Daniel 12:5-13, The Prophecy Is Sealed

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 88

  • @IgnorantFishermen
    @IgnorantFishermen 2 года назад

    Really good brother! Maranatha!

  • @brigitteludwig4572
    @brigitteludwig4572 3 года назад

    I agree here with you that the 30 days are in the mids from the Tribulation. Now we are nearer to the beginning from the Seven Years ... Blessings

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад

      The 30 days are before the tribulation. I explain this in rapture explained video at The Lord's Day Ministry channel. Praise the Lord!

  • @rogercloud6003
    @rogercloud6003 2 года назад

    "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear."
    This is the accompanying scripture that goes with the bible. Preachers preach a message that doesn't resemble or come close to the message the word of God speaks of. But they sure are comfortable calling everyone else "wicked", even tho the Angel of the Lord said ALL that dwell on the earth.

    @HALOtwoHORNS 9 месяцев назад

    Daniel is the prophecy

  • @danielolivenciatoledo6358
    @danielolivenciatoledo6358 4 года назад +2

    Every time I go through Revelation, I end up with Daniel 12.

  • @derwinwestfall7329
    @derwinwestfall7329 2 месяца назад

    Why is it that wood grain on his podium matches the flooring I'm staring at?

  • @jacobharrison6255
    @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад +2

    Thank you. MUST SEE THIS. This is an understanding the Lord gave me on 12th of June 2021.
    A- If you read Revelation 12, you will understand the following:
    * This introduction “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven” means that the story (= truth) described in Revelation 12 will be understood easily by so many people over the world, without need of explanation. When we see a wonder in heaven, we see a fact, there is no need of explanation, we figure out what we see, it is a reality, we become eye witness. The story (= truth) in Revelation 12 will be like a great wonder in heaven, God will open the mind of many people over the world so that they will understand very easily this truth. Nowadays, many people still think that this story is a blabla of religion or an imagination or a dream in the Bible. But there will be a time where everybody will be aware of all the truth in Revelation 12.
    * Woman having a crown of twelve stars upon her head, travailing in birth = Israel, 12 son’s of Jacob.
    * She delivered a man child who was caught up unto God = Lord Jesus.
    * She flees unto the wilderness, God feeds her there 1260 days = Jews must leave Jerusalem for another place, the wilderness. Jews will be fed there by God for 1260 years.
    * After the war in heaven, the dragon was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him, Michael and his angels overcame the dragon by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony = this war happened sometimes after the Lord rose from dead.
    * The dragon went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ = Satan pursues whom ever is accepting in his heart the Lord Jesus, because their number is increasing fastly comparing to the number of Jews.
    I understand A like this: this story in Revelation 12 talks about facts that happened already in the past up to our present time. The woman is Israel, the man child is the Lord Jesus, after his ministry on earth, He rose back into heaven. Sometimes later, there was a time where Jews left Jerusalem, to feed to the wilderness. Wilderness here is the different countries over the world where Jews lived for a duration of 1260 years . God fed them there, this is how we can understand why the business of many Jews flourish everywhere they do it. But this story, this truth is not yet understood by the whole people over the earth. The revelation to John is then to announce that in the future, people across all nations will understand this truth, it will be very clear to them, just like “a great wonder appearing in heaven”.
    But when is the start and the end of the 1260 days?
    B- If you read Matthew 24: 15-18, you will understand the following:
    * When Jews see the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place as per Daniel, let them fled to the mountains = Lord Jesus says exactly that when the abomination of desolation takes place on the holy place, This is the time for Jews to flee, leave Jerusalem for another place.
    From A and B, we have got the word FLEE out of Jerusalem for Jews, to go to live unto another place, and being fed there by God during 1260 days which means 1260 years.
    But when is the end of the 1260 years?
    Now have a look in Wikipedia website to see when the “State of Israel” was created? You will see this on the summary at the right side “Declaration: 14th of May 1948”. This is the date the entire world testimonies the creation of Israel, then many Jews are back to their land.
    This is the end of the 1260 years.
    But when is the start of the 1260 years. Just do 1948 - 1260 = 688.
    Now have a look in Wikipedia website to see when the “Dome of the Rock” was built on the Holy Place? You will see this in the summary at the right side “Date: built 688 - 692”.
    So the start of the built of the Dome of the Rock in 688 is the start of the 1260 years.
    WOW, how the calculation of God is so exact!
    Ok, the abomination of desolation, on the eyes of God of Israel, on the eyes of the Lord Jesus, on the eyes of Jews is to build something on the place of the holy Temple. Even Jews are forbidden by their chief rabbi’s to walk on the Temple mont in order to avoid to put the leg unintentionally on the holy of holy.
    C- If you read Daniel 1:1 - 2, you will understand the following:
    * God gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Juda.
    * Nebuchadnezzar king took part of the vessels used for sacrifice from the Holy Temple to Babylon, it means that the daily sacrifice was stopped because of missing vessels.
    D- If you read Daniel 12: 11 - 12, you will understand the following:
    * From daily sacrifice taken away to abomination of desolation set up, there is 1290 years
    * From abomination of desolation set up to “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to…”, there is 1335 years.
    Now have a look in Wikipedia website to see when the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah started? You will see this on the summary at the right side “Reign: 609 - 598 BC”. Then by considering C first *, we have got 609 - 3 = 606 BC, this should be the year where Nebuchadnezzar king took the Holy vessels to Babylon.
    But Is this information reliable: “Reign: 609 - 598 BC of Jehoiakim king of Judah”?
    Watch this now, by considering C secund * (daily sacrifice stopped) and D first * (1290 years) and the built in 688 of the Dome of the Rock (= abomination of desolation on the Holy Place), we have got:
    1290 - 688 + 1 = 603 BC
    We have to add 1 because there is no year 0.
    603 BC is closed to 606 BC from calculation above. But what is the “EXACT” year among both?
    I believe 603 BC is the “EXACT” year where the daily sacrifice was taken away. Why?
    Because we know exactly today the date of the creation of the state of Israel (14th May 1948), the Bible told us that this is the end of the 1260 days of Jews being in the wilderness, so we can EXACTLY calculate 1948 - 1260 = 688 which match with the year of built of the Dome of the Rock in Wikipedia website. If you read the details about the commencement of the built in Wikipedia, you will see 3 approximate years in the write up: 685, 686 and 688. I believe the EXACT year is 688 from our calculation.
    If 688 is the set up of the abomination of desolation, then if we consider D secund * (1335 years), we have got 688 + 1335 = 2023.
    WOW, we don’t know what will happen in 2023 but Daniel said: “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the 1335 days”.
    Dear friends, God bless you all, to reach 2023.

