Driving from Bryanston to Edenvale, Johannesburg, ER | South Africa |

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @furn2313
    @furn2313 9 месяцев назад +1

    Really enjoy these videos! Thank you!

  • @Kgosi_
    @Kgosi_ 9 месяцев назад +2

    Nice vid🤙🏾
    If possible may you please make another one from Edenvale back to Bryanston?🙏🏾

    • @travelthroughthelens369
      @travelthroughthelens369  9 месяцев назад

      Using the highway or an alternative route?

    • @Kgosi_
      @Kgosi_ 9 месяцев назад

      @@travelthroughthelens369 highway please

  • @LouSmorals2066
    @LouSmorals2066 9 месяцев назад +3

    Jussssssssss..... you don't even know what your videos of driving around greater Johannesburg areas do for a guy like me. Born in Cape Town, but grew up in Joburg from age 3 to teens... then came back to work here in the mid to late '90s. I lived in Illiondale (so off to the left when you're going up the road there in Edenvale. Oh the joy to be able to sit in my chair on the other side of the world and drink a whisky while watching a long-past life of mine... recognise so much and just instinctively know where I am in your car and where we're going. MORE, MORE, MORE ... Ag pleeeeze daddy won't you take us to the drive-in !

    • @travelthroughthelens369
      @travelthroughthelens369  9 месяцев назад +2

      This is by far the best feedback I’ve seen. Reminiscing can be refreshing, thank you so much for watching.

    • @LouSmorals2066
      @LouSmorals2066 9 месяцев назад

      I'm hooked. It probably seems a bit of a strange thing that somebody (me) now on the other side of the world is just filled with joy to watch what other people would think is completely mundane. But being taken for a drive through a country I still love but haven't seen in over 20 years is so special. Thanks man ! @@travelthroughthelens369

    • @LouSmorals2066
      @LouSmorals2066 9 месяцев назад +1

      By the way... if you ever find yourself driving (either direction) between Orange Grove and Houghton (I lived in 12th St. Orange Grove and went to school at KEPS in the 1970's ).... that journey along Louis Botha Ave. would be wonderful.

  • @EcosseZA
    @EcosseZA 7 месяцев назад

    10:07 Yoh, yoh, yoh, why dat guyz wheels going backwards and no smoke?

  • @leonardolupini3484
    @leonardolupini3484 7 месяцев назад +1

    Pity about the lawless taxis parked everywhere, including on the centre island of Winnie Mandela, and the illegal billboards. Shows the JMPD police not doing their jobs, but no surprise there!

  • @lebogangp4509
    @lebogangp4509 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hohannesburg 😂