+Richter Cress I love Loki (see my profile picture, lol), but hate going against him. I see why people would be fine with him leaving. I think the only reason he can't leave is because of the lore.
I really hate when people auto lock then think their have the right to tell others what to pick, or when you an another teammate pick mages another teammate would pick a third fucking mage and auto lock so now you or the other guy have to change.
Lmao not even the slightest. Loki is completely destroyed by any hard cc, and timing a sanctuary correctly. Most people don't understand that loki makes full use of his entire kit to make one engagement. Leaving him completely open for attack right after, and dead seconds later. He makes up for this, with his high burst damage. Loki is an extremely easy god to counter. Catch him out of his stealth, and he's dead instantly. If you play games without at least one form of hard cc on your team, then it's clearly your problem for not having a proper team comp.
ShadkunWarrior what you said applies to pretty much all the assassins but as I've played the game more you're right. I'm a little but less afraid of him
+sailornaruto39 Good, you shouldn't be. But never underestimate a loki. This especially applies to experienced loki players. If the god you're using isn't a good boxer, you shouldn't face him alone, or ever isolate yourself from the team. He practically feeds off arrogance.
No... not OP at all. In fact, at my elo, when I see a loki on the enemy team, we laugh in comms. At higher levels, people stare at their mini map and communicate ability use to one another. "Loki ult down" or "loki stealth down" translates to "free kill in solo lane." He also contributes nothing to the team. At all. If you're map aware, there's nothing he can do. He can try to instakill your mage, but once you CC him to death a few times for trying it, he'll get the message. He can be bursted in the same we he can burst someone. Wards. Ruin. Loki. Period. Even if he's successfully split pushing, his team is getting shat on in a 4v5. He can't end the game alone, nor can he defend alone. His push ends at the phoenix.
iHackPlsBan its true tho. Skill doesnt just count using the god but how you position, how you build, how you teamfight and coordinate and how you stratigically move through the battleground. Most loki just go for the lowest hp enemy get a kill amd run, a skilled loki picks off targets in a manner to tilt the fight in his or his teams favor. If they cant win a teamfight when enemy adc or burst mage is out idk what to tell you it isnt on loki tho
I was playing Loki one time, and I put my clone in side their base while I was chasing this guy and it exploded and killed him. I felt bad but it was hilarious 😂
Loki's are easy to predict, as a Ganesh main whenever i hear that taunt I look at all my squishies and grin, 8 out of 10 times they go for the mage, i grab the little fucker and laugh as he get's nuked. All you need to lear to kill loki is stay together, ya do that he's boned.
Well, a reason to hate Loki is when in Ranked Conquest, the last open role is Support and he instalocks Loki, goes 0-8 and screams into the mic in spanish... gotta love Latam 3 year olds
Low skill floor? More like no skill floor lol. Tried him out when he was on free rotation and got him mastery level 1 (since I'm aiming to master all gods at one point) and jeez. He takes no skill at all to play lol. None whatsoever. In all the games I played with him to mastery 1, I have always gotten, at minimum, 10+ kills. And at maximum, only 3 deaths. Loki's the only character in the game who absolutely makes me feel disgusted at myself for picking him. If you feel accomplished winning as Loki, then you are a scrub who most likely can't play any other god in the game at a high level.
Chainhog IdkwhatToPutAsLastNameXD Ao Kuang is pretty dumb too. But at least he's trash early-mid game. Loki can kill at level 5 solo. Ao Kuang can't without someone else dropping their hp low for his ultimate. Loki remains the #1 braindead, no skill, character in Smite.
Nah, Loki still takes it easily in that category as well. Like I said, Ao Kuang is trash and can't do shit early-mid game without help (This counts as difficulty in your 'easy to play' category). Loki can kill at any point solo after level 5, which makes him easier. Also, there's no point arguing with someone with a Loki avatar as their display pic. Obvious bias is obvious.
Tiir but his late game is easier than lokis and it isn't hard to make it there at all. All u have to do is last hit some players bam you're ahead and ready to start the ridiculous high amounts of damage, not to mention his invisibility comes with a free blink and an execute.
Everytime someone on my team is being a dick to everyone, it always seems to be a loki player. They also don't communicate, and in ranked, he's often the only one not on curse.
I've been playing for three weeks. Loving this game. I think Loki is the best example of a true assassin. Meaning he gets in, kills the target and moves on to the next opponent. I play support with the Egyptian Beatle god. The good loki players make my job much easier. best way to kill loki is a tank like mine or old fashion teamwork which this game promotes. That all said I do agree with this vid 100%. I've seen it first hand.
+Gerald Tarrant There are also certain gods that are... er, godlike against Loki. Take Artemis for example. The ult totally kills Loki and the rest of the kit helps as well. When I play Artemis, I fear no Loki, diamond with couple of thousand kills or not.
+Laerei As a proud graduate from Backstab Academy and student of ProfessorLoki, I have to say that Loki dumpsters on Artemis. You may have success against trash Lokis as Artemis but against a competent player, Loki will win against most hunters. This is why he is great in the ADC role because his opportunity to kill the enemy ADC is high when the supports rotate to Mid. What I do as a Loki is to ult an Artemis when she ults. The CC immunity from his ult prevents the stun from the boar. The boar will still damage Loki just not stun him. The only hunter from experience that gives Loki trouble is Hou Yi.
It's rare when i get a good or even decent Loki player. I always end up with someone who tries to go in on the enemy team, near the turret with like Ymir or someone standing next to them who does nothing but feed.
Understandable i mostly play solo/support/ jungle but jungle in this season is pretty trashy... And loki aint the best for jungle so like everybody does just play him in solo but you know coming from PC to ps4 to play with friends it pisses me off when people play loki like trash with massive trashy builds it makes me cringe hardcore hahah but yeah i would say baka/loki/arachne are super fun solo laner if decent with them assassin wise
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez I guess so. I laned against a Loki in solo and well..he didn't seem all that great. Even with help i still beat his ass. I don't doubt that hes good, I doubt that people are good with him, because they often aren't.
I'm a level 10 loki, but I don't really play him as much as I used to because he's honestly really easy to counter. especially if you know how he works. you see him disappear, hear the noise of his third ability near you, and watch your back. oh, and always have sanctuary on you when you're up against a loki. despite being ridiculously strong, he's also extremely predictable and therefore not as big of a threat as you might think.
Im surprised that there are so many logical points here. I assumed it was because 99% of the Loki population are insta-locking scrubs, generally bad players and "Avengers" fan boys with an age or IQ of 14 and below.
Agree....that decoy, is uncontested lane clear....and his stealth is op, even if you get him to low health....the stealth speed boost will usually save him...what is even more erking...is the fact that if you use an aoe ability to try to catch him, it doesn't break his stealth he remains invis....so dumb.
