  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 324

  • @yobro9087
    @yobro9087 9 месяцев назад +228

    He knows how to use his unique voice, his lyrics are also never boring. He can't go wrong, all his songs are so good.

    • @yobro9087
      @yobro9087 9 месяцев назад

      @user-xo3cp3io8l I know, I've listened to it like, 1000 mate, it's so good. His style is one of my favourites.

    • @엘리-q1d
      @엘리-q1d 9 месяцев назад +1

      한국어로 말하면 어케알아 ㅋㅋ

    • @cứccục-b6h
      @cứccục-b6h 8 месяцев назад +1

      IMLOVE UEEUEUEYY❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊

    • @O.lllllll.O
      @O.lllllll.O 8 месяцев назад +3

      I agree. zior is one of the most talented artists I've seen

  • @ЕленаГусева-ф2б
    @ЕленаГусева-ф2б 9 месяцев назад +53

    Великолепный музыкант! Шикарная джазовая обработка его произведений, прекрасное владение голосом! Живое звучание прекрасно! Творите, радуйте своих слушателей! Благодарна за такой концерт. С любовью из России! ❤👏💫🔥🇷🇺

    • @LynxPerr
      @LynxPerr 9 месяцев назад +1

      Полностью поддерживаю!

    • @Lightfallmanhwas
      @Lightfallmanhwas 6 месяцев назад


  • @jzjzjz8774
    @jzjzjz8774 9 месяцев назад +72

    스마트폰으로 열다가 꺼버렀습니다.
    이 귀한걸 스맛폰으로 듣기엔 아까워서 스피커 연결 하러 갑니다~

  • @산타할아버지-f5v
    @산타할아버지-f5v 9 месяцев назад +27

    지올팍 노래는 참 가사가 좋음... 곱씹어볼만한 가사가 많고 시같음

  • @user-nz6qe7se5l
    @user-nz6qe7se5l 9 месяцев назад +147

    지올팍만이 가진 그 유니크함과
    세련적 음색은 진짜 축복인듯..
    생전 가수덕질 해본적없던 내가
    크리스쳔 뮤비를 몇번을 돌려 봤는지,
    이번 무대 보면서 소름이 계속 돋음
    진짜 지올팍은 천재가 아닐까?

    • @고얌-e7v
      @고얌-e7v 9 месяцев назад +7

      저도 크리스찬 뮤비보고 소름 돋아서 계속 돌려봤는데 충격이커서 아직도 그 느낌이 기억나네요..🔥🔥

    • @Acornn1244
      @Acornn1244 9 месяцев назад


    • @Acornn1244
      @Acornn1244 9 месяцев назад +3

      특히 Christmas high

    • @user-q4o6f
      @user-q4o6f 9 месяцев назад +4

      천재라고 생각해요. 그것도 노력도 하는 천재. 게다가 특유의 개성까지 살린.

    • @귀엽랄-c5v
      @귀엽랄-c5v 8 месяцев назад +2

      지올팍 노래는 다좋아서 넘 좋아요 멋진 아티스트❤

  • @THCho-ff2xq
    @THCho-ff2xq 9 месяцев назад +13

    화장실 가려는데 추천영상으로 떠서 보다가 끝까지 봤다는!!! ^^ Bravo!!!! Zior Park!!!! Forza!! Zior Park!!! 누구에게나 추천하는 보컬이자 아티스트!!!^^

    • @THCho-ff2xq
      @THCho-ff2xq 9 месяцев назад

      한곡만 들으러 왔다가... 또 끝까지 다 듣고 갑니다...^^b

  • @fascinated_by_zior
    @fascinated_by_zior 9 месяцев назад +42

    지올만이 가진 개성으로 짜여진 재즈버전 너무 좋아요.같은 시대에 있다는게 그저 감격이에요

  • @FatmaJyyyu
    @FatmaJyyyu 9 месяцев назад +37

    😊I am 14 years old and I have never heard a song as calm and uplifting as yours, which gives me energy and joy

  • @영뿌bobo
    @영뿌bobo 9 месяцев назад +22

    음색 넘 좋아

  • @imay4798
    @imay4798 9 месяцев назад +21

    Я обожаю его и его творчество, он безмерно вдохновляет меня... Я большой фанат песен в джазовой обработке, эти 6 песен для меня - большой подарок! Зиор... 😢 Такой крутой

