1. Sinb is soo different when standing beside a male idol 2. They just gave their ANNIVERSARY CAKE to Buddies 3. They didn't even try in the race and having fun We don't deserve them. They're too precious 😭😭
"Making Magic Without a License": *GUILTY!* "Collecting Hearts Without a Permit": *GUILTY!* "Suddenly Slaying Without Warning": *GUILTY!* (They are the sweetest, silliest arch-criminals ever...)
They so humble unlike others kpop idols.. so arrogants.. you need to know.. if you don't have a support from any fans.. then your are nothing in this world.. you are nobody..
2:21 sowon: YES CHEER FOR ME! 2:31 sowon: no! X! don't cheer for her X! 2:34 umji: you like me too right? buddy: cheering for everyone else 2:46 that's okay i still like you guys anyway 2:50 kim yewon! kim yewon! kim yewon! 2:51 buddy loves me and i love buddy
Yuju: *holding a bubble wrap* Who wants to pop these?
Girl already figured out life. 😂😂😂😂
LMAO....Excellent comment !
1. Sinb is soo different when standing beside a male idol
2. They just gave their ANNIVERSARY CAKE to Buddies
3. They didn't even try in the race and having fun
We don't deserve them. They're too precious 😭😭
yerin: this is a fry, eat it.
camera man: *casually takes it*
yerin: this is my love for you, eat it.
camera man: *immediately takes it*
I love the cameraman
cameraman >>>>
relatable tbh :3
I need a compilation of Gfriend being Buddy's mom. 😂😂😂
Hidden Moomoo Blinkeu I always picture Sowon asking Buddy of they have eaten yet 😂
Elizabeth Wolf Exactly why I need such compilation. 😂😂😂
The way Yuju screamed in that booth when she turned around and saw that guy lol. Put this girl in a horror film.
Yuju waved at buddies while running 💕💕 all of them are so precious
"Making Magic Without a License": *GUILTY!*
"Collecting Hearts Without a Permit": *GUILTY!*
"Suddenly Slaying Without Warning": *GUILTY!*
(They are the sweetest, silliest arch-criminals ever...)
Look at how TWICE supports Yuju 11:59 #TWICEFRIEND
My GFRIEND is really nice, I wish to see them soon
Soulivanh Xayaphet it's Yuju though, if you can read hangeul, 유주 is written on her back which means she's Yuju :)
I hope we see more gfriend x twice in the near future
Jane E it’s Umji
@@yujuswifebecauseshesveryfr9414 11:47 that was umji, 11:57 that was yuju
@@bulalalady wah! Cant believe my eye😂
More like Gfriend is too precious for this world featuring Buddies who are too precious for this world
SinB at 6:15 was just like "it ain't a dance if there isn't me in it".
Please look at each other for 5 seconds
Seungwoo : i can do it
1 2 3
looks at sinb for 1 sec
proceed to laugh~
We truly don't deserve them, they are to precious😭
Genesis Zambrano
My theory: True, we do not deserve them. Perhaps their purpose is to inspire us to BE worth them...
BTS as bgm for the intro, though. BangChin ftw!
Yuju : Who wants to pop these?
Me : *Will scream on top of my lungs*
8:32 OMG!! Eunha so cute 😍😍😘
6:08 lady at the back enjoying the beagleness
@@Greygasm Banana Allergy Monkey - Oh My Girl Banhana
3:17 scoffing SinB is the best SinB xD
Never forget 7:50
"Chukahamnida Lovely-- CHUKAHAMNIDA YEOJA CHINGUUU!!!"
Sowon: "no english"
Also Sowon: "Nice...Naicuuu"
I love this girls but at 3:43 Yerin just friking made me laugh so loud like sinb lol !!!
Sowon so cute!! 10:33
9:15 he's me when finding out eunha's older than sinb
10:32 like my mother 😂😂😂😂😂
9:18 “she’s your unnie?” Lmao 🤣
Such good times. Hopefully we will see them again soon.
I’m not a big fan of eunha, but when she said “chunji oppa?” my heart melted 😂😂
The best group in the world no one can beat them they are too precious,we dont deserve them
They're just so kind.. Why do people hate them.. I don't understand it..
