Комментарии •

  • @tishie42
    @tishie42 8 месяцев назад +38

    Detox is such a small part of the battle. I see a revolving door of detox and relapse in the place I did my detox. We had a choice to go into a 4 month program afterwards or leave after a 14 day comfortable detox. I chose the program and a few others did too at the same time. There were 20 of us. We were given a grim statistic that only 2 of us would still be clean a year from then and a year after that, only one, if any. I am the one. At 4 years now. The hardest part is reintegration. How do you just plug yourself back into life with possible traumas, sa, brain damage etc etc and just be OK? You don't usually. That has been the hardest part for myself and I have a great support system. How is someone with no one supposed to get better. Being alone is part of addiction, the isolation. I have always hated that mentality of ok now the drugs are out of you back to normal. We were never ok in the first place if drugs is more appealing than life. It hurts the situation immensely and is ignorant. Ignorance of the real problems that come after detox.

    • @richardsargentsr.1384
      @richardsargentsr.1384 8 месяцев назад +4

      Exactly. Thank you for sharing ❤

    • @godswittness69
      @godswittness69 7 месяцев назад +7

      Yes, well said. Not to mention: alot of us have deep wounds of trauma, often in childhood, so essentially our brains are often (alot of it happens on the subconscious level) triggered into releasing all types of signals and hormones associated with confusion, distress, panic, anxiety, depression, melancholy, dismay, apathy, fear, worry, or what not.. this subconsciously overloads our system and our conscious minds : then we do things like isolate, procrastinate, and self medicate because it helps calm that process of overloading our physical, mental, and emotional capacities. I relapsed after 15 years because I need to learn how to manage my life, both internal and external, without depending on drugs or alcohol, because they screw you really bad in the process of selling you a fake paradise, it's kinda twisted when you think about it. You think you're getting one thing, but you're getting the opposite.
      This is but one factor that can make it especially tricky to "reintegrate", and instead to seek fleeting and harmful relief in substances.

    • @michelekisly2535
      @michelekisly2535 7 месяцев назад +1

      You are right about the ISOLATION. I just attempted reunited with my only child who is around 46--- 4 years of estrangement which included 2 grandtwins. I did so I could add a few years to my life. I went dowmhill fast
      Because I love him so.

    • @user-nn2gc3yb1x
      @user-nn2gc3yb1x 7 месяцев назад

      So true. It's the easiest part

    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 7 месяцев назад

      Well said

  • @filmowczynia
    @filmowczynia 8 месяцев назад +20

    I told the story of my detox on this channel already. The real work starts after cleaning yourself. You will get fatter and probably start worrying about getting older. My hair started to become gray! I started to feel my emotions and I had to learn to accept them. I hate being anxious and drugs were such a relief from that. You have silly problems at work, with other people and there is no way out. Life is kinda unpleasant after detoxing so I had to constantly keep myself busy and motivated and other people didn't understand it. On the other hand people can make a big deal out of nothing and I don't really understand it. Now I'm 2 years completely sober, 2,5 yrs after rehab and 3 yrs after detox. And I feel good, I feel the best I've ever felt :) Mostly due to sport and dancing, being able to make my body healthy again suprisingly started to give me the biggest pleasure. I've had 2 major, unsuccesful relationships in this 3 years, about 5 jobs and I've met a ton of people - in my new city, on NA meetings, at the University I started to go this October. I wish everybody reading this all the best!

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +3

      🙏🙏🙏 for sharing again. Pass the channel on

    • @daniellemayo4962
      @daniellemayo4962 7 месяцев назад +5

      Hearing you say, detox your patient in a HUMANE & COMFORTABLE way. Medical providers treat patients as am annoyance or like we are bothering thm by scheduling appointments to see medical providers. We contact our insurance company make sure providers atr in network for us and call to set up an appointment. Told to arrive 15 mins early etc and so forth. Point is, we, the patients do all that we are asked to do in order ro receive medical care. Yet the providers, most, not all treat us as junkies, doctoe hopping or lying to seek out something they offer. It's hard enough walking in asking for assistance with an issue we know society judges us for with a heavy hand. We are treated like they are doing us a privilege by gracing is with there presents but we are gracing there pockets with financial gain. The gaslightening is an all time high currently with addicts being made to feel like we are to blame for having our brains wired to be more susceptible to addiction and I want to make something clear to any providers who might be reading this one day. If you treated addicts with just a little bit of compassion or human dignity, more addicts would be open to seekingtreatment or management of their disease. Once all the providers out there have worked on that part, learn how to treat your patients like Dr. B just stated.......HUMANE.

