Same and I totally agree. I had a realization the other day and I don’t Even consider myself African-American, I’m black. I’ve never been to Africa, nor do I learn African culture, I learn American culture therefore I’m not African-American because the only thing I share with Africans is their skin color.
In case it isn’t obvious, I’m not white Well, I like cheeseburgers though, and Adele, and blue jeans Sometimes I rock out to heavy metal, and sometimes I’ll order a pumpkin spice latte from starbucks But at the end of the day, my parents still came here from Ghana But at the end of the day, my parents still came here from India I am just a black boy trying to make it in America I am just a brown girl trying to make it in America Growing up I was teased because my lunch couldn’t fit between two slices of bread, the slices from grandmothers curry weren’t packaged in a lunchable In the 6th grade I threw my lunch away everyday, bought myself a slice of pizza instead, told no one of the emptiness inside my stomach, how it growled louder each year Now, everyone wants a mouthful of my culture, “I’m craving something African” “I know this really cool Indian spot where they eat with their hands” Or my personal favorite “I want authentic Mexican food.. Let’s get Chipotle” It seems cheeseburgers and blue jeans just aren't enough anymore, you gotta put a bindi in your forehead too, put dreadlocks in your hair Cultural appropriation is when members of a dominant group borrow from minority cultures for their own benefit This means Miley Cyrus shouldn’t twerk unless her body can sway to the songs of brother Anansi I’ve been having Cara Delevingne's eyebrows, but ya’ll didn’t think that shit was on fleek when I was in middle school America is such a melting pot, you can wake up in the morning and choose which race you feel like being today White people be like, “ Ok I just don’t get what the big deal is..?.. Like what about white culture..” “There’s no such thing as white culture!” Cleopatra: a black woman with a watermelon in her hands, and she gets away with that shit, because havent white people been taking what doesn’t belong to them for centuries, old habits die hard and I’m sick or people saying i'm overreacting In 2012, a white supremacists fatally shot six people in a holy temple in Wisconsin In 2015, the Charleston shooting left nine dead during a prayer service in a black church Unless you’re prepared to watch your people lose their lives in their place of worship, you can’t have my culture! Because my faith comes with it, my skin comes with it, this body comes with it! Everybody wants to be black until those sirens are at your back Everyone wants to be exotic until you’re blamed for the next terrorist attack I couldn’t cut my hair for 18 years because i had to follow the rules of my religion I had to cut my hair for 16 years because my father feared it’d get me killed But ya’ll pick and choose which parts of me to cut and style These roots are not your to begin with, you can’t have my culture Not when I’m still counting the lives that were lost, just so i can celebrate it You can’t have my culture, not when it’s the only connection to a home I’ve never been to You. Can’t. Have. My. Culture. But.. I’ll still take that pumpkin spice latte And.. I’ll keep rocking out to heavy metal Cause guess what? We invented that shit too
No when I do spoken word I prefer people to clap snapping is so old timey and it doesn’t really mean someone enjoys it to me. The first thing you think in enjoy isn’t to snap. So I want real emotion from the crowd. Clap ,scream , jump enjoy🤷🏾♂️
The audience is actually allowed and expected to clap and be verbal during slam poetry. It's quite different than other poetry. I know it's irritating that you couldn't hear it because of all the clapping. That bothered me too. But I'm sure when it was being recorded the audience noises were picked up a little more. The actual audience might've been able to hear them despite all the clapping because of the mic.
For all the ignorant ppl commenting things like "I can't listen to blah,blah, blah", or "so I can't eat. ." they aren't saying u can't appreciate our culture or even experience our culture they said u can't have it! APPROPRIATING OTHERS CULTURE IS A VERY REAL THING. SO EXPERIENCE, INDULGE BUT NO, U CAN'T HAVE IT!
peace lover why would anyone want to give away something they created, mastered, perfected and most of all...have been persecuted for. Ppl are constantly judged and misunderstood because of their differences. Then ALL OF A SUDDEN...the right type of person likes it and instead of embracing it...they want to make it theirs...NO WAY! Case in point....white females twerking in multicolored nails is amazing but it was ghetto when black girls started it (Kyla Lacey White Privilege) or Kim Kardashian wearing her hair braided is now acknowledged as "Kim Kardashian boxer braids" how do u name something for a person who just recently started doing something that black ppl have been doing for centuries! Elvis singing "You ain't nothin but a hound dog" not even his song, but the woman who wrote it NEVER got paid for it. It's unjust and unfair. Why can't we all enjoy and embrace other ppl's culture without appropriating it? So my question to you is...Why would you want to take something that's not yours to begin with?
