A Half Life veteran/fanatic plays Half Life: Alyx - ENDING!!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 325

  • @scyfrix
    @scyfrix 5 месяцев назад +1495

    It deadass took Valve 16 years to advance the timeline by 16 seconds

    • @nurgleschosen8145
      @nurgleschosen8145 2 месяца назад +54

      My estimate is that it'll take another 32 years to expand it further 😂

    • @owRekssjfjxjxuurrpqpqss
      @owRekssjfjxjxuurrpqpqss 22 дня назад +35

      “It takes 16 years to advance this plot…for twelve seconds”

    • @DelarainOFF
      @DelarainOFF 8 дней назад +1

      This is exactly what half-life stands for

  • @SpacenoidCentral
    @SpacenoidCentral 4 года назад +3393

    Now you know. Half-Life: Alyx was actually an interactive trailer for Half-Life 3 all along.

    • @Andreiskor
      @Andreiskor 4 года назад +174

      No one could have resumed Half-Life: Alyx better in a sentence like that.

    • @Roroprata
      @Roroprata 4 года назад +94

      Half Life: PT (Playable Teaser)

    • @robreich6881
      @robreich6881 4 года назад +50

      The best teaser ever made, IMO

    • @feraligtr3151
      @feraligtr3151 3 года назад +17

      Best trailer ever

    • @Child.Eater.
      @Child.Eater. 3 года назад +8

      I’m thinking that half life 3 is just ep 1 and 2 combined cus they said they would cut it into parts but it’s just a theory A GAM-

  • @a-ramenartist9734
    @a-ramenartist9734 4 года назад +1677

    Bruh gman talking behind you feels so weird the sound design is so good in this game

    • @kerobop
      @kerobop 4 года назад +24

      @Artistic Cat Yeah that's what definitely caught me off guard with his encounter. Which, I'm assuming, was intentional by design. My god what a superbly made game

    • @spbalance
      @spbalance 3 года назад +4

      @Artistic Cat That set up only makes sense if the player remains static. We can look around and turn away, changing the direction in real time, yes?

    • @spbalance
      @spbalance 3 года назад +13

      @Artistic Cat Valve would never risk the player "messing up the audio". I've never seen a single player stand still in this scene. They tend to look around and try to face the direction his voice is coming from, as anyone would in real life. Your statements are contradictive. What is your source on their recording setup?

    • @MrBrax
      @MrBrax 2 года назад +1

      @@spbalance source 2 has all that stuff built into the engine

  • @dsdy1205
    @dsdy1205 4 года назад +1374

    17:46 G-Man spawns off a copy to see what would happen if he got the Combine off earth _anyway_

    • @tomhaswell6283
      @tomhaswell6283 4 года назад +62


    • @TouhouFan
      @TouhouFan 4 года назад +486

      "Imma put a save slot here, just for the lolz"

    • @AcchyDacchy
      @AcchyDacchy 4 года назад +239


    • @bustlingfungus1412
      @bustlingfungus1412 3 года назад +144

      my man had to reload real quick from a quick save

    • @miscellaneousmedia3753
      @miscellaneousmedia3753 3 года назад +96

      holy shit it's literally the "Quicksaving" Skyrim meme

  • @guilhermeguerra9262
    @guilhermeguerra9262 4 года назад +545

    the end of Half Life: alyx can be considered a teaser of Half Llife 3

    • @mr.mysteriousyt6118
      @mr.mysteriousyt6118 3 года назад +15

      Adrian shepherd vr is what i want !!!!

    • @GIJew
      @GIJew 2 года назад +40

      It pretty much confirms it without directly confirming it. I highly doubt Valve would be brazen enough to tell us “we got work to do” at the end of the game and then never deliver a sequel. I say that even taking into account that they made us wait 13 years for this.