  • @teapoticus9282
    @teapoticus9282 9 месяцев назад +33

    Such a unique and fabulous voice ❤

  • @thamiresfreitas4187
    @thamiresfreitas4187 9 месяцев назад +47

    The best way to wake up in the morning and get to work. 🥰 Please come to Brazil. 💛💚

    •  9 месяцев назад +6

      Finalmente uma brasileira que goste tbm do Zior Park ❤

    • @thauanamartins7952
      @thauanamartins7952 9 месяцев назад +2


    • @Lessax9
      @Lessax9 8 месяцев назад

      Somos um fandom de 5 pessoas?

  • @FatmaJyyyu
    @FatmaJyyyu 9 месяцев назад +20

    I love you, zior, bless your voice, it gives me energy

  • @Rebblojs
    @Rebblojs 9 месяцев назад +5

    Zior park es mi cantante favorito su voz es tan unica me encanta tu musica que podria escuchar 24/7 saludos desde ecuador

  • @akseniazaharova57
    @akseniazaharova57 9 месяцев назад +6

    Джаааазззззз🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤Все такие Злотовласые 🎉

  • @Tatabap8
    @Tatabap8 9 месяцев назад +5

    Невероятный талант ! ❤
    Жду, когда мир признает его уникальность !

  • @Kamal-c8t8f
    @Kamal-c8t8f 9 месяцев назад +16

    tiene una voz hermosa, realmente canta taan bieeen. que ganas de poder ir a sus presentaciones asi poder escucharlo en vivo, siento que seria una experiencia unica. Zior realmente tiene un vocal impresionante, tiene todo lo que un artista debe tener y aun mas. le deseo lo mejor!

    • @dianaaventurera9051
      @dianaaventurera9051 9 месяцев назад +1

      Necesito verlo en LATAM :c

    • @Vannie1752
      @Vannie1752 8 месяцев назад +2

      Quisiera verlo en Latam, de verdad, lo conocí hace cómo dos meses con QUEEN y apenas hoy lo empecé a escuchar formalmente, me he enamorado de las pocas canciones que he escuchado.

    • @dianaaventurera9051
      @dianaaventurera9051 8 месяцев назад

      @@Vannie1752 Todas sus canciones son una joya, nunca las dejo de escuchar

  • @dulce_gomez
    @dulce_gomez 9 месяцев назад +8

    Te amó zior que gran espectáculo

  • @Haro_ha
    @Haro_ha 9 месяцев назад +24

    못 가서 너무 속상했는데 이렇게라도 보여줘서 진짜 너무 감사합니다!! ❤❤
    라이브는 정말 가고 싶었는데... 지방이라 못 가서 너무 아쉽지만 지금이라도 만족합니다!! ♡♡

  • @tu_cuchurrumi968
    @tu_cuchurrumi968 9 месяцев назад +9


  • @user-dj4oj5ik
    @user-dj4oj5ik 8 месяцев назад +8

    우리 지올 왜 갈수록 잘하지?
    왜 갈수록 좋아?

  • @fascinated_by_zior
    @fascinated_by_zior 9 месяцев назад +14

    그날 못갔어요 ㅜㅜ😢 슬퍼서 울었다는 ㅜㅜ
    이렇게라도 올려줘서 고마워요.

  • @M_BOBO
    @M_BOBO 9 месяцев назад +14

    다시한번 감동이야 지올이의 음악색과 음색은 심장을 뛰게해 😂❤

  • @enderka01
    @enderka01 9 месяцев назад +4

    every time I think I can't be more in love with this man, he proves me wrong

  • @uuljeunguwu1941
    @uuljeunguwu1941 9 месяцев назад +3

    Amo demasiado el full reconocimiento que está teniendo este gran artista, espero que siga creciendo mucho más y sus canciones sean infinitas 💖☺

  • @hyunheelee74
    @hyunheelee74 8 месяцев назад +1

    또 반복해서 듣고있어요
    무언가 생각나는 음악입니다

  • @maryyescas8378
    @maryyescas8378 6 месяцев назад +2

    Me tiene enlelada esa Voz..me salio de casualidad un video corto de este chavo
    Y aqui estoy buscando musica de el..me hinoptiza esa Voz😍