    • @marlenekaminski7016
      @marlenekaminski7016 7 месяцев назад +5

      I believe there should be a few courses in medical school on Compassion, Empathy, and looking past the patient diseases and see the Human being...

    • @timbirdie8180
      @timbirdie8180 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@marlenekaminski7016100 percent

    • @TheBella2u
      @TheBella2u Месяц назад

      @@marlenekaminski7016yea I was laid off so lost my insurance and pain doctor refuses to see cash paying customers. Won’t call in prescriptions. I was told Its a new law in CA because cash patients can sell meds. I have made it through but it hasn’t been easy.

  • @mandaweekes3771
    @mandaweekes3771 8 месяцев назад +12

    As a life long chronic addict, who has been clean for three years, I can honestly say that detox is the easy part. The hard part is when you have to face the demons that caused you to use in the first place and also face the damage you did while in your addiction.

  • @ericblair54
    @ericblair54 8 месяцев назад +18

    Re: Benzodiazepines: the Ashton Manual has 2 absolutes. 1. YOU, you are the captain of your own taper, since
    every body is different and you know your body and when is the proper time to go to the next step in the taper.
    2. NEVER, EVER enter an in patient rehab, detox centre. The Rehab centre will rip you off of the Benzo as quickly
    as possible and the resulting withdrawal, psychosis, hallucinations and possible grand mal seizures and even death
    is a distinct possibility.

    • @catalinmurar4247
      @catalinmurar4247 8 месяцев назад +6

      Strongly agree with you.I went into Rehab to taper 100mg of Valium and in 7 days i was out with absolutley 0 Valium, and now i am 1 month cold turkey and i am living hell on earth.I cant function at all ,its like having literraly brain damage, and now i only want to die.This goes beyond torture!!!!!!

    • @ericblair54
      @ericblair54 8 месяцев назад

      @@catalinmurar4247 I am so sorry for your scary, dangerous predicament you are going through.
      Beyond torture is not hyperbole.. I don't know what to say to improve your situation. Good Luck.
      Benzodiazepines are THE most pernicious drug( I refuse to refer to Benzos as a "med") If I were you I would find a doctor who would put me back on a small dose of Diazepam and taper from there. The Hell you are going though
      isn't worth it. A long gradual taper is what you require.

    • @lisasmith7066
      @lisasmith7066 8 месяцев назад +4

      My sister went to detox. She was given very little phenobarbital and thought she was going to die. She relapsed the same day she left.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад +1

      Please see provider

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад +1

      Common. I’m sorry

  • @sorpy6972
    @sorpy6972 8 месяцев назад +9

    9yrs of opioid addiction woke up one day and said NO more cold turkey 😳.. I yet don’t have any idea how I did it but I did. 2.5 yrs sober

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @sorpy6972
      @sorpy6972 8 месяцев назад

      @@DrBAddictionRecovery thank you!!!! Love your content

    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 7 месяцев назад +1

      What did you come off? How did you do it?

    • @sorpy6972
      @sorpy6972 7 месяцев назад

      @@becky2235 oxycodone. Honestly I was tired of living a lie and hurting my kids. One day 4/25/21 which was my youngest kid bday I said I’m done!!! It sucked.. the axtiety kept me up at night and just very edgy but been clean from it since. Not gonna lie I do drink alcohol which I know I shouldn’t. Now I’m working on it…

  • @Pbav8tor
    @Pbav8tor 8 месяцев назад +16

    My granddaughter was just found dead in a homeless camp in Missouri. There was no practical help for her. The treatment centers wouldn't take her until she was 'detoxed' first. I live near Olympia; we found a treatment center in Portland that did detox. We made the appointment, drove three hours, waited another two, only for a PA to tell us they no longer provided detox. All this is just dandy, if services were accessible and practical. I think the drug and insurance companies are perfectly fine with killing a lot of young people. There is no help for families like mine. Only rich people get help. Few treatment beds available and barriers that make a difficult situation even worse. Expect many more dead young people. Our Skye was 28 and left an 11 year old son and a shattered family who loved her. She was worth saving. Our society doesn't care about opioid addicts, only the money. I haven't seen anything remotely helpful to addicts or their families come out of the big dollar settlements. Only expensive "studies" done by deadweight nepo babies that use up all the funds for nothing.

    • @billharmony8121
      @billharmony8121 8 месяцев назад +2

      I'm so sorry for your loss. Everything you said is absolutely correct in my opinion.

