It is most diappointing to watch only a small fraction of the mirí moman programmes of the Adis. Such cultural/dance programmes continue for several hours. In the video of only few minutes we can not watch the whole description presented by the leading man i.e Mirí Abu.
Oalume ee adi miri simkome
kampo rudo
..aang onam kapang rudo😆😆👍👍
Deke ekem kado kom agi miri solo pima do kampo rudo ❤❤❤❤👌👌
Ngolke adi miri kampo-tatpoeh. My fascination to be that "lead man" is boundless & such videos helps a lot. I thank the uploader.
kampo rudo
It is most diappointing to watch only a small fraction of the mirí moman programmes of the Adis. Such cultural/dance programmes continue for several hours. In the video of only few minutes we can not watch the whole description presented by the leading man i.e Mirí Abu.
Yeah exectly said
Kampo rudo arop.......
Arope ngoluk adi moman miri si kampo tatpo rudo