  • @_kvastya_
    @_kvastya_ 9 месяцев назад +3

    You have no idea how much I love and appreciate this man

  • @crash533
    @crash533 9 месяцев назад +10

    your voice is just wonderful, I love you so much!! ;(

  • @미르-y4d3u
    @미르-y4d3u 9 месяцев назад +3

    콘서트가 있으면 꼭 가고싶다고 생각했는데, 영상으로 접할수있게 해주셔서 감사합니다 : )

  • @artemissamike9752
    @artemissamike9752 9 месяцев назад +5

    Hermosa voz !!! ❤
    Saludos desde Uruguay 😊

  • @pippi.mom76
    @pippi.mom76 9 месяцев назад +1

    지올팍 더 많이 기다립니다. 언제나 새로운 시도 좋아요. 이렇게 어쿠스틱하고 재즈 분위기 나는 무대 너무 사랑해~~ 2024년에 노래 내면서 어떻게 70년대 이전의 감성이 떠오르는지 정말 감탄스러울 뿐....

  • @hl217
    @hl217 9 месяцев назад +5

    So good! Love this arrangement. Come to NY!

    • @diddiefree
      @diddiefree 6 месяцев назад

      Yes! And SF or San Jose

  • @momo-zt4ko
    @momo-zt4ko 6 месяцев назад +5

    알게된지는 얼마 안됐지만 진심 좋아하는 아티스트중 한분

  • @연유빵만나
    @연유빵만나 9 месяцев назад +3

    가사가 진짜 진국이다……❤❤❤❤❤

  • @스즈야_No.1
    @스즈야_No.1 3 месяца назад +1

    진짜 너무 좋다 몇번을 듣는지 모르겠네 특히 처음노래 Hero in the mirror는 이 버전이 진짜 개쩌는거같아요 00:42 부분에 귀르가즘이 미쳤어요 이버전으로 음원한번만 내주세요 ㅠㅠ!!!!!

  • @karla-87
    @karla-87 9 месяцев назад +1

    Qué voz tan peculiar, hermosa e impresionante tiene éste niño... ❤

  • @ZiorParkLatinoamerica
    @ZiorParkLatinoamerica 9 месяцев назад +7

    El siempre pensando en sus fans🔥✨🧡 aunque realmente mas afortunadas son las coreanas jajajaja a las latinas casi no nos pela jajaja aunque ya nos estamos haciendo notar..... Continuemos apoyando a Zior el se está esforzando mucho además ya se nos viene nuevo album 🙌🔥 estoy tan ansiosa

  • @jiwonkim4696
    @jiwonkim4696 8 месяцев назад +1

    Every single song is so unique, insightful, and poetic, flowing amid unprecedented melody.

  • @thaucogumelo7546
    @thaucogumelo7546 9 месяцев назад +8

    Imagine Zior Park's voice as a cozy blanket on a chilly day, soothing and comforting.✨ Meanwhile, Hanbin's guitar solos are like fireworks in the night sky, lighting up the atmosphere with electrifying energy!✨😎 And the Orange Heads? They're the cool breeze that balances it all out, making sure we're grooving along with smiles on our faces ♡💫🌺

  • @thaucogumelo7546
    @thaucogumelo7546 9 месяцев назад +2

    (Hero in the mirror)
    My hero has been struggling for 10, 20, 30, or 40 years
    I've heard him complaining about his life all my life
    I was tired of his story
    Didn't know how valuable it was
    Till I saw the picture of a man grabbing a sword and shield
    He looked like a retired knight, he was a hero once upon a time
    Now I can hear his sighs every holiday
    It pushes me hard to the bloody battlefield
    I faced myself in the mirror on the wall before I left home
    But he looked like his hero
    You gave me roots, see the branches you gave me, it's huge
    You said that you are failure but look
    Here's your masterpiece, what you want more
    You gave me tools, see how imma use these tools
    Dont worry, now I got my dude
    Let's finish what we've been struggling for
    Hero in the mirror
    Let go of yourself
    Life's so bittersweet like Bourbon whisky
    You've never known how to enjoy this
    Why are you being so mean to yourself
    Do you really think that money can solve it
    Then what if you get rich when you're dead, huh?
    Are you gonna be peaceful after that
    You have to know the moment when you have to put down your sword
    I know the world is cold, that's why I still hold the sword for you
    Even though I've won some of your battle
    You still dont know how to celebrate it
    Stop thinking about the number just for now
    Can you describe the towns we're driving around
    Now you passed thru a lotta landscape
    You dont know how to celebrate it
    You gave me roots, see the branches you gave me, it's huge
    You said that you are failure but look
    Here's your masterpiece, what you want more
    You gave me tools, see how imma use these tools
    Dont worry, now I got my dude
    Let's finish what we've been struggling for
    Hero in the mirror
    Let go of yourself
    Hero in the mirror
    Let go of yourself
    After all this time, I can see your face on my face
    I thought you're still young but I missed a lot
    After all this time, I can feel the fever of this body
    That I've gotten from a hero in the mirror
    You gave me roots, see the branches you gave me, it's huge
    You said that you are failure but look
    Here's your masterpiece, what you want more
    You gave me tools, see how imma use these tools
    Dont worry, now I got my dude
    Let's finish what we've been struggling for