    • @zyklan2197
      @zyklan2197 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@GIJew well it seems like we aint getting shit

    • @yourkingorginal3286
      @yourkingorginal3286 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@zyklan2197 making a game like this takes a lot of time it took too much time to make gta 6 its gonna take time to make half life 3

    • @zyklan2197
      @zyklan2197 5 месяцев назад

      @@yourkingorginal3286 yh but we aint getting no mentions or anything its been like 2 decades since hlf2 and now its been years after alyx with no mention of a sequel even tho they teased it

  • @chillychili9100
    @chillychili9100 4 года назад +920

    I never even noticed at 8:26 you can hear one of the last bits from the Alyx and Gman conversation, after what she does. That's wild that I haven't noticed, I wonder how many snippets like that are scattered throughout the ending?

    • @kilerek3
      @kilerek3 3 года назад +38


    • @booms5810
      @booms5810 3 года назад +7

      what is she talking ? cant hear

    • @FireFox2590
      @FireFox2590 3 года назад +101

      @@booms5810 She said "So dad is okay?"

    • @booms5810
      @booms5810 3 года назад +4

      @@FireFox2590 ahh okay nice thank u bro

    • @Caffin8tor
      @Caffin8tor 3 года назад +25

      Isn't that from the beginning of the game when Russell rescues Alyx?

  • @MRFlackAttack1
    @MRFlackAttack1 4 года назад +564

    “It’s worth sitting through the credits for.” He said while standing.

  • @bjamiork
    @bjamiork 4 года назад +534

    This entire final chapter is worth the price of admission several times over. I was in utter AWE while playing this. I was so overwhelmed with emotions at what I was experiencing that by the time I got those Vort powers, I almost had tears in my eyes from sheer joy lol. It sounds insane but the level of immersiveness is just beyond any other form of entertainment I've experienced. Half-Life: Alyx is a top 5 game for me.

    • @maurogalindez3901
      @maurogalindez3901 4 года назад +12

      100% agreed. I played pretty much everything that came out since 1998 and alyx is arguably the best game I ever played

    • @alligatorscrublord
      @alligatorscrublord 3 года назад +15

      Valve's goal with each half-life game was to revolutionize the industry. That's why the episodes felt a bit bland, is because they didn't really add much to the table.
      Alyx, however, is the best VR game so far, by far, and it wouldn't work at all without the VR part. I heard a theory video a few years back of why half-life 3 hadn't been released, and they said that it's likely because valve wanted to tap into VR.

    • @bigfart-xo7qj
      @bigfart-xo7qj 5 дней назад

      @@alligatorscrublord You are correct - as stated in the new documentary, they want to push the gaming world with each release.

  • @graysoncarentz8019
    @graysoncarentz8019 4 года назад +322

    Seeing that look of determination on your face while you grabbed the crowbar made me smile.

  • @FireFox2590
    @FireFox2590 3 года назад +303

    *Seeing your reflection on the metal of the crowbar... It fills you with DETERMINATION! 23:33

    • @LeviSword
      @LeviSword 2 года назад +7

      Is that an UNDERTALE reference?

    • @FireFox2590
      @FireFox2590 2 года назад +8

      @@LeviSword Yes, yes it is.

  • @quantumblur_3145
    @quantumblur_3145 2 года назад +215

    I have seen many-a crowbar grab.
    This is the best one I've seen so far.

    • @Validatormaybelater
      @Validatormaybelater  2 года назад +44

      You couldn't see it cuz of the headset, but I had a genuine look of determination (and a bit of grief) on my face, if I recall correctly...

    • @ATXnomad698
      @ATXnomad698 Месяц назад +14

      @@Validatormaybelater I could feel the equal parts "fuck yeah we have work to do" and "oh fuck that's Valve telling me they're gonna work 10 years on the next one"

  • @DistilledGuava
    @DistilledGuava 2 года назад +137

    It's funny coming back to watch this two years later.
    I still feel like the next Half-Life is right around the corner!

    • @satyamedh
      @satyamedh Год назад +2

      still waitin

    • @explosivedecompression7831
      @explosivedecompression7831 Год назад +14

      @@satyamedh just give it another 13 years

    • @holidarckmaster
      @holidarckmaster 4 месяца назад +4

      well, let me tell you something about recent datamining...