    • @grokster9ontheroads174
      @grokster9ontheroads174 8 месяцев назад

      I think I met your daughter if she was ever in San Francisco in the 2006-7 time frame. This Skye was a short young blonde and also a opiate addict

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +3

      I’m so sorry for your and feel privileged that you shared with us here. Carry on strong and grounded. You must

    • @derekspringer6448
      @derekspringer6448 8 месяцев назад

      I'm sorry for your loss, but... I live in WA as well, and the help available to us here is staggering. Suboxone clinics, two methadone clinics, detox and rehabs (I've never gone to them so I don't have all the info on them admittedly) all within 30 miles of my small town an hour/60 miles north of Seattle. Our state health insurance has paid for multiple years of suboxone, and now five years at a methadone clinic for me 100% in full. It's too bad your family couldn't figure out that detox is only one (in my opinion extremely poor, only to be utilized when forced into it by the courts) solution to freeing your grand-daughter from opiates and got her into one of the, likely very closeby, methadone clinics to get her the help she needed in time. Not your guys' fault of course, very unfortunate though. She'd have had a much easier/more comfortable time getting clean than detox.

    • @alonawhalen
      @alonawhalen 7 месяцев назад

      I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my son 2 years ago not to overdose but to the way we treat addicts.
      An addict has to want to be clean. Reality is an addict can want it more than life but there are no recovery fairies waiting to wisk them up and take them to get clean. The rules on dispensing medication for Opiate addiction come with more rules. They are punitive and set addicts up to fail. They are very limited on where they can be dispensed. The wait list for low income treatment beds are slim to none.
      Then we look at one of the primary drugs used for detox. Suboxone. This drug in it's prior form was just Subutex. Subutex alone can be immediately administered. Suboxone includes an opiate blocker called Naltrexone. White the addition if that drug, opiate addicts must not use for 4 days. The worse part of their withdrawal. Treatment Doctors could use straight Subutex on those first four days to ease the worse of the withdrawal but that is not approved.
      Emergency rooms are not approved to administer recovery drugs. They label addicts as drug seeking but the majority of their waiting room is drug seeking. Even if it is for Penicillin.
      Until we look at the punitive way we treat people who will die without help. Until we show we hear them and will immediately be there to help with these correct things to get them restored to productive in our communities. More people will die. Our adult mortality rate age is rapidly decreasing because of this issue. It will not change until every American matters.

  • @lazaroastudillo6787
    @lazaroastudillo6787 8 месяцев назад +7

    I like how you describe the protocol for withdrawal from these drugs

  • @carolehyde1166
    @carolehyde1166 8 месяцев назад +4

    So right recovery is life long

  • @righteousmonkey
    @righteousmonkey 8 месяцев назад +4

    Outstanding video & insight. 👍 I don't miss detoxing one bit. Life is good.

  • @love.JESUS.2day
    @love.JESUS.2day 8 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for speaking out!

  • @lisasmith7066
    @lisasmith7066 8 месяцев назад +2

    You’re amazing Dr. B. I wish other doctors shared your logic. ❤

  • @jeanwonnacott2718
    @jeanwonnacott2718 7 месяцев назад +2

    I will NEVER go thru withdrawal again. I am 60, last one was when I switched from methadone to Suboxone. An entire year of pain and vomiting. Then Doc says, oh, we can bypass your stomach with patches. A year. Never again, I am too old. Will go back to methadone one day, if it comes to my community. I have chronic pain, methadone works much better than Suboxone for pain. Never again. I got addicted by doctors in 1995. Too long on this crap, gonna stay on it...

  • @richardpedley6291
    @richardpedley6291 8 месяцев назад +5

    In in my day wen you was put in a detox i used be on 80ml and thay left you with nothing im now over 2 years clean after 33 years on metherdon an heroin best of luck everyone.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад +2


    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 7 месяцев назад +1

      That must have been horrific coming off 80ml! How was it for you?

    • @richardpedley6291
      @richardpedley6291 7 месяцев назад

      @@becky2235 to be honest with you it was the reson i faild every time but now i am over a year an halth clean i did my own detox in the end i was on 80ml for over 33 years i droped my self 10ml every week i got down to 4ml then i stoped i supose i was so used to the fealing of withdrewing all the time the 10ml drop dident relly bover me that much pluss im neal 50 year old not in the best of helth lol but getting clean was the best thing i ever did my bigest regret is i wasted so much of my life on opits i realise now i was only self medacting my mental helth problems with opits if enyone is going threw detox at the moment hang in thir it will end trust me i now it feals like it wont but trust me it will best of luck everyone

  • @Travluminatii
    @Travluminatii 8 месяцев назад +3

    This is not the way to get clean

  • @unconditionallov3
    @unconditionallov3 8 месяцев назад +6

    Can you talk about the people that are scamming addicts to get them to a rehab, only to find out when they get off the plane, see that they only used them to get insurance money and that there’s more drug use in the facility than what they did at home.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +4

      I’m aware

    • @unconditionallov3
      @unconditionallov3 8 месяцев назад +2

      I appreciate all that you do to help people be more innerstanding and aware of the details that matter. Your information is helping so many.
      Another great topic would be the association and links between undiagnosed autism, adhd and substance abuse.
      There are a ton of practitioners who are ignorant about these things which in return makes it that much harder for someone to get the correct help they need.

