A Message from Iran

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 869

  • @pawelkwasniewski7310
    @pawelkwasniewski7310 6 лет назад +142

    God Bless IRAN, from Poland.

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад +2

      Iran has nothing to do with these Islamic criminals who unlawfully occupied Iran's government and Iran's parliament. MULLAHS HAVE GOT TO GO.

    • @programinc7581
      @programinc7581 6 лет назад

      pawel kwasniewski i love polen :)

    • @rapture1949
      @rapture1949 6 лет назад +3


    • @saidfaeg3250
      @saidfaeg3250 6 лет назад

      Siavash something sivash te mullah must stay

    • @saidfaeg3250
      @saidfaeg3250 6 лет назад +5

      God dont Love zionist אדוארד בר

  • @tosan1
    @tosan1 6 лет назад +28

    Long live FM Zarif and long live IRAN!

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад +1

      Iran is different than Zarif and bunch of Islamic thieves and thugs who occupied Iran's government and Iran's parliament.

  • @yamelaareesamarn8769
    @yamelaareesamarn8769 6 лет назад +6

    I cannot stand listening to Mr Trump speaking more than one minute. But I wish to listen to what you say more than this.

  • @KenObermeyer
    @KenObermeyer 6 лет назад +51

    Bravo! A breath of fresh air! It might help America wake up from its stupor if more governments stood up to us like this gentleman has done.

    • @Zartoshti
      @Zartoshti 5 лет назад

      I am very proud to see an American with a brain like yours. Thank you for being so smart and intelligent.

    • @timothylcrowe1
      @timothylcrowe1 4 года назад +3

      I wish he would expose western diplomats who took bribes to create the Iran Nuclear Deal. Maybe some democrats would finally pay for their crimes.

  • @anthonyhawkins6507
    @anthonyhawkins6507 6 лет назад +23

    He is a Diplomat. Spoke well in a language foreign to him unlike most of our Western Diplomats.
    I hope Iran can defend itself from Usrael.

  • @mazyarzagros
    @mazyarzagros 6 лет назад +31

    Mr. Zarif, as an Iranian you should have known that America and European countries have never honored their treaty, agreements, and deals with Iran through the history. This time should not be a surprise to any Iranian.

  • @iraaus
    @iraaus 6 лет назад +107

    Dear Dr Zarif we stand with you God bless you and the Iranian nation.

    • @mudengineer8988
      @mudengineer8988 6 лет назад +5

      kamran kam we in Iraq stand with you bro... stay strong because you’re strong . #longliveIran

    • @nsjx
      @nsjx 6 лет назад +3

      Shahrokh Sanati that is a weak retort. he wasn’t cursing you. stay focussed and discuss the relevant specifics instead of side-stepping them.

    • @nsjx
      @nsjx 6 лет назад +2

      Interesting that a couple accounts replying with hate here are YT profiles with 0 subs or other activity; so in essence these profiles simply come to hate on the talk here. I find that quite suspect, much like the ”secret Iran nuclear file archive” - I LOL’d, such would not be admissable evidence in any western courtroom

    • @sarkis951
      @sarkis951 6 лет назад +1

      outlawfly Rich history and culture which pislamic republic want to destroy and replace with arabic one.

    • @iraaus
      @iraaus 6 лет назад +1

      Shahrokh Sanati
      I was speaking for my self and got so far 24 likes so I suppose at least I am speaking for them as well and in the mean time why don't you go and beg bibi or Trump or bin Salman to come and do the job for you, as you are just a mouth that is too gutless to do it himself!

  • @kmackenz7
    @kmackenz7 6 лет назад +60

    I wish all Americans could hear 'the other side' on main stream media. I think the saneness and logic of so called 'enemies' would shine a light on US propaganda.

    • @Fedproman
      @Fedproman 6 лет назад +6

      Unfortunately it would make very little difference. Most Americans long ago lost the skill of critical thinking and have been zombiefied to the point it is frightening.

    • @newtrallyt3199
      @newtrallyt3199 6 лет назад +3

      Fredproman that’s true but the credit goes to the media for more than a half of a century of systematic brainwashing. Until recently that the mainstream media, which is subservient to Tel Aviv, has been challenged by the 24 hour news coming out of RT and PressTV, which both were created after Al Jazeera which is now owned and operated by the mainstream bs BBC, there was absolutely no challenge to their brainwashing the mass and they had a very easy task. Now it’s a challenge to shove some half assed western propaganda down people’s throats, and people are slowly waking up.

