@ the problem is… to use this tactic you needa understand a fast peak with just a single tap… and since most people dont understand that, they will set-up this peak and just run out and die because they dont use the shoulder peak advantage basically 💀. But they forget to explain that with this tip in the video
And get insta killed with your back wide open by a MP9 midrush from the ct
Yeah yeah, and ct may rush under, ramp or palace. Maybe T will stop trying take this positions ?)
@ the problem is… to use this tactic you needa understand a fast peak with just a single tap… and since most people dont understand that, they will set-up this peak and just run out and die because they dont use the shoulder peak advantage basically 💀. But they forget to explain that with this tip in the video
GADAM that view model. Consider getting help
Just use your brain and dont set up like this… its gonna get ya killed easy, might work on silver, but a good awper is still countering that peek