Hello - I am very impressed with your setup. Supposing I give you my business objective, would you be able to design a structure and setup that can achieve the objective? Say I wanted to supply 500 animals to the market every month - how many breeding females do I need? How many cages do I need to house the weaned young? How many fattening cages do I need? I want the cycle to be un-ending because I got customers whom I need to guarantee a month supply to.
You can start with N120000 or lower or even more than, depends on your capacity. For teaching on grass cutters, join my WhatsApp group chat.whatsapp.com/GFWNVcZjDmz6PNFeNjtPGR
Hello - I am very impressed with your setup. Supposing I give you my business objective, would you be able to design a structure and setup that can achieve the objective?
Say I wanted to supply 500 animals to the market every month - how many breeding females do I need? How many cages do I need to house the weaned young? How many fattening cages do I need? I want the cycle to be un-ending because I got customers whom I need to guarantee a month supply to.
How much to start a farm ?
You can start with N120000 or lower or even more than, depends on your capacity.
For teaching on grass cutters, join my WhatsApp group
Can you please keep the camera steady next time? Huh