*S-o-o-o-o-o-* - The San Andreas Fault near Palm Springs manages to transfer most of its expected slippage to the San Jacinto Fault to the SW and the East Fault of the Eastern Mojave to the NE? - Unlike the San Jacinto Fault, the Eastern Mojave faults fork away from the San Andreas and start a faulting system that runs north on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevadas? - Middlebury is in Vermont. Go Panthers!
No discussion of the Walker lane? It is going to be the next major fault. As a matter of fact that area yielded the biggest earthquake california has seen In twenty plus years. 7.1m
Great presentation. Thanks for posting.
This could not be more fascinating to me. More stuff like this please! :)
Your videos are very helpful. Taking my MSc in structural geology in Norway and this was a great help. Thank you!
I'm sure the recent Ridgecrest earthquakes are going to shed a lot of light on this.
- The San Andreas Fault near Palm Springs manages to transfer most of its expected slippage to the San Jacinto Fault to the SW and the East Fault of the Eastern Mojave to the NE?
- Unlike the San Jacinto Fault, the Eastern Mojave faults fork away from the San Andreas and start a faulting system that runs north on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevadas?
- Middlebury is in Vermont. Go Panthers!
Excellent video. Thank you for making these
No discussion of the Walker lane? It is going to be the next major fault. As a matter of fact that area yielded the biggest earthquake california has seen In twenty plus years. 7.1m
You are the best ever
Massive Walker fault might be real. (eastern Mojave) .... 6.5 FEET sideways in over 3000 strain fault rumbles, in 3 days.