  • @시골이장-x5q
    @시골이장-x5q 7 месяцев назад +1

    중년으로 접어드는 나이인데도 지올팍 노래 들으며 눈물이 나네요.. 너무 좋습니다.. 분위기도 보컬도..음악도 너무 좋습니다..
    부디 오랫동안 음악 해주세요.. 그리고 많은 사람들이 지올의 노래를 들을 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 항상 건승하시길...

  • @catajeong7690
    @catajeong7690 9 месяцев назад +1

    Zior, I appreciate your artsy so so much. You sir are AMAZING

  • @jotapao
    @jotapao 9 месяцев назад +1

    One of the things I really enjoy about Zior's videos is that he always includes English and Korean subtitles. And obviously, I love every single one of his songs regardless of the version he presents them in. 🔥🧡 Love this one of 7:22 Space z 🧡 saluditos desde Colombia 🇨🇴🌹

  • @새타니
    @새타니 7 месяцев назад +7

    노래 모음이라 좋기도 하지만 이 영상의 색감이나 분위기가 너무 좋은듯

  • @dulce_gomez
    @dulce_gomez 9 месяцев назад +1

    Te amó zior que gran voz tan maravillosa

  • @ayagami1927
    @ayagami1927 9 месяцев назад +2

    Aaah ! Quería ver este concierto completo que bueno que al fin se subió ❤❤❤❤

  • @zombie-pq9xz
    @zombie-pq9xz 9 месяцев назад +24

    천재란 단어가 진짜 어울리는 인물

  • @시작한인
    @시작한인 4 месяца назад +2

    너의 길이 보여 지올팍 너의 노래가 들려 너의 좋은 노래를 듯개 돼어서 기뻐하고 있어.

  • @Zairodriguess
    @Zairodriguess 9 месяцев назад

    I love it . Muchas gracias. 🌸🍀🧡 Much more success 🌿

  • @배소-p9n
    @배소-p9n 6 месяцев назад +1

    이대로 당장 앨범내주시면 안됩니까.... 어제 그제 지올님 단콘 갔다와서 아직도 정신이 혼미한데... 이 영상 또한 최고네요!!! 번아웃 오지말고 오랫동안 행복하게 음악하셨으면 좋겠습니다 증맬루 최고다 zior~~♡♡

  • @NataN-0v0-
    @NataN-0v0- 8 месяцев назад

    That girl jaming on the backgroung is everything 😄🎶💃
    the energy, the smile - the perfect image of what I feel watching this masterpiece 💖

  • @happyfang
    @happyfang 8 месяцев назад +1

    지올 매력에 빠지면 못나와요

  • @johnyj3790
    @johnyj3790 9 месяцев назад +4

    이 플레이 리스트는 지올팍 플리중에 역대급으로 좋은데??

