It's a TRAP! Clay Golem & Gelatinous Cube Monster BFF| Dungeons and Dragons Monsters

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 85

  • @paulcoy9060
    @paulcoy9060 7 лет назад +22

    "That night, Andy Dufrane crawled through 300 yards of a gelatinous cube-filled tunnel to freedom." -The Shawshank Redemption written by an evil DM.

  • @rayclawicefire2503
    @rayclawicefire2503 7 лет назад +22

    It's a golem in a hamster ball of acid whahahaha!

  • @PiratePawsLive
    @PiratePawsLive 7 лет назад +15

    Have the big bad invent some sort of permanent polymorph spell. Let him cast it on a ton of cubes and poly them into ants. And put them all over the room. preferably in the dozens.
    When the party squishes them -> boom cubesplotian. Since ants are not acid resistant, it will trigger more and more cubes. until the room is filled.
    Dick move tho, but funny as hell :D.

  • @kyleswanson6615
    @kyleswanson6615 7 лет назад +3

    Alternatively, a "noticeably rotund" clay golem which has an ooze (I'd probably use black pudding) encased within its torso. It would constantly be repairing and maybe it was made by a mage who wanted to avoid his/her servant or guardian going berserk. Maybe a threat to a party who has to break into a wizard's lair and take something out. Could even be a lich's creation either before he did his own ritual or afterward and a product of his exorbitant research time.

  • @TigerGuy786
    @TigerGuy786 7 лет назад +7

    An awakened cube! That's the cultist leader!

    • @nvfury13
      @nvfury13 6 лет назад +1

      TigerGuy786 Awakened slimes an be an absolute nightmare for a party.

  • @kodyjayvin
    @kodyjayvin 7 лет назад +5

    I haven't experienced this particular scenario, but I did have a run in with some cubes once. I was a barbarian, and like all barbarians I wore little more than a loin cloth. We encountered some gelatinous cubes in the WOTC under dark temple from last year, and water began to rise. The cubes attacked us with the acid, and the only thing holding up my loincloth was a metal pin. So the water is rising, my loincloth falls off, and I'm fighting the cubes stark naked. We defeated the cubes pretty easily, and luckily my loin cloth hadn't floated away, though I had to roll for it with 50/50 odds, and I managed to recover some of my dignity.

  • @Varsidian
    @Varsidian 7 лет назад +6

    I could totally see this in an almost alien(xenomorph) pyramid labyrinth, where all the walls shift and switch and the party has to sneak their way through, all the while avoiding one terrifying clay golem/gelatinous cube fusion. The ooze in my eyes would almost be a heat sensor, as long as something is in 60ft and its organic it'll vibrate and try to shimmy off the clay golem, but the golem with instruction could recognize this as a sign that intruders are present and that there this direction.
    A really fun and deadly idea :D

  • @xironbeastx8677
    @xironbeastx8677 7 лет назад +2

    Brain in a jar encased in a clay golem basically wearing it like a suit and commanding it, jumps into cubes to heal and golem protects the brain from acid, used it as a boss fight, and the brain exerted control over other golems nearby as well, the pcs had to figure out witch golem had the brain, and then kill the brain to stop the golems knowing how to heal in the cubes, was a very difficult fight for pcs :)

  • @necromancer0616
    @necromancer0616 7 лет назад +3

    You could just use the Ortcher Jelly as armor that actually attacks too and heals the clay golem. Granted it wont heal as much but would also almost match the color of the clay golem. Or, you can even use a Black Pudding too.

  • @SilverSidedSquirrel
    @SilverSidedSquirrel 7 лет назад +2

    I like to imagine Golem Commands like finicky "if / then " programming that always goes as wrong as it possibly can

  • @volk551
    @volk551 7 лет назад +11

    version 2 of this is an iron golem teamed up with a fire elemental

  • @mikegould6590
    @mikegould6590 7 лет назад +2

    If you want to reduce the CR of this encounter, you could just use Animated Object (ceramic cauldron with legs or wheels) with Gray Ooze or Ochre Jellies inside. An "Ooze Delivery Device" or ODD. Put that in a Hag's extra-dimensional hut.
    I did like the Jubilex reference. An amulet to shut down the Golem is a great idea.
    OoTA has an area CRAWLING with Oozes. A Clay Golem would certainly be handy. "Clean that room of Oozes, old boy."
    Done in one.

