I am very surprised when I think about Ethiopia. The Ethiopia that my grandmother told me about and the Ethiopia that I see now are both different. I understand that they have smoked something or are smoking something. I know it's OK go ahead everybody everybody crazy now this is😂😂😂😂
Ethiopian Even if it is necessary every year, it is 6 months since I came to Ethiopia, I have seen it very often. I really don't see it. Until my friends understand, please, young people, start working on yourselves. How can women respect their own bodies? Women, respect their bodies.
Babi, you have a child. I told you that we have a child when he turned three today. When you talk about a human child, you have a child. It's been 3 years. Barbie don't forget you have child
thank you so much Ethiopian people please Ethiopian people is not by the way number one I love duck I love dog I swear to God dog duck duck because of?????
If the mother breast-feeding a baby who will be tested after 30 minutes before the baby’s sample is to be collected. This is because breast milk contains the mother’s DNA. If there is residual breast milk in the baby’s mouth when its samples (buccal swabs) are collected, then there is a possibility that the baby’s sample could be contaminated with the mother’s DNA and not produce a clear test result. If this were to happen, sample recollection would be necessary! So አንቸኩል ስህተት ሊኖር ይችላል ይሄን አረግጠው ለ እናት ምርመራ ከማረግዋ በፊት ካልተነገራት እኛ አገር ደሞ ህፃናትን ለማረጋጋት በየ ደይቃው ጡት ይሰጣቸዋል እሱ ውጤት ሊቀይር ይችላል
Babi, listen to women like this, they get older every time. My grandmother is getting older. She always talks about these women. It's good to bring women. Go ahead she's so funny so many Asha beach funny go ahead Bhabhi please
anyways I swear to God I love Ethiopia by the way🇪🇹🇪🇹❤️ I love everybody together Ethiopia nobody up nobody there Ethiopia you guys are so fucking funny go ahead together so many people so many country is going up up Ethiopia still late because of never together it's not funny by the way it's not funny
You think everything is funny. I have a lot of future plans now, I want to have children, get married, and if my children grow up watching this and seeing bad things, please be careful, Ethiopia. This is garbage.
thank you so much Ethiopian people please Ethiopian people is not by the way number one I love duck I love dog I swear to God dog duck duck because of?????
I am very surprised when I think about Ethiopia. The Ethiopia that my grandmother told me about and the Ethiopia that I see now are both different. I understand that they have smoked something or are smoking something. I know it's OK go ahead everybody everybody crazy now this is😂😂😂😂
Babi, you have a child. I told you that we have a child when he turned three today. When you talk about a human child, you have a child. It's been 3 years. Barbie don't forget you have child