I would love the Loki guide because I usually get fed in my games, but then their Loki focuses me and ults me 13 times in a row, one shotting me instantly. I had aegis and beads but you can only pop them every so often throughout Loki's ult CD cycle being shorter then the CD of the relics. So hopefully that guide can help me ;-;
+MrShadowclaw29 You cant really avoid that, you just gotta be careful, if you know hes around and he's focusing you just get around your team, at least your support, if he still decides to ult your team will attack him right after. of course he's gonna take half you life but at least his dead XD
The only issue I have with Loki is his ability to 1 hit weaker characters without using an ult. It's always hard to figure out where he is (or isn't) and it's hard to get a hold of him with most character
Most gods in the game have to have a condition meet with their farming, being up agginst the wave, the wave moving forward, the wave staying still. Loki is the only God who just "push 2 to farm" and it's a perfect farm. Which means no matter how good you clear, he can sit in tower, clear, clock out, go behind your tower, clear, and now he has a wave that you can't clear cause you don't want minnion agro, or you may not be able to clear it, where even if another God could manage to do that to loki, he wouldn't care, he would push 2 and clear. The last God with unconditional clear was old Vulcan. But loki can keep it because.... Reasons...
+The Swedish spirit Hmm, doesn't new Vulcan technically still have unconditional clear with the turret? The only condition I could see is that the turret can be destroyed.
DukeSloth as far as conditions meet to clear, yes, but its not unconditional clear that can clear the whole wave, if you leave it somewhere, it will get a couple hits in on the wave, and the wave will kill it really fast, since the turret takes 50% more damage from minnions, i would also consider that an enemy god can stop it, makes it conditional clear, like if everyone had a banish active, lokis 2 would be conditional clear and it only has 220/300/380/460/540 health, minnions can easily do that in damage, with a 50% damage boost and true damage, (considering that minions are doing true damage, and have negitive pen as a default, they have to go through less that 75% of the turrets super low health) No idea why minions do true damage, but they do. Even nu was minnions have the signature orange letters of true damage. It also is counter-able by being destroyed, if you dont cap it first, the enemy can destroy your turret in like, one ability. or maybe, 2 or 3 autos early on, and far before it clears a wave, it doesnt hit all minnions with a 3, and one minnion twice, plus have 30% of the health of a tank, plus a slow heal anymore. His turret only attacks one minion at a time, it has no hope to clear the whole wave if the wave is on its own, therefore it is a condition, that to clear the wave, the wave must be fighting your wave, or your tower, and no god must destroy it. Considering how easily it can be destroyed, countered, ignored, and how slow it would clear a lane, im damed surprised you would call it "unconditional clear" And even if it were tanky enough to take a wave beating it cant just be left behind a tower to clear, if you want to have it in a spot that clears and prevents minnions from going in tower, you have to leave it vonerable from minnions, and it wont survive the wave, and they will get into tower. Loki has the unconditional clear, of unconditionally clearing under tower without losing half gold to minions in radius, or all gold to tower last hit. I would consider the ease of its counter, the impracticality, and imperfection of its clear, and the fact that most of the minnion wave can survive it without the help of another minion wave to distract it, it very much has conditions to using it as a clear, so much so, that you probably also want to use your clear tool. Your 1. Which is a conditional clear, that so happens to also have an escape. If it doesnt clear however, your turret is at least a good tool to finish it off, without wasting mana. And also, it can be put where minions meet, so that you can get one shots and gold shares. But it by far, has conditions to meet.
The Swedish spirit Judging by those aspects, you have a point. I would say there are others that come close (for example Nu Wa fog with a high power build, not requiring you to stay with the wave or get close at all), but not to the same extent as Loki does.
DukeSloth And even Nu Wa's fog, doesnt work as well low level, and cant clear from the side, thus it cant clear from behind enemy tower. And it cant clear a WHOLE wave from undertower, only loki has that.
Yeah, low level Loki players are always spamming the chat with poisonous comments. BUT when they have reached the 10 level, they calm down and actually can be nice to others.
+Stalker Nah, not really. If you don't listen to music and have the ingame ability volume on a decent level, they're actually pretty easy to hear. A head will however help with determining his exact position.
I've taken a look at Teemo's kit and I don't see it being Loki level anti fun. Granted, I don't play LoL so I wouldn't know. Care to enlighten me about Teemo?
Stabby Stab well the word circle around that he is the true spawn of satan,,, jokes aside if he is played ability power (not physical the other one) his Q blinds you + poison his W run like an idiot (fkin badger) and his E is a passive that poison every hit he do.. and is ultimate places mushrooms that gives a fuckton of slow and dmg untill you try it it's hard to belive how frustrating is... also imagine that a team fight ok? and ur team wins the fight and are 3-4 alive with 1/4 of hp right? and they go all in one place to push lane or recal and sudently one steps on a shroom.. "QUADRAKILL"
you earned yourself a sub me and my buds are into this game on ps4 and your doing a good job at descriptions for these characters and keeping it both long and informative but not too long where we get bored
YES! That part where you said Loki players tend to get overconfident and cocky. I saw that first hand a few days ago when one challenged me to a 1v1. First off he didn't know anything about the map you choose, the amount of gold you get and the level you start so he decided to go and create an Arena 1v1 with 999999 gold with level 3 for some reason. I picked Thanatos because I love him (
didn't point out that pubstomp refers to specifically pick-up-games, not organized play but solo queuing. part from that, yes, this list is perfect. Thumbs up and I'll definitely check out more of your vids.
+DizzyFox +DukeSloth The hud i can understand, but those keybindings! Like i'm not hating at all, but i've never seen keybindings like those before. The active bindings I understand but A+W+E+Spacebar for abilities? Is this some trick you picked up from another game?
Nick Le Fun fact: Explaining the key bindings was actually one of the first videos I've ever made :D Here you go: ruclips.net/video/rQ06U0kkDmI/видео.html
played arena where a sat back and waited for kills. in the end i went 10/0 and did absolutely nothing to help my team strategicaly. i feel as if that in a way is the embodiement of lokis dickishnss in many ways.
meskis12 If you're fighting them in solo and they're stupid enough to stand in their wave it's just a matter of blinking into the wave, they'll try to get away with their invisibility but since they're blighted, when you use silence it cancels and stuns them then it's the bass drop and their goes more than half of his health.
Guyfun yeah dude I be kicking Loki but with hades but nemesis is good at killing him to when I fight Loki alone with nemesis i use my shield thing and ult him.
Reminds me when people complain about being ganked by Loki in the early/mid game. I tell them to buy wards to reveal him in his stealth. They tell me to stfu and that I should buy wards. I look at the map, there are 2 wards on the map, and they're both placed by me...=(
+ButterFox moncrief Wards won't reveal while cloaked, wards counter him hard regardless. With enough ward coverage, you'll see when he rotates out of lane and he typically cloaks shortly before he moves into a lane to gank, so you can often catch him with a ward (as otherwise his stealth would run out before he reaches you).
Loki is literally the god of trolling XD And yes I mean literally because his traditional title is "the god of mischief", which in modern day translates as trolling XD
I don't play Conquest so i can't say anything about that but i struggle playing against him in Clash and Siege. If I play against Loki 2 times in a row i start going to my default character to deal with him; A.M.C. (mainly because if i play 2 games and both have an enemy Loki, it's a 80% chance he is going to be a regular for the night) Even though my plan isn't full proof I can fuck him up enough to make him reconsider engaging in a 1v1.