  • @ziorbb_mocha
    @ziorbb_mocha 8 месяцев назад +1

    지 노래를 편곡한 게 이렇게 좋을 일이냐.. 천재 죨겅듀님 미쳤어요❣

  • @modern_art_fox
    @modern_art_fox 9 месяцев назад +1

    Саиый лучший голос, самый лучший артист. Zior park the best

  • @thaucogumelo7546
    @thaucogumelo7546 9 месяцев назад +1

    (Walking through the darkness)
    You don't know how
    To forget about it
    Even if there's no way I can help you
    I'm just holding your hand
    But you know why
    You Keep on crying
    Even though there are voices that you only can hear
    You can't tell me bout it
    We're walking on the fine line
    We could fall down to the dark
    But we can't go back, there's no way to rewind
    Do I look like I'm selfish
    But I know you still love me
    But how could our last moment be like this
    Looking at the light outside
    It's not that far from us
    We could go through this darkness that disturbs us
    Looking at the exit there
    It's not that far from us
    Just take a step carefully
    Just take a breath
    We're walking through the darkness
    Don't look back, my Eurydice
    We're walking through the darkness
    Please tell the truth to Hades
    We're walking through the darkness
    You can only flip this dice
    We walking through the darkness
    You can only save us from here
    Don't look back, now you're safe
    No worries, I got your back
    If you're scared then say my name
    Just walk forward
    I don't know how to get you outta there
    Will you be alright if I'm forever gone from your life?
    Don't know how long I can hold on
    I don't even know why I can't let you go like others
    Do you know how cold I was
    Look at these melting frozen hands
    Look at these melting frozen feet
    You made it all but how could you leave like this
    Do I look like I'm selfish
    Maybe you're right, can't fix this
    If I had one more chance, then I would say like
    Looking at the light outside
    It's not that far from us
    We could go through this darkness that disturbs us
    Looking at the exit there
    It's not that far from us
    Just take a step carefully
    Just take a breath
    We're walking through the darkness
    Don't look back, my Eurydice
    We're walking through the darkness
    Please tell the truth to Hades
    We're walking through the darkness
    You can only flip this dice
    We walking through the darkness
    You can only save us from here
    Don't look back, now you're safe
    No worries, I got your back
    If you're scared then say my name
    Just walk forward
    I know it's hard for you to forget the past
    But we're progressing if you didn't notice
    There are traces behind us proving it
    Do you think it'll be easy to forget those traces
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    Walking through the darkness
    We're walking through the darkness
    Don't look back, my Eurydice
    We're walking through the darkness
    Please tell the truth to Hades
    I'm walking through the darkness

  • @sandrabritez5649
    @sandrabritez5649 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hermosooooo. Simplemente todo un arte. Gracias por esto 🧡

  • @crocolien
    @crocolien 9 месяцев назад +1

    i hope i can hear you sing live. love your songs !

  • @mayseisabele6034
    @mayseisabele6034 9 месяцев назад

    zior I love you, I love your songs they are all wonderful, you are beautiful your voice is even more beautiful, I hope to see you someday, I can't live without your music🤧🤧please come to BRAZIL

  • @СветаВишневая
    @СветаВишневая 9 месяцев назад

    Я в восторге !!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  • @vianeymartinez1985
    @vianeymartinez1985 8 месяцев назад

    Es maravilloso ⭐

  • @debidumont
    @debidumont 9 месяцев назад

    An absolute original, a breath of fresh air and so talented! Great version - amazing song! 💗💗💗

  • @todolunder
    @todolunder 9 месяцев назад +1

    Love these songs so much 😢

  • @mandadine9629
    @mandadine9629 9 месяцев назад +1

    Trop trop bien 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @Ujeing
    @Ujeing 9 месяцев назад +4

    분위기 미쳐써… 완전 오렌지잖아 ㅎ

  • @glr1Wglr1
    @glr1Wglr1 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for your music 🙏❤️

