This is disgusting to happen in a military. I pray for Jungkook to recover from the ugly ordeal he had gone through and come back with a vengeance by looking better , smarter than he is, stronger than he is and paint the music world Red . So the haters can eat their own heart for touching and hurting a talent not in music in many ways than ever anyone in the music history. No-one dare ever to repeat to Jungkook or anyone else in future. Hope this incident will teach the bullying there have no place in this world. The HYBE, k pop and the management of BTS should take this incident as high priority and find the guilty and punish them and get justice fir Jungkook.
Primero: es verdad lo que aquí dicen? Hay notificación oficial del ejército o de la Empresa; hay fotos reales❓ estos nuevos canales de mierda están escribiendo su basura y sin pruebas regando cantidad de fotos viejas. NO REACCIONEMOS HASTA QUE. SEA NOTICIA. CONFIRMADA 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
Pls this is true for jk pls 🙏🙏🙏 guide and jk recovery. Pls Hybe do it whose doing to jk inside d military and do it big punishment and Hybe pls go to d Presedentof koria what kind this inside d military why happen to jk do it why we have bullying thier the others military most jelous for jk and happen for this? Pls do it this for jk. We hope do itagain inside d military.
My heart is breaking he is younger than my son . I feel his mom’s pain . All my love to you Jk remember the people who love you are always around you . Get better soon ❤❤❤❤❤❤
If this is true or if it really happens, I’m glad JK did not fight back(we all know he can really fight back if he wanted to) b/c the punishment will be to the one hit him not for both of them. JEALOUSY is the mainly cause of it.
I heard his superiors had him in some sort of gas chamber and left him in too long on purpose and he got chemical burns? So he couldn’t fight back his bullying Coward army superiors.
This is Bull Shit JK was just on instagram showing Bam in the snow talking about how many days he has left. Army this channel needs to be reported. They’re doing this for you to click on for money. DISGUSTING
I want to know what his injuries are and how he is doing mentally, as well. I think the President of South Korea should step in and order that JungKook be relieved of military duties to save his life. I want a statement from him!
Дедовщина страшная вещь,особенно для артистов айдолов.И министерство обороны знают об этом.Зависть ,ненависть заставляет уродов в погонах издеваться над солдатами.Родители JK сильно встревожены инцидентом,о котором весь мир узнал,что делается в армии Кореи.Солдаты беззащитны перед издевательствами командиров.Теперь не отвертеться виновным. Их должны убрать из армии и посадить в тюрьму.Страдают и родители ребят.Ужас!
Bullies always lose in the end. Why do you bully a soldier who is there to help keep the country safe. Disgraceful, the perpetrator should be sacked whoever did this you or they made a big big mistake. Get well soon Kookie you are beloved all over the world, not a good look for Korean army at the moment.❤❤
Don't trust her everything she posts is fake... The boys are super fine....Jin is in Tokyo for his performance with Taka, Hobi is fine too, Teahyung posted this morning and also Namjoon is fine too, Jimin is doing well is SM and Yoongi too.... Jungkook is super fine... Don't worry
Что может быть не так, какие такие проблемы на службе могут возникнуть у Намджуна, если он единственный из группы вместо реальной военной службы в действующих воинских частях южнокорейской армии дудит в саксофон в оркестре??!!! Хотя я думала, что его отправят на поиски военных захоронений воинов, но... дудеть в саксофон честнее, намного спокойней и культурно-эстетичнее для "лидера" группы!!!
@@ГалинаПопова-т3ъ Джун ,, дудит ,, в военном оркестре . А вы доктор который в медкомиссии ?! У Намджуна была операция на сердце . Службу проходит там где позволяет здоровье . Во всех странах есть военные оркестры.
I doubt that this report is real as there have been no other media outlets reporting on it and there's been no announcement by the company saying that this has actually happened. There are too many media outlets making false reports just to get views on their channels and this one seems to be another. Fans/Army should be wary of these kinds of reports and also be asking for confirmation of such reports. Where is your confirmation and proof of this being an actual situation for Jungkook?
@@BBB-vh3vp I'm not sure who you mean by Haib, do you mean HYBE? If you mean HYBE, JK's comapny, then they don't always refute things that have been reported by someone and possibly fake, they seem to just ignore it. If it's not true then there's nothing to refute anyway.But the owner of this channel has posted several videos along the same lines and none of the things in the videos have been reported by any other media outlets. This is strange to me as something like this would definitely be a big thing.
Que imundície de serviço militar é esse que detona um ser humano do bem, a ponto de chegar a extrema exaustão e parar no hospital?😢😢😢😢 é serviço militar ou campo de tortura?
У них это видно норма. ПЕВЕЦ Тиамин в армии получил нервное растройства депрессия у него была ( это он сам говорил) и последние полгода кажется был на альтернативной службе. Вот такая армия после которой еще полгода восстанавливаться
С такими неадекватными командирами всем опасно для жизни служить в армии. К сожалению, но таких командиров во всех армиях полно, такие стрессы получают срочники от армии, что начинаешь понимать, когда их родители отмазывают от службы...
