You said you wanted to improve your English, so I'm going to write in English lol 頑張ってください The clothes smelling thing is really odd. I've never heard of that being an issue before. Is it possible the humidity in your room is high, so it's taking the clothes longer to dry and they're becoming smelly? I have that problem, so I bought a humidity monitor and a dehumidifier. If the humidity is too high I open the window or turn on the dehumidifier Clothes, especially towels, getting a bit hard is normal. If it bothers you, you can buy fabric softener Skin issues are really common when you abroad! It's less to do with the water and more because of the stress. All of the stress of culture shock, a new enviornment, new foods, can effect your body and hormones and lead to bad skin. It's just a matter of time. Once you've adjusted and your stress levels lessen, your skin will improve. I don't know Myanmar culture, but from a British culture point of view, you should feel comfortable using the kitchen! I know it can feel awkward, but you pay rent, so you have the right to use the kitchen. The owner can cook while you eat at the table and vice versa. And yeah, it feels like if you move abroad, your language abilities should improve quickly, but the reality is that they don't. You actually don't need high language skills to do daily life activities like shopping or working a part time job, so if you don't actively study and try to improve, you won't improve. Kousuke, I recommend listening to some podcasts in English to improve your listening. I've heard good things about BBC's 6 minute English. Mizuki, do you have much experience with English conversation? If not, it might be worth it to work with a tutor (maybe someone workplace English focused) for a few hours to improve your confidence. I always tell myself, "Even if I fail, I probably won't die. As long as no one dies, the conversation is success." And for some reason that helps lol Jobs are hard. The British economy isn't great right now, so don't take it personally if it takes quite a while to find a job. I'm currently job hunting in Scotland right now and it sucks so bad, so I feel your pain haha. Ok sorry for writing a small novel. Hope that helps. Good luck!
Thank you very much for your comment!!! You're so kind🥹 Your comments were very helpful and I learned a lot of English! I don't think the humidity in my room is high. I often open the windows in my room. We might need to try a new fabric softener to improve the smell and stiffen clothing. Oh, I see. We thought it was the water that was causing my skin issues. We have to endure skin problems until we get used to this lifestyle. That's a good point. Thank you for giving us the courage to use the kitchen! Thanks for the precise advice to both of us! We want you to be our English teacher😂 I like that! I’ll keep it in mind. You are also in the process of job hunting! Let's work hard for each other!
The clothes''-''smelling thing is really odd. If it bothers you, you can buy fabric softener Skin issues are really common when you ARE abroad! All of the stress of culture shock, a new ENVIRONMENT, new foods, can AFFECT your body and hormones and lead to bad skin. I don't know Myanmar culture, but from a British CULTURAL point of view, you should feel comfortable using the kitchen. You actually don't need high language skills to do daily life activities like shopping or working a part''-''time job, , it might be worth it to work with a tutor (maybe someone workplace English''-''focused) "Even if I fail, I probably won't die. As long as no one dies, the conversation is A success."
水不足なんですね😯 こちらも対策してみます!
それは大喜びします😆 こっちのはどれがいいのかわからないので、これから少しずつ試していこうと思います!!
イギリス在住日本人♂です。元同僚のイギリス人と特許権売買の会社を経営しています。元は2年のつもりがズルズルと24年😂イギリスは日本と違って自営業(Self Employee)がいっぱいいます。つまり、あらゆるビジネスチャンスが転がっています。ガイコク人としての暮らしって24年経った今でも気楽で新鮮で気に入っています。ガイコク人として暮らすには、その国にとって必要な人材にならなければなりません。制度がそうだから仕方がない。2年なんてアッという間です。多くの出会いがあると良いですね🎉
スキンケアは、まだ私も探り探りですがこちらでも購入でき、自分の肌悩みに合いそうな成分のものを使っています。The OrdinaryやLa Roche-Posayなど日本でも人気なブランドのものを今は使っています!