    • @jacobharrison6255
      @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад +1

      Before, I did not pay attention on these prophecies about days and years. Then after, I observed what’s going on currently in the world and came to the conclusion that many of the prophecies in the Bible are under fulfillment at the present time. For example:
      - Revelation 13, just watch this part, verse 16-17:
      “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
      ‭‭The “vaksin” pass starts to be mandatory in different places (at work, cinema, flight, etc…), this pass is a QR code stored in the smartphone that we carry on the right hand. The smartphone is what we use for paying at the supermarket, buying on internet, selling on internet. Just look everywhere, children, teen, adult, senior, rich and poor, all looks like very busy on their smartphone. These verses and the entire Revelation 13 is under fulfillment, we are in the commencement of that. Just watch how the government of Israel want to do with the “vaxin”, they want Israel to be the reference in the world, they even become arrogant. Who is the 1st best raising up out of the sea (world)? Who is the 2nd beast coming out of the earth (Israel)? Just follow the news.
      - Revelation 12 is what I have explained, under fulfillment too due to the pandemic, people is looking if there is a life after death and starts to read the Gospels
      - Revelation 11 is about the 2 witnesses, under fulfillment too. First witness is the Jews, they are preaching the Torah now in RUclips and there are many Jews websites where they teach the Law. The secund witness is Born Again persons (part of Christians), there are too many teaching of the Gospel in RUclips and a lot of websites for the testimony of Gospel. Watch the verse 12:
      “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”
      ‭‭I don’t know if this is part of the rapture but looks like all the people over the world will see the ascending of these witnesses.
      - Revelation 10 is about the “Little Book”, this “Little Book” is either the Gospel or the Revelation currently preached by Born Again persons at the present time. Now, watch the verse 11:
      “And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”
      ‭‭John did not do what is described in this verse, this verse is fulfilled by Born Again persons at the present time.
      Just to summarize about the above. The Revelation 11 verse 15 is saying:
      “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.”
      ‭‭So if chapter 10, 11, 12 and 13 are under fulfillment, it means this verse 15 of chapter 11 about the 7th trump is under fulfillment too, when exactly, we don’t know, but it is very soon, 2021 or 2022 or later, no matter, the most important is to be taken into heaven for attending the Lamb wedding and feasting.

