The transmitter it’s way too big. I don’t need a built in tuner on the transmitter, i need two little unit like the Boss WL20 to plug into my pedalboard input. This is system is small compared to a classic system but we live in 2023.
The built in tuner is not contributing to the size. The small dongle style systems are great... but only offer a 10th of the reliability and tonal stability within challenging gigging circumstances. I too wish you could half the size mounted on a board... but let's get real... they'd obviously do that if it was possible.
Can I just plug it into the amp if I dont use a peddle board?
The transmitter it’s way too big. I don’t need a built in tuner on the transmitter, i need two little unit like the Boss WL20 to plug into my pedalboard input. This is system is small compared to a classic system but we live in 2023.
The built in tuner is not contributing to the size.
The small dongle style systems are great... but only offer a 10th of the reliability and tonal stability within challenging gigging circumstances.
I too wish you could half the size mounted on a board... but let's get real... they'd obviously do that if it was possible.