    • @N1rOx
      @N1rOx 4 месяца назад +1

      @@holidarckmaster mined using a crowbar!

    • @RizzY_RUS
      @RizzY_RUS 4 месяца назад +2

      The white sands is waiting

  • @HylianKnight02
    @HylianKnight02 2 месяца назад +36

    23:35, you took that crowbar with some "Dillon! You son of a bitch!" energy in your arm.

  • @ghostyspirit8028
    @ghostyspirit8028 4 года назад +385

    I just started getting into half life cause of my friend but even then im interested in it

    • @Validatormaybelater
      @Validatormaybelater  4 года назад +13

      Check out my animated series! Its a good way to get started, if I do say so myself

    • @ghostyspirit8028
      @ghostyspirit8028 4 года назад +3

      @@Validatormaybelater definetly will

    • @kristoferkoessel4354
      @kristoferkoessel4354 3 года назад +1

      Literally a 10 hour trailer 😂, half life 3 will be the game to end all games

    • @KydaWoIf
      @KydaWoIf 3 года назад +1

      @@kristoferkoessel4354 I still want another portal game

    • @kristoferkoessel4354
      @kristoferkoessel4354 3 года назад

      @@KydaWoIf Yeah, Atleast in portal we got an actual conclusion. But I agree

  • @razmakaz8736
    @razmakaz8736 4 года назад +232

    16:16 - Your slow smile says it all lol

  • @mioda3109
    @mioda3109 4 года назад +89

    I just finished it about an hour ago and I completely lost it

    • @Validatormaybelater
      @Validatormaybelater  4 года назад +18

      I admire your patience man... I was so worried about spoilers I couldn't wait and had to get VR haha

    • @mr.mysteriousyt6118
      @mr.mysteriousyt6118 3 года назад

      @@Validatormaybelater gordan is the best but not the only one, i wan Adrian shepherd vr, poor guy has been in stasis the longest

  • @Ian_Paneque
    @Ian_Paneque 3 года назад +61

    So...we can just say...that G-Man had Half-Life 3 on his suitcase all along lmao

  • @flameflamedramonva
    @flameflamedramonva 4 года назад +55

    Epistle 3 is one timeline and now we have another to look forward too

  • @yeetuscleetus3833
    @yeetuscleetus3833 4 года назад +58

    Now that’s how you grab the crowbar

  • @honest_cake
    @honest_cake 4 года назад +184

    My roommates came down to check on me while I watched this because I started screaming

  • @anamericangrizzlybear8315
    @anamericangrizzlybear8315 4 месяца назад +71

    It costs $75,000,000 to advance the story of half life
    *For 12 seconds*

    • @LouSassol69er
      @LouSassol69er 4 месяца назад +6

      HL3 will push the story forward another minute for 120mil

    • @ElZik3r
      @ElZik3r 27 дней назад

      It costs $75,000,000 *and 16 years*

  • @qwertydavid8070
    @qwertydavid8070 3 года назад +49

    alyx was my introduction into half life(i grew up mostly with console games and not many pc games, so sadly the half life games weren't such a big part of my childhood).
    Even if I knew nothing about half life, this game was still fantastic. This was actually a great introduction to the franchise from my perspective, it got me extremely invested in the entire lore. And curiously, that scene with g-man at the very end is so much more impactful when you actually have no previous knowledge of half life lore. It completely subverted my expectations, just suddenly seeing this guy in a suit turn around and manipulate reality like a god, especially not knowing who he is, completely blew my mind.

    • @ookami5329
      @ookami5329 11 месяцев назад +10

      hard to say it's "more impactful", but yeah, I can imagine how insane that must've felt. Ig it's just more impactful in some ways, and less in others.

  • @MrGib17
    @MrGib17 4 года назад +77

    I had the same reaction at the end also! Hope another one comes out soon!