  • @sage8889
    @sage8889 4 месяца назад

    This was Superb! 🎓

  • @666wilf
    @666wilf 8 месяцев назад +4

    Dr B.. what I don't understand if the fact that doctors say opiate withdrawl isn't life threatening but yet people have died of opiate withdrawal. I think this needs changed. A lot of people commit suiside because withdrawal is so so bad. These suisides aren't taken into account. Your a brilliant doctor by the way.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +2

      Ty. You bring up important point I did not consider. Ty

    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 7 месяцев назад +1

      I've always thought the same yes it is life threatening dehydration seizures and of course suicide or even going back to scoring and overdosing as there tolerance has dropped
      Would those people have committed suicide if they had a better managed detox? No

    • @666wilf
      @666wilf 7 месяцев назад

      @@DrBAddictionRecovery I wish most doctors thought like you but unfortunately I'm in the UK. We have a one size fits all policy. It takes 6 weeks to even start your Buprenorphine treatment and if your dose is too low you must wait until the next available doctors appointment to increase your dose wich can also take weeks. We also don't have the privilege of changing our doctors if we don't feel comfortable with them. I get prescribed oxy but I've become very addicted to them. If I mention to my doctor that I've become addicted to my meds they automatically remove them straight away then you got to wait the 6 weeks to start your subs. To me that's just another heroin addict created but not by their own fault. The U.K must be one of the worst country's in the world for opiate addiction treatment. It's a complete joke. I'm trying my best now to get off the oxy but I got to buy my subutex off a friend that gets them prescribed. I can only buy enough to take 8mg a day but I need quite a bit more. I feel quite ill with the small dose I'm on. I thought I would of settled after 11 weeks on just 8mg but I still feel quite ill, mostly through the day though. I seem to settle down a bit more at night. Seems very strange. I take my subs at 7am every morning but don't feel as if they start to work until about 5pm. Have you got any idea has to what's going on? Your my only hope at the moment.
      Wishing you well
      Kind regards

  • @carolehyde1166
    @carolehyde1166 8 месяцев назад +2

    So right Dr. B I'm going threw hell with benzo withdrawal and ur videos have helped ty.

    • @JasonBrown-dd7dj
      @JasonBrown-dd7dj 8 месяцев назад +1

      You got my sympathy oxy and pregabs nearly killed me benzos are far worse apparently take care stay strong.

    • @carolehyde1166
      @carolehyde1166 8 месяцев назад


    • @fullcontact5732
      @fullcontact5732 8 месяцев назад

      Going through the same thing specifically Klonopin. Was only on the shit for two months. Try to relax and say to yourself that this won't last because whether you're tapering or white knuckling it it won't last You will get through and you look back on this and know better in the future.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад

      🙏 good luck and plz talk to your provider

    • @fullcontact5732
      @fullcontact5732 7 месяцев назад

      @@DrBAddictionRecovery .... Hello doctor I am working with my provider. Since I had only been taking the medication for about 2 months, Valium first then Klonopin I did a relatively quick taper starting at 3 mg per day Klonopin to .50 over the course of a month and it's been one s***** month. Complete depression/anxiety coupled with back pain because of an injury from work has kept me feeling like I'm totally lost. I should mention I'm a buprenorphine patient which is the next thing I need to conquer. I'm considering the sublocade taper. It's funny when you're going through this detox from benzos You think about all the negative things, I do think I need counseling aside from just detoxing under a doctor. I want myself back completely clean. I do agree with what was said about your videos are a big help They give hope. There's full life behind all this nonsense but sometimes you need help, You need somebody in your ear telling you what's on the other side and that you're worth it. It's a shame that many providers don't realize this a lot of people continue to repeat this cycle.

  • @billharmony8121
    @billharmony8121 8 месяцев назад

    Excellent and truthful information. We need more like this man.