Is it okay to hate people who play Loki? maybe not. Is it okay to hate people who have diamond Loki? Absolutely, especially if it's their first diamond.
+Darkadonis257 Diamond is usually terrible-looking and is overpriced. It's fine on the right gods if you have the ultimate god pack, but anyone who needs to mind their use of favor and is considering buying the skin on their main just to do it is getting sucked into the siren call.
FUTURE TESTER i usually like to play him if im trying to get easy wins in arena or something for a quest. it can get boring because of how op he is its like playing with AI when i use him
you will see damage numbers on loki will he's invisible if you burn him with agni or Kephri's sun ball, it may also work with other status ailments like. a'puches mask thing
I think loki is falling off a bit, because everyone gets breastplate of valor and bullwork of hope anyway, which stops his one shotting, so it feels more like an execute.
+DukeSloth that does go for junglers who are ability based, they get breastplate, and mid laners get both breastplate and warlock sash. Or at least, they should, no item will make you do 600 more damage, other than maybe soul reaver, or %pen against tanks, but bullwork ends up giving 600 health and quite a bit of power too.
The Swedish spirit I play many ability based gods and I don't always get Breastplate. With the price increase, spirit robe is often a much better option.
DukeSloth I dont go spirit robe that much, because on the gods i play, that 10% cooldown is worth the price, and that 60 physical protection isnt bad either. Spirit robe also counters Loki anyway, giving you 15% damage resist when he ults you. Thus, also allowing you to not get one shot. And to be fair, spirit robe on some ability gods out trades in the mid, if the magical protection is more important than the cooldown, but its not like it doesn't also counter lokis, The argument on why spirit robe is better compared to breastplate is as flat out as breastplate being cheaper, and out trading chronos pendant, or that warlock sash out trades doom orb, so picking up a brestplate with a loki in your game, is hardly hurting your build. In fact, as far as core items, and cooldown items go, you have to TRY to make a build that doesnt counter loki, to some degree, unless you only go items that offer 100 or more magical power per item, (except for boots and maybe a poly) and not get one single item that offers health or physical protection. But those are bad builds, in which case, you are probably still out traded by everyone who builds a little bit of health, and thus your going to get one shooted anyways, Loki or no Loki, boots, warlock sash, chronos pendant, spear of desolation, rod of Tahuti and a pen item, is a bad build, sure it has 800 power, but lose 100 power from one item, you lose maybe 200 damage, pick up warlock sash, you get 600 health, and loki doesn't one shot you. But the AA gods cant counter build against anyone right? They actually can often kill lokis, if they are near anybody with any amount of CC, peal, burst, or heal. Or, if they are like Kali, who can just stun him outright. because due to Lokis stealth and the fact that he builds around the one auto having 325% scaling instantly, and only 450 base, he could be hard pressed to have an item to counter AA gods like everyone else in the game. After all like you said, he doesn't counter build, and if he does get breastplate, or hide of the urchin, he can lose out on 200 or so damage from scaling, or a 300 or so if he skips a pen item for it, which in itself, is just enough to not one shot hunters.
I love loki. He makes for a really good meal for my Arachne. Dont know how many times hes tried to gank me and I just turn around and poision/stun him before he can kill me.
+Bentense9001 Gaming Yup! Arachne, so fucking good counter for him...Thou you must be carefull with her! Arachne is a squishy god with lots of lifesteal which turns out that she is one of the best jungler in the game! And I do the same thing as Bentense9001 said!
I remember this game where I was playing chang'e and this loki got so pissed because he missed his ult (because i was always immune) that he always ulted me and failed before i turned the tables and ulted him
I use to have problems with him but whenever I play against him now I hear his stealth activate and since I use Artemis I either drop a root informer of my feet and have Loki follow me forward or use my ult and hit my 2 and finish him
I play as loki I love him and I usually do get wins with him I know he has a low skill floor but his potential is endless if you get good with him when I first started playing with him I came across a guy with mastery rank 5 with Loki we both played as him and he only killed me once throughout the entire game with me killing him every time we met after that and also Loki forces people to do things they normally wouldn't Loki doesn't need a tank either it's helpful but if you build him right he can fuck any tight teams day up I play joust btw so it may be different while fight 5 instead of 3
So am I the worst guy in the world for maining Loki in Smite and Shaco in league of legends and Riki in Dota...? I dont really play dota tho but smite and shaco i play a lot. I started smite 2 days ago tho but I love loki :d
LMAO it happened to me when i first started it was kinda annoying (i'm a neith player) but all of a sudden i realized it was so easy to counter him i just wait for him and when he try to ulti me i just jump back stun him and totally destroy him with basic attacks (i have a Lot of crit) lmao i can tell they get so pissed off because they start following me around the map trying to kill me and failing every single time until they end up running away from me :'v
Loved him when I was a middle-experienced player. As a noob I played old Kali. But as I got him to diamond and starting learning more I really shifted out of playing Loki as he's really not that rewarding, or fun, to play in the long run. Then of course now it's the whole "We have to hate Loki"-bandwagon.
I always get a Loki in the Arena mode and I play Hel so he's always circling around waiting for me to get low health and then he ults me and kills me. But I wouldn't say i hate him. Because I know how to play against him. I usually just pop my light 2 and 3 for immunity for like 1.5 seconds and movement speed. Then dark stance. My 2 for movement decrease speed then IF i hit my 1 i follow up with my 3 but if I dont hit it. I just back off and save my 3 for the stacks.
I'd much rather see Loki Reworked as an illusion/confusion based mage. Something like Discordia actually. While he is a borderline evil trickster in the lore he is certainly not an assasin.
2:40 What. What. What? If Smite was PvE and HiRez could build challenging and competent AI(enemy gods), I would fall in love with Smite all over again. It'd be more fun than it's current situation. Also, WTF is that map? XP camps where buffs camps should be. Boars and Mages where other camp monsters would be. What??
No kidding this rank ten loki tried to take out my carry while I play Cabraken. I guess he didn't know that there's a burly Cabra with full stacks on his shield with an ult ready for his ass.
Guys if anyone plays wit Ares if you have a chain on him and he goes to stealth you can still see the chain attached, I've often killed him while he was stealthed
Loki is way easy to use, and its hated cuz ppl belive they're "pros" only because they get a quadra with him. Its like, C'mon!, "BestLokiNa, BestLokiEU, BestlokiLatam, Best loki here, Best loki there, "im the best with loki cuz is my main". Lmao...