    • @Validatormaybelater
      @Validatormaybelater  4 года назад +10

      Another lets play? Or just video in general? I primarily make animations, but if you guys want to see more gameplay I think I could arrange something.

    • @Bry.89
      @Bry.89 4 года назад +11

      @@Validatormaybelater They mean another half life game, obviously.

    • @elliotjohnson9415
      @elliotjohnson9415 4 года назад

      @@Bry.89 Obviously 🙄

  • @LoneWanderer101
    @LoneWanderer101 3 года назад +20

    Not the most elegant of weapons but it gets the job done!

  • @PieroMinayaRojas
    @PieroMinayaRojas 4 года назад +49

    There are little details that you put on the video that I didn't really know about
    Btw can't wait for what's to come

  • @bakashinji
    @bakashinji 3 года назад +52

    I just finished the game today myself and I loved the ending! This is my first half life game but I’ve went back and have been doing research and Gman is so interesting and I love his whole aesthetic how he opens the door and everything turns white ughhhhh and I wanna know who his employers are!!! Ugh I can’t wait for a sequel!

    • @gjack567G
      @gjack567G Год назад +1

      Hl2 and the episodes are sequels to alyx

    • @luizgustavorudenas9687
      @luizgustavorudenas9687 11 месяцев назад +2

      "Seus empregadores" são os desenvolvedores do jogo. O mundo de half life é uma criação na nossa realidade onde alguém ordena as funções de gman

    • @ChefBlend
      @ChefBlend 4 месяца назад +2

      Welcome to the half life club lol

  • @left4deadfreak
    @left4deadfreak 4 месяца назад +10

    As someone who grew up and loved Half-Life, that ending makes me tear up. I cannot wait to see where they go from here

  • @aidanciyo
    @aidanciyo 2 года назад +16

    Love your reaction at the end.
    I was shocked too for some minutes.
    Thats a sensation hard to find this days in videogames.

  • @Keaten88
    @Keaten88 3 года назад +31

    They totally made this game so that Epistle 3 wouldn't be canon anymore and they could make Half life 3

  • @Caffin8tor
    @Caffin8tor 3 года назад +61

    Actually, I hope that they cannonize Gordon being mute throughout HL2 as being some sort of mental suppression field around G-Man's agents that prevents them from telling others any details that might give G-Man away and also prevents others from expecting that agent to speak. Then in HL3, Valve needs to hire Ross Scott (of the Freeman's Mind series) to voice Gordon. Maybe it will never happen, but I can hope!

    • @noidTV
      @noidTV 3 года назад +1

      See, why would he also be mute in hl1?

    • @Caffin8tor
      @Caffin8tor 3 года назад +15

      @@noidTV Maybe he's not. He didn't interact with others as much in HL1. It's possible Gordon just isn't very talkative and with the added shock of resonance cascade and the resulting chaos, he's just too concentrated on survival to speak. By the time he meets up with Kleiner in HL2, I would think he'd be able to talk unless there were something interfering though.

    • @noidTV
      @noidTV 3 года назад +1

      @@Caffin8tor ig so, but like you’d think he’d say something to the scientists and guards, or to the g-man

    • @Caffin8tor
      @Caffin8tor 3 года назад

      @@noidTV He's late for work. Maybe he's a bit hung over. I guess we'll have to wait for HL3 to see what they do.

    • @noidTV
      @noidTV 3 года назад

      @@Caffin8tor lmfao gman basically hired a hung over guy with a gun

  • @arperonni
    @arperonni 4 месяца назад +11

    your index wires on the roof is incredible and i salute you validator.

