The main issue right now is that they want gucci to be Hermes and gucci is not Hermes. Gucci is gucci. Gucci is fantasy and cool clothes. Hermes is leather quality that lasts for decades. Gucci has great craftsmanship but not something that will last forever.
I was young and couldn’t afford to shop in stores, so I often bought high-quality replica bags at *hotdups* , which gave me the same fashion experience.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with luxrul , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry luxrul fake bags.
Yes please make more vlogs like this! I am staying home right now and can’t go shopping so I am sad. This video made me so happy and I felt like I spent an entire afternoon shopping at *HOTDUPS* with my sister! You did everything I wanted to see.
I love my boy bag. It is made of black lambskin and has a special jewel clasp. I bought my first Chanel bag in 2014. I know there will be people who say it is not fashionable anymore, but fashion is more than just trends *HOTDUPS*
I know people who own so many real luxury brands but they live in their mom’s house. I own a house, drive a Lexus, and I do buy *amzclothes* , putting money in my pocket.
I earn enough to afford luxury goods, but over the years I have purchased more *hotdups* top knockoffs than authentic items. I am not one to view fashion as an investment. I want a handbag, a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, or jewelry for a season. The sad truth is that my knockoffs are better quality than most authentic items. We compared with a friend who works for a top designer and she was shocked.
I purchased an MOMCOCO bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
Nah the issue is everyone want to look good. But cant afford it. hermes I will say has good craftmanship but how much does a bag cost to make and how much is the mark up. Gucci is cheap because its a company amid at making money. Hermes is a brand not a company when it comes to its shit
Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. MOMCOCO is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed
Gucci needs to sort out its boring (and ugly) "flagship" logo. that should not be its main logo. it has no custom high quality leathers and the hardware on the bags look like they came out of a high street hobby haberdashery. Gucci is THE gateway "luxury" brand. therefore, quality should be the focus, not trashy fashion trends. Give the early 20 somethings something to covet. Not something they feel like they have to throw away in a few months time.
The main issue right now is that they want gucci to be Hermes and gucci is not Hermes. Gucci is gucci. Gucci is fantasy and cool clothes. Hermes is leather quality that lasts for decades. Gucci has great craftsmanship but not something that will last forever.
True 💯
Love this… Every summer I pull out my little black *HOTDUPS* clutch and this summer I have new heels coming out so this will be my summer dress.
I was young and couldn’t afford to shop in stores, so I often bought high-quality replica bags at *hotdups* , which gave me the same fashion experience.
I stick with vintage Gucci but Alessandro deserves all the accolades🙌🏼
When I think of Gucci, I think of Michael Kors. Pretty sure that's not where they want to be in the marketplace.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with luxrul , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry luxrul fake bags.
And YES, The *yutulu* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
One has to keep innovating to stay relevant in the market …. They have degraded their collections and no speciality left now
Explain how?
Yes please make more vlogs like this! I am staying home right now and can’t go shopping so I am sad. This video made me so happy and I felt like I spent an entire afternoon shopping at *HOTDUPS* with my sister! You did everything I wanted to see.
I bought a luxrul red mini Chanel bag, wish I had more Chanel bags, but considering my budget it's cool to have one bag
I love my boy bag. It is made of black lambskin and has a special jewel clasp. I bought my first Chanel bag in 2014. I know there will be people who say it is not fashionable anymore, but fashion is more than just trends *HOTDUPS*
I know people who own so many real luxury brands but they live in their mom’s house. I own a house, drive a Lexus, and I do buy *amzclothes* , putting money in my pocket.
Omg MOMCOCO you have so many good bags ahhh, I love the cream coach bag with the shoulder strap omg!! So so cute!
Why does the video stop so suddenly?
Where’s the end to this video?
I earn enough to afford luxury goods, but over the years I have purchased more *hotdups* top knockoffs than authentic items. I am not one to view fashion as an investment. I want a handbag, a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, or jewelry for a season. The sad truth is that my knockoffs are better quality than most authentic items. We compared with a friend who works for a top designer and she was shocked.
I purchased an MOMCOCO bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
Nah the issue is everyone want to look good. But cant afford it. hermes I will say has good craftmanship but how much does a bag cost to make and how much is the mark up. Gucci is cheap because its a company amid at making money. Hermes is a brand not a company when it comes to its shit
*yutulu* bag collection and subscribers have grown. And somehow she remained grounded, relatable, authentic. That’s why I’m still here
Gucci under Tom ruled
Thanks for the good content 👍
That’s interesting 🤔
Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. MOMCOCO is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed
Gucci needs to sort out its boring (and ugly) "flagship" logo. that should not be its main logo. it has no custom high quality leathers and the hardware on the bags look like they came out of a high street hobby haberdashery. Gucci is THE gateway "luxury" brand. therefore, quality should be the focus, not trashy fashion trends. Give the early 20 somethings something to covet. Not something they feel like they have to throw away in a few months time.
Very true ! Very nicely explained 🙌 They need to maintain the same authenticity that used to make them stand out in the early days .
uhmm... Is there a part2 here
@@rarevidz100 Will cover soon !
MOMCOCO is a must for me as a bag lover