One thing that I don't understand why Unity can't bake the animation of shadows aswell, I mean it will be interesting after that to deactivate the shadow of the object and the animation will have the baked shadow animation on it without being rendered on runtime playing the animation. I have some objects that literally have a looping rotation or movement and nothing else, those shadows could be nice to be baked like the animation itself. DATA that is not realtime but is usefull in some cases. (In fact right now I'm searching YT & google for some aproach to this :P )
Friend you have no idea how much you helped me, thank you very much.
I knew about the classes, but I never tried to use them myself, so that video was a nice overview!
This makes things a bit easier so I can animate in Unity instead of animating objects and characters in Blender or Cinema 4D. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks a lot, It will be very helpful for the actual project I'm working on ;)
can we bake humanoid animations with this script
You can bake retargeted humanoid animations to generic animations yes.
@@thephilvz figured that out 8 months ago,
where do i find that recorder.cs script? the one you showcase in your project? idk how to code myself.
Is there a way to do this with skinned mesh's such as obi rope?
Exactly what i needed
One thing that I don't understand why Unity can't bake the animation of shadows aswell, I mean it will be interesting after that to deactivate the shadow of the object and the animation will have the baked shadow animation on it without being rendered on runtime playing the animation.
I have some objects that literally have a looping rotation or movement and nothing else, those shadows could be nice to be baked like the animation itself. DATA that is not realtime but is usefull in some cases. (In fact right now I'm searching YT & google for some aproach to this :P )
Nice tips!
Very cool! Thanks!