Deidra White what's the point of multiculturalism then? I think everyone embracing each other's cultures is a good thing. Some white girls like wearing multi coloured nails and twerking and some black girls like wearing English summer dresses and have English tea while watching some polo. I'm Indian myself and according to this logic can i not eat pizza or burgers? Speak french or drink wodka? Moreover it's a free country and no individual has patent rights over any culture. Everyone has the right to dress, eat, live how they please. White people invented the aeroplane. So would u like it if someone told u to get off the plane next time u are traveling just coz ur not white?
The kardashians are self obsessed assholes and they'll try to sell anything and everything under their name. And elvis should have definitely paid the writer of the song and given him due credit. But these are individual instances and u can't paint an entire race with the same brush. Maybe some white girls wear braids just coz they like them. Most of them have no intention of passing them on as their own.
U didn't read what I said....I clearly say enjoy it, embrace it, but don't take it.... (claim it as yours) hence appropriate it. There is clearly a difference...stop being so defensive.
This was so dope to see live, I could hear myself in the crowd going "BRRAP BRRAP!" haha... shouts to Kito and Aman, rep our city at nationals young warriors!
I think the people that got offended to this reacted before thinking it through. white is just a color just like black is too. but when they say there's no thing as white culture they saying there's no such thing as a culture of just a color. culture is having to do where your family comes from, what they eat, what language they speak. it's part of a specific culture. that's all they saying really, and this poem was amazing I wish I was able to hear it a bit better. but for most parts it was funny. keep up the work
cassandra colas i feel as of black cukture is a thing though because to be extremely honest..when we were oppressed, not from where we were from, but for our skin color, we were forced in America to become our own. I feel there really is a black culture if you think about it. White people were never forced to do any shit like that. They can trace back to where they first immigrated from. They dont have white culture because they dont need it. So many black people walk around not knowing where they originate from. We barely have any heirlooms. That shit was stripped from us. So we were forced to identify with other blacks. White people have never went through that to be very honest. Their "culture" is just ripping off other cultures. They dont need white culture like blacks do. So they don't have it. Im not saying whites dont belong anywhere. But they have ireland,britain,scottland,...all that shit to relate to. Most blacks dont
are any of the Poems ever documented in Print or in a Book? I'm a teacher and I would like to use some of this amazing work to maintain a more culturally relevant approach to discussing poetry and life with my students.
See a white girl can have purple hai,r rainbow acrylic nails, and twerk on screen, and quote lil yachty while wearing jordans and be considered "trendy" but put it on a black and its ghetto or classless. not saying i hate whites, but find a culture you can relate to, like and actual culture that youre familiar with. im cornbread and collards probably nigerian and ethiopian. you can be shrimp and cod from italy or russia.
dyodoublej i didnt say classy i said trendy so please learn to read properly. secondly nobody said that white peole dont have their own culture, they just choose to take it from other people and use other peoples culture rather than one they can understand. and if you have three different cultures it is NOT hard. i do kwanzaa, christmas, and native american culture. "How about blacks stop bleaching their skin" How about whites stop tanning straightening their hair and dying it blonde and get their own culture? " how about whites stop dying black hair and getting braids and curly hair and stick to eating pasta and kale. By the way there is a black movement so we are ultimately becoming who we once were, one people...a dark nation within a nation. Ive never seen a black bleach, but ive seen whites tan. and if black people cant wear their hair any way they wish, then whites should stop braiding their hair, wearing afros, and dying their hair. blacks have their own culture fried chicken is a food Nana is person, etc....go find something cultural that we didnt already do Nobody hates whites, we are just sick of them for downing us for big lips and hips then say its all cool when kylie does it. to be honest black culture is pop culture. y'all even copy our speech "how bout dat?"