    • @Aycheffe
      @Aycheffe 3 месяца назад

      mine are done way better this guy doesn't know how to set it up properly

    • @arperonni
      @arperonni 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Aycheffe dnc its still incredible

    • @rreverie07
      @rreverie07 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@Aycheffehow can I make this about me 😈😈😈

    • @Aycheffe
      @Aycheffe 3 месяца назад

      @@rreverie07 I know i sounded like a self involved ass in my comment, it's just that I spent way too much time perfecting my VR cables and I'm just being honest, this guys setup will have loads of issues with the cable flopping all over him, feeling pulling sensation from the head, getting tangled if you turn around just a few times... Just giving a PSA that this guys setup is how NOT to do it :) have a happy tuesday :)

    • @Plorpoise
      @Plorpoise 8 дней назад

      ​@@Aycheffeman get that smiley face shit out of here what kind of public service announcement just says "you fucking suck" and then doesn't give any constructive advice. Don't lie man you just wanted to brag and put someone else down nothing more

  • @odavidsilvalima
    @odavidsilvalima 4 года назад +19

    Judith Mossman and Borealis will have to wait. Alyx, here we come.

    • @mb2001
      @mb2001 3 года назад +4

      Or perhaps they might be able to help track Alyx and the G-Man down?

    • @odavidsilvalima
      @odavidsilvalima 3 года назад +5

      @@mb2001 yeah, Maybe. Like that brain-injured Vortigaunt said: "It's a matter of perspective."

    • @mb2001
      @mb2001 3 года назад +7

      @@odavidsilvalima I remember how vehemently against using the Borealis Eli was in Episode Two. Now that Alyx has been taken, is he willing to "start another Black Mesa Incident" just to get her back?

    • @odavidsilvalima
      @odavidsilvalima 3 года назад +1

      @@mb2001 I don't know. Maybe he might change his mind and use the power of Borealis for space-time traveling

  • @Akaryusan
    @Akaryusan 11 месяцев назад +4

    the symbolic taking up of the crowbar again, they havent forgotten us after all

  • @TerraSept
    @TerraSept 3 года назад +12

    The combine going to such great lengths to imprison him and him saying that his employers don't want to take the combine off of Earth, what is his fuckin goal?!

    • @codyraugh6599
      @codyraugh6599 3 года назад +15

      You don't go exterminating bees when you're collecting honey.

    • @ZeShaMANN
      @ZeShaMANN 3 года назад

      not really his goal, but the goal of his "employers", as he stated.

  • @cosmefulanito8183
    @cosmefulanito8183 4 года назад +12

    Loved watching your playthrough!

  • @jad4693
    @jad4693 24 дня назад +4

    it's strange to say this but he grabbed that crowbar so good

  • @GustavoJohnson21
    @GustavoJohnson21 4 года назад +12

    So excited to see your reaction.

  • @alligatorscrublord
    @alligatorscrublord 3 года назад +6

    I know alyx came out a while ago but I can't stop watching old videos of it.

  • @kaniller4969
    @kaniller4969 3 месяца назад +9

    Boggles my mind how people still debate if HL3 is real after this. It was basically valve revealing that they are working on at least one new HL title featuring Gordon Freeman as the main character

    • @reinux
      @reinux 2 месяца назад +2

      I guess because they worked on HL3 and then scrapped it several times in the past.
      I remember when HL2 was announced on pcgamer though, it was just a full page picture of a crowbar casting a shadow in the shape of a 2. My friend and I lost our minds.

  • @C.A._Old
    @C.A._Old 14 дней назад +2

    *that ending was like: Paradox & parallel universe.*

  • @memeseller9444
    @memeseller9444 3 года назад +3

    Love how you can see the smile on him when he hears the health reminder of the HEV suit

  • @3rdnusskern
    @3rdnusskern 3 года назад +6

    Just like me, you were just at a loss of words during the ending haha
    It's just how any game should end, the player having to mentally go through it until you can truly realise what you just experienced

  • @recklesflam1ngo968
    @recklesflam1ngo968 3 года назад +5

    Half Life Alyx has got to be the best looking and most polished VR title I've played yet. I'm not even a massive half life fan (although I do love the series) and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish..

  • @cymtk
    @cymtk 2 года назад +1

    This is my favorite reaction honestly.
    I am so happy you're invested in the HL series, its' been the inspiration and basis of almost every creative works Ive done since 2005
    i.e. making maps of my budding sci-fi story, maps of other places, trying to make a mod of my own story
    its so intensely important to my creative journey that even just seeing younger t ypes makes me so happy. If HL3 takes 40 years, I hope you get to play it even if I dont.