Смотря какие издевательства были. Если ЧОНГУК аж в реанимацию загремел. Если издевались физически ,то неизвестно как ЧОНГУК выйдет из этого всего. Вот вам и придуманая якобы однополая любофф на экране ,к чему привела
все это подстава Чонгуку была и фильм шоу конечно помог а Бшх знал что будут проблемы и выпустил фильм ,короче всех по одному ребят подставляют ,ну явно они уже не нужны компании сейчас Бшх раскручивает другие молодые группы
Esto NO ES real. Hay muchos que se cuelgan de la fama de los chicos. Army, por favor no le den lugar a notas como estas. Solo quieren perjudicar a los chicos y tener la atención de Army sin importar el mal que pueden estar causando. Si hubiera sido cierto, hubiera trascendido como fue lo de Suga. No creen?? Y Hybe ó Big Hit hubieran salido a decir algo. Así que tranquilas y tranquilos Army. Todo esto es una vil mentira. BTS AND ARMY TOGETHER FOR EVER, AND EVER , AND EVER.
Dios mío que injusticia, pidamos justicia para nuestro JK eso no puede quedar impune, los que le hicieron daño a JK tienen que pagar y de una forma severa, te amamos JK 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
AUCUN ETRE HUMAIN NE DEVRAIT SUBIR CE GENRE DE CHOSE COMMENT EN ETONS ENCORE LA!!!!!!!,j'ai le cœur brisée depuis que j'ai vu ses photos ,je suis atterré que l'on puisse faire ca à des personnes aussi extraordinaire et courageuse dans le contexte mondiale actuelle. La répression n'a jamais apporte quoi que ce soit à personne. Je soutient tous se soldats et notamment tout les membre de BTS qui subisse des pressions de tout les coté . courage à tous on vous aimes💜💜💜💜🙏🙏🙏🙏
Meu Deus proteja sempre esses meninos amo vcs jungkook taehung vcs são muitas estrelas que Deus abençoe sempre meu Deus justiça justiça justiça pra proteger jungkook e os outros membros do BTS gente tem que protestar na frente do exército misericórdia que monstro são esses misericórdia fica bem jungkook nós vamos fazer uma corrente de oração 💜🐻🐰💞💜🇧🇷🇧🇷
Não é verdade. Nas últimas semanas temos visto muito isso. Todos os dias acontecendo uma tragédia. Toda a família de Taehyung estava gravemente enferma. Tae está doente. A mãe de Jimin está gravemente enferma. JK vai casar com uma soldado mulher de sua guarnição. É tudo mentira. Como vocês podem acreditar nisso? Se fosse verdade já estaria em TODOS OS CANAIS DE COMUNICAÇÃO DO MUNDO.
@@carmencastillo8529 Cuando el rio suena, agua trae. Ya nos enteraremos porque siempre todo sale a la luz. Yo espero que no porque el niño no se merece este trauma psicologico. Esta cultura es muy propensa al bullying y la tapadera de situaciones, al igual que inventan cosas para dañar a otros por envidia y frustraciones.
Seré la única, pero sigo sin creerme nada, pienso que,de ser cierto, sería algo dificil de ocultar fotos,JIN,J HOPE,etc. viven en un constante "GRAN HERMANO"",no van al baño sin que nadie se entere,,,,,,,no es algo que se esconda y solo lo sepan 3 o 4 personas. Por Dios!!!!son BTS, repito,no dan un paso sin que se entere la prensa. Agrego más: cuando " el problema" de SUGA se convirtio en algo MUNDIAL ,este asunto,de ser cierto, es relacionado con EL Ejercito Koreano, y eso son palabras mayores.Creen que no saldrían al paso de la "denuncia",??.Se está acusando al Ejército de malos tratos,abuso de autoridad,,,,. Deseo no equivocarme (porque de lo contrario significaria que JUNGKOOK está realmente herido).🇪🇦🇰🇷🇪🇦💜🐰🦝🐨🐯🐿️😽🐣💜🇪🇦🇰🇷🇪🇦
Jeonkuk es fuerte y superará todo este mal trato , esperamos que se tomen medidas para que nunca suseda nuevamente a nadie. Que se agan cargo quien corresponda y se castigue. Jikook 💛💛👑🐣❤️🐰🐰💜💖💖❣️💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💐
Светлана, а Вы работаете медсестрой в медицинском учреждении 5го воинского дивизиона, что всё так хорошо знаете о правде и лжи про госпитализацию Чонгука? Лично у меня нет веры и доверия к заявлениям руководства этого 5го дивизиона, к утверждениям, что данный репортаж - ложь! Хотя бы по той причине, что в начале службы Джину вообще какая-то "левая" медсестра из другой воинской части, ни с того, ни с сего вдруг появившись в расположении части, поставила Джину якобы "прививку". Вы видели на видео, как Джин разминал болевшее плечо на церемонии завершения курса обучения новобранцев??! Очень хорошо видно нанесённое Джину увечье. Никто не наказан, никто не понёс ответственности. И я абсолютно не уверена, что неизвестно что, впрыснутое Джину этим уколом, не нанесло вреда здоровью айдола! Вы видели Джина в момент демобилизации и выхода за ворота воинской части? Вы видели кровоподтёк на локтевом сгибе его левой руки? Могу принять, что это поддерживающая витаминная терапия, а возможно и нет - у военных ничего никогда не узнаешь. А Джин - это гордый человек, кремень своего рода, и он никогда не допустит предстать или показать перед СМИ и фанатами своё даже микроскопическое недомогание! То же самое и с Чонгуком, воспитанным в трудах и преодолениях огромных нагрузок, включая тренировки физические и дыхания. Но ведь Чонгук тоже молчит про инцидент! Поживём, узнаем! Мемберы не подтверждают и не опровергают сообщение: в одной части с Чоном был только Пак Чимин, и то в разных, не связанных между собой подразделениях. Другие мемберы не были ни очевидцами, ни свидетелями - их суждения нам не дождаться, в рамках нераспространения инфы в том числе...
