I was 9 years old living in London in 1984 and went with my dad watch Gremlins at the theater. When we got there we found out that gremlins was not accessible to kids below 13 yr old but Dune was showing and accessible to anyone. So i got to watch DL’s Dune at 9yr old. It was a completely surreal experience. I ve rewatched it numerous times since.
I watched Dune in 1985 when I was 7 years old. I loved it then and still love it now. The new Villeneuve version is incredible but I will always have a soft spot for Lynch's vision. I only wish that he would have been given complete creative control over the project all the way through the editing process.
When the interviewer snickers at 7:44, saying “Don’t waste your money” in reference to Gremlins. 😂😂 In the end, Gremlins would make nearly 5 times what Dune did ($212 mil. vs $45 mil.)
@@smokymountainangoras I actually prefer David Lynch’s Dune to both Gremlins and Ghostbusters. I love classic 80s films, but something about the power of the story and the bizarre visuals keeps me coming back, again and again.
Lynch should just go and rerelease Dune 1984 the way he originally really wanted it, today. With today's CGI and deepfake technology, there's no problem even with the original cast no longer available, because Lynch can just redo, reshoot or add new scenes, exactly how he originally intended. Look how they got Luke Skywalker to appear in the new Mandalorian TV series... So it's totally possible to do a new Dune 1984 Directors's Cut, improved, remastered and rereleased in theaters today.
I was 9 years old living in London in 1984 and went with my dad watch Gremlins at the theater. When we got there we found out that gremlins was not accessible to kids below 13 yr old but Dune was showing and accessible to anyone. So i got to watch DL’s Dune at 9yr old. It was a completely surreal experience. I ve rewatched it numerous times since.
Great interview. Lynch is one of a kind
I watched Dune in 1985 when I was 7 years old. I loved it then and still love it now. The new Villeneuve version is incredible but I will always have a soft spot for Lynch's vision. I only wish that he would have been given complete creative control over the project all the way through the editing process.
“It was a nightmare, and…………it was a nightmare.”
When the interviewer snickers at 7:44, saying “Don’t waste your money” in reference to Gremlins. 😂😂 In the end, Gremlins would make nearly 5 times what Dune did ($212 mil. vs $45 mil.)
GL panders to a younger age demographic to make money. DL films are much more academic.
@@smokymountainangoras I actually prefer David Lynch’s Dune to both Gremlins and Ghostbusters. I love classic 80s films, but something about the power of the story and the bizarre visuals keeps me coming back, again and again.
well gremlins was much more straight forward and accessible to audiences more than dune imo
Thank you for this
1:53 man how things have changed. No one stays true to the source material anymore.
Hes so intelligent and humble, listen to him, hes unique.
Upload more Twin Peaks stuff from the UK Media please
04:27 Spoke too soon.
Why is this not in 60 fps?
Hello - this was filmed in 1984 so it's originally in PAL 25fps.
Why do you care?
what on earth would be the point of that?
Bro whatever
Fix the description please
I’m sorry but I actually liked Lynch’s version more.
Lynch should just go and rerelease Dune 1984 the way he originally really wanted it, today. With today's CGI and deepfake technology, there's no problem even with the original cast no longer available, because Lynch can just redo, reshoot or add new scenes, exactly how he originally intended. Look how they got Luke Skywalker to appear in the new Mandalorian TV series... So it's totally possible to do a new Dune 1984 Directors's Cut, improved, remastered and rereleased in theaters today.
Hes so intelligent and humble, listen to him, hes unique.