I think it's funny that on this post you are saying white people DO have their own cultures, though on my comment where I make the SAME FUCKING POINT you're like "nah no they dont all that shit is stolen"
When white people borrow from other's cultures, they don't face similar consequences that the people of that culture may face every day. Kylie Jenner gets lip fillers, wears extremely long rainbow acrylic nails, changes her hair color every other day, and wears tight clothing on an extremely curvaceous body. Many women of color have done this before her like Missy Elliot, Lil' Kim, Nicki Minaj, Amber Rose, etc. These women typically have been demonized for flaunting their assets..called sluts and reduced to other sexualized and animalistic terms. If you want more proof, look at the comments for Nicki Minaj's Anaconda music video and compare them to Britney Spear's Toxic music video. Both are incredibly sexualized music videos however the comments surrounding Nicki's are much more negative. Women of color have been and still are demonized for having huge lips, having neon long nails, or colored hair. It seems unfair that Kylie Jenner can use that to boost her to fame and fortune while it is seen as a negative trait if you are a person of color. As another example, white women (Gigi Hadad, Vanessa Hudgens, Kendall Jenner, etc.) use middle eastern and asian accessories at music festivals like coachella. Items such as Bindis, Maang Tikkas, and Sarees are used for aesthetic purposes by white woman and can be taken off at the end of the day. Women that live in middle eastern nations and asia typically wear these items for religious or other significant purposes. They can not take them off at the end of the day and therefore face the negative stereotypes that Western cultures have placed on those areas- muslims being terrorists for example. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have people use symbols that represent your culture but not share in (and may even perpetuate) the negative stereotypes of your culture. When people of color "borrow white people's culture" they are typically not benefiting off of it in an economic sense. Additionally, white people's culture is not as negatively portrayed in society... i often hear awful jokes about black people and fried chicken/kool-aid but i rarely hear jokes about white people eating pasta. Although yes, white people should be destroyed for how dry and unseasoned our chicken we eat is.... i had no idea.
dyodoublej first of all missy elliot never did that she just had a sick flow.secondly its more common that black people have big lips than a white person to jave big lips.and since we are on the equality topic lets remember that because zendaya wore dreads she was told that she looked like she smelled like patchouli oil and weed but when kylie jenner wears them its now this new trend that everybody loves
dyodoublej Alright im tired of people using the "black people straigtening and dying their hair blonde" line because blonde hair and straightened hair is not white culture. There are actually black people that are born with blonde hair and blue eyes. And even though its rare there are some Africans with naturally straight hair just like there are some white people with natural curves, curly hair, and fuller lips. Some black women's straightened hair could be a result of when they were younger and they may not have been given a choice then depending on when they were born since natural hair may not have been seen as beautiful by society. They may not want to change from going to get the relaxer because growing it out is really difficult unless they cut off all of their hair. Growing it out can also have hair breakage as a side affect so thats why some black women might still have straigtened hair. Also, cultural appropriation isn't using someone elses inventions like people who arent white using the telephone or a computer. If that was the case then anytime any race other then black used the Automatic refrigeration system or traffic lights they would be culturally appropriating. Cultural appropriation is using a style that is apart of someones culture and trying to renaming it just so you can try to own it and say that you invented it just like how people tried to rename cornrows "boxer braids" and say that Kim Kardashian started a hot new trend even though the style originates from ancient africa. It is also when one culture wears something out of cultural significance and is called ugly or weird but when another culture wears it because it looks cool and they are called trendy, stylish, and beautiful. And just because people say that white people are the main cultural appropriators does not mean that they believe that no other race is capable of culturally appropriating because im assuming that they realize that we are all human and are capable of making mistakes and honestly, we have to grow better as people to where it becomes nearly impossible for something natural on a black woman looks ugly but something fake on a white woman looks beautiful.