anyways I swear to God I love Ethiopia by the way🇪🇹🇪🇹❤️ I love everybody together Ethiopia nobody up nobody there Ethiopia you guys are so fucking funny go ahead together so many people so many country is going up up Ethiopia still late because of never together it's not funny by the way it's not funny
Yo babi videoshin ba vpn nawe mayew
mn aynet ashikabach neh degmo ante
አባት ሆይ በሰው ላይ እንዳልፈርድ እርዳኝ
Thank you so much my sister you are true I know I know everything you know what I'm a hostess thank you so much my sister
የእውነቴን ነው እምነግራችሁ ፕሮቴስታንት ፕሮቴስታንት ካልሆነች በስተቀር አንድ ሴት ልጅ ሁሉም የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ለብር ብለው ከማንም ጋር ከሽማ ከሞተ ሽማግሌ ጋር ሁሉ ነው የኑሮ ውድነት ሊሆን ይችላል ግን ክብርሽን ጠብቅ እያንዳንድሽ
OK thank you what about you you from Ethiopia what about you go ahead this job go ahead
ባቢዬ እኔ በጣም እጨናነቃለሁ አንተ እንዳልከው አይነት ሰው ብሆን ደስ ይለኛል
ኢትዮጵያውያን እባካችሁ ገና ጀማሪ ነኝ አንዴ ግቡና አበረታቱኝ 💝💝💝
አምላኬ ሆይ ስው ላይ ፍራጅ እንደልሆን እራዳኝ
Wow!! ባቢ ዛሬ መግቢያህ ላይ የተናገርከዉ እዉነት!! ይሄን ያህል አብዝታቹ እምታስቡለት ነገር አላፊ ነዉ
ደጋግሚ ነዉ የሰማዉት ጭንቀታም ስለሆንኩ መሰለኝ ደስ አለኝ!!👌
Always forget about Barbie love you my future husband❤
ኪያ እውነት ያላት ይመስለኛል
anyways forget about Bobb love you❤❤😂🎉
ኬት ነው ምታመጣቸው ትለያለክ
Habesha ppl Babichen ባቢአችን😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Barbie love you❤🎉
I am very surprised when I think about Ethiopia. The Ethiopia that my grandmother told me about and the Ethiopia that I see now are both different. I understand that they have smoked something or are smoking something. I know it's OK go ahead everybody everybody crazy now this is😂😂😂😂
አትፍረድ ይፈረድብካል እኔ አሁንም አምናታለው
Welcome babeye 😊😊
She was drinking and she doesn’t remember 😃😂😃
Are you serious Bobby is so funny I swear😂😂
Barbie is so funny😂😂😂👍
Ethiopian Even if it is necessary every year, it is 6 months since I came to Ethiopia, I have seen it very often. I really don't see it. Until my friends understand, please, young people, start working on yourselves. How can women respect their own bodies? Women, respect their bodies.
እችን ባለጌ መቀጥቀጥ ነዉ
😂😂😂😂😂 I swear to God I love😂
ይዘንሀል ቦቢ ቀጥል🙌😂
100 million ያለችዉ እህታችን ከ Dollar devastation በፊት ስለነበር ወደ 1 Billion መከለስ አለባት በድጋሚ ጠርተዋት interview ያድርጉዋት ለክለሳ።
የ 62000 ብር በርበሬ ለብሳ ደግሞ 😢😢 T ግዙ ?? ማን አግቱዋት በርበሬ ያጥንልኝ?
Waw zare 15 saw bicha naw ykedmgn yihen video lmayte ❤❤
ባቢ ምነው እደዚህ ተንሰረሰርክ አባታቸው አለመሆኑ 100% አደረከው
DNA hulet gize temermero endet yechbereberal aychbereberem
Babi, you have a child. I told you that we have a child when he turned three today. When you talk about a human child, you have a child. It's been 3 years. Barbie don't forget you have child
thank you so much Ethiopian people please Ethiopian people is not by the way number one I love duck I love dog I swear to God dog duck duck because of?????
ግን ሆስፒታል ተቀይሮባት ቢሆንስ እሷም እናት ባትሆንስ?
Why gosh Barbie😂😂😂😂🎉🎉👍
እኔ የምመኘው DNA Mandatory እንዲሆን ነው፥፥ ካልሆነ ማጭበርበሩ ይቀጥላል፥፥DNA ግዴታ ሊሆን ይገባል፥፥አመለኛ ክፏ ቺኮችም ሆነ ወንድአደር ወንዶች መፍትሄው DNA የውዴታ ግዴታ ማድረግ ነው፥፥ካልሆነ አጭበርብረውም ፈጣጣ ናቼው፥፥
Hunat hunat nw minim merg atichelim seti wedi tiqebilale
Negru sinka yekral bela new
34:09 ከታባቷ ያመጣችው ነው 100 ሚልዮን?
Guys please don't be sure!!!! in Ethiopia.......may be for the pride of the family......
