from my point of view, it is solely because of the small number of native Lithuanian people. After all, they were able to obtain Belarus and Ukraine, parts of modern day Russia aswell, and ultimately achieved to get the Polish crown through Jogaila (Jagiellon dynasty), but it was fate that a small people like them would eventually see their cultural influence be diminished by much larger union co-member Poland. Same happened with Scotland: England never actually conquered Scotland, but technically the monarch of Scotland took over the crown in the UK after its formation through the personal union! But eventually, England ran the whole business because Scotland was just too small.
How did we manage to screw it up and lose it all?
Скажи мне Князь Гедимин🇱🇹Воевал и Сражался Арпадом🇭🇺⚔🇱🇹
Probably death of Vytautas and constant battle losses
from my point of view, it is solely because of the small number of native Lithuanian people. After all, they were able to obtain Belarus and Ukraine, parts of modern day Russia aswell, and ultimately achieved to get the Polish crown through Jogaila (Jagiellon dynasty), but it was fate that a small people like them would eventually see their cultural influence be diminished by much larger union co-member Poland. Same happened with Scotland: England never actually conquered Scotland, but technically the monarch of Scotland took over the crown in the UK after its formation through the personal union! But eventually, England ran the whole business because Scotland was just too small.
Nice, but would need names on the pictures.
Who are they
grand dukes of lithuania ( rulers of lithuania)
Widze że zaczynacie dbać o swoją Kulturę
Ka tau pavydas bamba griaužia vasale.