  • @nvfury13
    @nvfury13 6 лет назад

    I did a similar setup three times: An Iron Golem that had orders to dump anything that was larger than a rat but didn't present the proper token into slideshaft, which ended in a tank full of green slime (since they chased a group of orcs to that section they had time to both observe the dropping and run away, so they never had to deal with the slime...they just got to see it in its glassteel tank later); A gelatinous cube that went down a corridor with several too small for it side paths and alcoves, some of which contained animated statues that would push you into the cube as it passed; and a clay golem that would throw Intruders or corpses into a "disposal section" which was a series of chambers with Otyughs, various oozes and slimes before reaching a ladder up to the ground floor, where you had to avoid the golem again.

  • @puckshriekstheim6114
    @puckshriekstheim6114 7 лет назад +1

    The Lair of some powerful cult of jubilex, entire sections of the dungeon are filled ceiling to floor with bloated Gelatinous cubes,and of course have the golems patrolling. I'd have it be a treasure dungeon, kin da side quest, where they need special equipment or enchantments to survive the Catacombs of jelly.

  • @craftmineSB
    @craftmineSB 7 лет назад +8

    What if you reverse it and have a Clay Golem large enough to fit the cube inside like a power core?

    • @nvfury13
      @nvfury13 6 лет назад +2

      craftmineSB Animated Armor full of a type of slime, which extends through the mouth or joints to try to feed on anything that gets in melee range.

  • @TYOjoe
    @TYOjoe 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you Ted for that idea about the swamp setting for this. My next campaign is taking place in a swamp, and about hags, so this is definitely going in.

  • @Etherealizer
    @Etherealizer 7 лет назад

    I picture this encounter taking place in an arena-like area where a wizard could be standing far above on an overhang or bridge of sorts. The players would be locked into this arena with gelatinous cubes thrown into the mix. Clay Golem would be only given simple commands at a time through the use of a golem control rod. The wizard could be up there only using his spells for things like Globe of Invulnerability to keep himself safe - and perhaps a few counterspells against your party spellcasters. But he would spend his turns lowering the barriers/globes of invulnerability or something to command his Clay Golem to heal, giving the players a chance to target the wizard while its not hitting them anymore.

  • @xXxSpeshulKxXx
    @xXxSpeshulKxXx 7 лет назад

    I've only used the gelatinous cube once in my campaign. It wasn't even a combat encounter though. My homebrew is in a Modern Fantasy setting. My players found a city (comparable to New York) and I showed various citizens going about their day. One of which was a Hill Giant garbage man who was using a special device to push a gelatinous cube down the streets. Clean as a whistle!

  • @SilverSidedSquirrel
    @SilverSidedSquirrel 7 лет назад +2

    You guys just gave me a great idea for an adventure!
    So the party is doing a LONG dungeon crawl BEHIND another party, and the hazards are the shit that the last party caused.

  • @MWepex
    @MWepex 7 лет назад +1

    Have the dungeon be a gelatinous cube 'factory' and have the clay golem working to produce more cubes. The golem on whole ignores the party unless they try to prevent it from doing its work. Then the golem goes berserk until it can go back to its work. As a timer have a random dice roll of cubes each round, having the average roll being just difficult enough for the party to eliminate each round.

  • @Ryukehei52
    @Ryukehei52 6 лет назад

    Clay golem with a cube inside of it. Whenever the thing gets damaged: "The crack you put into the golem with a mighty blow from your hammer begins to drip a strange clear liquid. Before your very eyes, the clay begins to reform and the dripping stops. Clay golems don't bleed.... Do they?"
    You could also have it attempt grapple checks to try to eat PCs, which would dump them into the cube. Instead of them trying to sweep things into a cube pit, they are essentially programed as walking trash cans

  • @john-paulrose1581
    @john-paulrose1581 7 лет назад +3

    You guys just gave me a horribly evil idea, under some pretense you get the players to meet an evil npc of notable level. The Npc offers a banquette to be held while they disguss terms or something, but he serves the player party gelatinous cups in blows as if they were pudding (with the appropriate hold monster spells cast on them to make it look realistic) I wonder if this would count as auto death saving throws for 1d4-6 rounds to see who lives, or insta death. What do you guys think?