Omg.. who dares to hurt jk like that!!! I pray whoever bullied jk like that should ought to be ashamed of themselves and get what they deserve, jk deserves justice!!! I for one im ready to let my beast loose to protect jk, its just awful and Injustice for anyone to hurt jk whose humble and kind person. Push for investigation and prosecute them bullies. Thats so wrong to hurt jk all because of jealously. Jk united we stand .continued prayers for recovery ♥️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺
Como Podéis creer nada de éste sacó de mentiras que es éste canal??? porque no investigais antes de nada??? No recordais que aquí también habló sobre JIN besandose, en una ocasión,. en el aeropuerto También,que se habían "retirado"unas fotos de "JINKOOK", besándose en la cama. Son todas FAKE NEWS!!!! No le den cabida!!!!
I hope he'll be alright, my son was bullied at school and was never able to return to finish. This has ruined his life, so it's good to see Jin is helping Jungkook through this.💗
Nada de ésto es cierto, los chicos se llevan bien con todos y cumplen su deber , el resto de la información es privada , pero la empresa haría algún reporte en Weber si fuera necesario o real .
They need to stop the rumors that he's arrogant he isn't he's still boyish regardless of statuse and wealth he's still jungkook the bulling need to stop really minor or major I'm sure someone will get to the bottom of it in the mean time were behind you all the way Kookie
All this is to make them broke, the group or something like that. FORGET , THEY ARE STRONG AND HAVE US, ARMY 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜TO SUPPORT THEM ALWAYS 💜 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Que se soit pour jk ou un autre militaire c est pas normal ce qui arrive et j espere que le président coréen va vraiment faire le nécessaire pour c est soldats comme la dit 😔
Quédate tranquila que el está bien, estás noticias son falsas, viste que algún medio oficial haya dado noticias sobre esto, no. Confía sola en fuentes oficiales y seguras.
That's so evil how people can do such things to him 😭😭😭 my prayers to him and his family as the rest of the innocent soldiers out there 🙏🙏🙏🥰💜💜💜🫶 my heart 💔
It seems the Korean Military has picked the wrong person to bully, lol! ARMY fans are not to be treated lightly...they will take this "bullying" incident against Jungkook not only to the Korean media but world wide! This situation must certainly be handled quickly and the ever present bullying in the military stopped!!
If this is true I'm beyond sorry and I pray whomever did this will be punished with every extent of the law. It takes a low life to do something to someone over jealousy Jungkook I pray you recover well and prove to them you can't bring down a good man😢😢😢😢❤❤❤
Get well soon Jk and be careful always be safe always stay healthy I pray for your fast recovery Jk love you always Jk and all Bts guys 💜 💜 💜 ❤ 💜 ❤ 💜 ❤ 💓 😔 💕
¡Grandísimos cretinos! En verdad espero que les den una buena lección a esos abusivos. Si eso hicieron con Jungkook ¡Ya me imagino como la pasaran el ciudadano común. Y realmente BTS no se las ha visto fácil: Jin fue vacunados dos veces por unas enfermeras que deseaban conocerlo y acabo también enfermos, Hobi casi se intoxica en una prueba de gases y también se vio mal de los ojos, a Suga lo tuvieron que cambian de lugar por que le llegaban amenazas de muerte ¿¡Qué ocurre realmente ahí?!
Jungkook South Korean superiors with power over JK misusing their power to bully and hurt him and other members of the army 🤬shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of goldfish lets a lone dedicated loyal South Korean citizens. These superiors are an embarrassment and Cowards. 😠
A que ponto chega uma pessoa invejosa,maltratar alguém simplesmente porque ela tem brilho, é famosa...os culpados precisam pagar pelo que fizeram. Fique bem, Jimin com seu amor, lhe dará segurança e paz❤❤
These people are so evil, and they need to be held accountable for what happen to JUNGKOOK. # WE LOVE YOU JUNGKOOK AND YOUR 6 BROTHERS. We all are here for you, many healing prayers for you JK. Much love Jungkook from the United States
This is not a Military Camp but a jungle. Which country in the world is able to have a Military Service Administration,, but is unable to protect their soldiers. All BTS members had healthy problems at Military training why them? These people saw their carrier cancelled, and have to put aside their family again, their personal life, their friends to make their military training. And what happened? Bad treatments for no reasonable reason, just for fun, or haters are now inside the military out of control??? These incidents tarnish not only the image of one person but also the image of their country all around the world. It's really not worth it from what I see, to go to great lengths for a state that doesn't protect its soldiers. Please Army, guive your support to JK.