Yerin made my day 😂😂 I laugh too hard
3:48 and 4:18
I love Gfriend so much lol
ive never love a gg this much before 😭😭♡♡♡♡♡♡
yerin is unique in all of gfriend members that why she is my bias
We don't really deserved them. Such angels
Aww so sweet
5:11 that's me...When someone tries to snatch my food...😂😂😂😂
Too precious and deserve the world but the world is damned that they don't deserve someone like YEOJACHINGU. 😭😭😭
9:14 is the best part😂😂😂
4:05 My last brain cell after taking a test in math....
Edit: I think science, social studies as well
Anyone else genuinely smiling throughout the video?
i love them so much
We don't deserve these cuties!!!!! They're too precious!!!
Oh man, these girls give me so much happiness.
They really are to precious for this world (T^T)
i want to just kidnap Eunha , wrap her in a soft squishy bubble and send her away from this bad bad world so she can live with innocent bunnies....
70% filled with Yerin's laugh xD
12:14 was the best!❤️💯😂
3:13 i love this.
Yerin character reminds me of Kim bok ju of weightlifting fairy. 😁
3:18 why am i laughing at this one??
Hahaha srsly they are so precious❤❤❤
8:33 if Eunha used this as her singing voice I'D BE DECEASEDT EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO THEIR SONGS
5:27 when you're Buddy and Angel and have unlimited love for Eunha and Chunji ❤❤❤
Eunha at the end just soooo oo cute aigoooo
They are really awesome!
8:33 So damn cute❤😍😍😍 My bunny Eunha
Hahahaha RIP replay button😂😂
3:36, with that hair and makeup Sinb looks like HyunA, wtf? First Jessica, now HyunA? 😂😂😂
I'm smiling the entire video.
We don't deserv them 😭💕
0:38 did the crowd really cheer btob? my melobuddy heart can't take it ahh
10:34 So cute also so caring our lovely idol Sowon unnie Wow~ super cute^-^
Best girl group ever💕💞😍😍😍😍
Them are all sweet and beautiful, but Umji is my weakness :-)
At 8:50 if someone asked me to look at SinB for 3 seconds, I would win cause I wouldn't stop staring😂
Your videos are so good ,i love the intro
Thumbs Up..
They so humble unlike others kpop idols.. so arrogants.. you need to know.. if you don't have a support from any fans.. then your are nothing in this world.. you are nobody..
DNA Bts is good to gfriend...i want their cover this song
The best intro that BTS tho 😍
i died at 3:47 😂😂😂
8:32 I DIEDD
Eunha so cute
4:06 Over here, you can spot a wild Yerin in her natural habitat..
Umjiyaaa!!! I hate you!!! I am really hate you!! Because you stole my heart so much 😭😭😭😭 5:12 imagine you play with me hehhee 😘😘😘😘
Naish. Nice. Naisu
7:55 I love this moment
12:00 Yuju runs like Phoebe from Friends 😂😂
4:06 😂😂😂😂😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
1:37 They laugh so hard 😂
Our girls😍😍😘😘😘
At 4:55 yerin and sinb is too cute right? 😍💞❤😕😍💞😍
@ 2:55 yes Yerin I will eat that Fries (p.s . I'm really eating fries right now😂)
(Edited) (the first one I write was 3.55)
My babies are powerful
Who else hear a fan saying?
or im the only one who hear it
Always love sinb 😍😍 she is so funnyy 😂😂
2:21 sowon: YES CHEER FOR ME!
2:31 sowon: no! X! don't cheer for her X!
2:34 umji: you like me too right?
buddy: cheering for everyone else
2:46 that's okay i still like you guys anyway
2:50 kim yewon! kim yewon! kim yewon!
2:51 buddy loves me and i love buddy
12:12 It was surprising your girlfriend! HAHAHHHAHA
I miss this channel. Plss comeback op nim huhuhu
💕💕💕 I❤️GFRIEND 💕💕💕
12:08 I suprised. What program?
Burning karaoke i think
yuju is so funny
What is the song at 0:50? Also where can I find 9:53?? anyone have a link?. Thanx in advance.
Tuggin MaGroin 0:50 GFriend Rainbow
I am shocked on 0:06
Staneo al grupo correcto❤
I'm replaying too much scenes 😂😂
3:10 what video is that?
Eunha at the end just soooo cute 😑😍 i want to pinch her cheeks 😂