  • @AlexLuthore
    @AlexLuthore 7 лет назад

    The wizard/caster places lots of trigger condition alarm spells through the dungeon that issue commands. the golden just hears the caster's voice through the "speaker system" and trudges along. each along move the Glenn from room to room and triggers new tasks/commands for the room. the wizard died a millennia ago and the golem has been still executing his scripted commands ever since. the dungeon has several gelatinous cubes that will be attracted to organic matter and show up 2d4 rounds after combat start or the golmen has maybe a hollow shell inside it containing organic matter the cube detects but can never actually reach so it follows the golem eventually catching up to it in each room (the players crack the golem open when they defeat it which reveals some moss/lichen inside the hollow cavity.

  • @AlienoidGamer
    @AlienoidGamer 7 лет назад +1

    Had a badass vampire fight for one of my games, changed one of the legendary actions to be to summon 2 of those gelly cubes on top of a player, was fun as fuck!

  • @acm4bass
    @acm4bass 7 лет назад +8

    Why use Gekantious cubes? It seems that you could have a lake of acid, and have clay golem sharks, and it might work better.

    • @videogameplaybynerdarchy1706
      @videogameplaybynerdarchy1706 7 лет назад +1

      Devious but I like it

    • @RoundRobin0
      @RoundRobin0 7 лет назад +3

      Lakes do not move toward you.

    • @acm4bass
      @acm4bass 7 лет назад

      That is true but they cover thing you might want, or a moat. When you make a dungeon crawl or adventure you need to explain why all these things are there. The players may never know the meaning, but its often important. What if a non-adventure minded wizard decided to you his intellect to make money. He creates a bunch of clay golems to harvest acid created by volcanic springs. He has a tidy operation, and an army of servants and acid galore. Maybe his defenses are unwittingly breached, or he decides he has something against the town, or something. It is easy to account for clay golems, but the non intelligent cubes are much more difficult to explain, unless he lives in the underdark, and has a ooze/cuve farm.... then how does he wrangle them. If he does collect molds and spores...his name has to be spangler.

    • @1999Jaykid
      @1999Jaykid 7 лет назад

      Alexander Maxwell Unless the sharks have legs... itll be harder to get them to bother the PCs

    • @kyleswanson6615
      @kyleswanson6615 7 лет назад

      Clay Golem Giant Octopi, problem solved.

  • @ChristopherEvansJaguarX305
    @ChristopherEvansJaguarX305 7 лет назад +3

    A team of clay golems curling with a gelatinous cube!

  • @terak4786
    @terak4786 7 лет назад

    I recommend versions 3 and 4, personally.
    Version 3: Black dragon that uses clay golems as guardians inside its lair. Golem instructed to grab intruders and drag them into the water to drown them. Meanwhile, the dragon sprays its breath at will, as it not only kills intruders with it, but heals its guardians.
    Version 4: Red dragon with iron golem guards. Same tactics as version 3, but much more dangerous, as the golems drag intruders into open lava pools instead of water.

  • @reaverraziel223
    @reaverraziel223 6 лет назад

    3.5 had a harness to ride a gelatinous cube, bring it back and give it to the big bad, now he has an acid barrier mount too lol

  • @gexianhen
    @gexianhen 7 лет назад

    slimes are easy to reskin. blue slimes that do cold damage, lava slimes that do fire damage and explode in a magma pool when killed. metallic slimes that are actually very heavy and hard.( the way to kill it was with acid or making them hit a red slime )

  • @cwiskus4956
    @cwiskus4956 6 лет назад

    sounds interesting. maybe have a clay golem set up to take care of a sewage system and the wizard set up a decontamination room in which the filthy golem walks thru a trapped cube so clean the filth off and not track it into the wizards home.

  • @TheSilversepiroth
    @TheSilversepiroth 7 лет назад +2

    With a WIS of 8, a golem given the orders to keep out intruders could notice that the gelatinous cubes eat away at intruders and not it. I'd use that sort of tactics & think it'd be reasonable. Ogres are decidedly single-minded in purpose of killing its enemies, but even it knows that the easiest way to kill something is to hold its head underwater until it stops moving.

  • @Davoerlo
    @Davoerlo 7 лет назад +1

    In Out of the Abyss if the party goes to the city of Blingdenstone then they fight the Pudding King which is a deep gnome gone mad and worships Jubilexx. At the city they also have the chance to fight a Medusa or they can also fight a teracotta army (Animated armor stats). This combo just screams to be used during the big fight at the end of the Blingdenstone arc when the pc's can fight the Pudding King

  • @RoundRobin0
    @RoundRobin0 7 лет назад

    Never used this combination. But I once used an Ogremage with a pet basilisk which he controlled using an amulet given to him by Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus.

