  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @geechterrell9841
    @geechterrell9841 6 дней назад +1

    Thank you my brother for the Ancient African History videos keep them coming

  • @BibleStories868
    @BibleStories868 18 дней назад +10

    *The mysteries of giants in the Bible and ancient civilizations have always aroused curiosity and debate. Whether giants were real or not, let us always remember that God is the almighty Creator, and He has power over all things. To everyone reading this comment, may God grant us a healthy curiosity to explore the world around us, the wisdom to distinguish between fact and myth, and above all, absolute trust in His power and love.*

    • @desireehelms8012
      @desireehelms8012 14 дней назад

      The original book of Genesis is found in the lost Book of Enki written in cuneiform Enki was the priest who came after Lucifer he was and interplanetary traveler Moses translated the Book of Enki with the assistance of the Angel Gabriel God was raising up a new holy nation out of the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve

    • @desireehelms8012
      @desireehelms8012 14 дней назад

      If you read the book of Enoch and the Lost book of Noah it tells you the truth the lost Book of Noah was placed in a temple below the surface of the earth because it is written that the Giant Anaki that was left behind went below the surface of the earth because they were mining the resources of our planet to repair theirs and they were sealed miles below the earth before the waters retreated in another ice age.

    • @joshbenton4080
      @joshbenton4080 7 дней назад

      Archeologists have in fact exhumed the gravesites of very tall, big people that stood well over 10 feet, to even close to 20 + feet tall! In addition to that, archeologists have found giant swords, spears and other weapons in these gravesites of these giant people. There were "Giants" that were also Canaanite kings that the Bible describes as having beds that were about 4 meters long and at least 2 meters wide. There were likely giant people in just about ever culture around the world, including the Philistines. (Goliath the Philistine was a giant) Nimrod the Cushite, the great grandson of Noah, was allegedly a giant who stood about 18 feet tall. Recently, mummified caucaised people with red hair that stood roughly 12 feet tall were found inside of a cave in Nevada. (Scandinavian people are usually very tall and these mummified remains were likely of Scandinavian descent) And we still have giants living with us today, some are tribes in Africa, where some people are between 7 or 8 feet tall or even taller. Many of which are wrestlers, pro ball players and so forth. These "Giant" people aren't that different than us, they too were created by God, in His likeness and in His image. No matter how tall people can become or how tall they became in ancient times, no one is bigger than God. God bless.

  • @lillianjacobs4855
    @lillianjacobs4855 18 дней назад +2

    Thanks for the video, however it's just too short 🥴.... Feels like there's some information missing..... 😅 I enjoy your videos.....😊

  • @derrickroberts1054
    @derrickroberts1054 18 дней назад +2

    Interesting, the sons of God an the daughters of men had a Present in the Lands of Kush I did not know?
    That's something to think about!

    • @luciparadise6781
      @luciparadise6781 17 дней назад +1

      They were all over the place.

    • @chevygurl0115
      @chevygurl0115 9 дней назад

      That's because they want you to think that Africa has nothing to do with history!

  • @Jeo-What
    @Jeo-What 19 дней назад +3

    Interesting theory regarding giants building pyramids. Since pyramids are scattered throughout the earth and China actually has pyramids that are twice as large as the largest pyramids and many times in quantities, does that mean there were giants living all over the earth and some areas had more than the others?

    • @Cold913
      @Cold913 18 дней назад

      Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids by "Stacking"! Wooden moldings of rectangular shapes of cedar wood, or other types WERE built, then mud was poured into the moldings, followed mortar for the glue. Once the first molding was dried, and completed, "Rinse and Repeat"! Build another wooden molding on top of the previous dried rectangular stone, and pour etc... And yes Egyptians knew of ladders, and stairs.

    • @Cold913
      @Cold913 18 дней назад +1

      The Tower Of Babel was the tallest structure REACHING the heavens before GOD intervened. This huge structure according to bible scriptures was made of mud and mortar for the glue, that produced large brick structures etc.

  • @exclamationpointman3852
    @exclamationpointman3852 18 дней назад

    Sometimes I wonder how to defeat these things. They will always have Achilles heel: they left their place. So they will always have a weakness no matter how big.

  • @ninjamoves3642
    @ninjamoves3642 17 дней назад +1

    Where are the bone remains of these 18 ft giants?

  • @romulus62moondust
    @romulus62moondust 12 дней назад

    This was interesting for a moment ,then the lack of knowledge and facts flushed this down the toilet

  • @sonyabowman7100
    @sonyabowman7100 19 дней назад +2

    Melinated, red, brown is still melinated beings and the red hair theory is debatable. There were no non melinated beings in Kemet...period...and they were not need to get better receipts on your research

    • @verenatuna9010
      @verenatuna9010 18 дней назад

      So, you don't believe in the existence of human- angel- hybrids (nephilim/ genesis 6) at all? Or do you just reject the idea these beings were in Africa?
      Demons (or "unclean spirits") are said to be the (disembodied) spirits of these giants/ hybrid beings/ Nephilim, according to the Book of Enoch.

    • @verenatuna9010
      @verenatuna9010 18 дней назад

      idk... at least there are reports from indigenous people around the world about white, red haired, man- eating giants.

  • @Splendiferous-qh6rr
    @Splendiferous-qh6rr 19 дней назад +9

    I recommend reading the book, "The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America: The Missing Skeletons and the Smithsonian Cover-Up" by Richard J. Dewhurst.

