Hi, I need your permission to use some clips in your video to our TV Program. I am a member of the Creative Team at Trending Trans 7, don't worry your channel's name will be published as credit in the video. I'm waiting for your feedback, thank you. Best Regards, Trending Trans 7 Team
Helloo, Aprillia. May I know the TV program name?. It is Ok to use some clips of my video for your TV program and publish my channel's name as the credit in the video. I' m eager to watch your TV program. Thank you, Aprilia. Warm Regards, Yolipop2 Diary.
Kesini gara2.. sering lihat pas lewat tol waru surabaya...
Podo cak
wow sangat mewah rumah duka Grand Heaven Surabaya....
makasih kk sdh share....
Sama - sama, kk. Thanks for watching.
Wow this is a luxurious place. Beautiful and lovely atmosphere too.
Yeah, this funeral house is lux. It is built luxury to erase the haunted atmosphere for the grieving ones. So, hopefully it can ease the sorrow.
Grand heaven. Sering kali denger namanya. Wah rumah duka serasa hotel ya kak. Luxury bgt..
Iyez, kk. 😊
bagus banget tempatnya .. dan rapih banget yah kaya lobby2 hotel bintang 5
Setuju, kk. 😊
Grand Heaven keren bgt y kak...mewah dan fasilitas lengkap rekor murid bs digunakan utk semua agama..tersedia berbagai paket
Bener banget, keren dan mewah, kk. Thank you, kk. 🌹
@@yolipop2diarytapi kalo yg meninggal orang Muslim ngga mungkin bisa kan di sini
Mewah bnget nampaknya kk,bnyak mnggunakan marmer lantainya Nampaknya
Iya, mewah banget, kk. Kayak hotel, kk. 😁
Ternyata Grand Heaven memang bener“ mewah,,sungguh menakjubkan
Setuju, kk
wah bagus sekali ya rumah dukanya, sudah kayak hotel
Iya, kayak hotel, kk.
Mewah banggat ini rumah duka
Mewah sekali ya, nampak megah 👍
Benar, mewah dan tampak megah, Ce.
Grand heaven Surabaya mewah sekali
Iya, mewah banget, kk.
Tmpatnya bsa dikatakan mewah ya,kawasannya bersih bgett
Yup, mewah
wah tempatnya besar sekali
Yup, besar, kk
Mewah sekali, tidak terkesan rumah duka...seperti berada di hotel
Iya, seperti hotel, kk
Apanya perumahan wisper ... ??
Belakang SPBU, tepatnya.
Mirip film korea judulnya hotel delluna
Mewah tp suasana g bisa boong
Benar banget, kk. 😊
megah pol...tempat bubuk ..mereka yg sudah lebih dahulu menghadap Tuhan
Iya, Megah & mewah, Wi.
Hi, I need your permission to use some clips in your video to our TV Program. I am a member of the Creative Team at Trending Trans 7, don't worry your channel's name will be published as credit in the video. I'm waiting for your feedback, thank you.
Best Regards, Trending Trans 7 Team
Helloo, Aprillia.
May I know the TV program name?. It is Ok to use some clips of my video for your TV program and publish my channel's name as the credit in the video.
I' m eager to watch your TV program.
Thank you, Aprilia.
Warm Regards,
Yolipop2 Diary.
Oh gitu
Persis kayak hotel ya, gk nampak seperti rumah duka..
Iya, sengaja dibuat seperti itu untuk menghilangkan kesan seram, kk.
kalau org awam seperti saya ibaratnya cari penginapan dikira hotel,,karena ingat di pemakaman laura di jakarta ada logo kupu2 oh itu rumah duka hee
@@nurkhasanahsupriatin Laura siapa, kak?.
artis cantik yg meninggal itu
Awal melihat sy kira hotel, ternyata hotel mayit bin modar
Tak kiro hotel
Wah akhirnya keturutan liat isinya Grand Heaven. Selama ini cuma liat dari tol aja.
Baru secuplik, ko. Saya engga ke kamarnya. 😁
Kirain makamin nye di situ juga. Kamar2 gitu.
Ini cm persemayaman saja, kk.
what a waste....