Loki the Cancer: His special abilities are being cheap as fuck while he's on the enemy team, and you're playing a squishy. Or feeding as fuck if he's on your team, and the enemy team has hard CC and any shred of intelligence.
loki is my favorite assassin to play as and favorite to play against in most situations. when I play against loki, I try to bully him out of the lane, focus him, I am used to predicting where he will moves because I've been X mastery loki for quiet a long time. I counter build him with lots of hp and sometimes even protections and often enemy loki is just not prepared that I will survive his burst and kill him. I try to always know where loki is when I even move to attack my enemy in lane, as support I dont let loki do anything. especially bacchus, use cc to break his inisibility, predict when and who he's gonna ult. really easy once you get used to it. and it can let you get a couple free kills,
back when I first began playing smite I didn't know about roles I just picked who I wanted and what lane I wanted to play in, you know it's bullshit when at that time I'd never lost a game no matter which lane I chose
My first god was Hel, and I was so afraid of Loki, I decided to learn how to play this character. Now it’s my favourite. I have so much fun killing other gods, I feel bad about it, and I always send messages with an apology 😖
One thing i find really annoying with him is that if he gets hit when he's invisible, he still stays fucking invisible. For example today i hit him with Nox's 1 and he still stayed invisible. A good thing would be that he goes out of stealth mode when hit by a God/Tower.. Or maybe he does already and im just retarded
+Hadi Rachedi Not really, sadly. The inherent issue is the design of the decoy. The decoy is his main clearing tool, even in jungle, as it's the only AoE damage he has. At the same time, the decoy is useless in ganks. Therefore, you have to decide between good ganks and good clear when leveling your abilities, while other junglers can do both in one ability and therefore become effective a lot earlier.
I usually jump into team fights as Loki. Hit the mage with ult, basic, 3 and they are dead. 1 and get out, enemies will waste their ults/kit and your team now has advantage. wait for cooldowns if ya still have enough health, jump back in with 1 and 3 and kill either solo or adc with one or two hits.
If anything the fact that he's hated makes him fit his lore so much more.
+Karmanade Very true and I'm pretty sure that's intended.
I wasn't even aware you could hear his footsteps. They need to make them louder.
I would just listen for his damage boost ability. People tend to do it right before ulting.
Thats how you bait the aegis. Its funny making people waste actives.
I feel like Loki is the only god where if he were to be removed from the game I'd just think "Yeah, that's fine."
+Richter Cress cabrakan for me as well
+Richter Cress same with baccus, he never really seemed to be a character with "missed potential" written all over him
+Richter Cress Agreed. It's kind of sad though because he's a pretty interesting god in terms of lore.
+Richter Cress I love Loki (see my profile picture, lol), but hate going against him. I see why people would be fine with him leaving. I think the only reason he can't leave is because of the lore.
Reason 12. Noobs instalock him and call for tank after that
I really hate when people auto lock then think their have the right to tell others what to pick, or when you an another teammate pick mages another teammate would pick a third fucking mage and auto lock so now you or the other guy have to change.
Jin- hahaha
Jin- this this is the reason i fucking hate it soooo much. I never insta lock but my past 5 games i had a insta lock loki that did this shit like wtf
Spoil sport. I was just kidding
its just a prank bro
loki is the original hipster
So basically, he's OP?
I get triggered seeing him. So much so that even when he's on my team I want him to die as many times as possible.
Lmao not even the slightest. Loki is completely destroyed by any hard cc, and timing a sanctuary correctly. Most people don't understand that loki makes full use of his entire kit to make one engagement. Leaving him completely open for attack right after, and dead seconds later. He makes up for this, with his high burst damage. Loki is an extremely easy god to counter. Catch him out of his stealth, and he's dead instantly. If you play games without at least one form of hard cc on your team, then it's clearly your problem for not having a proper team comp.
ShadkunWarrior what you said applies to pretty much all the assassins but as I've played the game more you're right. I'm a little but less afraid of him
+sailornaruto39 Good, you shouldn't be. But never underestimate a loki. This especially applies to experienced loki players. If the god you're using isn't a good boxer, you shouldn't face him alone, or ever isolate yourself from the team. He practically feeds off arrogance.
No... not OP at all. In fact, at my elo, when I see a loki on the enemy team, we laugh in comms. At higher levels, people stare at their mini map and communicate ability use to one another. "Loki ult down" or "loki stealth down" translates to "free kill in solo lane."
He also contributes nothing to the team. At all. If you're map aware, there's nothing he can do. He can try to instakill your mage, but once you CC him to death a few times for trying it, he'll get the message. He can be bursted in the same we he can burst someone. Wards. Ruin. Loki. Period. Even if he's successfully split pushing, his team is getting shat on in a 4v5. He can't end the game alone, nor can he defend alone. His push ends at the phoenix.
Austin Schulz those are some good notes. As I play the game more I'm not as afraid of him as I use to and now try to be more aware of him.
I fucking HATE when Loki players try to tell me "Other Loki players don't use skill, but I do"
Lol.. Never saw that.. But I am the skillful loki.
Other loki players dont use skill but i do
「The World」
You spelled your name wrong, it should be
iHackPlsBan its true tho. Skill doesnt just count using the god but how you position, how you build, how you teamfight and coordinate and how you stratigically move through the battleground. Most loki just go for the lowest hp enemy get a kill amd run, a skilled loki picks off targets in a manner to tilt the fight in his or his teams favor. If they cant win a teamfight when enemy adc or burst mage is out idk what to tell you it isnt on loki tho
Standard Loki teamfight scenario: one-shot mid or AD then gtfo or die.
+ω = Δθ/Δt Or one shot AD ir mid and go split push while your team 4v4
I fucking hate it when I'm lucky enough to escape Loki in arena but as soon as I almost enter base BOOM he fucking kills me rage inducing to the max
+Kyoya Yakuza I know how you feel bro...
I hate those players that see that you're VERY low on health and enter your base fast enough to kill you and they don't care about dying themselves.
+girrafe84 I hate those people too. Safe in your base? NOT.
I was playing Loki one time, and I put my clone in side their base while I was chasing this guy and it exploded and killed him. I felt bad but it was hilarious 😂
Marc Perez
You should feel bad because you played Loki in the first place.
you should never hate someone for being Mentally Handicap. but in the case of Loki players they deserve it
Sir, I fully agree.
chill the frigg out guys all i did was pick loki to in the purpose of terrorizing your team :)
As a diamond Loki scumbag I can confirm we don't give a care what you think *insert Loki laugh*
..........*Picks Freya*
+Uncreative Name SHIT
Freya can get one shotted by loki
BowDownToTheThrasher *Cough* spirit robe *Cough*
Loki might be hated cuz he tricks too many people.
Nah because he's the god of tricks for no reason
+Eric Tan I trick people with Merc too hahah
reason 13
on consoles loki is instalocked by every single noob in existence
it's actually fucking cancer
You have to change your whole build just to not get one shotted and that makes you useless against every other enemy.
Finally someone who understands!
+Joey Healy That's what I'm thinking.
@@Socryt pls dont'
the feel when no one on your team knows how to listen for loki
***** clapback of life 🔥🔥🔥
the feel when loki gets fed from teammates and oneshots people without using his ult.
Loki's are easy to predict, as a Ganesh main whenever i hear that taunt I look at all my squishies and grin, 8 out of 10 times they go for the mage, i grab the little fucker and laugh as he get's nuked. All you need to lear to kill loki is stay together, ya do that he's boned.
Well, a reason to hate Loki is when in Ranked Conquest, the last open role is Support and he instalocks Loki, goes 0-8 and screams into the mic in spanish... gotta love Latam 3 year olds
Alphonso DeVante no, I don't see you because you're John Cena!