  • @leonielson7138
    @leonielson7138 6 лет назад

    A Clay Golem wearing a Headband of Intellect, who takes levels in Ranger, and has a Gelatinous Cube for a companion.
    Alternately, a Gelatinous Cube that picked up a Headband of Intellect, took levels in Wizard, and created a Clay Golem.

  • @chaddixon9764
    @chaddixon9764 7 лет назад +1

    Yeah I made a gelatinous cube that could fight a 7th level party. I believe it was huge.

  • @brockmarks3984
    @brockmarks3984 7 лет назад

    add some black dragons that fly in on occasion to keep the golems healthy with breath weapons when the golems are in melee

  • @kylelikeskjvbible
    @kylelikeskjvbible 7 лет назад

    I love these vids with the monster discussions.

  • @noahmorris1080
    @noahmorris1080 7 лет назад

    I like to imagine a scene where the party has just killed the clay golem d the behind them as they leave they hear a slurping sound.... the gelatinous cube is absorbing the parts of the golem as it knits back together in the cube. Or the adventurers nearly kill it and then it just thrusts what was it's arm into the cube and it begins to fill out.

  • @KiloEchoNovember-yd7ep
    @KiloEchoNovember-yd7ep 7 лет назад +1

    The FR god of slimes and oozes is Ghaunadaur, That Which Lurks.

    • @FriendlyArchpriest
      @FriendlyArchpriest 7 лет назад

      So it is something like with that Ice Giant Demon Lord who is worshipped by Ice Giants who would normally worship Thrym.

  • @warrenkahn1690
    @warrenkahn1690 7 лет назад

    Gelatinous Cube inside a clay golem! It leaks out after the golem takes more then say 20 dmg in 1 round.

  • @zackmorse9042
    @zackmorse9042 7 лет назад

    Could the clay golem be ordered to use the cubes when damaged to heal? So the cubes, well a hazardous obstacle, would be a maintenance system. I just imagine this golem wailing away on a party of adventurers, stopping to grab a cube and rub it on it self then going back to attacking.

  • @ChristopherEvansJaguarX305
    @ChristopherEvansJaguarX305 7 лет назад

    How to keep the cube with golem: the golem stuffs itself full of dungeon vermin, like rats. Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside.

  • @mikalnewmister4956
    @mikalnewmister4956 7 лет назад

    I'd like to see you guys talk about blade golems.

  • @OtsegoKid
    @OtsegoKid 6 лет назад

    Aquatic Troll and Water Elemental.

  • @samgross7352
    @samgross7352 3 года назад

    Cubes may be too weak to be a true partner per say to the Golem, but never forget there are many other types of Oozes than simply Cubes.

  • @OtsegoKid
    @OtsegoKid 6 лет назад

    So how about a sewer system of sorts, where the raw sewage actually drops into the gelatinous cube river, and it like the sewer waters. Then, perhaps a clay golem shaped like a shark? If that's even possible? Or a hammerhead, so it rams the party? Different random thoughts.

  • @joshmountain9705
    @joshmountain9705 7 лет назад

    Not sure if gelatinous cubes are immune to acid...
    If so, have a trap that drops the players into a pit of acid containing the cubes and a clay golem with the orders "Hold any intruder in this pit until dead, punching as necessary".
    If they arn't , oozes are immune to poison and presumably so are the golems. replace acid with some evil kind of poison as both the golem and oozes try to contain them in it and kill them.

  • @dreddbolt
    @dreddbolt 7 лет назад

    Or, you can 'Munchkin' it up and add snot elementals. Some people somewhat collectively commented something about a moat of acid populated by clay shark golems. I was thinking about having some sort of air ship with a pollution-oriented oozy boss monster in the vein of the Forsaken Province in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.

  • @twilightgardenspresentatio6384
    @twilightgardenspresentatio6384 5 лет назад

    I just assume the gellies are dripped from some massive hungry acid pool.

  • @gshowell4194
    @gshowell4194 7 лет назад

    what about golems with different jobs; some that only clean up items discarded by the cubes armor weapons and so forth and ithers that attck and push players into pits (lower level), some that just grapple the players, others to assault. Perhaps some golems wear a headpiece that allows the lt. of the dungeon to see what is happening in certain areas, sort of a security system and can issue orders through the headpiece.