    • @limerickman8512
      @limerickman8512 6 лет назад

      It is not a Treaty nor a legally binding agreement. It is an non legal non-binding unratified agreement. The US and Iranian governments have not ratified within their parliament/congress.
      It is non binding as it is not ratified legally. A binding agreement is a legal agreement that is enforced by law. In this case International and diomestic law of the signature states.

    • @Poppadop1
      @Poppadop1 6 лет назад

      +Fedproman _"Unfortunately it would make very little difference."_
      It's already making a big difference. Why do you think the banksters did not throw the house at Syria five years ago?
      "Soldiers protesting U.S. military strikes against Syria are taking to Facebook to voice their opposition to a war. *"'I didn't join the Marine Corps to **_fight for al Qaeda_** in a Syrian Civil War,' one Marine in uniform declared,* in a message written on a piece of paper he held strategically to block his face and conceal his identity."
      ~ _"Service members anonymously protest potential war against Syria on Facebook,"_ Leslie Larson
      I recommend finding that whole article, as well as the article _"‘We say no war’: Protesters across the world rally against military strike on Syria"_ and the video _"‘One more war based on a total lie’: Protesters across US speak out against Trump’s missile strikes"_ to see just how huge an impact the alternative media has.

    • @fabianfabianski7021
      @fabianfabianski7021 6 лет назад +1

      I wish that too.

  • @rmarlin
    @rmarlin 6 лет назад +48

    I apologize to you and your people for all the Western countries, I am 100% against war and believe in peace and harmony for all entities. Good luck my brothers.

    • @rmarlin
      @rmarlin 6 лет назад +2

      The deep state will not give in easy, they are being removed right now, but they will be desperate and try something big. Please be patient and let the planned removal complete. The next step is to remove these deep state from Iran, but I am sure you already know this. We are all fighting for a free, harmonious world where our children will be happy and safe.

    • @vahidmirkhani
      @vahidmirkhani 6 лет назад

      Robert Marlin
      May we all live in peace bro.
      People are people. People, like other people! They only need to get to know each other better. That might take a while and it may be scary. BUT, eventually, people WILL like other people. Because they WILL notice the 90% they have in common. All of them, that is!

    • @rmarlin
      @rmarlin 6 лет назад

      Watch and see the move is in action. All is not as it seems, Syria attack was on deep state not Assad. Deep state are all the place, need to be terminated.

    • @noah766
      @noah766 6 лет назад +1

      bro u fucking kidding me no peace in the middle east it the most war torn part of the world beside Africa

    • @luket1085
      @luket1085 6 лет назад

      vahidmirkhani even islamists?

  • @saidfaeg3250
    @saidfaeg3250 6 лет назад +3

    Mr zarif inchaa Allah Allah protect you and Iran amin

  • @inflight2u
    @inflight2u 6 лет назад +8

    I stand by Iran.

  • @jackedmonds4018
    @jackedmonds4018 6 лет назад +3

    Calmly and well argued case.
    One in the eye for the NEO-COHNs who unfortunately now dominate the "West"!

  • @RudinBrodic
    @RudinBrodic 6 лет назад +173

    Serbs are with you brave Persians!

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад +10

      Because they're as brutal as ruling criminal mullahs in Iran

    • @RudinBrodic
      @RudinBrodic 6 лет назад +1

      Siavash something Any proof or just saying out of your pure and obvious blunt inteligence?

    • @RudinBrodic
      @RudinBrodic 6 лет назад +8

      Shahrokh Sanati My name is Rade. I have never been to Iran and have no connection with Iran whatsoever aside from having a brain and seeing for myself who is the real bully, robber of natural resources of other countries and killer of inocent people and true freedom.
      Yugoslavia was destroyed by that bully and Serbia was bombed by that bully. You gues who the bully is,you are smart enough I hope.