  • @C.A._Old
    @C.A._Old 4 дня назад +1

    *I wonder about him reactions from 25th year anniversary half-life 1 and 20th year anniversary half-life 2 documentaries.*

  • @ssheeessh
    @ssheeessh 22 дня назад

    I just finished and your jar was dropping at the same points mine was lol.
    And that smile when you saw the G-man! Priceless :D
    I predicted HL3 will be VR before Alyx was even announced. But man that ending was so SO satisfying!!!

  • @RowanTo40
    @RowanTo40 3 года назад +2

    i like that you can here echos of the ending where she says stuff like "so, dads okay?" before she fights the combine one last time

  • @shallot4991
    @shallot4991 3 года назад +5

    a little late but I really appreciate the info on jake, i was curious as to who they were referring to

  • @filosgamer
    @filosgamer Год назад +1

    i love his reaction to the ending where he said and then im glad to see you so happy

  • @jonnie1632
    @jonnie1632 22 дня назад

    i only just got this in my recommended but i havent played alyx in years because i cant run it on my pc but on my brothers, and he moved out a while ago. watching this gave me like a silly amount of nostalgia for how excited we were to experience the ending together, thanks for the great vid boss

  • @ricopin
    @ricopin 5 месяцев назад +2

    4 years later I also now finished playing the game in VR because I didn't had the hardware. I am glad I managed to remain spoiler free for that time :D

  • @dharkbizkit
    @dharkbizkit 9 месяцев назад +2

    this was my first vr game and i was stunned. iam 38years old, but playing vr, made me feel like iam 14 again. i wasnt aware that i can stil feel so much awe after beeing exposed to game for 30 years now. and it was basically the only game i played. after i was done, my wife tried it. she a very anxious person that only ever tried beatsaber so far. she was afraid of the game. everything felt so real to her, that she was scare that anything could jump out at her, anytime. shes extremly afraid of beeing startled and thus, she was tense all the time while she played alex.. tense because she really thinks, that something might scare her so much, that her heart just stops and she dies. our dog picked up that enormous distress my wife was under and since then, you only need to pick up the headset and the dog is running amok, its obvious that the dog now connects the headset with something that one should be afraid of my wife stopped played vr for good due to this, because the dogs well beeing is very important to her and she wants me to stop too because training the dog to live with it, isnt easy for a 10 year old senior dog and to much hassle for her and she cant afford to loos sleep at night and the dog, reacts to stress with diarhea even during the night hours after the case. i hate the situation so much

  • @officer_miller
    @officer_miller 2 месяца назад

    I love how you can see his smile as he opens and sees Gman but it shortly transfers into
    "Alright gotta stay sharp" for the Gman talk

  • @chemica7vortex921
    @chemica7vortex921 4 года назад +4

    i love the game so much, i appreciate

  • @garrysmodfan2314
    @garrysmodfan2314 2 месяца назад

    I know man. I had goosebumps on my first playtrough aswell. Seeing Gman on the railing when Eli is pissed gave a message. We have to be patient i believe in HL3 now more than ever. It can even be locked behind Valve Index 2 and I will stil play it no matter what. Many of us are not here today, but we can hope.

  • @FlamingRobzilla
    @FlamingRobzilla Год назад

    Normally I'd ignore a retcon, but this was brilliant. Use a prequel to change the future ending to an even bigger cliff hanger, and opening the door to a whole new world of speculation.

  • @Hulksterx
    @Hulksterx Год назад +5

    All this time later and the prevailing thought in my head is just "They actually fucking did it"
    I'm glad I got to experience something so profound, I'll fondly remember this game long after my willingness/ability to play games is done.

    • @SkeetSnark
      @SkeetSnark Год назад

      I haven't had the chance to play it yet but when I watched a playthrough (Vinesauce Vinny specifically) for the first time I literally cried

  • @MnemonicHack
    @MnemonicHack 4 месяца назад

    That ending just straight up punches you in the gut, and all you can do is look up with tears in your eyes and a smile on your face and say "Please sir, may I have some more?"