    • @raulmorales3326
      @raulmorales3326 3 года назад +1

      So we have the beast mark? That checking from code and fever detector to buy food? That something scary theory you have

    • @jacobharrison6255
      @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад +1

      @@raulmorales3326 Sir, the important thing behind the mark is the lie, that will deceive people, the lie that happened to Eve and Adam in the beginning is happening nowadays too, we are at the end. We started with the lie and will end with the lie too. Do you think all the things happening now over the world are still something normal, really? Don’t you feel that someone’s are lying to us? Keep in mind that Satan is the Father of lie, Yeshoua made that statement in the books of Gospel.
      In my place, people can buy primary food without the code, but for the non primary things like restaurant, cinema, etc… the code is mandatory. So we have the choice, either stick to the primary and start to seek for God OR go to the back to normal again and live like before. But among all that, the time counter of God announced in the book of Daniel is about to reach the end, so the choice is yours. Good luck Sir and see you in heaven.

    • @raulmorales3326
      @raulmorales3326 3 года назад

      @@jacobharrison6255 i hope to see you soon your place might be full of good people

  • @jacobharrison6255
    @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад +1

    It is June 25th 2021 05:36AM CET
    I just wake up from my rapture dream and I am going to describe it as much as I can while it is fresh in my mind. Notice that since few months, I praid to the Lord to give me dreams and vision but I never get one, this is the first time on my life I had a prophecy dream. Here is my dream:
    I dreamed I am sleeping on my bed, with my wife. During that sleep, I felt a strong headache, I felt the presence of something in my bedroom, this something try to pull out my soul out of my body, but it can’t, then I was so worried and I looked for the hand of my wife, she is also sleeping, so I hold her hand.
    Then suddenly, I heard the ringing of the toy of my daughter. In fact, she have a baby toy that she does not play with anymore and we had put it away in the storeroom, so that toy was ringing during the night.
    Then in my dream, the ringing of this toy awoke me up, I moved to the living room and got into the balcony. My wife and me kids got out of bed too and followed me. Then I saw on the sky some wording, written with fire, I don’t know what language it is but I managed to understand some of the write up, the write up means “you believe on Me”, another write up means “you believe on the rapture”, there was many other texts also but I could not get their meaning. Then around those texts, on the sky, I saw the destruction, I saw the collapsing of many buildings, I saw the smoke from their demolition, they looks like falling done to the earth. At the same time, I heard a voice saying “I am going to destroy all the bad people”, Looks like a voice of someone VERY ANGRY. I was thinking I was alone to see this but no, I heard also shouts from neighbors, some other people saw the same thing, they yelled louder.
    I was looking around if there is an angel, I want to ask what to do, but nothing, I understand that this is time to prepare for leaving our house. Then we start to put our dress, special white dress for the rapture for me and my wife, but the kids put dress for festival. We were so excited, the kids are shouting, the joy filled up the room. I was crying, crying like a baby and I said to my wife “this is amazing, the Lord is coming, finally, I never thought this is happening on our time, we are going to see the Lord, woooww, and you are going to meet with your deceased sister, and I am going to meet my deceased mother”. In fact, they were dead in Christ, they meet the Lord before passing over. So, we continue to dress.
    Once dressed, I looked again for an angel but nobody was there, I would like to ask if I am allowed to give a call or to send text messages. I would like to call my good friend and my dad to say “the Lord is coming now” and to say “good by” to them. So I tried to find my phone, I was moving to my bedroom to search it… AND THE DREAM ENDS UP.
    I awake up, I did not see my wife beside me, I HAD TEARS ON MY EYES, I was crying in the dream and I was crying too in the reality, so I was very worried, I thought “they are gone, I was stupid to look for this stupid phone, so I left behind”. Then I got out of the bed, I moved into the kids room, then I saw my wife sleeping with my daughter. Ouuufff.
    During that dream, everything was so real: my bed in the dream looks like my real bed, the bedroom and all the furnitures inside during the dream looks like the reality, same for the living room and the balcony, the table, the sofa, everything was so real, the write up with fire on the sky was so real, the voice was so real. I don’t want to give any interpretation of my dream, the only word I can say is “IT WAS SO REAL”. SEE YOU IN HEAVEN

  • @PureWater-w7c
    @PureWater-w7c 5 лет назад

    This is wowwww

  • @sxyngel
    @sxyngel 5 лет назад

    this is amazing....correlates with revelations.

  • @thelordsdayministry2026
    @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад

    Daniel 12:11-12 explained in rapture explained video at The Lord's Day Ministry channel. Praise the Lord!