I blame the Media, for not leaving any of them alone. Telling everywhere they go, every visit they have. They are not BTS right now, they are Soldiers trying to live there lives. You make others jealous of them, to still give them attention. If they post it, it's a different story, but for the next 6 months leave all of them alone. Even they don't need to be so loud. This is just my opinion, being in the States, we hear of this a lot, jealousy is a hard enemy. But at least here in the States they have a choice to Enlist or not, or BTS wouldn't be there. Sending prayers for Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin safety they they aren't next. Parents, Lawyers, company make someone pay for this. None of them deserve it as much as they have gave themselves to the Service the past year. You could have mentioned that them as well as the other members have visited jungkook, not just Jin, again just my opinion
Então tudo isso acontece com o artista conhecido no MUNDO INTEIRO e só o blogueiro aqui ouviu falar sobre isso e está reportando? Nem rádio, TV, Internet, jornais e revistas falam sobre isso e tem tanta gente aqui acreditando? Gostaria muito de saber como isso funciona. Vocês gostam tanto de mentiras que vêm aqui todos os dias escutar alguma? 😮
That's the problem they look at everyone as a number not a name and to all the haters don't think your not cattle also leave JUNGKOOK ALONE. You have no clue how meek these men are there very respectful to everyone and they won't do anything to anyone so someone disrespected Jungkook now it's hurting all of his brothers. Can't wait for them to be home. Safe and sound with their brothers. That protects the Maknae.
This situation is reprehensible, making me both sad and furious! Thank goodness Jin saw JK, which must have been beneficial to JK. This attack on JK must be investigated, and the creeps who beat Jungkook must be punished. Bang PD's visit to JK indicates how severe his injuries are, and I'm sure his presence raised JK's spirits. I am concerned about JK's psychological condition. Though JK is a robust man, physically and mentally, being beaten by multiple criminals has probably damaged JK's trust in his fellow soldiers. I am praying for Jungkook's quick and complete recovery - and that it will be as painless as possible. I feel as if my own brother had been attacked, and it's lucky for the perpetrators that this 70-year-old Texas ARMY respects the law - or I'd come after those 🍑🤡s with everything I have. Pain in military training is supposed to build team spirit, but beatings don't build esprit de corp but break down military discipline. Get well, JK! We're all pulling for you here in the U.S.
Justice for JK! Prosecute and jail his abusers!
This is disgusting to happen in a military. I pray for Jungkook to recover from the ugly ordeal he had gone through and come back with a vengeance by looking better , smarter than he is, stronger than he is and paint the music world Red . So the haters can eat their own heart for touching and hurting a talent not in music in many ways than ever anyone in the music history. No-one dare ever to repeat to Jungkook or anyone else in future. Hope this incident will teach the bullying there have no place in this world. The HYBE, k pop and the management of BTS should take this incident as high priority and find the guilty and punish them and get justice fir Jungkook.
Isso é FAKE NEWS. Nada aconteceu?
Primero: es verdad lo que aquí dicen? Hay notificación oficial del ejército o de la Empresa; hay fotos reales❓ estos nuevos canales de mierda están escribiendo su basura y sin pruebas regando cantidad de fotos viejas. NO REACCIONEMOS HASTA QUE. SEA NOTICIA. CONFIRMADA 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
Pls this is true for jk pls 🙏🙏🙏 guide and jk recovery. Pls Hybe do it whose doing to jk inside d military and do it big punishment and Hybe pls go to d Presedentof koria what kind this inside d military why happen to jk do it why we have bullying thier the others military most jelous for jk and happen for this? Pls do it this for jk. We hope do itagain inside d military.
This is fake news
My heart is breaking he is younger than my son . I feel his mom’s pain . All my love to you Jk remember the people who love you are always around you . Get better soon ❤❤❤❤❤❤
No sufras primero averigua salen MILES DE NOTICIAS FALSAS
Mostly fake news for views
If I were his mom, they all be praying and hard. 😡
@@lathavaratharajan5071 I thought so until I see it being reported on more and mor channels. Still wonder though.
If this is true or if it really happens, I’m glad JK did not fight back(we all know he can really fight back if he wanted to) b/c the punishment will be to the one hit him not for both of them. JEALOUSY is the mainly cause of it.
Yeah! Bc that's the way it works in SK.
Love Jk 😭😭😭😭😭
Praying you 🙏♥️♥️♥️
I heard his superiors had him in some sort of gas chamber and left him in too long on purpose and he got chemical burns? So he couldn’t fight back his bullying Coward army superiors.
This is Bull Shit JK was just on instagram showing Bam in the snow talking about how many days he has left. Army this channel needs to be reported. They’re doing this for you to click on for money. DISGUSTING
I want to know what his injuries are and how he is doing mentally, as well. I think the President of South Korea should step in and order that JungKook be relieved of military duties to save his life. I want a statement from him!
None of this is true
Jin is in Japan to film some programs
For Jungkook to be in hospital must be serious. Jungkook is so strong yet him being bullied is uncalled for.
Дедовщина страшная вещь,особенно для артистов айдолов.И министерство обороны знают об этом.Зависть ,ненависть заставляет уродов в погонах издеваться над солдатами.Родители JK сильно встревожены инцидентом,о котором весь мир узнал,что делается в армии Кореи.Солдаты беззащитны перед издевательствами командиров.Теперь не отвертеться виновным. Их должны убрать из армии и посадить в тюрьму.Страдают и родители ребят.Ужас!