  • @thauanamartins7952
    @thauanamartins7952 9 месяцев назад +1

    Zior nunca nos decepciona ♡
    Adorei os Orange Heads 💫💛

  • @shutat7323
    @shutat7323 9 месяцев назад +2

    화려하고 특이함 속에 진짜 보석이 있었구나.💎

  • @nanaguerra
    @nanaguerra 9 месяцев назад +1

    Just perfect 💕

  • @thaucogumelo7546
    @thaucogumelo7546 9 месяцев назад +1

    (Christmas high)
    Something happened on my mind
    It's shaking me up inside
    I know it's time for high
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high
    Chilling on the purple couch
    All I need is perfect light
    Hit the carol, time for high
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high
    When I hear the jingle bell
    It takes me to the childhood for a while
    It makes me see what I can't see
    When I hear the jingle bell
    It takes me to the North Pole with aurora
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high
    When I hear the sound of jingle bell
    It makes me feel that I've forgotten these days uh huh
    I was young I made mistake a lot
    Can Santa still forgive me even though I'm a grown man
    Celebrate my Jesus birthday
    Who cares if I'm a god, then i would make fire rain
    I might be the first who will be burned
    Let's cut this fucking serious line just celebrate
    Something happened on my mind
    It's shaking me up inside
    I know it's time for high
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high
    Chilling on the purple couch
    All I need is perfect light
    Hit the carol, time for high
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high
    When I hear the jingle bell
    It takes me to the childhood for a while
    It makes me see what I can't see
    When I hear the jingle bell
    It takes me to the North Pole with aurora
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high
    Let's get Christmas high get some Christmas high

  • @paveldobrotinek1605
    @paveldobrotinek1605 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you from Czech - amazing

  • @Shecyd32
    @Shecyd32 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm dying to hear you live, you have to know that you have a great fandom in Mexico.

  • @Shecyd32
    @Shecyd32 2 месяца назад

    Amo, amo el color de tu voz, es sencillamente extraordinario.

  • @Stressy_JessyB
    @Stressy_JessyB 9 месяцев назад +1

    brilliant brilliant brilliant

  • @rooacademytarot
    @rooacademytarot 5 месяцев назад +2

    당신은 천재!!!! 이게 말이 됩니까?👍👍👍👍

  • @evagamaleri878
    @evagamaleri878 9 месяцев назад +1

    congratulation for your concert

  • @thaucogumelo7546
    @thaucogumelo7546 9 месяцев назад +1

    (Space Z)
    I'm just thinking about my life's duty
    I'm just watching a man in the mirror, looks stupid
    Celine Dion songs on the radio
    Blue atmosphere, my fear has disappeared
    I just met a guy in disguise I call him cupid
    He whispered "I know you want it, just do it"
    Look beyond, that's what we are
    Face what you want, you are different
    I've always wondered what's in the box that no one opened
    I'm pulled by some power, it feels like a magnet
    I see the sign, it seems like a warning zone
    But why am I heading there now?
    I'm chasing the light
    I don't care whatever they lied
    It's pioneer's duty
    Rocket is booming
    Heading to the moon
    I'm chasing the stars
    I don't care how far they are from me
    It's pioneer's duty, I'm just proving
    I want some new
    I'm born like this, yeah, I'm not afraid of being pilot
    I'm born like this, maybe God put the special chip in my heart
    There's nothing that can explain this phenomenon without it
    This body's too small
    I'ma get outta here, wake my brain up
    Like a rocket, my body is just for the start
    Like a rocket, only head left at last
    What you gon' do? What you gonna do?
    You know how much you will bleed at the night
    I've always wondered what's in the box that no one opened
    I'm pulled by some power, it feels like a magnet
    I see the sign, it seems like a warning zone
    But why am I heading there now?
    I'm chasing the light
    I don't care whatever they lied
    It's pioneer's duty
    Rocket is booming
    Heading to the moon
    I'm chasing the stars
    I don't care how far they are from me
    It's pioneer's duty, I'm just proving
    I want some' new
    I'm not sure what I can be when I arrive at the destination
    Just a flash or a star?
    Here's the one thing I know, I am the signal
    I'm chasing the light
    I don't care whatever they lied
    It's pioneer's duty
    Rocket is booming
    Heading to the moon
    I'm chasing the light
    I don't care whatever they lied
    It's pioneer's duty
    Rocket is booming
    Heading to the moon
    I'm chasing the stars
    I don't care how far they are from me
    It's pioneer's duty, I'm just proving
    I want some' new

  • @생갈치1호의행방불-d4i
    @생갈치1호의행방불-d4i 9 месяцев назад +1

    사랑해요 지올팍!! ❤ ☺☺☺

  • @수달-r3o
    @수달-r3o 9 месяцев назад +2

    이걸 바로 앞에서 본 제자신이 자랑스럽네요🖤🔥

  • @thv_ang
    @thv_ang 9 месяцев назад

    I love you so much, I love your songs so much and your voice, everything about you, I admire you so much 💗

