The Ancel FX2000. A Nice Mid-Level Automotive Scan Tool With A Good Memory!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @Dallas-Rife-UDX-347-Tennessee
    @Dallas-Rife-UDX-347-Tennessee 3 года назад +5

    Looks like a good one . I'm going to have to invest in sometime this eventually when i get a newer "new to me" vehicle . Always nice to be able to confirm basic diagnostics against the lies of a dealer . Sad but true

    • @FarpointFarms
      @FarpointFarms  3 года назад +1

      These days you can pull a code, and head to the internet for advice. About 90% of the time, you will know what you need before you ever open the hood.

  • @timterrill6318
    @timterrill6318 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for getting into the data stream. "The meat and potatoes" going to pick this scanner up.

  • @HNXMedia
    @HNXMedia 3 года назад +1

    That might be a nice little upgrade to add to my arsenal. I'll have to look at getting one.

  • @Sally-nd5pc
    @Sally-nd5pc 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for your share

  • @anibalcruz1509
    @anibalcruz1509 2 года назад +2

    Yes I did like the scanner but what I’m looking for is the scanner that I could override a sensor to verify exactly if it’s good or not like I have a 2009 seven and it has four cans senses a bank one regular bank one bank to please help me out with a scanner that I could override some of the census and I did like just got a union show me but I’m looking for something else touchstone thank you

  • @rock44260
    @rock44260 3 года назад +3

    If you ever figure out how to chage the data stream logging time parameters let us know. Im looking for a scanner and this might fit the bill. thanks for sharing

  • @joehebert8070
    @joehebert8070 3 года назад

    The button on the side is that a power button or is that something else the one on the left

  • @arielstereo5484
    @arielstereo5484 7 месяцев назад +1

    Mine isn't reading why the airbag light stays on showing it's off.

  • @mekirk2
    @mekirk2 3 года назад

    Does this compare more to the foxwell 624 you have or the 614? Was thinking this was more like the 614 based on the functions and price (the 624 is around $100 more than this ancel).

  • @tarugo1851
    @tarugo1851 3 года назад

    just finished school and looking for a decent scanner..... maybe i will be the lucky one to receive a give a way😁 nice vid

  • @EverydayJ1786
    @EverydayJ1786 3 года назад +1

    Seems very similar to launch's comparable scan tool . I wouldn't be suprise if it's the same software

    • @FarpointFarms
      @FarpointFarms  3 года назад

      I know the tool you are talking about, and I think you maybe right.

    • @joshcraven9781
      @joshcraven9781 3 года назад

      I have the Launch CRP123 Premium in my toolbox at work, I just bought one of these so I can leave the Launch at work. It is exactly the same. I updated the Launch through the update software for this Ancel. That being said these are awesome for the price.

  • @joehebert8070
    @joehebert8070 3 года назад

    Can I use it right out of the Box or do I have to have a programmer updated my Internet's not working right now I was wondering if I could use it right out of the Box tomorrow when I go to work I am an entry level mechanic working for Pep Boys

  • @wodzimierzolszewski4759
    @wodzimierzolszewski4759 2 года назад

    Super film 👍. 🇵🇱

  • @playstation2bigs
    @playstation2bigs 3 года назад

    Still working up to now?

  • @georgeorillaneda8532
    @georgeorillaneda8532 2 года назад

    This tools is ready to use?no need to registered? respect my question ✌

  • @TheCalculin1
    @TheCalculin1 Год назад

    I'm having a hard time to download update any suggestions please thank you.

    • @FarpointFarms
      @FarpointFarms  Год назад

      If you have adblock enabled, I'd disable it and try again.

  • @joehebert8070
    @joehebert8070 3 года назад

    Do you know if that will work for an entry level mechanic and can that work on newer cars or just older ones I'm just getting into the field

    • @FarpointFarms
      @FarpointFarms  3 года назад

      That would be a great option for a new mechanic, it can be updated to current year car models. Perfect for entry level or b techs.

  • @AlexHG-bc3hz
    @AlexHG-bc3hz 2 года назад

    Will this unit read ATF temperature on my 2019 Toyota CH-r and 2022 Nissan Frontier. ?

    • @FarpointFarms
      @FarpointFarms  2 года назад +1

      I can't say for sure on those 2 but it does read them on other makes and models.

  • @joehebert8070
    @joehebert8070 3 года назад

    Will that work on Obi 1 ports 2 or just obey 2

  • @blairsteiner373
    @blairsteiner373 3 года назад

    Is this scanner capable of mile correction

    • @Sally-nd5pc
      @Sally-nd5pc 3 года назад +1

      This scanner is 4 Systems Diagnostics

  • @joehebert8070
    @joehebert8070 3 года назад

    I'm actually going to be doing it for a livingI'm going to be mechanic for 11 I've been playing with cars and stuff in my backyard but now I want to get paid for it I'm going to Is Lincoln Tech for automotive

  • @WV591
    @WV591 2 года назад

    the graphs are so compressed, makes it useless.