Bullies always lose in the end. Why do you bully a soldier who is there to help keep the country safe. Disgraceful, the perpetrator should be sacked whoever did this you or they made a big big mistake. Get well soon Kookie you are beloved all over the world, not a good look for Korean army at the moment.❤❤
Don't trust her everything she posts is fake... The boys are super fine....Jin is in Tokyo for his performance with Taka, Hobi is fine too, Teahyung posted this morning and also Namjoon is fine too, Jimin is doing well is SM and Yoongi too.... Jungkook is super fine... Don't worry
Что может быть не так, какие такие проблемы на службе могут возникнуть у Намджуна, если он единственный из группы вместо реальной военной службы в действующих воинских частях южнокорейской армии дудит в саксофон в оркестре??!!! Хотя я думала, что его отправят на поиски военных захоронений воинов, но... дудеть в саксофон честнее, намного спокойней и культурно-эстетичнее для "лидера" группы!!!
@@malithamalitha4845 EVERYTHING is fine you don't have to worry about it.... It's just a fake news ok????? Stop trust on fake news
@@ГалинаПопова-т3ъ I don't know your language, can you please write in English?
@@ГалинаПопова-т3ъ Джун
,, дудит ,, в военном оркестре . А вы доктор который в медкомиссии ?!
У Намджуна была операция на сердце . Службу проходит там где позволяет здоровье . Во всех странах есть военные оркестры.
@@malithamalitha4845 Какое заявление?
This seems to have happened from the beginning. I feel distrust in the office that has not helped or dealt with Jungkook for a year.
I doubt that this report is real as there have been no other media outlets reporting on it and there's been no announcement by the company saying that this has actually happened. There are too many media outlets making false reports just to get views on their channels and this one seems to be another. Fans/Army should be wary of these kinds of reports and also be asking for confirmation of such reports. Where is your confirmation and proof of this being an actual situation for Jungkook?
@@nanakotan1456 I know right. But this channel owner has put up several videos about Jin and JK and they're all wrong.
Никто сообщать не будет, если это правда, потому что это армия. А армия подчиняется только президенту. Если это ложь почему Хайб не опровергнет?
@@BBB-vh3vp 水面下で調査して後に告訴するかもしれませんね。今までの経験からすれば😉👍
@@BBB-vh3vp I'm not sure who you mean by Haib, do you mean HYBE? If you mean HYBE, JK's comapny, then they don't always refute things that have been reported by someone and possibly fake, they seem to just ignore it. If it's not true then there's nothing to refute anyway.But the owner of this channel has posted several videos along the same lines and none of the things in the videos have been reported by any other media outlets. This is strange to me as something like this would definitely be a big thing.
My heart really ache .. our jungkookie.... Buddha...God ... please save our kookie. 💜 .....
Be strong, are in our prayers always!
This is fake news 🙄🙄🤦🏻♀️
Vamos a marchar demos nuestra PROTESTA EN LA BASE MILITAR 💪🏻
stop spreading lies, !!!!! I am reporting you ti BH. lawsuit on the way!!!
Que imundície de serviço militar é esse que detona um ser humano do bem, a ponto de chegar a extrema exaustão e parar no hospital?😢😢😢😢 é serviço militar ou campo de tortura?
У них это видно норма. ПЕВЕЦ Тиамин в армии получил нервное растройства депрессия у него была ( это он сам говорил) и последние полгода кажется был на альтернативной службе. Вот такая армия после которой еще полгода восстанавливаться
O bullying na Coreia do Sul atinge níveis absolutamente inimagináveis. Leva as pessoas à exaustão mental e física.
значит правду пишут сто звездам,знаменитостям очень опасно служить в армии
С такими неадекватными командирами всем опасно для жизни служить в армии. К сожалению, но таких командиров во всех армиях полно, такие стрессы получают срочники от армии, что начинаешь понимать, когда их родители отмазывают от службы...
Смотря какие издевательства были.
Если ЧОНГУК аж в реанимацию загремел.
Если издевались физически ,то неизвестно как ЧОНГУК выйдет из этого всего.
Вот вам и придуманая якобы однополая любофф на экране ,к чему привела
все это подстава Чонгуку была и фильм шоу конечно помог а Бшх знал что будут проблемы и выпустил фильм ,короче всех по одному ребят подставляют ,ну явно они уже не нужны компании сейчас Бшх раскручивает другие молодые группы
This video is fake
Please let this be fake.
Lo es hace rato que hacen estos videos, mintiendo y haciendo fanfic
Esto NO ES real. Hay muchos que se cuelgan de la fama de los chicos. Army, por favor no le den lugar a notas como estas. Solo quieren perjudicar a los chicos y tener la atención de Army sin importar el mal que pueden estar causando. Si hubiera sido cierto, hubiera trascendido como fue lo de Suga. No creen?? Y Hybe ó Big Hit hubieran salido a decir algo. Así que tranquilas y tranquilos Army. Todo esto es una vil mentira. BTS AND ARMY TOGETHER FOR EVER, AND EVER , AND EVER.