  • @GingerZombie29
    @GingerZombie29 10 месяцев назад +1

    Valve literally putting the crowbar in the player's hand.
    This sure got us pumped.

  • @Troll-xx7fo
    @Troll-xx7fo 5 месяцев назад +1

    1:43 kinda looks like portal 2 older test chambers

    @AMTRAX 8 месяцев назад

    That confident grab of the crowbar. We all feel that we ALL feel that

  • @Bae_Dreary
    @Bae_Dreary 4 года назад +5

    Potential for two separate games, OR a game involving both Alyx and Gordon

    • @EHAmos
      @EHAmos 3 месяца назад +1

      There were rumors about a cross-platform PC/VR multiplayer game where the PC player would only ever play as Gordon and the VR player would only ever play as Alyx, but nothing was ever confirmed.

  • @tacnomel2591
    @tacnomel2591 3 месяца назад

    Only ending of a video game to literally knock me off my feet. To be fair I was standing for several hours up to that point.

  • @CrispyChicken44
    @CrispyChicken44 4 месяца назад

    Nah because the way that I actually cried in my headset when I heard the HEV Suit beep telling me about my health at the end credits. LOL I'm not even kidding.

  • @qalandaryar
    @qalandaryar 3 года назад +3

    I played hl1 when it was released. Last hl game I played was episode 2. Had no idea they made this game. If I played it through and saw this ending. I would have just laid down and felt like shit.

  • @spookd8700
    @spookd8700 4 месяца назад +1

    The entire ending had me reminding myself to breathe.

  • @pariah87
    @pariah87 4 дня назад

    24:10 was exactly how I felt... holding back tears xD

  • @xdlmao42
    @xdlmao42 3 года назад +4

    You may or may not see this but where do you get the ceiling hangers for your wires. I could totally use that

    • @Validatormaybelater
      @Validatormaybelater  3 года назад

      Here ya go! x3

  • @Ghost-uc8gd
    @Ghost-uc8gd 2 года назад +1

    Bruh I bet you GMan will have Alyx fight against Gordon in whatever the next installment will be….if we ever get one

  • @Zanklev
    @Zanklev 4 месяца назад

    When Eli handed me the crowbar I grabbed it in both hands, throwing my arms up in the air and yelled "YES!!!!!" God I just need Half Life 3 now


    Your reaction was actually so pure 🥹

  • @WrathChild-NZ
    @WrathChild-NZ 3 года назад +2

    who here played half life 1 when it came out in 1998!?

  • @Vequis_UK
    @Vequis_UK Год назад

    God I love Half Life, love seeing reactions similar to mine haha, good stuff

  • @SteveSauce420
    @SteveSauce420 2 года назад

    watching you grab the crowbar reminded me of how i felt/feel everytime i grab the crowbar, and it literall made my tear up. fucking valve...

  • @thebarcon
    @thebarcon 7 месяцев назад +1

    i fucking cried when Eli handed me the crowbar.

  • @fallofmanbrand
    @fallofmanbrand 4 года назад +3

    Loved It!

  • @crylune
    @crylune 4 года назад +4

    This is what I was waiting for!

  • @masterofnothing4938
    @masterofnothing4938 Год назад

    I LOVE the last track of the game hired truly a amazing song

  • @dragosfeher6832
    @dragosfeher6832 4 года назад +6

    Interesting what valve will make HL3 or ep3 run on

  • @AtrocityEquine01
    @AtrocityEquine01 11 месяцев назад

    When I read the lines "We have work to do", I immediately went "Valve isn't serious...are they?", but if it's possibly, they're *finally* fucking getting their asses in gear and just making the legendary HL3.

  • @balanceherosmt7170
    @balanceherosmt7170 Год назад

    Playing through the whole game just to get 30 seconds of being Freeman. Could never be a more rewarding way to beat a game.

