!”
I laughed when he said "I LIKE MEN"😂😂
I just want to say how much I love your videos
You could say that humans are the gray area in LOTR lore since they are free to choose whom or which allegiance to serve. I haven't read the Silmarillion in a very long time but I think the elves were even kinda tricked by Melkor/Morgoth(Saurons master) to wage war against each other. And the Gondorians ancestors, the Numenorians have served both good and evil and the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor were the people of Numenor choosing not to betray the elves and themselves by being corrupted by Sauron. Setteling/seeking refuge in their colonies on Middle-Earth mainland while those serving the dark perished.
3:34 please excuse my obsession with middle earth lore and need to correct this statement:
The Elves of Lothlorien do not become dark elves if they join Sauron. This is because elves are only considered dark elves if they were not among those who went to Valinor during the first age and saw the Two Trees. The People of Lothlorien are mostly Noldor, one of the three main groups of elves who took the journey to Valinor. All of them reached Valinor, and thus they are Eldar. Only the Avari, (those who refused to take the journey), the Nandor and Sindar (the elves who split of from one of the other three groups and settled east of the Misty Mountains and West of the Misty Mountains, respectively) are considered dark elves because they never saw the light of the two trees of Valinor.
Third Age battles: Fighting starts within 30 seconds, battle ends 40 minutes later. Just because of eleven/dwarven skill and large numbers of the bad side.
5:43 “Gimli laugh”
Elf on elf action! *in the distance* woo!
It is said that he who finds peace during chaos is a god.
Love the video. Also really wanted to say love your work with DaleyTactics on Rico’s Brigade. Keep up the good work!
Technically there were Dark Elves in LOTR. They rejected the immortal lands and were known for their excellent craftsmanship. They also had a close friendship with the dwarves.
The Wood Elves have been known to have cannibalistic tendencies for human flesh in general on occasion. The same can also be said for the Wood Elves in Elder Scrolls.
"Elf on elf action - whoooo!"
Just imagine the amount of elves if the couples had a baby every 2-3 years... Elves, elves everywhere.
The Elves have had multiple Civil Wars amongst each other, most notably & frequently perhaps over The Silmarils. Fëanor, the maker of The Silmarils, killed his Elven kin & stole their ships in order to pursue Morgoth across The Sea. “The Kinslaying” it was called, & I believe that Mandos, one of The Valar, cursed any of The Noldorin Elves who departed to Middle Earth with Fëanor because of this.
Galadriel herself was one of these Noldorin Elves who departed from The Land of The Valar. She wasn’t with the lead group that enacted The Kinslaying, but The Curse of Mandos applies to her also for continuing to follow after Fëanor rather than turning back.
Saruman could be considered in being in the gray area, as he was initially planning on taking the ring for himself and betraying Sauron. Although the movie doesn't really depict it that well, the fight between the Isengard Uruks and Mordor Orcs about Merry and Pippin showed the viewers/reader that Saruman had his own plans on the ring.
All those dislikes are probably from people my grandma’s age. Old people don’t understand, this is THE NEW AGE OF ENTERTAINMENT!
Well... that got dark pretty fast.
You are the best pixelated apolo
5:41 - James Charles apology video
Great job with Daley tactics
Apollo: I like men Everyone: no homo
Good luck apollo for life!!!!
Pixilated Apollo that is very true what you said about spears. Look at the Battle of Thermopylae. Leonidas could have won if his army never got flanked. Total War needs that feature.
22:55-23:09 I'm sorry but what in the world was that dialogue and where did it come from
Pixelated “I like men” Apollo
Loved your part in Daley Tactics Rico’s brigade vid
Apollo don't forget you used to say "mounted cav"
"I like men." -Pixelated Apollo
Pixie, you can see that? Give us the link so we can see too...
Kin- slayers, all of you!
Irony. Found out like elves. But elves saved men here 😀😀😀
5:42 WOW buddy
I know you say grab your snack but I could literally eat like 3 bowls of cinnamon toast crunch (my go-to snack) (I also eat it without milk cause I don't like milk in cereal) during like the first 15 minutes so during a video like this the whole box would be gone so I banned myself from "grabbing snacks"
Love your vids bro