Dios mío que injusticia, pidamos justicia para nuestro JK eso no puede quedar impune, los que le hicieron daño a JK tienen que pagar y de una forma severa, te amamos JK 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
AUCUN ETRE HUMAIN NE DEVRAIT SUBIR CE GENRE DE CHOSE COMMENT EN ETONS ENCORE LA!!!!!!!,j'ai le cœur brisée depuis que j'ai vu ses photos ,je suis atterré que l'on puisse faire ca à des personnes aussi extraordinaire et courageuse dans le contexte mondiale actuelle. La répression n'a jamais apporte quoi que ce soit à personne. Je soutient tous se soldats et notamment tout les membre de BTS qui subisse des pressions de tout les coté . courage à tous on vous aimes💜💜💜💜🙏🙏🙏🙏
Fique calma. NADA aconteceu. Ele está bem.
@@iaraamaraldosreisвы уверены?
Sim, tenho @@ЕленаБыстрова-б2ж
Shame of you to treat JK like that. He is the best in your country.
#my god what is happening 😭 what have they done to me angel get well soon we all pray for you my angel🥺💜💜💜💜
Meu Deus proteja sempre esses meninos amo vcs jungkook taehung vcs são muitas estrelas que Deus abençoe sempre meu Deus justiça justiça justiça pra proteger jungkook e os outros membros do BTS gente tem que protestar na frente do exército misericórdia que monstro são esses misericórdia fica bem jungkook nós vamos fazer uma corrente de oração 💜🐻🐰💞💜🇧🇷🇧🇷
GOD save you jk fighting love you,🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Si esto es verdad porque los demas medios no dicen nada.😢estoy muy preocupada por Jungkook. Me puse mal de mi presión arterial.😢
Não é verdade. Nas últimas semanas temos visto muito isso. Todos os dias acontecendo uma tragédia.
Toda a família de Taehyung estava gravemente enferma.
Tae está doente.
A mãe de Jimin está gravemente enferma.
JK vai casar com uma soldado mulher de sua guarnição.
É tudo mentira. Como vocês podem acreditar nisso?
Se fosse verdade já estaria em TODOS OS CANAIS DE COMUNICAÇÃO DO MUNDO.
Porque esta el ejercito en medio y temen represalias?
Bien otra más que se dio cuenta que es mentira, están preocupando a mucha gente sin sentido
@@carmencastillo8529 Cuando el rio suena, agua trae. Ya nos enteraremos porque siempre todo sale a la luz. Yo espero que no porque el niño no se merece este trauma psicologico. Esta cultura es muy propensa al bullying y la tapadera de situaciones, al igual que inventan cosas para dañar a otros por envidia y frustraciones.
Чтобы ничего подобного не происходило в жизни Чонгука, ему нужно держаться подальше от Чимина.
Seré la única, pero sigo sin creerme nada, pienso que,de ser cierto, sería algo dificil de ocultar fotos,JIN,J HOPE,etc. viven en un constante "GRAN HERMANO"",no van al baño sin que nadie se entere,,,,,,,no es algo que se esconda y solo lo sepan 3 o 4 personas.
Por Dios!!!!son BTS, repito,no dan un paso sin que se entere la prensa.
Agrego más: cuando
" el problema" de SUGA se convirtio en algo MUNDIAL ,este asunto,de ser cierto, es relacionado con EL Ejercito Koreano, y eso son palabras mayores.Creen que no saldrían al paso de la "denuncia",??.Se está acusando al Ejército de malos tratos,abuso de autoridad,,,,.
Deseo no equivocarme (porque de lo contrario significaria que JUNGKOOK está realmente herido).🇪🇦🇰🇷🇪🇦💜🐰🦝🐨🐯🐿️😽🐣💜🇪🇦🇰🇷🇪🇦
Report under misinformation
Jeonkuk es fuerte y superará todo este mal trato , esperamos que se tomen medidas para que nunca suseda nuevamente a nadie. Que se agan cargo quien corresponda y se castigue. Jikook 💛💛👑🐣❤️🐰🐰💜💖💖❣️💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💐
Автор канала , прекратите нести ложь ! Совесть у вас есть ?? Оставьте Чонгука в покое ! Дайте ему спокойно отслужить в армии...
Светлана, а Вы работаете медсестрой в медицинском учреждении 5го воинского дивизиона, что всё так хорошо знаете о правде и лжи про госпитализацию Чонгука? Лично у меня нет веры и доверия к заявлениям руководства этого 5го дивизиона, к утверждениям, что данный репортаж - ложь! Хотя бы по той причине, что в начале службы Джину вообще какая-то "левая" медсестра из другой воинской части, ни с того, ни с сего вдруг появившись в расположении части, поставила Джину якобы "прививку". Вы видели на видео, как Джин разминал болевшее плечо на церемонии завершения курса обучения новобранцев??! Очень хорошо видно нанесённое Джину увечье. Никто не наказан, никто не понёс ответственности. И я абсолютно не уверена, что неизвестно что, впрыснутое Джину этим уколом, не нанесло вреда здоровью айдола! Вы видели Джина в момент демобилизации и выхода за ворота воинской части? Вы видели кровоподтёк на локтевом сгибе его левой руки? Могу принять, что это поддерживающая витаминная терапия, а возможно и нет - у военных ничего никогда не узнаешь. А Джин - это гордый человек, кремень своего рода, и он никогда не допустит предстать или показать перед СМИ и фанатами своё даже микроскопическое недомогание! То же самое и с Чонгуком, воспитанным в трудах и преодолениях огромных нагрузок, включая тренировки физические и дыхания. Но ведь Чонгук тоже молчит про инцидент! Поживём, узнаем! Мемберы не подтверждают и не опровергают сообщение: в одной части с Чоном был только Пак Чимин, и то в разных, не связанных между собой подразделениях. Другие мемберы не были ни очевидцами, ни свидетелями - их суждения нам не дождаться, в рамках нераспространения инфы в том числе...