  • @SuperWilbur77
    @SuperWilbur77 8 месяцев назад +3

    I’m following you. I’m the mom of an adult addict. You’ve explained this in an excellent fashion. You’re speaking to addicts and that’s wonderful; however, I wish you’d travel the country having conferences explaining to physicians, nurses and psychiatrists what you’ve just said !!! What they’re doing is wrong ! Do you realize ppl that give methadone doses to ppl are LPN’s (if they’re lucky ) ? These meth clinics cannot even get educated personnel, and the personnel are mean. When the addict walks out of the clinic , many holding an infant ..a drug dealer is on the sidewalk at their service!!😪. My prayer is you could arrange a team to travel the country. Imagine the lives you could save 💕

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for sharing and giving me high regards. I wish I could. Maybe when I’m more able finance and time permitting

  • @Itslorena_618
    @Itslorena_618 7 месяцев назад

    Hi Dr.B can i get a video or opinion on water tapering for benzodiazepines? Please and thank you.. i know you are super honest and would love to hear your input...

  • @esfromec1
    @esfromec1 8 месяцев назад +3

    Dr. B I love your approach man. Whatever I can do to support you I’m looking into doing it. Number one I’m pointing people to listen to you on your channel. Do you happen to know of any doctors in Colorado who go along with your approach? Anyways, thank you much Dr. B.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +1

      Much love and appreciation. Please keep passing on the message. I do not know any doctors out there, unfortunately. I’m sure they are there🙏🙏🙏👍🙏

    • @christinestpeter2465
      @christinestpeter2465 7 месяцев назад

      Following this. I'm looking for a doc in Co to help withdrawal from antidepressant.

    • @esfromec1
      @esfromec1 7 месяцев назад

      One suggestion for you is Ballen Medical and wellness Center. And if they don’t offer that service, they may know of someone else who does. I hope that helps@@christinestpeter2465

  • @becky2235
    @becky2235 7 месяцев назад

    Any advice for someone being forced off methadone treatment and struggling? I was on sit dosing 65ml in the morning 35ml at night before that in one doae i was on 140ml. Im now down to 60ml they keep threatening to stop my prescription as i have a alcohol problem too but im addressing that. Been with the clinic on and off since 17 im 32 now but im still on a 6 day a week pick up after 14 hours i start having opiate withdrawal symptoms by the time the clinic opens im a wreck

  • @unconditionallov3
    @unconditionallov3 5 месяцев назад

    I listened to this again, I wish more medical professionals would REALLY listen to everything you say.

  • @j.michaeljefferson60
    @j.michaeljefferson60 8 месяцев назад +1

    Your ideas for the uses of clonopin to help with detox and being able to use it until the patient has been involved in recovery to make decisions on the recovery they are doing better than any other people in distress

  • @agatamacierzynska4436
    @agatamacierzynska4436 8 месяцев назад +2

    Love this doc

  • @REDSKIs_righteous_readings
    @REDSKIs_righteous_readings 7 месяцев назад

    I was told by a psychologist after a mental health n parental assessment by the DCP ( I'm in Australia) I passed so I'm not mental yay but I was probably to have stimulant disorder meth coffee cigirettes I've detoxed myself I'm struggling badly I want my kids bk but I'm struggling with no energy I just started a job n getting my body to function is totally bs there's no support beside my GP giving me massive amounts of valium which I nearly od on melatonin and olazipine which I won't use I don't have issues of moods except my energy I make it months then I use due to my energy then I detox again alone no support to do around to the start I'm feeling so defeated n I just want my kids bk can U give me any advice please thank U ive been suffering with this addiction for noe 6 years i kicked the habit for 15 years before my return ti it 6 years ago its disappointing n heartbreaking that my kids are no longer with me mentally is breaking me 💔 thanks doc

  • @kristinetannous6150
    @kristinetannous6150 8 месяцев назад +3

    20 years ago here in Australia they would give you 7 different detox meds and you would knock yourself out with pills for a week then relapse. But cold turkey is hell and bupe and done are almost life sentences although the bupe shot seems to have better success, so who knows what the answer is. Such a hard one to figure out.

    • @REDSKIs_righteous_readings
      @REDSKIs_righteous_readings 7 месяцев назад +2

      I hear U it's so difficult and I wish there was a answer for all us suffering right now best of luck to u

  • @570killaa
    @570killaa 3 месяца назад

    Im on 2 weeks completely cold turkey & have to keep reminding myself that at minimum its going to take at least a month (MINIMUM) before i start to even feel a little "ok". & thats JUST ok.
    Im struggling so so bad. I feel so weak.. every bone & muscle hurts. My stomach is a wreck. I want to jump out of my skin. Parts of my personality are coming out.. laughing.. & it gives me some hope. Absolutely zero sleep. Im a huge mess, i look awful but i want out of this hell so, soo bad after 15+ years of opiate/fentanyl use. Keep telling myself: one day i will finally have a restful sleep & wake up not hurting so bad.
    Please pray for me. I want this SO bad

    • @570killaa
      @570killaa 3 месяца назад

      I love you Dr. B. I wish we all had access to doctors like you🤍
      Don't stop what you're doing!