    • @brigitteludwig4572
      @brigitteludwig4572 3 года назад

      I not agree with your channel...we are pretrib beliefers. Whey? Becouse God sah IT. Whey Do you not understanding it?

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад +1

      @@brigitteludwig4572 To be pre trib you have to believe that Revelation 20:4 is the second resurrection when it says in verse 5 and 6 that it's the first. Otherwise how could they have not worshiped the beast if they were all ready raptured?

    • @brigitteludwig4572
      @brigitteludwig4572 3 года назад

      @@thelordsdayministry2026 . We have not all the Datetime to die Toghether on one time ...that way mean for the beheadit ...

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад

      @@brigitteludwig4572 Explain Revelation 20:4-6 to me then.

    • @brigitteludwig4572
      @brigitteludwig4572 3 года назад

      @@thelordsdayministry2026 Revelation 20 is not before the Tribulation. I say it again. The Kings and Priests how are Truth beliefers are in Hevean before Yeschua opens the Seals

    @HALOtwoHORNS 9 месяцев назад +1

    The man himself was sealed don’t you understand

    • @lakay8695
      @lakay8695 27 дней назад +1

      Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:4-6 - a day for a year principle in the context of prophecy
      1 prophetic day = 1 literal year

  • @rogercloud6003
    @rogercloud6003 2 года назад

    Are all Christians replacement theologist's?

  • @paulsimpsonboatbuilder8131
    @paulsimpsonboatbuilder8131 4 года назад

    My dear brother all you have to do is understand the life of Jesus, fulfilled the law and the prophets. so fulfilled the 1335 days, in chapter 9 . chapter 12 as we know is in our day so the life of Jesus starts with a sign in heaven he is born. 30 years later he is baptised.1day enters the desert to be tempted by the devil forty days and forty nights. one day being minister too by The Angels and leaving the desert to start his ministry his ministry was 3 and a half years or 42 months or 1260 days put to death and his dead for three-and-a-half days if you calculate this it equals 1335 days the same as Daniel chapter 12. This helps us to understand what the 45 is, it consists of the great tribulation caused by the disgusting thing and the 3 days of death Before Jesus Comes to take us all to Heaven
    Your brother Paul

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад

      Daniel 9:27 says the abomination desolation happens in the middle of the tribulation. Daniel 12:11 says from when the daily sacrifices are taken away till abomination desolation is 1290 days. This can't be when Jesus was alive. The sacrifices weren't taken away or an abomination desolation. I explain this in rapture explained video at The Lord's Day Ministry channel.

  • @Barry563
    @Barry563 23 дня назад

    This man doesn't understand anything of Daniel chapter 12. Is there anybody there that would like to understand Daniel chapter 12.

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

    No! It was sealed only until the time of the end, whe knowledge of prophecy would increase (1798 A.D.) after a time, and times, and half a time....forty-two months....a thousand two hundred and threescore (prophetic) days.
    And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
    And he had in his hand *a little book open* and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
    {Revelation 10:1-2}
    It has been unsealed for over two centuries.

    • @Barry563
      @Barry563 23 дня назад

      The seal was broken but the Apostle John was told that he couldn't write anything. Revelation Chapter 10 4Now when the seven thunders [a]uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying [b]to me, “Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.” put John clearly went on to write what happened firstly in chapter 11 that is the whole of Daniel chapter 12 if understood correctly then the rest of it chapter 12 chapter 13 its all about Daniel chapter 12 and the 1,335 days but it is still sealed, but not to everyone because it is written in illustrations. now notice what Jesus said to his disciples Matthew 13 10And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?”
      11He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the [a]mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. 13Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
      I've been given the understanding and I am willing to share it with you if you want me to

  • @aisthimatiasthiva
    @aisthimatiasthiva 5 лет назад +2

    605 BC + 1290 + 1335 YEARS ------> 2019-2020

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад

      Daniel doesn't add the numbers. Rapture explained at The Lord's Day Ministry channel. Praise the Lord!

    • @raulmorales3326
      @raulmorales3326 3 года назад

      That is the year of the covid ? Beast marking?

    • @aisthimatiasthiva
      @aisthimatiasthiva 3 года назад

      beast marking has nothing to do with material....it is spiritual....it is serving the devil....our lord is at the door....

