Life of Lalaji (Biography) - The film | Heartfulness | Meditation |

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Revered Lalaji Maharaj (1873 - 1931)
    Shri Ram Chandra of Fatehgarh, affectionately known as Lalaji, was the first spiritual guide of the Heartfulness system of meditation. He rediscovered the ancient art of transmission, whereby the guide transmits divine energy into the heart of the seeker in order to expedite their spiritual development. The art had been practiced in India thousands of years before, and through his rediscovery, Lalaji brought the highest spiritual approach within the reach of all who wished to receive it.
    Tracing the Roots
    Born on 2 February 1873, Lalaji belonged to a distinguished family of landowners, originally from the district of Mainpuri in India. His father was a tax superintendent and his mother a devout woman who passed away when Lalaji was seven years old, leaving upon him the imprint of her strong faith. The effect of his mother’s spiritual life was such that he developed a thirst for God at a young age. After his mother’s death, he was brought up by another lady with whom he shared a lifelong affection and regard.
    Lalaji started life afresh in a humble position, as the family property was stolen by an unscrupulous king. Shortly after his marriage, his father died. Within a brief span of time, he also lost his elder adopted brother and his ancestral property. Accepting these misfortunes with grace and courage, he worked with one of his father’s associates in Fatehgarh. Lalaji credited his wife with inspiring him and keeping him alert on the path of truth. He considered her to be the personification of love and faith.
    It was Lalaji’s conviction that normal family life was most conducive to self-development and that any sincere seeker could progress to the highest level of spiritual attainment while fulfilling the duties of a householder. Not content to pursue such a goal for himself alone, Lalaji offered his spiritual training to others without discrimination, assuring that the highest aspirations, previously reserved for renunciates and ascetics, were brought within the reach of all humanity.
    Lalaji was always calm. His personality, mode of living, and general behavior earned Lalaji the affection and respect of everyone.
    Contribution to Spirituality
    For removing various complexities of the heart, he asked his followers to make friends of their enemies and the persons whom they dreaded. He regarded morality as essential to self-realization and love as the greatest spiritual practice. He taught that afflictions are divine blessings holding many secrets and that real craving for God will be found in only one person out of thousands.
    After his retirement in 1929, he spent all his time on spiritual work. He was a great scholar of Urdu, Persian, and Arabic and had a sound knowledge of Hindi and Sanskrit.
    Lalaji led a simple and pious life. He did not discriminate on the basis of color, religion, or sex. It is on the strength of the spiritual work done by this great Master that Shri Ram Chandra Mission, the organizational arm of the Heartfulness Institute now stands spreading his message throughout the world.
    The Last Journey
    During the period of illness leading up to his death on 14 August 1931, one of his disciples began to weep at seeing his teacher in extreme pain. Observing this, Lalaji remarked, “It can be removed within minutes if I exercise myself, but I am not touching it because it is all His will and we must abide by it.” He immersed himself in thoughts of God and was heard to say, “As the coveted hour of merger with the beloved gets nearer, so increases the fire of desire of him.”
    The art of transmission was passed from Lalaji to his most devoted disciple, Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur. Babuji, as he was known, further refined his Master’s teachings into the current practice of Sahaj Marg. In 1945, Babuji founded the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in honor of Lalaji and appointed Shri P. Rajagopalachari to be his successor. Known as Chariji, he appointed Kamlesh D. Patel as his successor in October 2011, and following the passing of Chariji on the 20th December 2014, Daaji became the Global Guide of the Sahaj Marg system of Raja Yoga meditation and the Heartfulness Movement.

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