If the mother breast-feeding a baby who will be tested after 30 minutes before the baby’s sample is to be collected. This is because breast milk contains the mother’s DNA. If there is residual breast milk in the baby’s mouth when its samples (buccal swabs) are collected, then there is a possibility that the baby’s sample could be contaminated with the mother’s DNA and not produce a clear test result. If this were to happen, sample recollection would be necessary! So አንቸኩል ስህተት ሊኖር ይችላል ይሄን አረግጠው ለ እናት ምርመራ ከማረግዋ በፊት ካልተነገራት እኛ አገር ደሞ ህፃናትን ለማረጋጋት በየ ደይቃው ጡት ይሰጣቸዋል እሱ ውጤት ሊቀይር ይችላል
If this is true, why do you think the professionals who collected samples TWICE, did not advise them about the correct procedure? 🤷🏾♂️
ነገርን ክ
ተናገርን ክ ክክክክ
Please tolo tolo lkekln
Your so smart ❤I like your videos 👍👍 that crazy woman who accused Yonas 👎👎 Maheder Assefa so stupid
Please twgurh kuretew adera.
Babi, listen to women like this, they get older every time. My grandmother is getting older. She always talks about these women. It's good to bring women. Go ahead she's so funny so many Asha beach funny go ahead Bhabhi please
ምን አገባችሁ ባለጌዎች
Selam selam babiy endezi tulu tulu nalegn yene shinkorte 😂 lejituwa betam tanadedalece gin manem fexom Ayidelem Engedi kiyaa Egezabere xenatun yesteshi 🤦
50 min video mn aynet segete neh
U people can’t handle the truth!!
No one judges anyone. You are all Ethiopian women. You sleep with any man for money. Nobody judge I know every year I know I'm sorry about that
Just kidding Bhabhi😂
I don't care this funny😂
Siwedk eko😂😂😂
I've seen all of you, you're all crazy, Ethiopian girl, I need to get married first before you go crazy. Barbie❤🎉
anyways I swear to God I love Ethiopia by the way🇪🇹🇪🇹❤️ I love everybody together Ethiopia nobody up nobody there Ethiopia you guys are so fucking funny go ahead together so many people so many country is going up up Ethiopia still late because of never together it's not funny by the way it's not funny
Seble is sick !!!!! She did the samething long time ago so she trying to stand up for her 😀
babi anyways go ahead😂👍🎉
They are the children of Babi.😂😂🤣
Jessica, I heard you say you don't speak Amharic, what did you say to Abel? I swear to God don't do that OK it's not funny
አፈር ብላ የወንድ ቅሌታም ምላሳም አፍህን ይዝጋው እከካምስ አንተ ነህ የወንድ አልጫ
babi man
Tankes Bra
You think everything is funny. I have a lot of future plans now, I want to have children, get married, and if my children grow up watching this and seeing bad things, please be careful, Ethiopia. This is garbage.
OK thank you what about you you from Ethiopia what about you go ahead this job go ahead
thank you so much Ethiopian people please Ethiopian people is not by the way number one I love duck I love dog I swear to God dog duck duck because of?????
Why gosh Barbie😂😂😂😂🎉🎉👍
I am very surprised when I think about Ethiopia. The Ethiopia that my grandmother told me about and the Ethiopia that I see now are both different. I understand that they have smoked something or are smoking something. I know it's OK go ahead everybody everybody crazy now this is😂😂😂😂
No one judges anyone. You are all Ethiopian women. You sleep with any man for money. Nobody judge I know every year I know I'm sorry about that
I don't care this funny😂
Babi, you have a child. I told you that we have a child when he turned three today. When you talk about a human child, you have a child. It's been 3 years. Barbie don't forget you have child
anyways I swear to God I love Ethiopia by the way🇪🇹🇪🇹❤️ I love everybody together Ethiopia nobody up nobody there Ethiopia you guys are so fucking funny go ahead together so many people so many country is going up up Ethiopia still late because of never together it's not funny by the way it's not funny
Jessica, I heard you say you don't speak Amharic, what did you say to Abel? I swear to God don't do that OK it's not funny