@@KOUchannel98 さん
ご存知かもですが、硬水を軟水に変えるシャワーヘッドがAmazon UKで買えるようなので、よかったら見てみてください!あとみずきさんの髪型?パーマでしょうか、すごく可愛いですね!!今後の動画も楽しみにしております🌱
イギリス在住22年です。洗濯物や衣類が臭くなる原因は洗濯機のドラムの中がカビだらけのせいですね。まずは洗濯機の洗剤を買って徹底的に洗浄しないといつまでも臭いままです。特に賃貸だと誰も洗濯機掃除しないので。Dr Beckmannオススメです。テスコやせいンズバリーで買えますよ。多分3回ぐらいやらないと綺麗にならないと思います。
@@KOUchannel98 賃貸に住んでいた頃、引っ越してまずやったことは洗濯機の洗浄です。Dr. Beckmannを3箱買って、3回一番高い温度設定で回してみてください。そうすれば衣服の臭い問題は解消します。ただ、タオルの乾きは遅いので、それでも臭くなることがあります。その場合はタオルをまとめて65度または90度の設定で洗うとカビは生えなくなります。洗濯後にバキバキになるのは柔軟剤しかありません。しかし、質の良いタオルなどはバキバキになりにくい様です。色々試行錯誤してみてください。
You said you wanted to improve your English, so I'm going to write in English lol 頑張ってください
The clothes smelling thing is really odd. I've never heard of that being an issue before. Is it possible the humidity in your room is high, so it's taking the clothes longer to dry and they're becoming smelly? I have that problem, so I bought a humidity monitor and a dehumidifier. If the humidity is too high I open the window or turn on the dehumidifier
Clothes, especially towels, getting a bit hard is normal. If it bothers you, you can buy fabric softener
Skin issues are really common when you abroad! It's less to do with the water and more because of the stress. All of the stress of culture shock, a new enviornment, new foods, can effect your body and hormones and lead to bad skin. It's just a matter of time. Once you've adjusted and your stress levels lessen, your skin will improve.
I don't know Myanmar culture, but from a British culture point of view, you should feel comfortable using the kitchen! I know it can feel awkward, but you pay rent, so you have the right to use the kitchen. The owner can cook while you eat at the table and vice versa.
And yeah, it feels like if you move abroad, your language abilities should improve quickly, but the reality is that they don't. You actually don't need high language skills to do daily life activities like shopping or working a part time job, so if you don't actively study and try to improve, you won't improve. Kousuke, I recommend listening to some podcasts in English to improve your listening. I've heard good things about BBC's 6 minute English. Mizuki, do you have much experience with English conversation? If not, it might be worth it to work with a tutor (maybe someone workplace English focused) for a few hours to improve your confidence. I always tell myself, "Even if I fail, I probably won't die. As long as no one dies, the conversation is success." And for some reason that helps lol
Jobs are hard. The British economy isn't great right now, so don't take it personally if it takes quite a while to find a job. I'm currently job hunting in Scotland right now and it sucks so bad, so I feel your pain haha.
Ok sorry for writing a small novel. Hope that helps. Good luck!
Thank you very much for your comment!!! You're so kind🥹
Your comments were very helpful and I learned a lot of English!
I don't think the humidity in my room is high. I often open the windows in my room. We might need to try a new fabric softener to improve the smell and stiffen clothing.
Oh, I see. We thought it was the water that was causing my skin issues. We have to endure skin problems until we get used to this lifestyle.
That's a good point. Thank you for giving us the courage to use the kitchen!
Thanks for the precise advice to both of us! We want you to be our English teacher😂
I like that! I’ll keep it in mind.
You are also in the process of job hunting! Let's work hard for each other!
The clothes''-''smelling thing is really odd.
If it bothers you, you can buy fabric softener Skin issues are really common when you ARE abroad!
All of the stress of culture shock, a new ENVIRONMENT, new foods, can AFFECT your body and hormones and lead to bad skin.
I don't know Myanmar culture, but from a British CULTURAL point of view, you should feel comfortable using the kitchen.
You actually don't need high language skills to do daily life activities like shopping or working a part''-''time job,
, it might be worth it to work with a tutor (maybe someone workplace English''-''focused)
"Even if I fail, I probably won't die. As long as no one dies, the conversation is A success."
@@Extremevegabond lmao I'm a native English speaker. I guess I just had hella typos
ロンドンに住んだことはないですが、地方都市に住むとリアルイギリスが体験出来ると思います。私の職場はGP Practice かかりつけ医のクリニックですが、同僚95%白人のイギリス人で地域にどっぷり浸かっています。イギリス人と日本人はとても感覚が近いので居心地が良いですし、多国籍の場所に住むより日本(単一民族)に住んでいる感覚に近いような気がします。ノッティンガムはアクセントが強くないので英語が聞き取りやすいです。家賃も地方都市の方が断然安いと思います。ロンドンに日帰り出来きてヨーロッパ旅行にもいける空港があれば、2年間、有意義な時間になるんじゃないかなとふと思いました😊地方都市の便利の良い市内に住むか市内から20分くらいのところに必ず郊外良いエリアがあると思うのでおすすめです。
Tシャツに穴が空いてしまうのはやばいですね!笑 気をつけます!
@@KOUchannel98 何事にもはじめの一歩は必要です。どんな一歩だろうと後になって良い一歩だったって必ず思えますから安心して踏み出して下さい。24年も経ちますが、赤面するような思い出は死ぬほどありますが後悔はないです。それが海外生活の、つまり非日常生活の、もっと言えば母国とい逃げ道が常にあるガイジンせいかつ醍醐味ですから。何かあったら日本に帰りゃ良いんだよ笑
ワーホリ !?移住っていうサムネにつられた…再生数稼ぎのためだと思いますがワーホリと移住は違いますよ