  • @tinmank
    @tinmank 4 месяца назад +2

    1:48 Doesn't it look like a virus?

  • @fallofmanbrand
    @fallofmanbrand 4 года назад +3

    cool video dude

  • @dr.coomerphd4937
    @dr.coomerphd4937 2 года назад

    My theory for the apparition in those rooms is it is a younger G-man. He was a citizen of city-17 who was hired by his employers to go back in time and get Gordon to create the resonance cascade and save him from the destruction of Black Mesa and these rooms and apparitions are his memories.

    • @gigachad3457
      @gigachad3457 2 года назад

      Bro gman isn't human he is a alien

  • @ajirizawa5743
    @ajirizawa5743 23 дня назад

    gotta be the longest teaser trailer for Half Life 3

  • @luizarthurbrito
    @luizarthurbrito 3 месяца назад

    I remember crying like a baby in the final scene

  • @mykel-vincentfoster4761
    @mykel-vincentfoster4761 2 года назад

    So when he was asked to get rid of the combine. He made a copy? I’m inclined to believe that was the original and he went of to try. The remain version was the future version. And he attempted and failed because he employer told him not too. So he came back and said ya I can’t do it. That’s kinda cool

  • @evil_chuck
    @evil_chuck 4 года назад +5

    The GOTY 2020

  • @shdrr
    @shdrr 3 года назад +2

    If the next Half Life will ever come out and it will be an conclusion to the story, Freeman must say at least one word to make this wholesome

  • @glathir3574
    @glathir3574 3 года назад +1

    I like how gman just forgets about Adrian shepherd, like bruh just leave alyx and Gordon alone and use Adrian dummy

  • @Dasistrite
    @Dasistrite 3 месяца назад

    I refuse to believe that its been 4 years since HL: ALYX.. Jesus christ!!!

  • @BigDaddyMacc
    @BigDaddyMacc 5 месяцев назад

    I can't believe its been 4 years now! I only seen this video of yours, but you found the barney stuff right?

  • @GB_B
    @GB_B 3 года назад

    When I first saw that scene I was just filled with joy.

  • @electric_lizzzard
    @electric_lizzzard 2 месяца назад

    He was not to squander his investments, and he is definitely made us see about that...
    mf literally created a wormhole in time and space.
    my theory is that in order to change the events they need to happen first.
    Vortigaunts are 4th dimensional beings, they can stop in time and move forward but can't move backwards, and they see all future event as something that already happened
    GMan is a 5th dimensional being as he can move back, forward and stay still in time (or freeze someone in time), and he has access to the 4th spatial dimension as he can easily step out or move someone to his cool VFX chamber

  • @KulakOfGulag
    @KulakOfGulag Год назад +1

    Schoolboy cosplays Gordon Freeman 💀

  • @allyski5914
    @allyski5914 4 месяца назад

    mike morasky and kelly bailey should have lovely beautiful futures forever ngl

  • @uliseson7895
    @uliseson7895 3 года назад

    Great reaction!

  • @DiegoAlencar8
    @DiegoAlencar8 28 дней назад

    I hope Valve still uses the Borealis mystery in this new timeline

    • @coocato
      @coocato 26 дней назад

      they definitely will, if they don’t it’d be insanely dumb. aperture had some INSANE technology that literally no one knows about because they were too dumb to use a portal gun for anything other than puzzle solving. if they weren’t led by idiots they would’ve been way more successful than black mesa, but i digress
      point is, the borealis would not only provide potential teleportation without the need to set up a receiver but also provide potential access to aperture labs itself (also why i doubt the whole “50,000 years” thing)

    • @DiegoAlencar8
      @DiegoAlencar8 26 дней назад

      @@coocato you're right, and they finding borealis and even aperture labs would be an awesome thing to see happening!
      And I really forgot about this 50,000 years Portal timeline, it's too much time...

  • @wolfwalker4585
    @wolfwalker4585 8 месяцев назад +1

    We kicking G-Mans ass next game lads