    • @joshbenton4080
      @joshbenton4080 7 дней назад

      I'd definitely like to read that, thanks!

  • @JerusalemRemembered28
    @JerusalemRemembered28 18 дней назад +3

    Thank you for sharing. Important information, especially in these last days. 💯👏🏻

  • @trapdoorfloyd
    @trapdoorfloyd 17 дней назад +3

    Im in the land of Kush every time I light up. 😎

  • @chrisberlin1552
    @chrisberlin1552 16 дней назад +2

    Fascinating. My baseline is that all of humanity, ancient giants, dinosaurs, buildings and structures of any kind, ALL somehow fit into the story of this earth beginning with Adam and Eve ca 4004 BC through the present. I know that sounds wacky and impossible, and admittedly i dont know nor understand all the particulars of how it all came about, but i have faith that eventually i will. This stuff is fascinating and mesmerizing…learning and researching such is all i do when not working or with my kids. God bless.

    • @joshbenton4080
      @joshbenton4080 7 дней назад

      In the Antediluvian World, before the Great Flood happened in Noah's time, circa 4,500 years ago, the entire ecosystem of this planet was totally different then what it is today. Before the Flood, there were higher amounts of oxygen in earth's atmosphere than there is now. (Fossil records would indicate this) And so with that said, every living creature was a lot bigger and stronger than that of today. And the giant land animals that we call Dinosaurs did not die off in the so called "KT Mass Extinction" 65 Million Years ago. This comes from the Evolutionary World Viewpoint and is Not based in Truth. (I'm a believer in the Creation Account in Genesis 1-2 and reject the Evolutionary Theology!) These giant land animals were around in ancient times and are actually in the Bible. Although they're not called "Dinosaurs", but rather names like Leviathan, Fire Breathing Dragons, Fiery Serpents, the Great Lizard and Behemoths to name a few. Leviticus 11:29 describes this giant land animal as a non Kosher animal in the Torah. Our ancestors did coexist with dinosaurs and there's an entrance to a cave in Glen Rock, TX that has both human and dinosaur footprints in it, but fossilized from a few thousand years ago, probably from the time Jesus was on this earth, doing His Ministry. And there are many other places around the world where both human and dinosaur footprints have been found. The Evolutionarily Theology was invented by Jesuit theologians during the Counter Reformation, following the Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century. (The Theory of Evolution is the origin of systemic racism) During the Counter Reformation, Jesuit theologians invented a number of other theologies to not only discredit the claim, of who the Protestant reformers said who the Antichrist is, but to also marginalize God's Truth. And Peter, the Apostle actually Prophesied that "As also in his epistles, (Paul's) speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen." II Peter 3:16-18 (NKJV Bible) God bless.

  • @desireehelms8012
    @desireehelms8012 14 дней назад +1

    Jesus said in John chapter 10 that the word of God was written by the Gods and the Gods he was referring to where the Anaki
    it is written in the book of Joshua that the sons of Anak were kings in those days the sons of Anak were the sons of the Anaki

  • @luciparadise6781
    @luciparadise6781 17 дней назад +1

    Those "H" rock cuttings are also in Peru. 😮

  • @desireehelms8012
    @desireehelms8012 14 дней назад

    There is no such thing as fallen Angels that word does not exist in the original vocabulary Lucifer was a King and a Priest the first of all the Royal Priest hood that became corrupt so he and the kings that followed after him were called the fallen and the spirit of God left them because they began to create a religion of idols and making them selves out to be God when they were not that was the reason why God created Adam from the Ground of Planet earth because they would be called indigenous and they were meant to multiply and replace the Anaki. Enoch was taken up because he was holy before God and was possessed with the spirit of God and he was taken up to the home planet to rebuild the temple of God that had been destroyed and restore order he was made a ruler and he brought his books and his teachings and the human race began in the order of the Melchizedec priest hood instead of the Anaki

  • @grunt9131
    @grunt9131 16 дней назад

    Sensei the dead Nephilim Spirit are demons I don't completely disagree with that but just like heaven hell has its ranks

  • @desireehelms8012
    @desireehelms8012 14 дней назад

    First of all lets get something clear about all of these beliefs from so called bible Experts like the one who tells these stories
    the bible did not exist in Ancient times the original word of God was written in cuneiform Hebrew and in Greek and it is written in the original word of God that there was a previous race on our planet called the Anaki. The Anaki that were in fact Giants and there were in the beginning 20 ft in height and there was this priest who was called Enki who wrote the original book of Genesis.

  • @grunt9131
    @grunt9131 16 дней назад

    What we do know and everyone agrees there was a flood that might have wiped out nearly everything.

  • @SuperGiantGeckosLLC
    @SuperGiantGeckosLLC 14 дней назад

    We are the micronians
    They are the Zentradi.

  • @int31cm
    @int31cm 17 дней назад

    Again, very interesting and well done. Thank you

  • @RubyRoyVarghese
    @RubyRoyVarghese 19 дней назад +3


    • @onejohn2.26.
      @onejohn2.26. 19 дней назад +4

      Laugh now and cry later because these beings are coming back very soon

    • @Cold913
      @Cold913 18 дней назад +1

      Someone has been watching to many Marvel Movies.