Anbernic RG405V Unboxing & First Impressions!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @kbet4103
    @kbet4103 Год назад

    Does it come with the games pre-installed?

  • @awkwardddme909
    @awkwardddme909 Год назад +2

    It has the Google Play store right. I can't decide between this or the pocket flip

    • @GeorgeMcF
      @GeorgeMcF  Год назад

      It does, they’re both pretty much the same in terms of power so it mostly comes down to what form factor you want and if retroid’s launcher is important to you.

    • @awkwardddme909
      @awkwardddme909 Год назад

      @@GeorgeMcF well I already have an Amber Nick in the same form factor so I'm leaning more towards the flip I just need that little nudge to convince me one or the other

    • @aishacs
      @aishacs Год назад

      Flip is imo a better form for portability.

    • @vhsretrogamer1664
      @vhsretrogamer1664 Год назад

      @@awkwardddme909The flip is fine, but I find face buttons to be too loud for my taste (and people around me). Also not very comfy to hold. This one has very good buttons and dpad feels better than flip, but (!) rg405v like 405m has oversharpening effect on default os and if you want to get rid of it you have to reflash it with gamma os, which is not out yet. Personally I would choose 405v over flip

  • @enalol9127
    @enalol9127 Год назад

    Tbh I just want a handheld GameCube emulator, I can’t decide between the flip 405v or the retro I’d pocket 2s ;-; I like the 2s joysticks and triggers the most but idk ab power

    • @superduder5072
      @superduder5072 Год назад

      Odin Lite is pretty nice for gamecube

    • @aishacs
      @aishacs Год назад

      But 2s is cheaper and runs most games decently just look up the games and compatibility and tweak it and it’s pretty good and all retro I’d products are on sale.

  • @aishacs
    @aishacs Год назад

    This handheld looks a bit big for me but great review nonetheless.

    • @JustinShapley
      @JustinShapley Год назад

      It's hefty for sure but I can't put it down, it feels so much more comfortable than other devices I own and the battery is awesome.