    • @RudinBrodic
      @RudinBrodic 6 лет назад +3

      Shahrokh Sanati You are talking about a danger to Middle East while I'm talking about a world danger, danger to life itself.
      Lies, deception, filthy propaganda, destruction, plundering of vast natural resources, mass murders, systematic destruction of faith in God and family values with false democracy and liberalism that has become fascism. When I look from aside at Iran, I see a nation pooling together trying to protect itself from an imminent strike. It's only natural. Russia is about to do the same thing and close itself for protection as it's surrounded from all sides. China has already started to close itself by removing end of mandate for President Xí Jìnpíng. he is now the President of China for life.
      We Serbs have already gone through hell being falsely stigmatized as villains (the same false flag tactics you are seeing today, or perhaps choosing to not see it) and attacked by the whole NATO, a small country of 7 million people and we are still standing firm for God and justice. I ask you what will happen when Russia and China start hitting back and that time is very near. Orthodox Christians and Muslims are natural allies set closely back to back as Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein has been saying for many decades back.
      I think that Iran is guided by Government that is truly trying to protect it's people and it's freedoms and the true enemy is the bully that is seeing Iran as one more step towards Russian vast riches in Siberia and this bully is pointing his finger at Iranian Government and filthy lies are coming out of it's mouth as it drools over innocent blood and stolen riches.

    • @RudinBrodic
      @RudinBrodic 6 лет назад +3

      Shahrokh Sanati One more thing. I'm truly stunned by you saying that Iranian Government should pull out from Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan and refusing to admit that those countries are occupied by a much more deadly parasitic force that has no place there as it's home is far away on the other side of the planet. I see that you are hardly influenced by mainstream media.

  • @annwatson6125
    @annwatson6125 6 лет назад +33

    my feelings are with you Iran.

  • @maxwellquest6602
    @maxwellquest6602 6 лет назад +104

    It's embarrassing to witness the high caliber of representatives that other countries possess compared to the humiliating clowns which the USA puts forth on the world stage. Fortunately, the average American is spared such suffering because videos like this are never aired on national media platforms. (sarc)

    • @SirBroodAlot
      @SirBroodAlot 6 лет назад +2

      high caliber... LOL
      high caliber as in liar, murderous, misogynist, homophobic and oppressive?!
      sure why don't you come live here to experience the Islamic tyranny first hand? هرچند میدونم امریکایی نیستی یا عرزشی یا اسهال طلب
      Islamic Republic (and Zarif) does NOT represent me as an Iranian

    • @maxwellquest6602
      @maxwellquest6602 6 лет назад +5

      It appears neither of us is very happy with our leadership. Religious zealotry is not so much a problem here as are bankers, oligarchs, militarism, lies, corruption, propaganda, predation, prisons, poverty, drugs, prostitution, pornography, celebrity worship, egoism, etc. etc.

    • @warstock101
      @warstock101 6 лет назад +1

      high caliber doesn't burn the american flag..........burn the american flag puts you in the cross hairs now. #MAGA

    • @supermikeb2000
      @supermikeb2000 6 лет назад +1

      Good lord! One logical fallacy after another. This guy wouldnt survive 30 seconds of a high school debate class. He would be perfect for the UN.

    • @graywolf432
      @graywolf432 6 лет назад

      I know, Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi are quite humiliating.

  • @kiaaan420
    @kiaaan420 6 лет назад +56

    We are with you Mr Zarif . Thank you for standing firm against bullies and back stabbers .

  • @shayantoosinezhad4004
    @shayantoosinezhad4004 6 лет назад +4

    Dear Doctor Zarif!
    Iran and all Iranian are proud of you for ever.
    we support our holly country and our government to the end of our life against all assassination and all enemies.

  • @thedragongamer7447
    @thedragongamer7447 6 лет назад +4

    Respect from Greece

  • @reneariens557
    @reneariens557 6 лет назад +67

    Thank you for posting . . I will do what I can to spread this message throughout Canada

    • @smirhash
      @smirhash 6 лет назад +2

      thank you so much Rene

    • @Ronin-go1xn
      @Ronin-go1xn 6 лет назад

      Rene, Lmao

    • @flyer7799
      @flyer7799 6 лет назад +3

      Rene Ariens you give me hope! Thanks Rene.

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад

      And please let the Canadians know that Iranians are peaceful, loving, caring nation. They have nothing to do with these Islamic criminals who occupied Iran's government and Iran's parliament.

    • @noah766
      @noah766 6 лет назад

      i keep saying we should invade Canada

  • @Brettpavel1
    @Brettpavel1 6 лет назад +6

    Better watch it before our gov't pressures FB to remove it.