  • @commonweakness9060
    @commonweakness9060 6 лет назад

    what about a maze system with several pits at intersections full of G-cubes and golems between the pits....and they are commanded to push things into the pits. so the players have to make it through the maze with 20+ cubes/golems....just to get to the center (main goal) which could be a sea of cubes with golem "sharks" that they must cross to get to an island where the "item" is or the entrance to the next level of the dungeon.

  • @ChristopherEvansJaguarX305
    @ChristopherEvansJaguarX305 7 лет назад +1

    Fun dungeon to run: Juiblex in a maze, ala Pac Man. The players become the Ghosts.

  • @paulcoy9060
    @paulcoy9060 7 лет назад +4

    Cranberry Sauce ? You get a thumbs up.

  • @PaintSanctuary
    @PaintSanctuary 7 лет назад

    the cube could be made smaller and housed inside the golem. reduced acid damage and such, but unseen by the party until rhe golem is destroyed. it would definitely confoume a party trying to figure out how the golem keeps healing. add a couple cr to it to compensate for the added mini-cube.

  • @GameNubQuin
    @GameNubQuin 7 лет назад +2

    Didn't gelatinous cubes tend to be much stronger in other editions?

  • @fhuber7507
    @fhuber7507 5 лет назад

    Gelatinous cube in a foggy dungeon, filling a section of passage, goes motionless upon detecting party approach.
    The fog makes it hard to tell that the cube is distorting the view ahead...
    Get caught up fighting the first cube.. and out pop the golems from the wall art.
    Guess what? The golems coming out drops 2 more cubes.

    • @fhuber7507
      @fhuber7507 5 лет назад

      Then there's the DnD garbage disposal.
      Very large pit with specially lined walls of the upper 10 ft. Green slime in the bottom.
      Depending on how long since the castle cleric has cast cure disease, it can be a full 40 ft radius 40 ft tall pit full of slime.

  • @filipthunell8631
    @filipthunell8631 5 лет назад

    do this but instead of clay golems its iron golems and instead of gelatinous cubes its either fire elementals or just plain fire

  • @mysticloss1
    @mysticloss1 7 лет назад

    Why not have the clay golem be hollow inside. then have it filled with a ooze. This way the party can hit the golem but it will heal per turn, as well once the party kills it then the ooze comes out and it is another hazard to deal with to a party that was already fighting.

  • @AnnaTheFallMaiden
    @AnnaTheFallMaiden 7 лет назад

    There's one problem for the hamsterball-technique though. At some point, the golem has to leave the cube or he suffocates to death (doesn't say that those things don't breath)

    • @bravohotel4467
      @bravohotel4467 7 лет назад

      he's a construct.

    • @AnnaTheFallMaiden
      @AnnaTheFallMaiden 7 лет назад

      correct me if I'm wrong, but at no point in the monster manual does it say that constructs do not need to breathe (i mean, thematically it makes sense, but flavor isn't RAW)

    • @bravohotel4467
      @bravohotel4467 7 лет назад

      Ah geeze you're right. I can't believe I missed how a non living object like an animated sword needed to breath.

    • @AnnaTheFallMaiden
      @AnnaTheFallMaiden 7 лет назад

      If reading a rulebook is too difficult for you, then I shall not concern myself with you any longer

    • @AnnaTheFallMaiden
      @AnnaTheFallMaiden 7 лет назад

      Thank you! I did not think to read the flavor text, didn't think, they'd include rules in there

  • @dude2787
    @dude2787 7 лет назад +6

    I'm a new DM and yall help me out so much thank yall

  • @catfoodbob1
    @catfoodbob1 7 лет назад

    I think the wild owlbears would probably murder a gelatanous cube.

    • @catfoodbob1
      @catfoodbob1 7 лет назад

      if they escape the dungeon

  • @meth_squirrel
    @meth_squirrel 6 лет назад

    I'm just curious how acid heals clay

  • @NodDisciple1
    @NodDisciple1 6 лет назад

    The "God" of Slimes you are looking for is in this video.видео.html

  • @joshuanewbeck6226
    @joshuanewbeck6226 7 лет назад

    one of these bastard's (cubes) might as well of killed my first character.