@@ГалинаПопова-т3ъвы правы.Этот инцидент военные постараются спустить на тормоза.А дыма без огня не бывает.
Omg.. who dares to hurt jk like that!!! I pray whoever bullied jk like that should ought to be ashamed of themselves and get what they deserve, jk deserves justice!!! I for one im ready to let my beast loose to protect jk, its just awful and
Injustice for anyone to hurt jk whose humble and kind person. Push for investigation and prosecute them bullies. Thats so wrong to hurt jk all because of jealously. Jk united we stand .continued prayers for recovery ♥️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺
Como Podéis creer nada de éste sacó de mentiras que es éste canal??? porque no investigais antes de nada???
No recordais que aquí también habló sobre JIN
besandose, en una ocasión,.
en el aeropuerto
También,que se habían "retirado"unas fotos de
"JINKOOK", besándose en la cama.
Son todas FAKE NEWS!!!!
No le den cabida!!!!
I hope he'll be alright, my son was bullied at school and was never able to return to finish. This has ruined his life, so it's good to see Jin is helping Jungkook through this.💗
Nada de ésto es cierto, los chicos se llevan bien con todos y cumplen su deber , el resto de la información es privada , pero la empresa haría algún reporte en Weber si fuera necesario o real .
Tal cual,!!
Keep praying for our JK God is with you stay safe stay strong members are with you you will not be alone keep fighting
They need to stop the rumors that he's arrogant he isn't he's still boyish regardless of statuse and wealth he's still jungkook the bulling need to stop really minor or major I'm sure someone will get to the bottom of it in the mean time were behind you all the way Kookie
fake news? disgusting
@@nativegrl77dances67 Yup, it's always fake news
False news! STOB-IT!!! Reported to BTS.
Заставят сообщить.
Get well and prayers 🙏 for you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Why is there no information about this in the Korean media? Why did Hybe not issue a statement on this matter?
Stop lying.
Indignado com tudo que ocorre ao BTS e em especial ao JK. Justiça para JK e BTS!
Que lo trasladen a otra Unidad. Corre peligro si actúan contra abusadores. Ojalá lo mandarán con Tae.
Чонкун пажалуйста держись по дальше от чимкой, иначе покоя не будет тебе, пока рядом чиминэ😢😮
Mi spiace per jungkook, una preghiera per te , tu possa uscire da questo triste momento .
Ti voglio bene un forte abbraccio
Stop using junkook to promote bts menbers. Leave junkook alone
All this is to make them broke, the group or something like that. FORGET , THEY ARE STRONG AND HAVE US, ARMY 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜TO SUPPORT THEM ALWAYS 💜 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@@saleteteixeira207 it's jealousy and envy, pure and simple.
Que se soit pour jk ou un autre militaire c est pas normal ce qui arrive et j espere que le président coréen va vraiment faire le nécessaire pour c est soldats comme la dit 😔
De corazon espero JK que pronto te encuentres bien afuera te estamos esperando y fijate que somos muchas .
Porque no le muestran o sale alguien responsable y Abla de su salud 🙏 por favor queremos saber!!!!!!!!
Quédate tranquila que el está bien, estás noticias son falsas, viste que algún medio oficial haya dado noticias sobre esto, no. Confía sola en fuentes oficiales y seguras.
Don't forget.
The World is watching.
Justice for JK .!
That's so evil how people can do such things to him 😭😭😭 my prayers to him and his family as the rest of the innocent soldiers out there 🙏🙏🙏🥰💜💜💜🫶 my heart 💔
Esto es real? Y no hay noticias a gran escala? Aclaraciones que esto duele 😢
No es verdad, no tenes otras redes, fíjate que no hay ningún informe oficial de la empresa sobre este tema
@lauraalejandralavista gracias sol 🥰
It seems the Korean Military has picked the wrong person to bully, lol! ARMY fans are not to be treated lightly...they will take this "bullying" incident against Jungkook not only to the Korean media but world wide! This situation must certainly be handled quickly and the ever present bullying in the military stopped!!
Es noticia falsa , hoy mismo JK ha colgado en el Instagram de Bam, dos fotos de Bam y eran de hoy porque estaba nevando en Corea .
If this is true I'm beyond sorry and I pray whomever did this will be punished with every extent of the law. It takes a low life to do something to someone over jealousy Jungkook I pray you recover well and prove to them you can't bring down a good man😢😢😢😢❤❤❤
I will pray everyday for Jungkook💗🐰😭😔🥹❤️🩹💒
Queria saber pq as redes nao estao comentando isso?
Também gostaria de saber😔
#JusticeforJK! #stopbullying! #Jungkookweloveyou Please stay strong. Praying for you always.
For BTS , India is the safest country
FAKE!! 😮💨
The man in the cap in the thumbnail is Park Bo-gum.
Get well soon, JK! ❤️🩹
Не сбрасывайте мне
этот лживый канал !
Я на его не подписана !
Fake news
O my God no I wish he would get out of there😔💔💗💗💗
за такое вранье надо ставить дизлайки.Неужели вы верите?