@@tudorciubotaru3497 dun dada dunnnnnn da dada dunn
Low skill floor? More like no skill floor lol. Tried him out when he was on free rotation and got him mastery level 1 (since I'm aiming to master all gods at one point) and jeez. He takes no skill at all to play lol. None whatsoever. In all the games I played with him to mastery 1, I have always gotten, at minimum, 10+ kills. And at maximum, only 3 deaths.
Loki's the only character in the game who absolutely makes me feel disgusted at myself for picking him. If you feel accomplished winning as Loki, then you are a scrub who most likely can't play any other god in the game at a high level.
buy ao kuang and tell me loki is the most skilless god in the game
Chainhog IdkwhatToPutAsLastNameXD
Ao Kuang is pretty dumb too. But at least he's trash early-mid game. Loki can kill at level 5 solo. Ao Kuang can't without someone else dropping their hp low for his ultimate. Loki remains the #1 braindead, no skill, character in Smite.
Tiir nah dude I said easy to play and ao is at the top of that list.
Nah, Loki still takes it easily in that category as well. Like I said, Ao Kuang is trash and can't do shit early-mid game without help (This counts as difficulty in your 'easy to play' category). Loki can kill at any point solo after level 5, which makes him easier.
Also, there's no point arguing with someone with a Loki avatar as their display pic. Obvious bias is obvious.
Tiir but his late game is easier than lokis and it isn't hard to make it there at all. All u have to do is last hit some players bam you're ahead and ready to start the ridiculous high amounts of damage, not to mention his invisibility comes with a free blink and an execute.
Smite is my first moba and I wanted a stealth god, I didn't know I was being an asshole...
Everytime someone on my team is being a dick to everyone, it always seems to be a loki player. They also don't communicate, and in ranked, he's often the only one not on curse.
I've been playing for three weeks. Loving this game.
I think Loki is the best example of a true assassin.
Meaning he gets in, kills the target and moves on to the next opponent.
I play support with the Egyptian Beatle god. The good loki players make my job much easier.
best way to kill loki is a tank like mine or old fashion teamwork which this game promotes.
That all said I do agree with this vid 100%. I've seen it first hand.
+Master Kunt Rofl
+Gerald Tarrant There are also certain gods that are... er, godlike against Loki. Take Artemis for example. The ult totally kills Loki and the rest of the kit helps as well. When I play Artemis, I fear no Loki, diamond with couple of thousand kills or not.
+Laerei As a proud graduate from Backstab Academy and student of ProfessorLoki, I have to say that Loki dumpsters on Artemis. You may have success against trash Lokis as Artemis but against a competent player, Loki will win against most hunters. This is why he is great in the ADC role because his opportunity to kill the enemy ADC is high when the supports rotate to Mid.
What I do as a Loki is to ult an Artemis when she ults. The CC immunity from his ult prevents the stun from the boar. The boar will still damage Loki just not stun him.
The only hunter from experience that gives Loki trouble is Hou Yi.
I wouldnt go adc just because the support can cc hard and u can easily get fucked.
+AlcoholGaming I don't attack when the support is there. I attack when the supports rotate.
Don't forget that he's also a glass canon so while playing him you can hate him.
+Ethan Wood Not really, if you die alot as loki then your positioning is not good, for his invisibility ability makes him extremely hard to catch.
When people 1v1 and use loki and keep using his ult and they say you need to git gud. 😐
you can use your lucky prediction skillz and use aegis right before Loki ults you 1v1, thats a sound bitchslap
Gohan git gud
If u keep dying to him you really need to git gud.
Git gud
3:10 just normal smite things. Beeing in a winning position but pressing F6...
It's rare when i get a good or even decent Loki player. I always end up with someone who tries to go in on the enemy team, near the turret with like Ymir or someone standing next to them who does nothing but feed.
its rare when i actually feel like playing loki and someone steals him from me and does super horrible :) considering how easy and good he is
I cringe when people play assassin's in general out of a jungle role.
Understandable i mostly play solo/support/ jungle but jungle in this season is pretty trashy... And loki aint the best for jungle so like everybody does just play him in solo but you know coming from PC to ps4 to play with friends it pisses me off when people play loki like trash with massive trashy builds it makes me cringe hardcore hahah but yeah i would say baka/loki/arachne are super fun solo laner if decent with them assassin wise
Loki is actually a pretty good solo lane thanks to his lane clear. Leaving the other solo still in lane clearing while he goes mid to fuck somebody.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez I guess so. I laned against a Loki in solo and well..he didn't seem all that great. Even with help i still beat his ass. I don't doubt that hes good, I doubt that people are good with him, because they often aren't.
Yeah, I always get sweaty palms when holding my controller during matchmaking, HOPING no Loki pops up.
Loki, the Teemo of SMITE
or shaco.
+Abyss Conquerer yee, I would say shaco as well.
But shaco is hard to master compared to Loki in smite lol
I'm a level 10 loki, but I don't really play him as much as I used to because he's honestly really easy to counter. especially if you know how he works. you see him disappear, hear the noise of his third ability near you, and watch your back. oh, and always have sanctuary on you when you're up against a loki. despite being ridiculously strong, he's also extremely predictable and therefore not as big of a threat as you might think.
Im surprised that there are so many logical points here. I assumed it was because 99% of the Loki population are insta-locking scrubs, generally bad players and "Avengers" fan boys with an age or IQ of 14 and below.
Agree....that decoy, is uncontested lane clear....and his stealth is op, even if you get him to low health....the stealth speed boost will usually save him...what is even more erking...is the fact that if you use an aoe ability to try to catch him, it doesn't break his stealth he remains invis....so dumb.
All they have to do is take out his Invis ability. That's where his abilities shine boom its a nerf and you can still play him good but not op.
+ShadowBandit39 when i Play loki, and a nox catches me up, i use my stealth. thats allways funny :D
there's a hidden rule that every loki on your team sucks and on the other team every loki is a god
I would love the Loki guide because I usually get fed in my games, but then their Loki focuses me and ults me 13 times in a row, one shotting me instantly. I had aegis and beads but you can only pop them every so often throughout Loki's ult CD cycle being shorter then the CD of the relics. So hopefully that guide can help me ;-;
+MrShadowclaw29 Definitely coming soon, seems to be quite high demand for it! :)
+MrShadowclaw29 You cant really avoid that, you just gotta be careful, if you know hes around and he's focusing you just get around your team, at least your support, if he still decides to ult your team will attack him right after. of course he's gonna take half you life but at least his dead XD
He is Loki, he doesn't care
The only issue I have with Loki is his ability to 1 hit weaker characters without using an ult. It's always hard to figure out where he is (or isn't) and it's hard to get a hold of him with most character
Diamond Loki... I'm I a bad person?
+Villainous Bolt Naahh
nah I'm dimond loki, just don't be him every game
+Villainous Bolt Lol, i have 8k300 kills, 6k200 assists and 440 wins with him, if u r a bad person, i dont know what i am
+acaz liendes geez there are other gods than Loki right? Lol I stopped him after rank 10
+acaz liendes 8000 kills?! Sweet Jesus you're my God
Most gods in the game have to have a condition meet with their farming, being up agginst the wave, the wave moving forward, the wave staying still.