I'm a Latino guy that grew up in Guyana, I listen to reggae, eat curry chicken & roti and have pale skin, but that's my culture, deal with it. I'm not giving up anything.
lol yes you can, the point they were trying to make is that white people will try take a part of their culture and make it out to be like is was their creation when people of color has been doing it or for centuries. for example a famous fashion designer or something of the sort who is a white male, claimed to created the 'mini buns' when in fact they were actually just Bantu knots which is apart of African culture. they like to tweak something or call it something new and now it's different and 'totally new' when it's been apart of someone's culture for awhile.
I loved it only wish I could hear the speakers more. most of it was lost in motion and head turning but I understand the message wouldn't be the same without it
Headphone wearers beware.....Turned up the volume all the way because I couldn’t hear the girl. That was before the audience screeched in the middle of it and made my eardrums bleed. RIP ears.
This is true as hell. I especially love 'there's no such thing as white culture'! Also 'it's my only connection to a home I've never been to' and 'guess what? We invented that s**t too'. (I should put as a disclaimer that I am roughly the colour of a raw peeled potato.)
Maddie Hupp you do sweetheart. Whatever country your ancestors were before coming to America is your culture. Embrace and indulge in it. Because you are white it should be easy (literally it should be historically easier to find documents and such) so go on and find your roots
You should never be ashamed of the skin you were born in, just make sure never to make someone else feel that way. A lot of the ignorance and racism stems from self hate, never let this shame grow to that. Be proud of who you are, no matter the color of your skin. That goes for people from all ethnic backgrounds, be proud to be you.
When he said it was "a connection to a home he's never been to" man that got me all in my feelings
Sydnee Houston same that was deep
Same and I totally agree. I had a realization the other day and I don’t Even consider myself African-American, I’m black. I’ve never been to Africa, nor do I learn African culture, I learn American culture therefore I’m not African-American because the only thing I share with Africans is their skin color.
"cause guess what?? we invented that sh*t too" !!!!!
In case it isn’t obvious, I’m not white
Well, I like cheeseburgers though, and Adele, and blue jeans
Sometimes I rock out to heavy metal, and sometimes I’ll order a pumpkin spice latte from starbucks
But at the end of the day, my parents still came here from Ghana
But at the end of the day, my parents still came here from India
I am just a black boy trying to make it in America
I am just a brown girl trying to make it in America
Growing up I was teased because my lunch couldn’t fit between two slices of bread, the slices from grandmothers curry weren’t packaged in a lunchable
In the 6th grade I threw my lunch away everyday, bought myself a slice of pizza instead, told no one of the emptiness inside my stomach, how it growled louder each year
Now, everyone wants a mouthful of my culture, “I’m craving something African” “I know this really cool Indian spot where they eat with their hands”
Or my personal favorite “I want authentic Mexican food.. Let’s get Chipotle”
It seems cheeseburgers and blue jeans just aren't enough anymore, you gotta put a bindi in your forehead too, put dreadlocks in your hair
Cultural appropriation is when members of a dominant group borrow from minority cultures for their own benefit
This means Miley Cyrus shouldn’t twerk unless her body can sway to the songs of brother Anansi
I’ve been having Cara Delevingne's eyebrows, but ya’ll didn’t think that shit was on fleek when I was in middle school
America is such a melting pot, you can wake up in the morning and choose which race you feel like being today
White people be like, “ Ok I just don’t get what the big deal is..?.. Like what about white culture..”
“There’s no such thing as white culture!”
Cleopatra: a black woman with a watermelon in her hands, and she gets away with that shit, because havent white people been taking what doesn’t belong to them for centuries, old habits die hard and I’m sick or people saying i'm overreacting
In 2012, a white supremacists fatally shot six people in a holy temple in Wisconsin
In 2015, the Charleston shooting left nine dead during a prayer service in a black church
Unless you’re prepared to watch your people lose their lives in their place of worship, you can’t have my culture!
Because my faith comes with it, my skin comes with it, this body comes with it!
Everybody wants to be black until those sirens are at your back
Everyone wants to be exotic until you’re blamed for the next terrorist attack
I couldn’t cut my hair for 18 years because i had to follow the rules of my religion
I had to cut my hair for 16 years because my father feared it’d get me killed
But ya’ll pick and choose which parts of me to cut and style
These roots are not your to begin with, you can’t have my culture
Not when I’m still counting the lives that were lost, just so i can celebrate it
You can’t have my culture, not when it’s the only connection to a home I’ve never been to
You. Can’t. Have. My. Culture.
