They use a mailing list provided by a company that is paid to put your credit card applications mail together. So the company that is putting the mail together is not the one that is getting business reply mail back. They won't make the connection you will just costs them the price of postage. If you send it back it won't get you off the mailing list. The way to stop getting them is to not order more credit cards through the mail. I hardly ever get them now. When I do I shred the application and recycle the rest of the paper.
Ugh I’ve been working on this recently and it’s frustrating. Some are easy to get rid of, but others are pretty difficult. Transunion shares consumer credit information and then to get OFF you have to provide your SSN. I verified the site and phone number so many places, but that one has been the most worrisome. I will definitely be giving paper karma a try! Thank you!
I just watched a video by Levi Hildebrand and he said you can put a sticker on your mailbox that says no junk mail and the post office isn't able to deliver it if they see that.
Happy to see Levi represented in the comments here :). I live in Germany and here we do have those stickers, too. Works quite well most of the time. One of the few things that still comes through are flyers from local pizza delivery services, but only because the people who distribute those, simply ignore the sticker, which makes me quite mad at times honestly.
I deliver mail in Canada. There are a couple of different categories of junk mail. You can request "no flyers" and this will cover non-addressed admail. (mistakes may still be made by people covering holidays) If it says "personalized mail" in the stamp corner, we have no control over that, we deliver as addressed or sometimes tear it up if we know the recipient has passed, but it still goes into our recycling bins, you will have to contact the company. Government mailings go to everyone, even if you request no flyers.
Anonny Moose It doesn’t come from the post office it comes from other companies which hire people to walk in their surrounding suburbs and drop off their catalogues and junk mail. this is how it works in Australia at least.
Anonny Moose if you put a no junk mail please you won’t get any junk mail, coupons, etc. You have to decide if you’re willing to miss out on those or is it more worth it to not receive any junk mail. 🤔
I told the post office I didn't want the store flyers that come once a week. They said that even though I have been taken off list I may still get them because the companies print enough for all addresses and mailman delivers to all. I do still get them. I figure I won't put sign on box because I will text me mine and ones that are left over will be thrown away.
The reason you get the flyers is because the company that sends them out pays for them to be in your mailbox. Mail carriers have lost their JOBS because of people like you that say don't put the flyers in my mailbox. If someone paid for it to be in your mailbox it has to be delivered. It doesn't matter if it's a check or junk mail you don't want. There are places you can write to get your name off the mailing list but it won't work with everything. I get very little junk mail. I don't donate to charities by mail. I don't buy from very many catalogues. I do get the political mail and flyers. I don't complain. I look in the flyers for sales on food.
A trick to prevent being signed up for mailing lists when you move - When you do a change of address with the post office (United States), put down that you're moving temporarily. Granted, they'll only forward your mail for 6 months, but that should still buy enough time to still update your address with people/businesses/utilities.
If you do that after that temporary change of address expires (max time is 6 months) your mail will be delivered to your previous address. after the time you put to end. Putting in a change of address that is temporary is for people who plan to COME back to their previous address. It's mostly used by snowbirds who go south to escape the winter.
I put the credit card applications in the postage paid return envelope and send it all back to them, they stopped sending them!
Do you write anything to them? Or just send them all back blank?
They use a mailing list provided by a company that is paid to put your credit card applications mail together. So the company that is putting the mail together is not the one that is getting business reply mail back. They won't make the connection you will just costs them the price of postage. If you send it back it won't get you off the mailing list. The way to stop getting them is to not order more credit cards through the mail. I hardly ever get them now. When I do I shred the application and recycle the rest of the paper.
I signed up with the DMA & opt-out prescreen two years ago and it only stopped about 30% of my junk mail.
Junk mail is such a waste!!
Excellent options to eliminate or reduce junk.
Ugh I’ve been working on this recently and it’s frustrating. Some are easy to get rid of, but others are pretty difficult. Transunion shares consumer credit information and then to get OFF you have to provide your SSN. I verified the site and phone number so many places, but that one has been the most worrisome. I will definitely be giving paper karma a try! Thank you!