  • @sunshine2476
    @sunshine2476 6 лет назад

    May God bless and protect Iran, Iranians and JCPOA, From United States of America. Thanks Dr. Zarif for all your dedications, honesty and integrity. Best in All in life.

  • @saeidovsky1
    @saeidovsky1 6 лет назад +9

    Very Well said Mr. Minister.

  • @mehdibaghaee3977
    @mehdibaghaee3977 6 лет назад +7

    Good luck Dr.

  • @benekyt4750
    @benekyt4750 6 лет назад +4

    Greetings from Poland, keep strong Iran.

  • @meiding9120
    @meiding9120 6 лет назад

    I am Chinese. I worked in Iran for 4 years. IRAN is very safe and Iranian is very nice. I will continue doing business in Iran and buying Iranian goods.

  • @arzoamirimrs1199
    @arzoamirimrs1199 6 лет назад +1

    God bless you🙏🏼

  • @amirabolhassani9816
    @amirabolhassani9816 6 лет назад +37

    We fully support you Mr. Zarif on your stance on JCPOA.

  • @robertmoran
    @robertmoran 6 лет назад +104

    Excellent without question.

    • @warstock101
      @warstock101 6 лет назад +1

      The puppet masters never have dirt on their hands.......they pay for isis......rockets.......north korea...uranium. NO DEALS # MAGA

    • @syedali-rs8cj
      @syedali-rs8cj 6 лет назад +2

      but Trump has business deal with the founders of ISIS ...the Saudi government, on purpose by the way.

    • @limerickman8512
      @limerickman8512 6 лет назад

      It is not a Treaty nor a legally binding agreement. It is an non legal non-binding unratified agreement. The US and Iranian governments have not ratified within their parliament/congress.
      It is non binding as it is not ratified legally. A binding agreement is a legal agreement that is enforced by law. In this case International and diomestic law of the signature states. US congress nor the Irainian parliament did not ratified nor binding themselves legally to the agreement. Iran just moved it nuclear research abroad, do it can be in temporarily compliant. In reality their government scientists just moved abroad paired by the Iranian government to continued and the leaked documents recently and also stolen by Isreali spies showed that the Iranian are in breached with the agreement.
      Governments lie in various forms. This Irainian foreign minister is behaving like "Comical Ali", which is nothing new in politics.

    • @babakmadadi356
      @babakmadadi356 6 лет назад

      The elephant in the room are Iranian ballistic missiles. They can reach the oil fields of the Persian Gulf in 5 minutes.
      Large scale destruction can take 3-5 years to repair because some components are only made by 2-3 companies in Japan.
      2/3 of the Global high EROI oil exports are from the Persian Gulf. It takes 10 calories of fossil fuels to grow 1 calorie of food. Up to 21 by the time you take it home and cook it.
      Low EROI oil can't support industrial civilisation, transportation or food production.
      In the Iranian press the Iranian military constantly threatens to destroy the oil fields. Billions of people, including the US population depend on the high EROI oil exports of the Persian Gulf. The situation is very dangerous.
      I suspect it's not discussed in the western press to avoid worrying the population or admitting that Iranian ballistic missiles are potentially more dangerous than thousands of nuclear weapons.
      The OECD countries variously have declining to non-existent supplies of critical high EROI oil.
      Worse, the GCC countries are now completely dependant on food imports from the OECD countries.
      Due to depletion and declining high EROI oil production, the OECD countries will continue to suffer increasing economic and strategic "stress", Until electric vehicles start to dominate in 10-20 years.
      For the US the challenge is a managed energy transition, given that the "petro dollar" is the bedrock of the US empire.
      If the world can avoid a world war over resources between NATO/OECD and the SCO, in 10-20 years the energy stress will end and we will all be better off.

    • @oussamahijazy1841
      @oussamahijazy1841 6 лет назад


  • @kif654
    @kif654 5 лет назад +4

    God bless you brave man and God bless iran 🇮🇷 and the ppls.

  • @tunisianhezbollahaficionad4655
    @tunisianhezbollahaficionad4655 6 лет назад +2

    Long live Iran !! Alle Free men and women Stand with you.
    All love and respect from Tunisia !