But.. I’ll still take that pumpkin spice latte
And.. I’ll keep rocking out to heavy metal
Cause guess what? We invented that shit too
Ha, no problem, it’s not entirely accurate since I could barely hear what hey were saying but yeah..
Aissata Sall thank you !
You can't have my culture because my faith come with it, my skin comes with yassss 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
yall aint supposted clap during poetry readings. snap
So irritating
Exactly everytime they clap a part of me died inside. Wtf
No when I do spoken word I prefer people to clap snapping is so old timey and it doesn’t really mean someone enjoys it to me. The first thing you think in enjoy isn’t to snap. So I want real emotion from the crowd. Clap ,scream , jump enjoy🤷🏾♂️
The audience is actually allowed and expected to clap and be verbal during slam poetry. It's quite different than other poetry. I know it's irritating that you couldn't hear it because of all the clapping. That bothered me too. But I'm sure when it was being recorded the audience noises were picked up a little more. The actual audience might've been able to hear them despite all the clapping because of the mic.
Do you think maybe you could put subtitles on? It's very difficult to hear them.
so true
They went Hard love it!!!
This poem is everything
This poem is just the best!! Shout out to Kiko and Aman, keep doing what you're doing! ;-)
TumiFemi Akintemi can u tell me what the fuck they saying? i cant hear
I LOVED this poem!! Is there any way I can obtain the written form? the clapping kind of drowned out some words.
Omg same I really want to read it!
Zyaria Wright here's a thought, write it down?
Leanne Gibbs if you can't hear it you won't know what to write...
Absolutely phenomenal
can we have a link to the transcript or subtitles? I can't understand them over the applause and distance from the mic
For all the ignorant ppl commenting things like "I can't listen to blah,blah, blah", or "so I can't eat. ." they aren't saying u can't appreciate our culture or even experience our culture they said u can't have it! APPROPRIATING OTHERS CULTURE IS A VERY REAL THING. SO EXPERIENCE, INDULGE BUT NO, U CAN'T HAVE IT!
Deidra White why not?
peace lover why would anyone want to give away something they created, mastered, perfected and most of all...have been persecuted for. Ppl are constantly judged and misunderstood because of their differences. Then ALL OF A SUDDEN...the right type of person likes it and instead of embracing it...they want to make it theirs...NO WAY! Case in point....white females twerking in multicolored nails is amazing but it was ghetto when black girls started it (Kyla Lacey White Privilege) or Kim Kardashian wearing her hair braided is now acknowledged as "Kim Kardashian boxer braids" how do u name something for a person who just recently started doing something that black ppl have been doing for centuries! Elvis singing "You ain't nothin but a hound dog" not even his song, but the woman who wrote it NEVER got paid for it. It's unjust and unfair. Why can't we all enjoy and embrace other ppl's culture without appropriating it? So my question to you is...Why would you want to take something that's not yours to begin with?
Deidra White what's the point of multiculturalism then? I think everyone embracing each other's cultures is a good thing. Some white girls like wearing multi coloured nails and twerking and some black girls like wearing English summer dresses and have English tea while watching some polo.
I'm Indian myself and according to this logic can i not eat pizza or burgers? Speak french or drink wodka?
Moreover it's a free country and no individual has patent rights over any culture. Everyone has the right to dress, eat, live how they please.
White people invented the aeroplane. So would u like it if someone told u to get off the plane next time u are traveling just coz ur not white?
The kardashians are self obsessed assholes and they'll try to sell anything and everything under their name. And elvis should have definitely paid the writer of the song and given him due credit. But these are individual instances and u can't paint an entire race with the same brush. Maybe some white girls wear braids just coz they like them. Most of them have no intention of passing them on as their own.
U didn't read what I said....I clearly say enjoy it, embrace it, but don't take it.... (claim it as yours) hence appropriate it. There is clearly a difference...stop being so defensive.