  • @thaucogumelo7546
    @thaucogumelo7546 9 месяцев назад +2

    I found some bullets in my pocket
    But I ain't got no gun (got no gun)
    I wanna use it, but no manual
    I ain't even got no target (got no target)
    My family doesn't know me deep down
    Sometimes I don't need them (I don't need them)
    The scar on my face is not that big
    So they underrate it (underrate it)
    kids are laughing outside
    But it's not a long time
    Usually, it turns into a scream at the night
    And breathe out in my bed (bed)
    Now, panic is my friend (friend)
    Usually, it makes me hear a lotta crying
    Hands so light at this night like a vampire
    I'm fine, mom, do not knock
    Here's a fight, angel versus devil
    I don't stand on any side
    Bleeding on the floor, I just found a bullet
    Why is it here, am I shot?
    Here's nobody in this room, then who did?
    I mean, did I just shoot myself?
    How did I use it, I didn't have a gun
    Am I dying now? I was 'bout to have some fun, but
    Bleeding on the floor, I just found a bullet
    Why is it here, am I shot?
    I can make different types of me, I'm a manufacturer
    I can close my mouth all day for the people like a statue
    I'm a pro killer to me, but disguised as an amateur
    I'm a pro actor, my acting skill has a broad spectrum
    Oh, hello, little kitty (kitty)
    I'm talkin' to the ceiling (ceiling)
    Well, do I look like silly? (Silly)
    Sometimes I miss Vicky
    I'm not sure 'bout this feelin, I hate bedtime
    Maybe moonlight has a bad power
    Hands so light at this night like a vampire
    I'm fine, mom, do not knock
    Here's a fight, angel versus devil
    I don't stand on any side
    Bleeding on the floor, I just found a bullet
    Why is it here, am I shot?
    Here's nobody in this room, then who did?
    I mean, did I just shoot myself?
    How did I use it, I didn't have a gun
    Am I dying now? I was 'bout to have some fun, but
    Bleeding on the floor, I just found a bullet
    Why is it here, am I shot?

  • @MFDO_
    @MFDO_ 6 месяцев назад +2

    찾았다 내 일상의 배경음악... 최고... 진짜.... 와...

  • @송은정-q8u
    @송은정-q8u 5 месяцев назад +4

    진짜 신들렸다 얘는

  • @RRRinAaA
    @RRRinAaA 9 месяцев назад

    So comfortable! thanks a lot❤❤

  • @Veronique0000
    @Veronique0000 9 месяцев назад

    Your voice is a truly unique “instrument” ! This live must have been a magical moment for those who were present in this hotel 🌟🎉 Thank you for this video ! 😀👏

  • @beatrixbabik7575
    @beatrixbabik7575 7 месяцев назад

    Wowwwww, it's absolutely amazing!!! I fell in love!!

  • @roverdover4449
    @roverdover4449 9 месяцев назад

    Really love an artist who includes their band in the videos. It's so rare in South Korea.

  • @terra0301
    @terra0301 5 месяцев назад

    당신의 음악이 너무 멋있어요. 당신은 정말 최고야

  • @TommyLir
    @TommyLir 9 месяцев назад

    so amazing perfomance, thank you!

  • @todolunder
    @todolunder 9 месяцев назад

    Amazing voice as always

  • @Zairodriguess
    @Zairodriguess 8 месяцев назад

    I love your voice Zior !!!

  • @안영선-n3h
    @안영선-n3h 6 месяцев назад

    I hope you enjoy your life fully
    I hope you can enjoy music for a long time
    I hope hear that music
    Bless you this morning

  • @고은향-f4i
    @고은향-f4i 8 месяцев назад

    몇벚을들었는데 넘 좋네여^^!

  • @arelyrodriguez8992
    @arelyrodriguez8992 6 месяцев назад

    Beautiful ✨✨✨

  • @Neverlandword
    @Neverlandword 9 месяцев назад +1

    Como amo todas las canciones de zioorrrrrr😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @LouisStephans
    @LouisStephans 9 месяцев назад

    Dior is great! I want to see him live when I’m in July in Korea!

  • @xcnlpz
    @xcnlpz 9 месяцев назад

    Que afortunadas son las personas que fueron a este evento suena increíble🧡. Te queremos mucho Zior come to México 🇲🇽✨.

  • @shaykpop2018
    @shaykpop2018 9 месяцев назад

    Beautiful! 🥹

  • @Cin...
    @Cin... 9 месяцев назад

    Such a beautiful and unique voice, amazing as always 🖤🔥