  • @arianajidzadeh5585
    @arianajidzadeh5585 6 лет назад +15

    it's nice to see there are still honest politicians in the world even if not many. As an Iranian, I am very grateful to you and very proud of our Foreign Minister. Godd bless you.

    • @noah766
      @noah766 6 лет назад


  • @AdamSno
    @AdamSno 6 лет назад +5

    Trump is such an embarrassment to us...

    • @pamelaorr634
      @pamelaorr634 6 лет назад

      Trump will go down in history as the best POTUS the country ever had. Obama....the absolute worse

  • @stevegalley850
    @stevegalley850 6 лет назад +15

    Well said and we back the agreement

    • @chriskris4288
      @chriskris4288 3 года назад

      Ego is one ,side ,and being humble is listening, only valueing your opinion, and not respecting others opinion can never get positive results, its not what people think of lranian regime as rogue and fanatic's, but its what lranian regime has given other countries to think of lranian regime as fanatic's, and rogue, by proxy wars, supporting terrorist, and bringing tension in the region, and defaulting and violating ,international laws,a thief will never say he is a thief in the court he will defend, himself, and make ways to prove he is innocent, by any means., that's what lranian regime is trying to put dust in people eyes, wolf in sheep's clothing.

  • @mojtabadavoodi8114
    @mojtabadavoodi8114 6 лет назад +13

    Proud of you zarif

  • @norouzi2008
    @norouzi2008 6 лет назад +8

    Renegotiating house price was good example. Thanks Dr. Zarif.

  • @fakrulhasan
    @fakrulhasan 6 лет назад +14

    We are stand with you sir

  • @kiaaan420
    @kiaaan420 6 лет назад +81

    “ let me put it in realstate terms”for our realstate tycoon president to understand , Lol you are the best Mr Zarif

    • @omidb67
      @omidb67 6 лет назад +2

      "To put it in real estate terms, when you buy a house and move your family in or demolish it to build a skyscraper you cannot come back two years later and try to renegotiate the price."

    • @JochyTV
      @JochyTV 6 лет назад

      kiaaan420 hey move to IRAN

    • @kiaaan420
      @kiaaan420 6 лет назад

      America is my Homeland , so not going anywhere.
      Why don’t you move to Israel .

    • @kiaaan420
      @kiaaan420 6 лет назад +1

      Legit? JCPOA was Overwhelming supported by UN security members , including US , Britain , France , Germany , Russia and China .
      Trump is more like MIGA . GAFI.(Grabing Ankle For Israel )
      Boing is standing to lose 30 Billion $ contract for passenger planes , causing loss of 100,000 high paying American jobs.Now Air France gonna get the deal .
      Trump was gonna rightfully take troops out of Syria , But his boss Bibi Naziyahoo said no way jose. Make Israel great again.or make Greater Israel . Wake up

    • @kiaaan420
      @kiaaan420 6 лет назад

      Abe 420 =April 20 my Bday, What's America gaining? Losing at least 100,000 high paying jobs , Trump Puting Israel first . Just like Obama and hillary did .u can go back to sleep now wt ur MAGA,,,Its more like GAFI

  • @mostafakarami
    @mostafakarami 6 лет назад +12

    Proud of Dr. Zarif.

  • @sumlatinkid
    @sumlatinkid 6 лет назад

    thank you! we in america do not want war! i will SPREAD THIS MESSAGE TO ALL CO WORKERS, ASSOCIATES, FRIENDS, AND FAMILY

  • @micheleklemetson3591
    @micheleklemetson3591 6 лет назад +7

    Thank you hopefully American citizens will take note.

  • @ahsanulislamtapadar6876
    @ahsanulislamtapadar6876 5 лет назад +1

    What a spoke style!
    love it,Zaved Zarif.

  • @Adam-K4
    @Adam-K4 5 лет назад +4

    God bless you Dr. Zarif!
    Shame on the US and its allies who cannot respect their own words and signatures, let alone the words and rights of Iranians.

  • @seydnavid
    @seydnavid 6 лет назад +68

    All the Nation is behind you Mr minister. God Bless You, God Bless IRAN

    • @robertopiressilveira4051
      @robertopiressilveira4051 6 лет назад +2

      Traitors are with the United States of America

    • @mrezao_o6653
      @mrezao_o6653 6 лет назад +1

      Talk for yourself

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад

      Roberto Pires Silveira but you live in America, don’t you? So you are traitor

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад +1

      Please stop name calling and continue debate like civilized people. We are all equal as far as race concerned.