I love this guy I had no idea he's from Guyana 😍 good to c Guyanese out there
This poem is absolutely amazing. Y'all are amazing
I'll never stop loving this.
This will forever be my favorite video
This was so dope to see live, I could hear myself in the crowd going "BRRAP BRRAP!" haha... shouts to Kito and Aman, rep our city at nationals young warriors!
ughhhh i love that i saw this performed in person!
this is literally the greatest thing I've ever seen
I got chills all throughout this. No lie this shit hits home.
This is why u snap during poetry so I can actully hear the beauty they speaking
They killed it
this is my most favorite thing wow well done!!! SO INCREDIBLE
When the poem just touches your soul 😩💕💕🙌🏾
oh my gosh this is FANTASTIC
i would like to hear just them. wonderful piece of work.
the cheering during their performance is almost as frustrating as the cultural appropriation they're speaking about.
Unintentional or not, the appreciative audience was silencing them.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the people that got offended to this reacted before thinking it through. white is just a color just like black is too. but when they say there's no thing as white culture they saying there's no such thing as a culture of just a color. culture is having to do where your family comes from, what they eat, what language they speak. it's part of a specific culture. that's all they saying really, and this poem was amazing I wish I was able to hear it a bit better. but for most parts it was funny. keep up the work
cassandra colas true. I'm black and I don't say black culture I say African culture instead because I'm African
cassandra colas i feel as of black cukture is a thing though because to be extremely honest..when we were oppressed, not from where we were from, but for our skin color, we were forced in America to become our own. I feel there really is a black culture if you think about it. White people were never forced to do any shit like that. They can trace back to where they first immigrated from. They dont have white culture because they dont need it. So many black people walk around not knowing where they originate from. We barely have any heirlooms. That shit was stripped from us. So we were forced to identify with other blacks. White people have never went through that to be very honest. Their "culture" is just ripping off other cultures. They dont need white culture like blacks do. So they don't have it. Im not saying whites dont belong anywhere. But they have ireland,britain,scottland,...all that shit to relate to. Most blacks dont
Im in love with them
I got goosebumps listening to this! 😭😭😭 I loved it!
Yessssshhh so Good
"You can't have my culture because my faith comes with it, my skin comes with it, this body comes with it." This gave me chills
loveeee this!
"You can't have my culture because my faith comes with it, my skin comes with it, my body comes with it" I cried.
This was everything 👏👏👏
So hard to hear them, but what I did hear was GREAT!!
I Can't Even Describe How Amazing This Was.💯
Gon head! This was fire!!
On everythinq this qo !!! 😂💕💕💕💕
Thank you😭 I don't know how many times I've had to say this. It gets so freaking frustrating
Goosebumps and people are wondering why tf I'm shivering in my warm ass lecture hall with 100 people. Fucking amazing.
I care hear everything but I agree with every bit
why the clapping man?? I wanna hear the whole thinggggg it's so good!
this was so good, i wish the audio was better tho
Um. More please.
This was strong
RIP headpnone users...but this poem made my hearing being lost worth it!
yasss some Guyanese poets like me
RizzieDoes ItAll I thought that's what he said but I think its Ghana.
Morvinia Jeffrey no sweety. We know what he said and its Guyana.
"You can't have my culture, not when is my only connection to a home I never been to"
I love this😂❤️
You can’t have my culture cause my faith comes with it, my skin comes with this body comes with it !!
are any of the Poems ever documented in Print or in a Book? I'm a teacher and I would like to use some of this amazing work to maintain a more culturally relevant approach to discussing poetry and life with my students.
See a white girl can have purple hai,r rainbow acrylic nails, and twerk on screen, and quote lil yachty while wearing jordans and be considered "trendy" but put it on a black and its ghetto or classless. not saying i hate whites, but find a culture you can relate to, like and actual culture that youre familiar with. im cornbread and collards probably nigerian and ethiopian. you can be shrimp and cod from italy or russia.
dyodoublej i didnt say classy i said trendy so please learn to read properly. secondly nobody said that white peole dont have their own culture, they just choose to take it from other people and use other peoples culture rather than one they can understand. and if you have three different cultures it is NOT hard. i do kwanzaa, christmas, and native american culture.