Loki is the only God who just "push 2 to farm" and it's a perfect farm.
Which means no matter how good you clear, he can sit in tower, clear, clock out, go behind your tower, clear, and now he has a wave that you can't clear cause you don't want minnion agro, or you may not be able to clear it, where even if another God could manage to do that to loki, he wouldn't care, he would push 2 and clear.
The last God with unconditional clear was old Vulcan. But loki can keep it because.... Reasons...
+The Swedish spirit Hmm, doesn't new Vulcan technically still have unconditional clear with the turret? The only condition I could see is that the turret can be destroyed.
DukeSloth as far as conditions meet to clear, yes, but its not unconditional clear that can clear the whole wave, if you leave it somewhere, it will get a couple hits in on the wave, and the wave will kill it really fast, since the turret takes 50% more damage from minnions, i would also consider that an enemy god can stop it, makes it conditional clear, like if everyone had a banish active, lokis 2 would be conditional clear and it only has 220/300/380/460/540 health, minnions can easily do that in damage, with a 50% damage boost and true damage, (considering that minions are doing true damage, and have negitive pen as a default, they have to go through less that 75% of the turrets super low health) No idea why minions do true damage, but they do. Even nu was minnions have the signature orange letters of true damage.
It also is counter-able by being destroyed, if you dont cap it first, the enemy can destroy your turret in like, one ability. or maybe, 2 or 3 autos early on, and far before it clears a wave, it doesnt hit all minnions with a 3, and one minnion twice, plus have 30% of the health of a tank, plus a slow heal anymore. His turret only attacks one minion at a time, it has no hope to clear the whole wave if the wave is on its own, therefore it is a condition, that to clear the wave, the wave must be fighting your wave, or your tower, and no god must destroy it. Considering how easily it can be destroyed, countered, ignored, and how slow it would clear a lane, im damed surprised you would call it "unconditional clear"
And even if it were tanky enough to take a wave beating it cant just be left behind a tower to clear, if you want to have it in a spot that clears and prevents minnions from going in tower, you have to leave it vonerable from minnions, and it wont survive the wave, and they will get into tower. Loki has the unconditional clear, of unconditionally clearing under tower without losing half gold to minions in radius, or all gold to tower last hit.
I would consider the ease of its counter, the impracticality, and imperfection of its clear, and the fact that most of the minnion wave can survive it without the help of another minion wave to distract it, it very much has conditions to using it as a clear, so much so, that you probably also want to use your clear tool. Your 1. Which is a conditional clear, that so happens to also have an escape. If it doesnt clear however, your turret is at least a good tool to finish it off, without wasting mana. And also, it can be put where minions meet, so that you can get one shots and gold shares. But it by far, has conditions to meet.
The Swedish spirit Judging by those aspects, you have a point. I would say there are others that come close (for example Nu Wa fog with a high power build, not requiring you to stay with the wave or get close at all), but not to the same extent as Loki does.
DukeSloth And even Nu Wa's fog, doesnt work as well low level, and cant clear from the side, thus it cant clear from behind enemy tower. And it cant clear a WHOLE wave from undertower, only loki has that.
+DukeSloth I repeat, loki is the only God where his clear is unconstitutional, and can always work.
Yeah, low level Loki players are always spamming the chat with poisonous comments. BUT when they have reached the 10 level, they calm down and actually can be nice to others.
didn't realise that you could hear the footsteps. TIL, thanks.
+TV Yojimbo You can but you need some freaking High end BS Headset. The sound of his footsteps are so low they might not exist at all
+TV Yojimbo Haha, no worries! :) Gonna make a much more detailed counter guide for him soon.
+Stalker Nah, not really. If you don't listen to music and have the ingame ability volume on a decent level, they're actually pretty easy to hear. A head will however help with determining his exact position.
+DukeSloth Awesome, looking forward to it.
+DukeSloth except when you lower the sound of the abilitys :D ! because on a 5v5 it become a shitstorm of trashsounds
so basically loki is the teemo of smite?
+wabachi Indeed!
+wabachi more like Riki of Dota
I've taken a look at Teemo's kit and I don't see it being Loki level anti fun. Granted, I don't play LoL so I wouldn't know. Care to enlighten me about Teemo?
Stabby Stab well the word circle around that he is the true spawn of satan,,,
jokes aside if he is played ability power (not physical the other one) his Q blinds you + poison his W run like an idiot (fkin badger) and his E is a passive that poison every hit he do.. and is ultimate places mushrooms that gives a fuckton of slow and dmg untill you try it it's hard to belive how frustrating is... also imagine that a team fight ok? and ur team wins the fight and are 3-4 alive with 1/4 of hp right? and they go all in one place to push lane or recal and sudently one steps on a shroom.. "QUADRAKILL"
+wabachi more like shaco i would say, a lot more like shaco
you earned yourself a sub me and my buds are into this game on ps4 and your doing a good job at descriptions for these characters and keeping it both long and informative but not too long where we get bored
+DychoTheSecond Thanks a lot, really appreciate it! :)
I just started smite I respect all the gods loki being a pretty cool god. I always enjoy fighting lokis because of the challenges.
YES! That part where you said Loki players tend to get overconfident and cocky. I saw that first hand a few days ago when one challenged me to a 1v1. First off he didn't know anything about the map you choose, the amount of gold you get and the level you start so he decided to go and create an Arena 1v1 with 999999 gold with level 3 for some reason. I picked Thanatos because I love him (
its just a prank loki just a prank
+Kiro Shift (In Asgard)
+Prfz What a spoilsport. I was just kidding
the point here is if you use loki you're a scrub who likes winning the cheap and easy way instead of challenging way
Duke:''Smite players don't like PvE''
Little did he know,Xing Tian's mountain is coming out...
Well that's not GOOD PvE, not "kill a tower" PvE - though there are 2 stages where you have to destroy towers.
Well,i guess so...
didn't point out that pubstomp refers to specifically pick-up-games, not organized play but solo queuing. part from that, yes, this list is perfect. Thumbs up and I'll definitely check out more of your vids.
+Gigas0101 Thanks a lot! :)
nice video but dude, that hud
+DizzyFox Forms follows function :P
+DukeSloth true :p
+DizzyFox +DukeSloth The hud i can understand, but those keybindings! Like i'm not hating at all, but i've never seen keybindings like those before. The active bindings I understand but A+W+E+Spacebar for abilities? Is this some trick you picked up from another game?
Nick Le Fun fact: Explaining the key bindings was actually one of the first videos I've ever made :D Here you go: ruclips.net/video/rQ06U0kkDmI/видео.html
+DukeSloth lol, aids x'D
played arena where a sat back and waited for kills. in the end i went 10/0 and did absolutely nothing to help my team strategicaly. i feel as if that in a way is the embodiement of lokis dickishnss in many ways.