  • @TerrieJohnson731
    @TerrieJohnson731 4 месяца назад +1

    I'm in CA and just reduced my Klonopin by 75% and replaced with BP.Meds, seizure med. It was done in two and a half months and I wound up in crisis. I'm still at 1mg. I went through hell and still suffering symptoms. I want you for my doctor as I get myself ready for the final pull which I am doing very slowly. I'm seeking your contact information.

    • @TheBella2u
      @TheBella2u Месяц назад

      Below the RUclips video tap the word MORE, the 800 number is there.

  • @reinerb.mugarura8033
    @reinerb.mugarura8033 7 месяцев назад

    Paste the link here please

  • @Elizabethselby
    @Elizabethselby 8 месяцев назад +4

    I've been in 2mgs of clonazepam for 20 years. I have cptsd, anxiety disorder, panic disorder and they help with migraines. I will not detox from them. I refuse. I'd rather be dead. It's so bad when I've been in withdrawal a few times due to moving, waiting on a prescription etc. I don't abuse it. It's as vital as insulin is to a diabetic. Im terrified of paws. Im not a drinker. I don't drink alcohol.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +3

      Ty for sharing

    • @Elizabethselby
      @Elizabethselby 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@DrBAddictionRecovery thank you for teaching and helping so much. I have a post a withdrawing slowly from oral morphine. I'm American in uk and had to use rx oral morphine for a year. I'm weaning now.

    • @JasonBrown-dd7dj
      @JasonBrown-dd7dj 8 месяцев назад

      They are being tarred the same as opiates you be forced off shortly docs reckon 3 weeks minimal withdrawel good luck.

    • @Elizabethselby
      @Elizabethselby 7 месяцев назад

      @@makidiaz3894 I don't drink. Never really have drank much. I've had anxiety/ panic since I was a small child. I also have ptsd use CBT and meditation. I was 33-when put on them regularly. They do not affect me the way you describe. They don't make me sleepy. They calm the panic enough to cope normally. I don't need an increase, but I do need need them. It's how my body chemistry works. I would not want to live my anxiety is so bad without then, there's Bo quality of life.

    • @Elizabethselby
      @Elizabethselby 7 месяцев назад

      @@makidiaz3894 I've been on Xanax. 8 mgs a day during acute ptsd. I weaned using clonazepam. It absolutely does not make it worse. It makes life livable. There's no medical indication to come off of it. 2 mgs a day is low. I've maintained for 20 years. I don't have a need to increase dosage. I don't drink, I don't use other drugs except those prescribed. Morphine was prescribed after sepsis and liver abscesses because of the sepsis due to a surgery and I am almost weaned from that. 2 mgs a day aid in migraine prevention, cptsd management, anxiety and panic disorder. They didn't start with its usage, they started around the age of 4 or 5. It's the only real relief that help stop intrusive thoughts, illogical panic and fear, they do not make me sleepy, I'm able to function normally. Without them, I'd need to be locked up. I'd never function normally. They give me a quality of life. I've read the studies about they make it worse, they rewire the brain. Perhaps you took them recreationally. Perhaps you didn't need them. If you had real ptsd, panic or anxiety disorder, you'd never suggest this, so why would be better off without? There is so much evidence that the brain will feel withdrawal forever so why come off?
      I don't take them illegally, I don't take over my prescribed amount, in fact, often under the amount. I dont lose time with family, I don't lose friends or family due to the them, I don't spend anything that takes away from others. They help me function without as much panic, anxiety, ptsd. They are as essential to me as insulin to a diabetic. You wouldn't deny insulin, or antipsychotics to someone in psychosis. If you had a problem with them I'm sorry you did. But if you did then you're the problem, not the drug, not those who use it legitimately. People like me, who need this medication in order to live normally actually don't want or need your opinion. We are aware of the opinions of some and of our drs, and we know life with and without them. You should do what's right for you, but if at 53, 2mgs a day, a happy lowered ptsd, anxiety, panic disorder response, along with meditation, CBT, healthy diet, exercise etc., it's really non of your business. It's not that I don't want to hear it, it's not true in my case. I guarantee you that you are someone who took a Xanax with a beer before a flight. Those are the people despised by the ptsd, anxiety and panic disorder community. Mind your business not mine.
      Watch what you say to people who may be incredibly delicate mentally and are hanging by a thread. Your diagnostic technique and careless words may be the worst thing they can read.