I just watched a video by Levi Hildebrand and he said you can put a sticker on your mailbox that says no junk mail and the post office isn't able to deliver it if they see that.
Joe Valenza That might be a Canadian thing (Levi is in Canada), but I’m willing to give it a shot.
Happy to see Levi represented in the comments here :).
I live in Germany and here we do have those stickers, too. Works quite well most of the time. One of the few things that still comes through are flyers from local pizza delivery services, but only because the people who distribute those, simply ignore the sticker, which makes me quite mad at times honestly.
@@yodamuppet mmm yeah, you're right. I forgot he lived there haha. Worth a shot tho, I personally haven't tried it yet.
@@Eishallengirl yes!! I love his channel and what he's doing. Good to hear it worked for you over there!
@forsythia witch ahh man, that sucks:(
We check the ones we need and immediately put the rest of them (without opening the envelope) in the paper recycling bin.
I deliver mail in Canada. There are a couple of different categories of junk mail. You can request "no flyers" and this will cover non-addressed admail. (mistakes may still be made by people covering holidays) If it says "personalized mail" in the stamp corner, we have no control over that, we deliver as addressed or sometimes tear it up if we know the recipient has passed, but it still goes into our recycling bins, you will have to contact the company. Government mailings go to everyone, even if you request no flyers.
Where I live in Canada we can just have to put a note on our mail box saying NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE. Once you do that you will never receive any more.
Anonny Moose It doesn’t come from the post office it comes from other companies which hire people to walk in their surrounding suburbs and drop off their catalogues and junk mail. this is how it works in Australia at least.
Adrian M we get most of our junk mail delivered by mail in Canada.
Anonny Moose if you put a no junk mail please you won’t get any junk mail, coupons, etc. You have to decide if you’re willing to miss out on those or is it more worth it to not receive any junk mail. 🤔
Yes, it's all or nothing regarding non addressed admail.
Just so you know that doesn't work in the USA.
Any updates on this?
I told the post office I didn't want the store flyers that come once a week. They said that even though I have been taken off list I may still get them because the companies print enough for all addresses and mailman delivers to all. I do still get them. I figure I won't put sign on box because I will text me mine and ones that are left over will be thrown away.
I will recycle mine...not I will text me mine.😁
The reason you get the flyers is because the company that sends them out pays for them to be in your mailbox. Mail carriers have lost their JOBS because of people like you that say don't put the flyers in my mailbox. If someone paid for it to be in your mailbox it has to be delivered. It doesn't matter if it's a check or junk mail you don't want. There are places you can write to get your name off the mailing list but it won't work with everything. I get very little junk mail. I don't donate to charities by mail. I don't buy from very many catalogues. I do get the political mail and flyers. I don't complain. I look in the flyers for sales on food.
Get your own mail server and register at each side with another subdomain. That way you know exactly who sold you out ;D
I misspell my name in different ways when I purchase online. Then when I get junk mail, I know who sold my info.
Shelbizleee has a great video about stopping junk mail. She mentions a couple different websites to use as well.
I have a question. What should you do with decorations? Things that are non essentials or junk but they make your home look better.
What is this day 15? Is that for the 30 day minimalism game?
A trick to prevent being signed up for mailing lists when you move - When you do a change of address with the post office (United States), put down that you're moving temporarily. Granted, they'll only forward your mail for 6 months, but that should still buy enough time to still update your address with people/businesses/utilities.
If you do that after that temporary change of address expires (max time is 6 months) your mail will be delivered to your previous address. after the time you put to end. Putting in a change of address that is temporary is for people who plan to COME back to their previous address. It's mostly used by snowbirds who go south to escape the winter.
Mail inserts back to sender in their pre paid envelopes. At least they will pay for it
Always throw it away
Why is a surgeon giving expert advice on junk mail?
You can use
Hi. 1sr.