Luckily I main Hades so Loki's tend to avoid me
+Quib Hill Its not that hard againts hades with loki
meskis12 If you're fighting them in solo and they're stupid enough to stand in their wave it's just a matter of blinking into the wave, they'll try to get away with their invisibility but since they're blighted, when you use silence it cancels and stuns them then it's the bass drop and their goes more than half of his health.
I'm both. So...yeah
Guyfun yeah dude I be kicking Loki but with hades but nemesis is good at killing him to when I fight Loki alone with nemesis i use my shield thing and ult him.
Reminds me when people complain about being ganked by Loki in the early/mid game. I tell them to buy wards to reveal him in his stealth. They tell me to stfu and that I should buy wards. I look at the map, there are 2 wards on the map, and they're both placed by me...=(
Wait what? in my experience with wards they will NOT reveal him while cloaked. is this a bug on the console version? he's only revealed inside towers.
+ButterFox moncrief Wards won't reveal while cloaked, wards counter him hard regardless. With enough ward coverage, you'll see when he rotates out of lane and he typically cloaks shortly before he moves into a lane to gank, so you can often catch him with a ward (as otherwise his stealth would run out before he reaches you).
+DukeSloth thanks for the explanation dude, I subbed to you yesterday cause of this video
ButterFox moncrief Anytime! :) Thanks a lot, really appreciate it! :)
I hate Loki so mutch...
I really hope your channel gets bigger. I really like your style of videos
+llh1000 Thanks a lot, really appreciate that! :)
Loki is literally the god of trolling XD
And yes I mean literally because his traditional title is "the god of mischief", which in modern day translates as trolling XD
I don't play Conquest so i can't say anything about that but i struggle playing against him in Clash and Siege. If I play against Loki 2 times in a row i start going to my default character to deal with him; A.M.C. (mainly because if i play 2 games and both have an enemy Loki, it's a 80% chance he is going to be a regular for the night) Even though my plan isn't full proof I can fuck him up enough to make him reconsider engaging in a 1v1.
Is it okay to hate people who play Loki? maybe not. Is it okay to hate people who have diamond Loki? Absolutely, especially if it's their first diamond.
+B Marti Idk man, hating people is pretty harsh :D
+DukeSloth Wise man.
+B Marti I don't think I would hate someone just cause they diamond a god they enjoy playing...
+Darkadonis257 Diamond is usually terrible-looking and is overpriced. It's fine on the right gods if you have the ultimate god pack, but anyone who needs to mind their use of favor and is considering buying the skin on their main just to do it is getting sucked into the siren call.
Megalus Doomslayer I mean I know...I have diamond loki and agni ;) Luckily I have infiltrator and Triumph and Agni
When you see him so much you can accurately predict the level 10 mastery with the infiltrator skin, every time...
hey hey.... hey its a good skin alright!! hahaha anddd pfftt they are lucky it only shows 10 masteries
Loki is just cancer. Even if you know how to watch for him; the fact that he can go invisible just makes him that much more annoying.
FUTURE TESTER i usually like to play him if im trying to get easy wins in arena or something for a quest. it can get boring because of how op he is its like playing with AI when i use him
***** His kit just has too much in it. I just hate that character.
you will see damage numbers on loki will he's invisible if you burn him with agni or Kephri's sun ball, it may also work with other status ailments like. a'puches mask thing
sorry "while"
I think loki is falling off a bit, because everyone gets breastplate of valor and bullwork of hope anyway, which stops his one shotting, so it feels more like an execute.
+The Swedish spirit That's true, though that doesn't necessarily go for the junglers and midlaner.
+DukeSloth that does go for junglers who are ability based, they get breastplate, and mid laners get both breastplate and warlock sash. Or at least, they should, no item will make you do 600 more damage, other than maybe soul reaver, or %pen against tanks, but bullwork ends up giving 600 health and quite a bit of power too.
+DukeSloth yeah, everyone at least gets breastplate, except for full out AA gods, loki's, or hunters.
The Swedish spirit I play many ability based gods and I don't always get Breastplate. With the price increase, spirit robe is often a much better option.
DukeSloth I dont go spirit robe that much, because on the gods i play, that 10% cooldown is worth the price, and that 60 physical protection isnt bad either.
Spirit robe also counters Loki anyway, giving you 15% damage resist when he ults you. Thus, also allowing you to not get one shot.
And to be fair, spirit robe on some ability gods out trades in the mid, if the magical protection is more important than the cooldown, but its not like it doesn't also counter lokis,
The argument on why spirit robe is better compared to breastplate is as flat out as breastplate being cheaper, and out trading chronos pendant, or that warlock sash out trades doom orb, so picking up a brestplate with a loki in your game, is hardly hurting your build.
In fact, as far as core items, and cooldown items go, you have to TRY to make a build that doesnt counter loki, to some degree, unless you only go items that offer 100 or more magical power per item, (except for boots and maybe a poly) and not get one single item that offers health or physical protection. But those are bad builds, in which case, you are probably still out traded by everyone who builds a little bit of health, and thus your going to get one shooted anyways, Loki or no Loki, boots, warlock sash, chronos pendant, spear of desolation, rod of Tahuti and a pen item, is a bad build, sure it has 800 power, but lose 100 power from one item, you lose maybe 200 damage, pick up warlock sash, you get 600 health, and loki doesn't one shot you.
But the AA gods cant counter build against anyone right? They actually can often kill lokis, if they are near anybody with any amount of CC, peal, burst, or heal. Or, if they are like Kali, who can just stun him outright.
because due to Lokis stealth and the fact that he builds around the one auto having 325% scaling instantly, and only 450 base, he could be hard pressed to have an item to counter AA gods like everyone else in the game. After all like you said, he doesn't counter build, and if he does get breastplate, or hide of the urchin, he can lose out on 200 or so damage from scaling, or a 300 or so if he skips a pen item for it, which in itself, is just enough to not one shot hunters.
+DukesSloth do you think it would be a bad idea to give Loki a rework?
Oh gee look, a level 10 Loki.
You rock! No!
I love loki. He makes for a really good meal for my Arachne. Dont know how many times hes tried to gank me and I just turn around and poision/stun him before he can kill me.
+Bentense9001 Gaming Yup! Arachne, so fucking good counter for him...Thou you must be carefull with her! Arachne is a squishy god with lots of lifesteal which turns out that she is one of the best jungler in the game! And I do the same thing as Bentense9001 said!
Michael Games she's is the best counter for him... Her and her damn mini spiders... Dinkleburg...
I hate Sol more than Loki
+Mr. Green and Watch I did a 1v1 against a friend as Loki and they were Sol. It was annoying for me.
黒ウサギ BLK RBT Well she is made to be a basic attack god. Her passive is also where most of her damage comes from, and all of her abilities do damage.
I remember this game where I was playing chang'e and this loki got so pissed because he missed his ult (because i was always immune) that he always ulted me and failed before i turned the tables and ulted him
Loki is love , Loki is life
I use to have problems with him but whenever I play against him now I hear his stealth activate and since I use Artemis I either drop a root informer of my feet and have Loki follow me forward or use my ult and hit my 2 and finish him
It's always funny when i play Ravana and some Loki thinks he can win a 1v1 against me.