"How about blacks stop bleaching their skin"
How about whites stop tanning
straightening their hair and dying it blonde and get their own culture? "
how about whites stop dying black hair and getting braids and curly hair and stick to eating pasta and kale.
By the way there is a black movement so we are ultimately becoming who we once were, one people...a dark nation within a nation.
Ive never seen a black bleach, but ive seen whites tan. and if black people cant wear their hair any way they wish, then whites should stop braiding their hair, wearing afros, and dying their hair. blacks have their own culture fried chicken is a food Nana is person, etc....go find something cultural that we didnt already do Nobody hates whites, we are just sick of them for downing us for big lips and hips then say its all cool when kylie does it. to be honest black culture is pop culture. y'all even copy our speech "how bout dat?"
I think it's funny that on this post you are saying white people DO have their own cultures, though on my comment where I make the SAME FUCKING POINT you're like "nah no they dont all that shit is stolen"
When white people borrow from other's cultures, they don't face similar consequences that the people of that culture may face every day.
Kylie Jenner gets lip fillers, wears extremely long rainbow acrylic nails, changes her hair color every other day, and wears tight clothing on an extremely curvaceous body. Many women of color have done this before her like Missy Elliot, Lil' Kim, Nicki Minaj, Amber Rose, etc. These women typically have been demonized for flaunting their assets..called sluts and reduced to other sexualized and animalistic terms. If you want more proof, look at the comments for Nicki Minaj's Anaconda music video and compare them to Britney Spear's Toxic music video. Both are incredibly sexualized music videos however the comments surrounding Nicki's are much more negative. Women of color have been and still are demonized for having huge lips, having neon long nails, or colored hair. It seems unfair that Kylie Jenner can use that to boost her to fame and fortune while it is seen as a negative trait if you are a person of color.
As another example, white women (Gigi Hadad, Vanessa Hudgens, Kendall Jenner, etc.) use middle eastern and asian accessories at music festivals like coachella. Items such as Bindis, Maang Tikkas, and Sarees are used for aesthetic purposes by white woman and can be taken off at the end of the day. Women that live in middle eastern nations and asia typically wear these items for religious or other significant purposes. They can not take them off at the end of the day and therefore face the negative stereotypes that Western cultures have placed on those areas- muslims being terrorists for example. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have people use symbols that represent your culture but not share in (and may even perpetuate) the negative stereotypes of your culture.
When people of color "borrow white people's culture" they are typically not benefiting off of it in an economic sense. Additionally, white people's culture is not as negatively portrayed in society... i often hear awful jokes about black people and fried chicken/kool-aid but i rarely hear jokes about white people eating pasta. Although yes, white people should be destroyed for how dry and unseasoned our chicken we eat is.... i had no idea.
dyodoublej first of all missy elliot never did that she just had a sick flow.secondly its more common that black people have big lips than a white person to jave big lips.and since we are on the equality topic lets remember that because zendaya wore dreads she was told that she looked like she smelled like patchouli oil and weed but when kylie jenner wears them its now this new trend that everybody loves
Alright im tired of people using the "black people straigtening and dying their hair blonde" line because blonde hair and straightened hair is not white culture. There are actually black people that are born with blonde hair and blue eyes. And even though its rare there are some Africans with naturally straight hair just like there are some white people with natural curves, curly hair, and fuller lips. Some black women's straightened hair could be a result of when they were younger and they may not have been given a choice then depending on when they were born since natural hair may not have been seen as beautiful by society. They may not want to change from going to get the relaxer because growing it out is really difficult unless they cut off all of their hair. Growing it out can also have hair breakage as a side affect so thats why some black women might still have straigtened hair. Also, cultural appropriation isn't using someone elses inventions like people who arent white using the telephone or a computer. If that was the case then anytime any race other then black used the Automatic refrigeration system or traffic lights they would be culturally appropriating. Cultural appropriation is using a style that is apart of someones culture and trying to renaming it just so you can try to own it and say that you invented it just like how people tried to rename cornrows "boxer braids" and say that Kim Kardashian started a hot new trend even though the style originates from ancient africa. It is also when one culture wears something out of cultural significance and is called ugly or weird but when another culture wears it because it looks cool and they are called trendy, stylish, and beautiful. And just because people say that white people are the main cultural appropriators does not mean that they believe that no other race is capable of culturally appropriating because im assuming that they realize that we are all human and are capable of making mistakes and honestly, we have to grow better as people to where it becomes nearly impossible for something natural on a black woman looks ugly but something fake on a white woman looks beautiful.