    • @raulmorales3326
      @raulmorales3326 3 года назад +1

      @@aisthimatiasthiva then we should keep that door open for him until then

    • @aisthimatiasthiva
      @aisthimatiasthiva 3 года назад


  • @jacobharrison6255
    @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад +2

    The destruction of the First Temple was on -587, this was the first abolishment of the regular offering, then -587 + 1290 years = 703. What is appalling abomination in the eyes of the God of Israel in the Bible? This is when people of Israel put idols in the Holy Temple. So in 692 was finished the construction of the Dome of the Rock, we all know what is the symbol of this place (the rock from where Muhammad ascend to the Heaven...), therefore the Dome of the Rock took the place of the Holy Temple. On the eyes of God of Israel, not our eyes, what is abomination on the eyes of the God of Israel? My thoughts is that putting something else at the place of the Holy Temple is the abomination for the God of Israel.
    Now if we add 1335 to 692, here I start from the end of the construction of the Dome of the Rock but not from 703, we got 692 + 1335 = 2027. Ohhhh, many people says there will be 7 years of great tribulation, is Covid-19 the start of that on Dec2019/Jan2020? No idea, wait and see how the vaccin will affect people on the next winter!!!! Whose country is arrogantly saying we will be the reference in vaccin over the world? Israel. Even Orthodox Jews were obliged to take the vaccin, coming soon is the turn for kids and babies. Why having confident on a vaccin that have a risk of modifying DNA? touching DNA is touching the basis of how God made human! Wait and See

    • @aisthimatiasthiva
      @aisthimatiasthiva 3 года назад +1

      in 605 bc some of the holy vessels were taken away to babylon.....thats why the daily sacrifice stopped......605 bc + 1290 = 685 ad = start building the dome of the rock.... + 1335 = ? maximum early 2021 ? maybe our lord is at the door....god bless us all.....

    • @jacobharrison6255
      @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад

      Indeed, thank you. If 2021... I still need to buy my dress, a nice fully white one for the Lamb wedding celebration. I don’t want to be like the guy in Matthew 22 : 11-13.

    • @aisthimatiasthiva
      @aisthimatiasthiva 3 года назад +1

      i believe that dresses will not matter at the occasion....

    • @jacobharrison6255
      @jacobharrison6255 3 года назад

      @@aisthimatiasthiva my wife said the same as you, but I will, this will be a so special moment.

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад +2

      Daniel chapter 8 is about this destruction. Chapter 12:11-12 is about future temple in the tribulation. I explain this in rapture explained video at The Lord's Day Ministry channel. Praise the Lord!

  • @normanmcdermid1951
    @normanmcdermid1951 3 года назад

    The abomination of desolation is set up in the middle of the seven year period. The period of 1260 days is the second part of the seven year tribulation and starts after the first 1260 days, in the middle. At the end of the 1260 years of the tribulation, Matthew says that the sun will lose its power and the moon will not give its light (in other words darkness). The darkness will continue for 30 days and then the rapture where Jesus takes his bride to heaven to celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb. He will then return with his bride 45 days later, riding white horses.

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 3 года назад

      The marriage of the Lamb is at the great white throne judgement. Daniel 12:11-12 explained in rapture explained video at The Lord's Day Ministry channel. Praise the Lord!

  • @Μαρια-ε8χ
    @Μαρια-ε8χ 4 года назад +1

    Chapter 12,
    586bc (destruction of the temple) - (1335+1290)= 2039!
    End times

    • @DRG5559
      @DRG5559 4 года назад

      I'm not good with numbers but in The book of Daniel 10:21 And 12:13, Daniel was told what was written in the Book of Truth and will rise at the end times. Do you believe this? 2020.

    • @Μαρια-ε8χ
      @Μαρια-ε8χ 4 года назад +1

      Daniel Garcia Well we have to wait and see..the signs of the times indicate this

    • @DRG5559
      @DRG5559 4 года назад

      @@Μαρια-ε8χ What would you ask him to know that he is the one?

    • @Μαρια-ε8χ
      @Μαρια-ε8χ 4 года назад

      Daniel Garcia You mean Daniel? If the dates are revealed in us today..He is a great prophet

    • @DRG5559
      @DRG5559 4 года назад

      @@Μαρια-ε8χ Ok, yes he is a prophet. But he knows what was written in the Book of Truth. And was told to seal the words till the time of the end. Jesus said, I will ask the father and he will send us another counselor to be with us forever, the spirit of truth. And when He, the spirit of truth comes, he will guide us into all Truth. Daniel die knowing the truth and will rise at the end times. Is not Daniel the spirit of truth? Who goes out from the father.

  • @haroldhart2688
    @haroldhart2688 4 года назад