I love loki, just becouse he really makes me feel like i am playing an assassin
I play as loki I love him and I usually do get wins with him I know he has a low skill floor but his potential is endless if you get good with him when I first started playing with him I came across a guy with mastery rank 5 with Loki we both played as him and he only killed me once throughout the entire game with me killing him every time we met after that and also Loki forces people to do things they normally wouldn't Loki doesn't need a tank either it's helpful but if you build him right he can fuck any tight teams day up I play joust btw so it may be different while fight 5 instead of 3
So am I the worst guy in the world for maining Loki in Smite and Shaco in league of legends and Riki in Dota...? I dont really play dota tho but smite and shaco i play a lot. I started smite 2 days ago tho but I love loki :d
+Denis Petrescu Haha I would argue that Teemo and Techies are more hated in LoL and Dota, but those guys come pretty close :D
+Denis Petrescu yea u are -_-
I'd rather die to any other character in the game than his invisible one-shotting ass.
Actually, conclusion: he's op.
+Markus Andreas Roth-Gross I don't know if there is a god who is less "OP". Loki is not great at anything but running away safely.
+EdgePitSwing and killing you in 5-7 seconds when you have 1500 health
Ethan Spelman
Correct my friend!
+Ethan Spelman wrong my friend it's 1 to 3 seconds
LMAO it happened to me when i first started it was kinda annoying (i'm a neith player) but all of a sudden i realized it was so easy to counter him i just wait for him and when he try to ulti me i just jump back stun him and totally destroy him with basic attacks (i have a Lot of crit) lmao i can tell they get so pissed off because they start following me around the map trying to kill me and failing every single time until they end up running away from me :'v
buff loki plz
Abraham Abrahamington no
Cloud I
Can you do a whatever happened To Xing Tian video?
+Jacob Cavallo That's actually already in work, will be the next "Whatever happened.." one - hoping to finish it today or tomorrow.
+DukeSloth Oh cool! Looking forward to seeing it.
So...people hate him because he's a split-pusher.
Wow. Never play any other MOBA, then.
Did i tell you about the time, i had Thor put on a Dress? He looked absolutely fabulous!!!
Loved him when I was a middle-experienced player. As a noob I played old Kali. But as I got him to diamond and starting learning more I really shifted out of playing Loki as he's really not that rewarding, or fun, to play in the long run. Then of course now it's the whole "We have to hate Loki"-bandwagon.
4:50 that blink was absolutely stanky
I always get a Loki in the Arena mode and I play Hel so he's always circling around waiting for me to get low health and then he ults me and kills me.
But I wouldn't say i hate him. Because I know how to play against him. I usually just pop my light 2 and 3 for immunity for like 1.5 seconds and movement speed. Then dark stance. My 2 for movement decrease speed then IF i hit my 1 i follow up with my 3 but if I dont hit it. I just back off and save my 3 for the stacks.
Also Loki has that thing, where every Loki on the enemy team is SPL-level and every Loki on your team thinks he can 1v1 FG with only boots.
I'd much rather see Loki Reworked as an illusion/confusion based mage. Something like Discordia actually. While he is a borderline evil trickster in the lore he is certainly not an assasin.
2:40 What. What. What? If Smite was PvE and HiRez could build challenging and competent AI(enemy gods), I would fall in love with Smite all over again. It'd be more fun than it's current situation.
Also, WTF is that map? XP camps where buffs camps should be. Boars and Mages where other camp monsters would be. What??
No kidding this rank ten loki tried to take out my carry while I play Cabraken. I guess he didn't know that there's a burly Cabra with full stacks on his shield with an ult ready for his ass.
Guys if anyone plays wit Ares if you have a chain on him and he goes to stealth you can still see the chain attached, I've often killed him while he was stealthed
who is the most loved God and why?
Check out my acrostic poem:
Ah muzen cab
Nu wa
And that's how you spell loki
Ra's second ability can detect invisible Loki due to the "Immune" (to slow) that lights above him during the slow. You are welcome.
>Bought Loki
>Be scummy
>Consistently Get 25-30 kills
>Feed of enemy rage
>Also mastered ambushing enemy lokis
Loki is way easy to use, and its hated cuz ppl belive they're "pros" only because they get a quadra with him.
Its like, C'mon!, "BestLokiNa, BestLokiEU, BestlokiLatam, Best loki here, Best loki there, "im the best with loki cuz is my main". Lmao...
+MrFrostCA BestLokiNA is the original Loki
Is it weird that I dont bm or dc as loki? Is that weird?
Loki the Cancer: His special abilities are being cheap as fuck while he's on the enemy team, and you're playing a squishy. Or feeding as fuck if he's on your team, and the enemy team has hard CC and any shred of intelligence.
loki is my favorite assassin to play as and favorite to play against in most situations.
when I play against loki, I try to bully him out of the lane, focus him, I am used to predicting where he will moves because I've been X mastery loki for quiet a long time. I counter build him with lots of hp and sometimes even protections and often enemy loki is just not prepared that I will survive his burst and kill him. I try to always know where loki is when I even move to attack my enemy in lane, as support I dont let loki do anything. especially bacchus, use cc to break his inisibility, predict when and who he's gonna ult. really easy once you get used to it. and it can let you get a couple free kills,
when you get loads of kills as loki people will hate you as much as a feeder
back when I first began playing smite I didn't know about roles I just picked who I wanted and what lane I wanted to play in, you know it's bullshit when at that time I'd never lost a game no matter which lane I chose
My first god was Hel, and I was so afraid of Loki, I decided to learn how to play this character. Now it’s my favourite. I have so much fun killing other gods, I feel bad about it, and I always send messages with an apology 😖
I believe this level of hatred is Odin’s fault. He just hates really much, so he made everyone else feel the same. He is the Allfather after all.
I remember buying an elixir of power and a potion of physical might and I did 2000 damage in one
Attack it was beautiful
One thing i find really annoying with him is that if he gets hit when he's invisible, he still stays fucking invisible. For example today i hit him with Nox's 1 and he still stayed invisible. A good thing would be that he goes out of stealth mode when hit by a God/Tower.. Or maybe he does already and im just retarded
another thing is when he he attacks you with 3 hits you die even when you have good defense and health 😑
+TheRetnet He doesn't come out of stealth when hit, but he becomes visible when he enters enemy tower range.
Isn't loki's kit more jungle oriented? granted he's an excellent laner, i just prefer going jungle with him.
+Hadi Rachedi Not really, sadly. The inherent issue is the design of the decoy. The decoy is his main clearing tool, even in jungle, as it's the only AoE damage he has. At the same time, the decoy is useless in ganks. Therefore, you have to decide between good ganks and good clear when leveling your abilities, while other junglers can do both in one ability and therefore become effective a lot earlier.
I usually jump into team fights as Loki. Hit the mage with ult, basic, 3 and they are dead. 1 and get out, enemies will waste their ults/kit and your team now has advantage. wait for cooldowns if ya still have enough health, jump back in with 1 and 3 and kill either solo or adc with one or two hits.
And also Ymir or Athena can easily cancel lokis 1