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад

      Shaza Maza you mean one race is better or worse than another race?

  • @MaysamTorabi
    @MaysamTorabi 6 лет назад +5

    it should have been all in real estate terms so maybe trump would understand it

  • @matthewalavi1606
    @matthewalavi1606 6 лет назад

    Mr. Zarif you leave no doubt in any rational mind that you speak the truth . May God bring Trump and the neocons to their senses.

  • @mphogift8726
    @mphogift8726 6 лет назад

    I urge all Iranians to keeping in solidarity don't ever be dived by US suctions and turn against your leaders. Iran leadership is strong and doing very well. Long live Iran! ✊

  • @abbaskalantari
    @abbaskalantari 6 лет назад +9

    Dr Zarif, you have all our supports.... we do support you. we do love you... deep in our heart...

  • @mubarakabdulaziz1464
    @mubarakabdulaziz1464 4 года назад

    Great my Mentor. A Nigerian living in Tehran

  • @lighttajiribey4221
    @lighttajiribey4221 6 лет назад

    The Moorish American People (In Propria Persona Sui Juris), who speak for ourselves and have begun governing for ourselves agree that a deal made is to be kept. Thank you for this video and we support all who keep their word.

    • @lighttajiribey4221
      @lighttajiribey4221 6 лет назад

      If you are versed in Etymology, you know that Hebrew is not a Pharoanic Bloodline but it denotes a People who have crossed the waters. Since we are the Aboriginal Indigenous People of the Earth, all Indigenous Bloodlines are within our family. Therefore, we don't have to "make up" our Mind. I find it interesting that you think it appropriate to "make up" something that has always existed. No need for fallacies and fairytales. Does God's Mind need to be "made up"? No. It just is. I AM THAT I AM.

  • @airblue5312
    @airblue5312 6 лет назад +4

    "Let me put it in real estate terms" and "demolishing to build skyscrapers" hahaha! that was smart Mr foreign minister! If I were in your shoes I would have nixed the deal myself! Let's make agreements with powerful eastern nations and create relationships with a handful of small nations around the world. We can beat a giant wild monster having tons of bees!

  • @photovideobyehsan2764
    @photovideobyehsan2764 6 лет назад

    God Bless You Dr.

  • @Belakor.m
    @Belakor.m 6 лет назад +2

    Mr. Zarif Can I have your VPN app to bypass youtube filter?

  • @zakariasumon15
    @zakariasumon15 6 лет назад +14

    Please, I want to clarify my earlier comments.
    This is foolishness to believe in west and America + Israel.
    You are the most rational respectful diplomat I have ever seen. Sorry for my bad comments.

    • @nicethangz6339
      @nicethangz6339 6 лет назад +3

      The West is occupied by Jewish Supremacists.

  • @JochyTV
    @JochyTV 6 лет назад

    The agreement is null and void. US law requieres any agreement with a foreign power must be ratified by our Congress. We are a free country and the UN is not our government.

  • @youkouncoun6533
    @youkouncoun6533 6 лет назад +2

    God bless Iran
    Iranien are politically correct
    They're peaceful people
    have never launched any war
    against their neighborhood nor against any other country

  • @mirzahamzabaig5667
    @mirzahamzabaig5667 5 лет назад

    We are ashamed to be a US puppet even after Soviet threat was neutralized. We stand with our Iranian neighbours! Love from Pakistan!

  • @sazyt
    @sazyt 5 лет назад +2

    Love you and your country and.. it's people sir . From India.❤️❤️❤️

  • @vdamianov
    @vdamianov 6 лет назад

    As man, who consider Iran as historical Motherland, I am proud with the iranian foreign minister, mister Mohammad Zarif, and as whole- with the policy and national dignity of the islamic republic of Iran. If tommorow will be war and agression toward Iran, I will go as volunteer and if need- will die for the liberty and national souvereignity of the islamic republic of Iran. In the name of God!

  • @dobieslav
    @dobieslav 6 лет назад

    Bravo!! Poland is with our brothers, Sarmats!! Go ahead brave Persians!!