  • @My3Pugs
    @My3Pugs 7 месяцев назад

    Dr B .. my body is in the perfect storm . I am dry tapering off Clonazepam and have Lupus . The pain from dry tapering and Lupus is always having me end in ER to help with the pain . The problem that I have is that the drs do not believe the tapering is causing the pain where I do believe it has some effect on my body . I am at a loss because I feel that they don’t understand what I am going through and don’t relate it with my Lupus diagnosis.Do you have any patients that also are dealing with autoimmune disease while tapering ?

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад

      Just make sure you are doing this w md and safe and yes and yes makes sense🙏🙏

  • @michelekisly2535
    @michelekisly2535 7 месяцев назад +1

    I wish my Psychiatrist would listen to this post ,,,,, a few times!!!

  • @user-uh8ym7cr2r
    @user-uh8ym7cr2r 6 месяцев назад

    Wish u were my doctor 💜

  • @EnDependance123
    @EnDependance123 4 месяца назад

    I entered my first 30day rehab center in 2010 and before we went they took me to their own private doctor and safely detoxed me of Clonazepam and hydrocodone. They used phenobarbital and Suboxone but only for 7 days. It was way to fast qnd the 12th day i left

  • @christopherarizola1071
    @christopherarizola1071 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you I've recently found myself doing the same thing get clean use an then get clean . I'm tired of it already but I was told I'm not an addict for buying 500$ worth of oxycodone an hydromorphone SMH I also have epilepsy so I'm trying to stay away from pain pills

  • @kevin23226
    @kevin23226 7 месяцев назад

    Dr.B Under the new laws, is it mandatory to urine test when you are on Suboxone? I am on a volunteer basis.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад

      What state? Usually not a law in that way.

    • @kevin23226
      @kevin23226 7 месяцев назад

      @@DrBAddictionRecovery Dr, B. I am in Virginia. Thank you for your help.

    • @kevin23226
      @kevin23226 7 месяцев назад

      P.S. It was your channel that got me started on Suboxone 2 years ago. I am tapering off and down to 4 mg/day from 16. Will go slow. Thanks again.

  • @tonymalony4382
    @tonymalony4382 7 месяцев назад

    My Therapist doesnt have clue ive been on 40mg methadone for years 20mg in the morning and 20 in the evening I recently went to detox and they were ok with my way, when i came out the therapist is more or less forcing me to take 40mg in one time in morning problem is im so used to my evening 20 that the 40 wears of by bedtime and i cant sleep so she wants to up my dose to 60mg but till now i refused ive been on methadone since 1994 and ive been ok my way, By the way i was on dtox for alcohol,used get my methadone from my GP but the rehab stopped him prescribing so im now having to pick up 3times a week im not happy with the situation.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад

      Good luck

    • @tonymalony4382
      @tonymalony4382 7 месяцев назад

      @@DrBAddictionRecovery thanks from Netherlands

    • @andrea022383
      @andrea022383 7 месяцев назад

      Our clinic lets some people do a split dose . So when you dose in the morning they give you a evening dose . I was having some issues so they did a test on me to see if I was a rapid metabolizer., I had to come in the morning at 5 .. dose.. come back four hours later.. Drs checked my numbers and now I split dose.
      I personally dislike this certain med… maybe it’s the stigma behind it, but I’d want to go back on Suboxone so bad . Sometimes I feel the best way would be to take a short acting opioid or kratom for a week or so then start on subs .. Idk.. any suggestions on would be so greatly appreciated ❤️

    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 7 месяцев назад

      I'm in the same exact position split dosing because I'm a fast metabolizer worked. Now back into one go and medication dropped and dropped really struggling. They still have me going 6 days a walk and I've been on it multiple years

  • @galemiller7422
    @galemiller7422 7 месяцев назад

    Years ago I went into a hospital in Washington harbour view they treated me like crap getting off of two different kinds of two different kinds of benzodiazepines an opiate they did this in such a rapid way they gave me buprenorphine for a couple of days on and off and I went through other hell I left their sticker than I was going in it was very sadistic I had a patient tell me that that is just cruel what they're doing to you

  • @magalufff
    @magalufff 8 месяцев назад +2

    When it comes to benzos detox is way to fast. I swear by Ashton manual, slow tapering really works