Get well soon Jk and be careful always be safe always stay healthy I pray for your fast recovery Jk love you always Jk and all Bts guys 💜 💜 💜 ❤ 💜 ❤ 💜 ❤ 💓 😔 💕
I pray for you 🙏💜🙏💜🙏
To all you abusers who hurt JK, your day will come. Karma will get to you.
Который раз Чонгука определили в больницу? Ну надоело уже это все. А вина всему - информационная тишина!
Hospital viait of Jin and Bang PD and the hush hush of JK hospitalization is serious.
God bless you always JK,please take care of yourself❤,I love you so much,I'm with you🥰
¡Grandísimos cretinos! En verdad espero que les den una buena lección a esos abusivos. Si eso hicieron con Jungkook ¡Ya me imagino como la pasaran el ciudadano común. Y realmente BTS no se las ha visto fácil: Jin fue vacunados dos veces por unas enfermeras que deseaban conocerlo y acabo también enfermos, Hobi casi se intoxica en una prueba de gases y también se vio mal de los ojos, a Suga lo tuvieron que cambian de lugar por que le llegaban amenazas de muerte ¿¡Qué ocurre realmente ahí?!
I haven't seen anything on Weverse About this...
Jin is in Japan because they invent
Jungkook South Korean superiors with power over JK misusing their power to bully and hurt him and other members of the army 🤬shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of goldfish lets a lone dedicated loyal South Korean citizens. These superiors are an embarrassment and Cowards. 😠
But JK did not get bullied in the military. where did the news come from?
Pls tell me this is fake news😭
Some post says hurt, some say bullying, some says hurt during training. So many different versions. Sounds fake
A que ponto chega uma pessoa invejosa,maltratar alguém simplesmente porque ela tem brilho, é famosa...os culpados precisam pagar pelo que fizeram. Fique bem, Jimin com seu amor, lhe dará segurança e paz❤❤
❤❤❤ Jin 😊
Courage JK 🥰
Praying for JK & sending lots of Love and Prayers to get better soon. ❤❤❤
These people are so evil, and they need to be held accountable for what happen to JUNGKOOK.
We all are here for you, many healing prayers for you JK.
Much love Jungkook from the United States
Not sure if this is true... has been reported on another channel
Graves como? Tem slguma coisa interna? O q acontrceu?
Ele não merece isso por favor não lhe façam mal😢😢😢
This is not a Military Camp but a jungle. Which country in the world is able to have a Military Service Administration,, but is unable to protect their soldiers. All BTS members had healthy problems at Military training why them? These people saw their carrier cancelled, and have to put aside their family again, their personal life, their friends to make their military training. And what happened? Bad treatments for no reasonable reason, just for fun, or haters are now inside the military out of control??? These incidents tarnish not only the image of one person but also the image of their country all around the world. It's really not worth it from what I see, to go to great lengths for a state that doesn't protect its soldiers. Please Army, guive your support to JK.
I blame the Media, for not leaving any of them alone. Telling everywhere they go, every visit they have. They are not BTS right now, they are Soldiers trying to live there lives. You make others jealous of them, to still give them attention. If they post it, it's a different story, but for the next 6 months leave all of them alone. Even they don't need to be so loud. This is just my opinion, being in the States, we hear of this a lot, jealousy is a hard enemy. But at least here in the States they have a choice to Enlist or not, or BTS wouldn't be there. Sending prayers for Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin safety they they aren't next. Parents, Lawyers, company make someone pay for this. None of them deserve it as much as they have gave themselves to the Service the past year. You could have mentioned that them as well as the other members have visited jungkook, not just Jin, again just my opinion
There is nothing that justify bullying. Also their private lives should be kept private, but there is no respect.
Então tudo isso acontece com o artista conhecido no MUNDO INTEIRO e só o blogueiro aqui ouviu falar sobre isso e está reportando?
Nem rádio, TV, Internet, jornais e revistas falam sobre isso e tem tanta gente aqui acreditando?
Gostaria muito de saber como isso funciona.
Vocês gostam tanto de mentiras que vêm aqui todos os dias escutar alguma? 😮
That's the problem they look at everyone as a number not a name and to all the haters don't think your not cattle also leave JUNGKOOK ALONE. You have no clue how meek these men are there very respectful to everyone and they won't do anything to anyone so someone disrespected Jungkook now it's hurting all of his brothers. Can't wait for them to be home. Safe and sound with their brothers. That protects the Maknae.
Dejen de dar noticias falsas please
This situation is reprehensible, making me both sad and furious! Thank goodness Jin saw JK, which must have been beneficial to JK. This attack on JK must be investigated, and the creeps who beat Jungkook must be punished. Bang PD's visit to JK indicates how severe his injuries are, and I'm sure his presence raised JK's spirits.
I am concerned about JK's psychological condition. Though JK is a robust man, physically and mentally, being beaten by multiple criminals has probably damaged JK's trust in his fellow soldiers.
I am praying for Jungkook's quick and complete recovery - and that it will be as painless as possible. I feel as if my own brother had been attacked, and it's lucky for the perpetrators that this 70-year-old Texas ARMY respects the law - or I'd come after those 🍑🤡s with everything I have. Pain in military training is supposed to build team spirit, but beatings don't build esprit de corp but break down military discipline. Get well, JK! We're all pulling for you here in the U.S.