  • @nas9476
    @nas9476 6 лет назад +2

    D E A T H T O I S R A H E L L

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад +1

      You must be an Arab because we Iranians are the most loving peaceful people on the face of earth. We DO NOT hate any nation including state of Israel. I understand you're trying to help your Arab buddies in Gaza, but your conflict with Israel has nothing to do with Iran and Iranians. There are 27 other Arab nations in the world. Some of them like Kuwait and Saudi are very wealthy. they can help you about your conflict with Israel, NOT Iranians.

    • @siavash1000
      @siavash1000 6 лет назад

      Iran has been destroyed for last 39 years by a bunch of the Islamic thugs and thieves. Islamists massacred my people first and then they robbed the country. Below link shows the list of the name of these Islamic thieves.

  • @montypower10
    @montypower10 6 лет назад

    May Allah bless you Javad and the great Islamic Republic of Iran!

  • @arzhanghadian
    @arzhanghadian 6 лет назад +1

    It is obvious comments in disagreement have been sensored, mr. lier, Zarif! You do not reresent Iranian people. Maybe only the regime!

  • @liyaqat1
    @liyaqat1 6 лет назад +39

    Appreciable statement.

  • @alexistrevino266
    @alexistrevino266 5 лет назад

    Sometimes God doesn't change your situation it's because he's trying to change your heart God only gives us all one life enjoy as much as you can of it try to understand each other and your families try to understand others how can you tell people to have patience when y'all don't even have him with y'all selves

  • @adlep
    @adlep 6 лет назад +4

    Good luck Iran. The house buying analogy is especially good one. Stand strong and don't cave in to quarter intelligent Americans. And btw, thank you for actually fighting ISIS in Syria. The blood spilled by Iranian soldiers while fighting Sunni Extremism will not be forgotten.

  • @TonyConyers
    @TonyConyers 6 лет назад

    He speaks far better english than most United States citizens ..........

  • @Hanisfz2012
    @Hanisfz2012 6 лет назад +1


  • @syima4165
    @syima4165 6 лет назад

    clear message from Iran, deserve support of the world👍

  • @hoseinhashemian885
    @hoseinhashemian885 6 лет назад +3

    God bless you , A perfect illustration of the real situation

  • @_Babak
    @_Babak 6 лет назад +3


  • @faiz691
    @faiz691 6 лет назад

    whole heartily and fully agree with all the points mentioned by the Minster. Shall we all get behind this man do something at our end, that is support.

  • @melodies898
    @melodies898 6 лет назад +6

    i support iran.......

  • @getamulletupyaoo7
    @getamulletupyaoo7 6 лет назад

    Well put. You have my support.

  • @ShahG-tn7yl
    @ShahG-tn7yl 6 лет назад


  • @julieta203
    @julieta203 6 лет назад

    spoken like a true statesman

  • @pauldailey4477
    @pauldailey4477 6 лет назад

    Your enemies can not blame you, but that is what enemies do.

  • @mojochi100
    @mojochi100 5 лет назад

    The Whole Human Race are but Tenants and Stewards of This BEAUTIFUL EARTH
    And TOGETHER every Culture
    Every Government NOW NEEDS MORE THEN EVER

  • @robertkristiansen2183
    @robertkristiansen2183 6 лет назад

    I Stand with Iran ..Totaly...!

  • @shahinkhm3110
    @shahinkhm3110 6 лет назад +1


  • @MrHoudini73
    @MrHoudini73 6 лет назад

    Hear Hear Sir.
    Well put.
    Where will the world be, if an agreement weren’t worth the paper it was written on?
    Great nations must inspire others to act morally and legally impeccable, and unfortunately, that is not the case with the Trump administration.
    Mr. Trump and his cabinet seam to have an inherent contempt for international institutions.

  • @richardeykenduyn4513
    @richardeykenduyn4513 6 лет назад

    Dealing with shaytaan is useless. The IR of IRAN is the guiding light in these dark ages. May Allah (swt) bless the people of the IR of IRAN.

  • @JoseGarcia-fq7cp
    @JoseGarcia-fq7cp 6 лет назад

    ego unable to see the light, peace starts by conceding... humility

  • @galaksijadotcom
    @galaksijadotcom 6 лет назад

    This is one of rare sane politicians.

  • @kingmunky
    @kingmunky 6 лет назад +2

    On the contrary. We can renegotiate any contract when buying a house if the seller LIED about everything. Come on now. You should know this.