    • @kawaiikaiju8549
      @kawaiikaiju8549 Месяц назад

      I wish someone would help me do this. Ive tried to switch to valium and it was a horrible experience. Valium and my body hate each other. Severe shakes, extreme fear, heart races for 10 hours. 😢

  • @zacharyrochon1969
    @zacharyrochon1969 6 месяцев назад +1

    U detox then get body pains from the chemicals that can last a year, or years..why it’s good to find supplements n chaga

  • @heaven7360
    @heaven7360 8 месяцев назад +1

    The fairly recent CDC "recommendations" to the health care "industry" regarding enforced opioid prescription limitations is not so concerned about the points you're making. There is considerable pressure on the health care "industry' now to get people off their opioid use that THEY prescribed and there is no patient consideration involved in this. Maybe it's just my experience at Kaiser Permanente but it's brutal. I'm on my own. My doctor can do just what she wants to me

  • @becky2235
    @becky2235 7 месяцев назад

    The one rehab i went to they said well we could make jt comfortable but youd never learn. There was also constant sexual harassment there on all woman horrible place

  • @jmr6117
    @jmr6117 8 месяцев назад +2

    There its nothing like detox methadone i was on it for 19 years and my good lord one year after detox its feel like the first week bad..i feel like shit ,fisicaly and mentaly.

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 8 месяцев назад +4

      I’m sorry. I wish you the best

    • @JasonBrown-dd7dj
      @JasonBrown-dd7dj 8 месяцев назад +2

      Mate you done a year your a warrior

    • @jmr6117
      @jmr6117 8 месяцев назад

      @@JasonBrown-dd7dj i wish i never touch methadone but its it like it ,like i say its bad cuz you don't have peace for a second ,i don't see the end of this pain.

    • @JasonBrown-dd7dj
      @JasonBrown-dd7dj 8 месяцев назад

      @@jmr6117 stick at it your body and brain will heal, prescribed oxy and pregab me for failed spinal surgery cold turkey nearly killed me.Most won't walk a yard in your shoes I've read about methadone most are on it for life .Better off kicking short acting opiate

    • @lunamonetmonroe
      @lunamonetmonroe 7 месяцев назад

      @@jmr6117Im sorry. I am currently in the process of detoxing from suboxone. I wish when I went through the whole 9 (detox all the way to a residential facility, then sober house & now independent living) that I never chose MAT as my recovery path. I’ve been clean off of my DOC for 6 years which was percs (but I’d get what I could as a substitute if none were available) & alcohol..thankfully never ending up an IV user..I’ll never know how but I didn’t. I’ve been on 2mg films for way longer than I’ve wanted to be bcuz I knew this part of it all too well. I haven’t slept right in over a week, barely eating, restless legs all night, all over body aches..I don’t have to go on, you know how it feels. BUT I am determined to leave this behind as it literally determines how I operate my life & I want control back. I’m tired of Dr appointments every 3 weeks, giving urine samples to prove I didn’t use (I haven’t had a positive test but one time in 6 years..and when I did it was for weed). I want to just detox on MY terms. I have clonodine & hydroxizine for comfort meds, which barely scratches the surface…but it helps a bit. I’m staying hydrated & doing my best to manage, but with a full time management position & 2 children (older, but still depend on me)it’s been tough. The physical pain is unbearable at times, but the mental part is the real battle. One moment at a time. We got this. Once I’m more physically stable I will be getting back into my bi-weekly therapy appointments. Try to stay strong & do the best you can. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. We can do it! 🫶🏼

  • @user-ek6rf1st3b
    @user-ek6rf1st3b 7 месяцев назад +1

    I wish I had some help to get off drugs I been a addict for 25 years I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars I have lost everything

  • @alannagrossi4328
    @alannagrossi4328 7 месяцев назад

    This doctor is SPOT ON !!! I’m constantly on and off prescription opioids. I finally take SUBOXONE again and am truly trying. 😢It’s been hard !!!

    • @DrBAddictionRecovery
      @DrBAddictionRecovery 7 месяцев назад

      Good luck

    • @becky2235
      @becky2235 7 месяцев назад

      I've had 5 major Subutex allergic reactions all of which have hospitalized me it's not the only dangerous allergic reaction I've had yet they still want to put me on Subutex! It's unbelievable. At first I was told it was the mix I was allergic too then the coating last time I was in hospital the consultant said are you stupid you know you're allergic! Only took it a 5th time as my mother threatened to throw me out of I didn't but within 40 mins of me taking 0.2 mg she had to call a ambulance