I'm a Latino guy that grew up in Guyana, I listen to reggae, eat curry chicken & roti and have pale skin, but that's my culture, deal with it. I'm not giving up anything.
I’m in with my blackness 😍✊🏾
.. is there another version of this? I can't hear half of it. I'm so saddddddddd
that is truh poetry
So beautifully done. I am not offended, I am intrigued and in agreement. White is merely a skin color.
i so mad at the audio right now. they killed it tho!
could you add cose caption to your videos
cause' guess what we invented that shit too!
“Cause guess what we invented that shit too “ okkkkkkk🤗
someone has a transcrip of this poem?
It would be really nice to have this done again with less back ground audience noise. Was hard to make out a lot of it 😞
The crowd was louder than them at the mic 🎤 like CALM DOWNNNNN
shit.... i had to clap for the end too.
Yesss an African-American and an Indo-American poem on cultural appropriation👌🏼
I really liked it I just couldn’t hear it that well lol
Don't clapppppp... snappppp pleease
34 white supremacist have disliked this video because the true is unbearable
these people are crazy
i need subtitles
+All Def Poetry Can you put closed captions on your videos? It would really help. :)
I cant hear them
What did she say wasn't on fleek when she was in middle school
Mikayla Faulkner thick eyebrows that are commonly associated with asians
Question: so I can't hear other cultures music?
lol yes you can, the point they were trying to make is that white people will try take a part of their culture and make it out to be like is was their creation when people of color has been doing it or for centuries. for example a famous fashion designer or something of the sort who is a white male, claimed to created the 'mini buns' when in fact they were actually just Bantu knots which is apart of African culture. they like to tweak something or call it something new and now it's different and 'totally new' when it's been apart of someone's culture for awhile.
+jembugs thanks for explaining ...I get it now
Glad I could help!!😄
Batra is (a) mine.
Someone please transcribe
I loved it only wish I could hear the speakers more. most of it was lost in motion and head turning but I understand the message wouldn't be the same without it
I didn't hear half of what they said. YOU DONT CLAP IN POETRY. YOU SNAP YOUR FINGERS
Headphone wearers beware.....Turned up the volume all the way because I couldn’t hear the girl. That was before the audience screeched in the middle of it and made my eardrums bleed. RIP ears.
Couldn't they at least give both of them a mic?? I could barely hear them
This is true as hell. I especially love 'there's no such thing as white culture'! Also 'it's my only connection to a home I've never been to' and 'guess what? We invented that s**t too'. (I should put as a disclaimer that I am roughly the colour of a raw peeled potato.)
I could hardly hear what they were saying behind all that clapping and screaming! What I could decipher was amazing. needs subtitles though...
Btw, some cultures that are white do have culture (Greece, France, Italy), but what some people call "White Culture" is just American culture.
Cece Burton those aren't white they're Greek & french as you stated lol they're speaking on white americans.
Marie Swanigan Greeks and French people are white too, buddy... Being American is just a nationality.
It makes me ashamed to be white because I don't have a culture to turn to. I think every culture is beautiful and I don't have one.
Maddie Hupp you do sweetheart. Whatever country your ancestors were before coming to America is your culture. Embrace and indulge in it. Because you are white it should be easy (literally it should be historically easier to find documents and such) so go on and find your roots
You should never be ashamed of the skin you were born in, just make sure never to make someone else feel that way. A lot of the ignorance and racism stems from self hate, never let this shame grow to that. Be proud of who you are, no matter the color of your skin. That goes for people from all ethnic backgrounds, be proud to be you.