    • @captainphoenix344
      @captainphoenix344 6 лет назад

      It depends actually!
      If a natural LIER who hates seller, presents cartoonist slides to lie again in the face of all humanity and accuse the seller for lying, that is already a false-fake claim(at least fishy enough to doubt it at all levels). And since you look like a smart ass you should know that false claims cannot be the base to cancel OR renegotiate the deal.
      "Come on now. You should know this."

    • @kingmunky
      @kingmunky 6 лет назад


  • @ahmedgmalden3533
    @ahmedgmalden3533 6 лет назад +77

    Wise man

  • @rstiver1
    @rstiver1 6 лет назад +3

    Is Europe watching and listening? --(since Trump/Bolton/Pompeo/Satanyahu/MBSob et al are not...)

  • @thefamousmuslim
    @thefamousmuslim 6 лет назад

    I respect you Mr. Zarif

  • @rifsp5316
    @rifsp5316 6 лет назад

    ,from north africa: zavid got golden words. he's awesome at public speaking. I do really double dare any saudi oil-a including its allies minister to speak as zavid does. usa you have to stop the threatening game, we know that iran is very progressive and it has something finally that israel america and france had already have for decades. consequently, why being frightened by such country. good bless iranians where ever there are.

  • @webmobpost5619
    @webmobpost5619 6 лет назад

    I hope that Perisan and Lehitic people will give back USrael what they have done to us! The bliss of culture and civilisation could be restored when we send the Canaan Gods home (or to the temples) and an Anahita`s social order will exclude criminals from our sacred lands! Goddess bless the Sarmatians and the Slavs!

  • @truther848
    @truther848 6 лет назад

    Minister, know that most ordinary people globally do not support the agenda of our government. We are completely left out of the narrative that out corporate owned news media and politicians say and do.

  • @guzepppi
    @guzepppi 5 лет назад


  • @youkouncoun6533
    @youkouncoun6533 6 лет назад

    Excellent Speech

  • @jw29307
    @jw29307 6 лет назад

    That's why you SIGN a BINDING contract when you buy a house and BEFORE you move in... LOL!

  • @xarry1235
    @xarry1235 6 лет назад

    According to John Kerry, being interviewed just after signing the deal in Geneva: " The deal works like this, for example Iran sells 20 Billion worth of oil, we seize that money and after a while the Iranian government comes to us with a list of debts for example 14 billions that they need to pay for their imports or governmental employees! We look at the Iranian government's behavior and check if they have behaved according to this agreement! If so we release 14 billion Dollars to them"!!! Now the question is, does this mean that the US or the parties in this deal control Iran's finances?? Do we hear correctly that this man is telling us that the US should not leave this Deal?? If the Iranian gov. ever thought of having their financial independence, enriching uranium or producing nuclear weapon, it would be a brilliant excuse for Iran to be free from this agreement, gain it's financial independence and produce nuclear capability!! Why is he so eager for the US NOT to kill this deal???

  • @westernsaharatv1603
    @westernsaharatv1603 6 лет назад

    You speach is More clear then water

  • @peacetheworld...........7105
    @peacetheworld...........7105 6 лет назад

    ZArif is Wise man. #Ramadan kariim.

  • @inceptionone
    @inceptionone 5 лет назад

    We are with you Iran .

  • @dr.mobarakali255
    @dr.mobarakali255 6 лет назад

    God bless you and long live the Islamic Republic of Iran. The enemies will fail. Allah swt will fix them. Coming soon, inshaa Allah khair.

  • @aydinteyhouee
    @aydinteyhouee 6 лет назад +20

    Thanks Dr. Zarif. I am so proud of you!

  • @سيّدحسامسيّدحسينيقهه

    پیام تئوری نظام هدفمند در پانزدهمين نمايشگاه قرآن و عترت:
    تعهد و حمایت نهادهای علمی و اجرایی هرملتی نسبت به منافع ملی نقطه شروع تولید دانش داخلی جهت حفظ امنیت ،ارتقاء و توسعه منافع ملی و زمینه ساز ارتباط سایر ملت ها برای بهره مندی از این دانش است و خود به خود نیروی محرکه ای برای حفظ صنعت تجارت داخلی و بین الملل در روابط بین الملل حاصل می شود.
    سیدحسام سیدحسینی قهه